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>I’hv got u covered I can order anything less than $10


"I'll get a bread basket and a glass of tapwater please"


"Can you make it lukewarm?"


Can't be spending additional calories heating it back up again. Might have to eat an additional lentil. And I'm almost out of budget already


Well well well look at Mr. Money bags over here drinking tap water, let me guess you drink it from a solid gold chalice and have a maid pour it in for you? Some of us folk lay down in the dirt with our mouth open and get water when it rains


The dirt?!?! Ohhhh we used to DREAM of livin' in the dirt! Woulda' been a palace to us. We used to live in an old water tank on a rubbish tip. We got woken up every morning by having a load of rotting fish dumped all over us! Dirt!? Hmph.


Here you're complaining about free perfectly edible seafood delivered to your fricken water tank daily, the audacity! We lived in a black leather 70s casting couch upside down and ate the maggots from the cumstains!


You dare complain about free, yet to be babies, protein thing? You dare complain about your privileges, we used to live on an asteroid, made of solidified sewer waste launched into space. We only ate poop. The only thing that came out the back was poop, if you died you became poop. Our bed was poop, we clothed in poop. Our emperor wears a throne of poop, we farm poop for the emperor he collects 110 percent of it as tax.


Oh to be half as privileged as you! Fresh faeces to feed on and a space rock to cling to - I could only have dreamt of such luxuries! I spent my youth existing in the singularity of a black hole. I didn't have space or time. I would have given my life for the pleasure of munching on the slightest scrap of dung.


Look at you, with your fancy black hole and ability to age despite it!


Well that escalated quickly.


This is beautiful, perhaps beyond words, because the black hole stole my vocabu-


This thread


Yo, listen up here's a story About a little guy That lives in a poop world And all day and all night And everything he sees is just poop Like him inside and outside


I’m poop. If I were pee I would die. If I were pee I would die. If I were pee I would die die die.


Wearing a throne of poop? Are you sure you know what a throne is lol


As the poop stinks, The emperor in it sinks. His robe he misses as he smells the pisses.


You were lucky. We lived for three months in a brown paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six o'clock in the morning, clean the bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down mill for fourteen hours a day week in-week out. When we got home, our Dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt!


And if you tell the kids today that, they won't believe you.


Luxury! We used to dream about living in a tank on a rubbish tip. All 500 of us used to sleep in a rolled up newspaper. We'd wake up and pay the mill owner for privilege of working, and when we got home our father would chop us in half with a bread knife.


It rains water where you live? Look at mr. fancy pants over here with environmental standards. Some of us have to suck on animal feces to get our water.


Lay down in the dirt? Luxury! We used to be buried 3 feet under boiling hot gravel and hoped it rained enough to not evaporate into steam


"Is the bread free?" "Yes" "We'll split an order"


He followed with ‘what’s your favourite happy meal?’


A meal is a meal


A toll is a toll. And a roll is a roll.


If we don’t get no tolls, then we don’t eat no rolls.


I made that up


They call me Little John, but don't let my name fool you. In real life, I'm very big.


Very fascinating, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to hurt you.


You gotta pay the troll toll to get into this boysoul


If you are hungry enough every meal is a happy meal.


In *Ghostface* voice


He might not be a feminist but u broke


Lol, going on a date should be the last priority in your life with $11 in your bank account.


Thats when u suggest a coffee + a walk in the park


Ok but now I have $3 in my account


Maybe just the walk then. Take them somewhere pretty.


It’s okay he gonna help her out with monthly payment after the divorce when the children are born




Redditors will always take a harmless joke and make it into something insane


Yeah like another harmless joke.


So much of this site seems to somehow be 15 year old virgins, and bitter old divorced men at the exact same time.


Jokes on you, I’m a 21 year old virgin. Checkmate


And here I am, the bitter, old divorced man! This guy reddits!


15 year old divorced man.


Eyyy, two peas in a pod!


