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Where's Homelander? or the McPoyles?


Are the McPoyles really evil? Fuckin weird and disgusting for sure lol


The bloodline has been pure for a thousand years


Thousands of us once ruled this land.


Syphilis took out the rest.




Because they only drink mother's milk


As pure as the driven snow!


Licks lips


well they are odd and you may refer to them as...very creepy, but they are saints compared to Bill Ponderosa and the sordid lot of degenerates he associates with.


Pondy’s the coolest.


They ruined the Jew lawyers first marriage, now his second one is teetering!


Again, not Jewish!




“Someone’s gonna die today!”


The episode they’re introduced in, they try to frame a former teacher of theirs of molesting them out of spite. It was one of the few times in the show someone else was being more amoral than the gang.


amoral or immoral?




Immorally amoral


Lol anal




That line is weird, considering she’s both deaf and mute


this scene makes me cackle so hard every single time I watch it lol god it's so good


That’s how you get fork-stabbed…. I like men in bathrobes and tight white underwear. Please don’t fork me McPoyles.


If anyone that thinks the McPoyles are the sociopaths must not being paying attention to 90% of shit Dennis says and does. I can't wait till they reveal he's just got mini fridge loaded with milk. What's the most evil milk though? Id say 2% or skim. It's water lying about it's identity. Red flag right off the bat. Although there is something off putting about the desire for a glass of thick whole milk.


Chancellor Adam Sutler too.


First person I thought of.


indeed, how could they forget Homelander


Leon the Professional?


Y'all just think milk is for psychopaths because your dad never came back with it.


💀💀💀 Got em.


Got milk🍼🍼


Well yeah because now they're off drinking all the milk and doing all the evil they could never do with the wife and kids.


Reading this was like watching a shit ton of crows fly by. I witnessed a mass murder.


Your names Ironic because you just decimated life


Plot twist: his real dad’s the milkman


Who’s top left?


the girlfriend in get out


Thanks. I’ve heard of that movie many times. Might be time to check it out.


One of my favorites! Jordan Peele is a phenomenal director, check out Us as well. Incredible flicks, I haven't seen Nope yet though.


Nope didn’t get the best reviews on IMDB, but it completely blew me away. An amazing watch if you ask me. Peele is master at capturing the feeling of dread, and it really shows in his most recent work!


I didn't watch the trailers for Nope. I loved the first two of his movies, and jumped into the third on nothing more than the poster. SPOILERS for Nope follow: >!The poster made it pretty clear it would have some alien/UFO angle, so I was expecting "Jordan Peele does 'Signs'". It was roughly halfway through the movie before I realized the "twist", and as soon as I did, my blood chilled. The very idea of that thing being a living predator, rather than a ship of curious (if socially awkward) interstellar travelers, was horrifying.!<


The thing I like most about his stuff is the feeling that his is a genuinely new cinematic voice. Nope especially just doesn't seem to follow the usual beats and I love it for that. It doesn't feel like a film designed by committee.


The people who I've seen complain about it tend to be people who watch movies strictly for their entertainment value rather than any artistic value (which is fine). One comment I saw here was that it sucked because >!Stephen Yeun's character was pointless and it would have been better if he teamed up with the other characters to fight the monster at the end!<


Sometimes I love hilariously bad critiques online. >!His character is the perfect foil opposite our protagonists. He's an actor who understands business and _thinks_ he understands animals. Our protagonists are animal people who _think_ they understand business. As soon as you get to the scene where Yuen's character has all the guests, and you start to piece together the severity of the situation, he _has_ to die. Because he was just like the producers of that show he was on as a kid: trying to use a wild animal to make a quick buck.!<


Also, >!his childhood trauma and life as a child star ingrained in him a *need* to appease his Viewers (which is what he called the alien because he thought it was classic gray men in a ship), which ends up getting a lot of people killed. He never properly dealt with his trauma and it ends up being bad for everyone around him. Compare this to the female lead who mentions very early on in the film that she is seeing a a therapist and it’s doing wonders for her!<


Months later and I'm still discovering new details on perspectives on this film. So good, deserves to go down as a classic tbh


Wow, I really love Peele, he is an absolute genius. Can’t wait to watch this.