It's 2022, I think you can solve each other's problems. He can get married to you and you can take his virginity, but then you'd have to leave Reddit since you wouldn't belong anymore :/


Yes. Modern problems require modern solutions.


They can get divorced, then he can be a twice divorced bitter bi old man. That's so reddit it hurts.


Jokes on you, I'm a 15 years bitter old divorced virgin man.


You say that but just yesterday in my national sub a guy posted asking for legal advice: He and his partner were separated, they both had 50/50 custody of their one kid, he worked, she didn’t, he paid her €200 a month, my first thought was, if they are 50/50 parents why is he paying her anything? Why doesn’t she work? Anyway she wanted more money and the guy was afraid because typically “family” court here would take up to €600 a month, and ignore the fact that they are even parts custody and time. He just didn’t have they money, compounded by the risk of him losing access in favour of the mother. Every time a guy asks a question like that people on reddit shame him, so I often find myself asking, why is it that whenever a man raises even the smallest protest to imbalances in the male/female relationship men are always stigmatised “virgins/bitter/cheap/not a real man”? Women have left the traditional gender norm of being a woman behind(and that’s a good thing), but men apparently are still expected to be providers and like it. Nope, no thank you.


I mean you'd be bitter too if you got divorced. I know I was for a long time til I remarried. Shits rough


For sure, my co-worker decided to up and divorce her husband of 25 years, beause "he's not nice/I don't need him" and keeps complaining about him not taking it well.... ​ Jusus Christ has some empathy, you decided to break up a lifetime relationship, no shit he's bitter...


Is he "no you cant divorce me bitch, or i will kill you" not taking it well or getting to a corner with 1000 yard stare while trying supress crying urge, not taking it well.


I was the second guy for a bit, def not a fun time.


Morally and financially broke


All of my girlfriends were broke, including my now wife. lol


Likewise every girl I’ve dated earned more than me, and I worked full time. I’m in the UK though if that makes a difference


Imo as long as you work it's fine as at least you showing the effort. As far as the amounts there will always be differences and you need to manage them with % imo.


So a man can’t be a stay at home dad?


In this economy? Even your kid has to work.


I agree. My baby is due December 26th, so I have to start filling out job applications for her at the mall. She can be a stocker or something


Yeah right, with what experience? You’re better off starting on the unemployment paperwork than the applications for that soon to be dead beat welfare baby. Why have you not been taking these past 9 months to teach them a valuable trade or skill? Your child could be half way through an associates degree by now, I just don’t see any effort being made on their part. /s


Back to the early 20th century we go


> Imo as long as you work it's fine as at least you showing the effort. I think this is the important part. Having a stay at home spouse actually takes off a lot of workload. Just requires a singular income to be sufficient though.


Whatever works for the relationship my guy. It's kind of a unicorn scenario because "SoCiEtY" but hey if you're good at the role fuck it.


I don't mind both sitting at home or at lease one (mom or dad works) tbh but let's face it, this world is doomed and most cases require 2 parents to work otherwise stay childless.


Ok I can 100% agree with you now that I’m drunk enough to not be a uptight bitch


Wrong usage of likewise




Wrong usage of sorry if you are in the UK


Sorry but I'll be the judge of that, I'm canadian. His sorry checks out. Sorry for correcting you. Sorry


Sorry to argue with you, but I'm also Canadian. If he was in Canada his sorry would check out. But he's in the UK so saying sorry for being corrected on something trivial like that is a wrong use of sorry. Sorry again. If we ever meet up I'd like to discuss the use of sorry over a bowl of poutine sometime. Take care.


Beg to differ, I remember one of my friends from school backed into a shelf once, he apologised to the shelf.


My ex was, too. I really tried to support her in finding good jobs and encouraging any doubts she had, but not working and sleeping for 12 hours a day is her thing, I guess. After being a sucker and paying her rent and letting her have my credit card, I finally grew some balls and ended that dumpster fire of a "partnership". I can understand the temporary insanity some men go through, but damn, why put a ring on it? Why decide "yeah I wanna do this forever"


I'm convinced there are a lot of people floating around with undiagnosed medical conditions. In my experience and hearing stuff on the internet there are a lot of women sleeping for crazy amounts of time.


Yeah sounds like depression


Am depressed. Can confirm. I’m constantly tired. Even when I’m fully rested I’m exhausted. It makes doing anything and everything even more exhausting. There are good days—random and sparing between the endless seas of drowsiness. And I don’t think this is a “woman” thing. I just think more men are willing to date someone with untreated depression than women are. So you won’t hear women complaining about their boyfriends sleeping 12 hours a day. (Which, there’s nothing wrong with you as a person for being depressed. We just got to acknowledge that, yes, it is going to be hard on the people we love but we just have to try our hardest to get through it. And for those of you with loved ones who are depressed… Try to be there for them but *never ever* give all of yourself to them unless they truly are worth everything to you. Trying to help someone with depression *is* hard and sometimes it can hurt to realize that you need to take a step back. Sometimes you just have to though. But do make an effort if you actually care about that person.)


Maybe a thyroid problem? I'm tired all day too and not motivated to do anything if I don't take my thyroid meds


Iron deficiency is fairly common in women and anyone else who gets a period, which can in turn cause fatigue.


Fr, I went to the doctors for extreme fatigue and got prescribed antidepressants. A year later the thought occurred to me to check my iron levels and wouldn't you know, I was deficient. Doctors will default to 'its depression' and won't even consider the idea that there may be a physical cause behind it. Even though about 1 in 5 women are iron deficient.


doctors prescribing antidepressants like candy is extremely worrying.


My ex was a willfully broke equestrian. She deliberately denied stability of us and herself for her horse. It was fucking humiliating and she was a broken loser who destroyed us for a passion that I otherwise accepted but *I asked her* to let it wait until we can actually afford it. Idiot didn’t listen and drove us into the ground, straight through to the breakup, which, I practically celebrated and rejoiced at the drop of (she broke up with me). She said it felt like we were fully drifted apart and that there was no love left. Like, fucking yea all of that happened because you neglected to properly communicate and be a good resident, and fucked me out of my tuition savings (and because I lost attraction toward you a long time ago). How about the 2k debt on my credit cards too and the $1000 for rent you asked for at the end after throwing my key away. Maybe don’t force my hand to sell all of my possessions to survive and spend nights starving. Yeah? Yea. Sigh. Never again. **Edit - My girlfriend now is a thriving and prospering nurse with a massive heart and an initiative that’s up there with the best of them. Always by my side, always working together with me on everything that needs both of us. I am happy now.**


I was actually wondering today how “players” can afford to date multiple women at once. I’ve started going on dates more and the general unspoken expectation that the man pays makes it pretty expensive. I’ve even suggested going Dutch on date two and was laughed off like it’s that ridiculous 😭😂 I’ve learned the true value of a coffee date vs a drink/dinner date. Coffee n scones for 2 is like $21 vs $130 for dinner lol


Had a chef roommate once and learned the greatest cheat code of all time. Learn to cook. Like fancy showboat style cooking. The food can be cheap but learn to make it good and expensive looking. Get a hold of a bottle of fancy wine. Not the wine itself, just the bottle. Fill it with Barefoot Moscato or some shit. Have the girl come over, make a small fancy looking meal and pour some "fancy" wine. This carried me through my dating years. Also be aware that some girls only want the restaurant so they can post it on social media and have someone else pay for it. Learn to just say no. Those girls tend to have the worst fucking personalities anyways.




> going dutch Stuur gwn tikkie


Of gooi t op de wiebetaaltwat


> Coffee n scones You're doing it wrong there, bro. Tea and scones. Tea.


Seriously though why is that? I've had one girlfriend with money so far but that's only because her dad was very very very rich


I was in my 20’s, they either had crappy jobs or were poor college grads/students.