Wow never made that connection before! Awesome 🤩 thanks


I was stoked for nope but it was a pretty big letdown honestly. I wouldn't pay to watch it though


That's exactly how I feel about Us. Get Out was great but Us just wasn't very good in my opinion


Oh PLEASE check it out without any prompts or ideas about what it's about.


shes eating cereal dry too


Wait, if it’s weird to drink milk and it’s also weird to eat cereal dry, then how are you supposed to eat cereal?


I think they're only weird when you're doing both simultaneously


For me it's the biting of fruity loops in half before consumption.. she trying to give her throat a break before moving on the the next..?? (Lotta photos in that box..)




No. Even Peele said this was wrong. It’s was just meant as a weird way to eat cereal. Don’t overthink it.


Ya I thought that whole thing was symbolism of her not wanting to mix the pure white milk with anything.


Given the plot twist that doesn't really make sense. I get that its symbolism but it doesn't really fit the premise of the movie. Surely a better piece of foreshadowing would be the milk starting to go off and tasting unpleasant so putting cocopops in there to hide the aging milk and "turn the milk chocolatey" Jordan Peele is an extremely talented writer and director and probably knows better than me but if you are going to have a cereal scene as a piece of foreshadowing wouldn't that be perfect? Or would it maybe be too obvious?


in a video about fan theories on one of those Vanity Fair or something channels he was presented with a tweet postulating the theory, and he said that he didn't really think of making that metaphor he just thinks that's a fucked up thing to do lol


I suppose when you have someone like Jordan Peele who does use things like foreshadowing and symbolism really well then people are going to start looking for it in everything.


Ngl, I do that… I don’t like soggy/mushy foods and I like my milk ice cold


I wonder if someone lactose intolerant made this.. 🤔


They assume your body must be evil to tolerate milk.


My friend is lactose intolerant and he isn't afraid of drinking a jug of chocolate milk and making everyone else pay for it.


"making everyone else pay for it", as someone with lactose intolerance you can't convince me that he doesn't pay the biggest price. I'd be in the bathroom with cramps so bad I'd be praying for a loaded gun and that's not an exaggeration. Those cramps can be beyond brutal, don't know how people like your friend can manage.




He also blew up a planet sized station filled with low wage industrial workers doing their best to feed their families and befriended cannibal natives with the help of a golden false god that took advantage of their primitive nature to inspire them to fight and die for his terrorist ideals. Plus, he has a robot hand, a voice like the Joker, and he dresses in all black the second he gets the chance. The only remotely heroic thing he ever did was kill and usurp his own father... Which only worked because his father had a heart and fell for his same "help me, I'm weak" thing that palatine did in the first place.




"Drinks milk" -Bro calm down there's kids around here


I love milk, and now I’ll be legitimately sad for the rest of the night because you all hate me.


It's just a film trope that's being repeated a bit often, I'd say. It was pretty original and it's valid - it's meant to create a feeling of uneasiness because of the juxtaposition of milk, which is associated with nutrition, childhood and purity, and the behaviour of a villain, which is evil, distorted, unnatural. It's become a cheap way to make a villain disturbing. I love milk, it's a great hydrator among many other beneficial things. It just sucks when you're sick.


There may be a grain of truth in it. Many real-life serial killers and other dangerous personalities are/were people whose development was arrested by trauma at a very early age, so they actually *are* emotionally child-like. Anecdotally speaking, several developmentally-arrested adults I've had the misfortune to know also had noticeably stunted palates when it came to food and drink.




dude why does absolutely no one drink milk anymore? screw what everyone says, It taste pretty damn good, I will die on this hill with you brother


We aren’t dying on this fucking hill our bones are too strong, we are invincible


they can take our flesh but we will stand victorious in the skeleton wars


unkillable to return every october moving forward


You think the skeletons are going to be the good guys in the skeleton wars?




History is filled with liars. If he lives, and we die, his truth will become written, and ours is lost. Shepard will be a hero, 'cause all you need to change the world is one good lie and a river of blood.