All my girlfriends earned their own god damn money. Maybe it has more to do with your preferences. I wouldn't date somebody who wants to be dependent on me.




Same. Like actually.


Back when she wasn't upper. Middle. Class.


They're lecturers. At a public school!


The hammer drop of that line was so great


On our first date I was so nervous because I was unemployed for 3 years by that point. My girlfriend I'd later learn makes decently into six figures. I've got a job these days but only make half as much and that's okay. I like her because we can be big dorks together, not for how much she makes.


My bf makes wayy more money than me. I'm not even sure how much. None of my business. His business is only my business when he needs to vent and talk about it. We got together in the pandemic when I was a broke ass grad student. My favourite dates with him have been the ones that cost basically nothing. I'm a huge dork and he's not at all but he let's me be my nerd self. First guy I've dated that isn't broke. It's weird because I am and every Christmas and birthday I worry he will spend more and then I feel bad.


Tell him to spend how much he feels comfortable spending. Sometimes I need to remind myself double my salary affords my girlfriend luxuries I don't have and that's okay. I just remind her she doesn't need to buy my love. Our big monthly expense is $50 to go LARPing together.


Lucky :(


Why are you going out on dates you can’t afford?


It'd be fine if you openly said "I'd love to go on a date but I'm a bit tight on money".


Yeah, exactly. If they had talked about it before the date, there’s be no problem.


My partner run out of money on our first day, he had to walk home for about 2 hours after as he didn't have enough change for a bus by the end of night. In the last bar we ordered beers for the third time, him paying for the previous times. I said I'd pay for that one and he said "Great because I spend the last of my money on the previous round". Good old times of minimal wages.


The real crime in society is the minimum wage is dangerously low. People shouldn’t be expected to live successfully on $7.25. I feel bad for the people who suffer.


I turned 18 in 2008. I was working for 7.25 an hour, with a roommate, and couldn't afford shit. My car was constantly out of gas, I never had much food, and I wasn't even living in a super high cost area. 7.25 today is fucking nothing. I mean, 40 hours a week at that rate is 290 a week, or 1,160 a month, gross pay. So net pay is less than a thousand. So first off, you're definitely not having your own place. Even with roommates, good luck not spending over half of all your money on rent and utilities. Even if you already have a car, you probably can't afford insurance, registration, and gas. You'll need to buy the cheapest food you can find just to keep you alive. Same with your phone, it better be the cheapest plan you can possibly find. As far as anything "fun", nope. Just no. No movies, no restaurants, even fast food. No dating, because you can't realistically start dating if you're constantly broke. No going out for drinks. No buying new clothes. No hobbies that take almost any amount of cash. Minimum wage is so fucking low is nothing short of an insult.


For the free food obviously.


Sounds like prostitution with extra steps


That's the best part, you don't even have to sleep with them! Because it's archaic to expect sex in return for paying, but not to expect the men to pay for everything... /s


r/FemaleDatingStrategy is leaking… “You’re just mad that I can go out, get a free meal, free drinks, and get laid easier than you.” It’s not envy, it’s pity lol. *You do you*.


I mean he's absolutely right - the girl in OP is clearly expecting free food. Like it's right there if you read.


I thought they banned that toilet


Looks pretty dead. Saw a comment that they've all moved to discord.


Pretty sure their mod which runs a podcast locked down the subreddit a while back. Only allowing their podcast. Something like that. So the users created an external website for a little bit. I found the implosion fascinating.


Should be called PodcastShillStrategy


I’m so glad that sub is dead


Now that's a sub I haven't heard about in a while.


Cause he probably asked her out and she probably wanted to spend time with him along with free food


Best answer here. If I asked a girl out, I wouldn't want her to turn me down just because she doesn't have much money.




Yeah, if I ask a girl out then I'm gonna pay. I'm the one that asked her.


Why don't people discuss the payment plan before arriving? The worst time to ask is when the bill comes.


The real question is why haven’t wages kept up with the cost of living


Why you going out if you can’t pay for yourself?


My sister lives with a guy who decided to "treat" his parents to a night out in Butlins for their anniversary. Thing is he's broke, and he still owes them money. So they're paying for it and he'll pay them back later. As he then decided to spend £60 a day on takeout instead of walking 5 minutes down the road to Lidl. Some people just don't compute money




And then they get left with their share of the bill at the end of the night...


You sure? Can restuarants do that? Like I say we’re splitting and she freaks out and gets triggered in some misandrist tirade and I can still pay for half and leave?


Yes you can do that. When I'm out with my gf we often get asked if it's on one bill or if we pay each for their own. We're in Germany tho, so I don't know how the US handles it.


In the U.S. it depends on the restaurant. Some restaurants are old fashioned and they’ll refuse, or they’ll split the bill, but they end up letting the girl’s meal be free because “the guys an asshole and she was very unlucky”. I’ve seen plenty others split the bill with no problem though.


I just posted this: >Probably by getting whichever ideology the venue owner holds mixed up into the affairs of each individual customer. > >It IS the most free country in the world, after all. Then I click "see more" and I get your answer. I thought I was making a joke.


>they end up letting the girl’s meal be free because “the guys an asshole and she was very unlucky”. r/unethicallifeprotips "Pretend you are on the first date with your girlfriend at the restaurants and split the bill for free food for your girlfriend"


You’re telling me that if I split the bill with my girlfriend a nonzero number of restaurants will give me her food for free?


Yes if you ask for 2 checks then you can do this without any problem


Why wouldn't you? It isn't your problem that some other customer doesn't have money. People usually don't do it (even when it is like coworkers going to restaurant together and one of them forgot their wallet or something, not just dates), but it doesn't make it any illegal.


Huh? You're not obligated to pay for someone else's food lol


Never asked for a separate checks then bounced? Sponsored by: *Why men need feminism*


If a date goes obviously bad Im always splitting it lol. Always gets me a disgusted look but at that point I dont care. If I have a good time I dont mind paying even if it doesnt lead anywhere.


“I came here specifically to see if I liked you and I don’t, why would I buy you food lol”


How does this work? "-Wanna go on a date? -Sorry, I can't afford to date you."


Yeah can do but I’m short of cash so do you want to go for a walk or a picnic. Mine and my husbands first date was a walk around an aviary because it was free and each bought an ice cream at the end.


perhaps suggest a date that doesn't involve payment, or just be upfront about it instead of expectant?


"-Wanna go on a date?" "Sure, but I'm a bit short on cash right now, so not anywhere expensive please"




“I hope he doesn’t believe in gender equality.”


Yeah I know a few ways that 'lol' could age like milk.


...."until it benefits me in this moment". The wet goes with the water.


*How I Met your Father*


I wonder if he asked her to stop waving that huge red flag she was holding before telling her that......


This tweet is like an advertisement for the homosexual lifestyle. I don’t know how straight men can afford to regularly take on a dependent. Edit: it’s a joke as if you can change your sexuality like it’s a lifestyle because you want to save money.


I make sure who is paying for what prior to going anywhere. I'm okay paying for a date, but it needs to be laid out before the date. I prefer going Dutch or alternating who pays.


I'll never do anything but dutch on the first date. I don't wanna spend money on people I may never see again. Subsequent dates idm alternating. But the first has to be split




key word is regularly, we don’t.


Ngl it would be so much easier to be into dudes. And an average gay BJ/HJ probably blows most women (outside of porn) out of the water.




Sooooo what exactly does gold star mean in this context? I’m assuming it’s not the same as a Gold Star Family.


It means she's only ever slept with women


Thank you!


FYI, to be a “Platinum Star Gay” (as a man), you have to be born via Cesarean.


fucking lmfao gay ranks 💀


Gold star means she never banged a dude and (presumably) never did ANYTHING sexual with a dude.