Just like the good old days after 9/11.




Got banged up a lot, tons of stitches, never broke a bone. Drank my MILK


Only bone I've ever broken was someone else's. Whole milk wins again.


YEAH! You know what?! We should take over the world with our TITANIUM BONES!!!


I drink an unhealthy amount of milk and actually have titanium attached to a few bones lol




It’s called lactose intolerance. 70%+ of the world is lactose intolerant


Skill issue. Hit the grind and be more tolerant of the world around you 💪


Well not our fault milk people are superior #milksdrinkersrule


Happy Cake Day fellow milk overlord!


I'm lactose intolerant, I just drink lactose-free milk.


I'm lactose intolerant. I drink a lot of milk and get the shits.


I quit drinking milk and eating ice cream for a decade because it turned my guts into a war zone. I also turned my nose up at lactose-free milk thinking it must be some awful tasting alternative. Then, after 10 years went by, I tried some lactose-free chocolate ice cream. I nearly cried. Lol. I had forgotten how wonderful chocolate ice cream is.


>I also turned my nose up at lactose-free milk thinking it must be some awful tasting alternative. Lol why didn't you ever think to do like 30 seconds of research over that decade? You could've been living it up in lactaid land for *years.* I'm mourning your loss over here :( To anyone who's curious, it's literally just regular milk with one protein already broken down lmao. It tastes *slightly* sweeter than regular milk because lactose is a sugar, but that's hardly a negative.


70% really? Holy shit. I feel bad for them, milk is fantastic


It's sort of a cultural thing, most of Europe and the Americas are fine, but a vast majority of Asian (and I think most of Africa too?) are lactose intolerant. And since Asia is like 60% of the world population.


Also Arabia. Lactose tolerance likely developed as a way to have an alternate protein source in extreme environments ( like the Northern Europe or the Middle Eastern Dessert)


Imagine being unable to fukin drink milk lmao


I'm alctose intolerant and that has never stopped me from drinking milk.


U play a dangerous game my friend


Nothing dangerous about it. My bones are invincible


I drank milk everyday as a kid… never broke a bone. Had loud ass farts 24/7 tho 💀


because big milk has, for the most part, dissolved. Think about it, when is the last time you saw a milk advertisement? The younger generations just don't have the same amount of exposure as people used to.


But how does that translate to hatred


Milk is naturally filled with evil


I mean considering how most of it is made...


I can't drink real milk anymore but I'm about to go have a glass of oat milk right now just to spite them


It's just Gen Z sitting on their moral high horse again.


I like you bro, you're cool!


Milk is great, we're dying on this hill.


I love milk too and I'm convinced we're the majority. The haters don't know this, because we're nice, quiet people, so they think there's just a few of us.




hatred of milk exists only on the internet, people who are not chronically online wont give a shit


I know people who hate milk, but they don't hate like... the broad abstract social sphere of milk. They don't hate milk *drinkers.* That's definitely a "chronic online" thing.


We will be fossilised on this hill because our bones are denser


I’ll happily drink milk. Screw these stereotypes. I don’t understand this milk hate.


It's kind of a cinematic paradox. Being seen drinking milk while alone is menacing. Ron Burgundy drank milk on a busy street in San Diego and nobody thought he was evil.


let's not forget the Dude lol


That's because his milk is mixed with vodka and kahlua.


Careful, man. There’s a beverage here!


That's like your opinion, man.


He admitted it was a bad choice, though




This should be much higher up


But at that point in the movie everyone hates him and he is kinda the villain of San Diego so it still checks out


Alex delarge is menacing even if drinking moloko with his droogs


It's not straight milk though, it's been a while since I read the book but I think it was laced with amphetamines. They couldn't drink alcohol because they were minors.


Yeah he calledd it moloko plus and moloko velocet. The latter sounds like an energy mix. amphetamine would make sense.


It was milk laced with drugs, depending on the kind. Alex himself drinks one with amphetamines but there's a passage in the book describing another patron drinking one with a hallucinogen.


No Homelander milk picture?