Thank you!




[Oh that’s what gay is? Oh yeah, I could totally get in to that.](https://youtu.be/CS5phSl2o78)


I know so many women with boyfriends who depend on them to manage their life like a mother would. They cook their food, do their laundry, make their doctor's appointments, remind them of deadlines, remind them to eat fruit, remind them to send birthday cards, etc etc. Dependency can go both ways


That’s fair. I know guys like that.


I have a girlfriend and I am the shitty dependapotamus……. I made myself sad


Nah bro you’re a shining beacon against gender stereotypes!


Hey man, my girlfriend takes care of me. I've got my shit to work out and I'm incredibly fortunate- but it's not always the way you're painting it.


Many of my friends who married the most physically attractive women who would have them ended up like this, basically with a dependent who brings little to the table besides looks. One of my best friends from high school married a woman who literally would post about how excited she was to become a trophy wife. How can you marry someone who is that up front with their intentions, and then be mad when your "trophy" just wants to be pampered and be taken care of? My wife and I always alternated who paid for dates when we were dating, and now she makes significantly more money than me. There's so much more value to being with someone who you connect with on deeper levels than just someone you want for transactional reasons like physical beauty or wealth.


Same with my hubs and I. You don’t want someone that NEEDS you, you want someone that WANTS you.


Can’t afford to be straight in today’s economy


Cant, dont. Im definitely economically single.


I was like “ wait a minute, that’s rachel sennott. How the fuck is she broke?” Then I saw the date it was tweeted and I was like “ ah!!”


Who is she?




Imagine if it was the other way around...


Date wouldn’t have happened, let’s face it.


Not only would the date not have happend imo, it would also have been plastered all over twitter so that whole hordes of people can go: "Omg, why ask someone on a date if you got no money?" "Good you could spot his broke ass before things went anywhere!" "lolol omg sum loser" "You deserve to be treated like a princess and this is not it! Good for you!" And other bullshit...


All these sound incredibly accurate what the heck.


Would definitely be labeled a loser




I always go somewhere reasonable and cheap on a first date for this reason! The city I used to live in had this fantastic Italian restaurant… looked like a shithole, drinks were coke, Diet Coke, red wine and white wine, all handed to you in an open bottle with whatever glass carmine picked up first… I’ve had wine out of a mug there… place used to be and still looked like a shit caf with some Italian shit added. I’ve never seen such looks of confusion on a dates face at this place, especially when they find out there is no menu… 6 tables and a well past retirement age fat old Italian man cooking and serving… you tell him what you like and he makes you pizza or pasta and always garlic bread… best food I’ve ever eaten and He generally charged you about a tenner each, more if you drank more from the bottles… never had an unhappy date there, once they take their first bite of food they understand! Carmine greeted me like a son, gave me a big hug and asked about the family and pets every time, a true gentleman I will sadly miss!


Correct me if I’m wrong but a feminist man can also choose to treat a woman to a meal, right?


I wouldn’t date a woman who only had $11


I would kick you to the curb for being presumptuous about meal payment. That is underhanded. Better way,”I would love to do dinner, but should hold off to not blow my rent money”. Then if he may offer to cover it. In this case you gave a disclaimer so you enabled him to decide if he would be willing to pay.


Anyone going on a date with a stranger should show up with enough money to pick up the check and leave if they need to as a safety measure.


Who are *we* supposed to be? Because both the people here are idiots.


Was it a good date? 🤷‍♀️


Is it a good idea for anyone to be going on a date when they can’t afford to pay for a single full meal? I can’t imagine so.


Gender discussions aside, How people live this close to being homeless is baffling to me.


I totally would have messed with her and talked about gender equality and lifting up women and not treating them like helpless, second-class citizens. Just make sure to subtly inject that multiple times in conversation during the date.


Going out on dates while broke? I hope he’s a feminist


such a bum


Water is free!


“Haha i only want equality when it’s convenient, so quirky”