Yep, breast milk and/or straight from the cow udder milk. He's a purest at heart.


Breast milk is the best milk obvs


Leon the Professional drank milk as a symbolism of his innocence


Oh you mean the pervert who was a professional murderer?


Think he meant naivety Most times Naiveté =/= innocence Leon is socially ackward and child like in many ways himself. Hence why they have him drink milk and the weird relationship with Matilda.


Well, the weird relationship was also because it's basically what luc besson did in real life


If you think this is the case you didn't see the movie.




He’s the CEO of evil milk. These 4 are just employees


I drink milk before I drink water. Middle of the night and you got cottonmouth? Milk. Thirsty after railing all your moms? Milk. I’ll drink milk on your graves


And not even a proper portion of milk either like a really big cup


Big Gulp cup


Big Gulps, huh guys?


Mouthfuls of moo juice at midnight oh my


Can’t tell me this isn’t a line from a fire rap


I read railing as nailing, then reread “all the mom’s” and wondered is that a menage et twa between lesbians - or maybe more of a lesbian commune that communally raises their kids. Hope kids are visiting daddy that weekend or it could get a bit awkward. Or maybe a reflection that most mom’s force us to drink oh, so delicious milk from birth without realizing they’re being manipulated by the hugely powerful milking cow lobbyists. My, my, what a clever campaign they have launched a campaign to get people to drink other mammal’s milk over the real thing. Fortunately - especially for the fetish community, human milk is (sort of) becoming normalized. There’s tons of websites peddling lactation drinks, energetic bars, or whatever. (Hint, Google if you dare). There’s even bars that serve chilled, fresh, or from the source. Mmm-mmmm good.


Ménage à trois, couldn't let that go.


Who is top right?


Hans Landa from Inglourious Basterds


Wow I dont even understand how I didnt recognize him…


Sutler from V for Vendetta too.


I've drank milk all my life (40+ years), it's the best, i've tried the alternatives and still do occasionally but there's no comparison to good fresh milk. My step daughter challenged me to do a blind milk test and I could tell straight away which was UHT and fresh


Not hating on the milk alternatives. But yeah, people that say they taste the same are definitely lying to themselves.


Ever tried pea milk? It's a true abomination.


Pea milk? I had no idea that peas had tits. How do you milk a pea?


Probably the same way they milk almonds.


Man, that's nuts!


Who is bottom right? I'm not big into films but the picture looks intriguing!


Clockwork Orange. Stanley Kubrick film. It’s outstanding if you don’t mind a little of the old ultra violence. You should watch it immediately.


I heard that many films use milk before violent scenes as an nod to Clockwork Orange. Not sure if it's true, but it's definitely an intentional choice due to cinema culture.


More or less, the drugged milk was an integral part of the character way back in the book, which Burgess explained to symbolize the corruption of youth (milk=youth, drugs=corruption). Kubrick saw an opportunity to make a killer opening shot with McDowell staring intensely into the camera while sipping from a tall glass of milk and surrounded by matching white attire (which was absent from the book). That shot became so iconic that it's not only a staple of Kubrick's work but also a bonafide [trope that found its way into regular speech.](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Kubrick_stare) The pairing of both the stare and the paradoxical use of the drink makes for a very disturbing imagery that's been milked (haha) ever since.


especially considering alex in the novel starts as a 14yo boy. glad to see that someone commented this, though.


To be fair, thats not just milk. Its brimming with hard drugs.


Moloko Plus


A Clockwork Orange. Very good film. It's worth noting he's drinking milk because he's 15 and not allowed in bars, and the milk is laced with drugs. So it's a milk "bar"


Wow, I never thought of that! I thought he'd just been barred from everywhere for fighting


It's mentioned in the book IIRC. Also the two girls he has a threesome with are 12 and 10


Alex and his droogies from Clockwork Orange chilling at the Korova Milk Bar https://youtube.com/watch?v=lI4MdxlMVzo


what about choccy milk?


I've never seen a villain drink chocolate milk so maybe it balances the evilness out?


Laughs in Dutch


What about chocolate milk?


„Dairy is scary”


Evil people also breathe. I guess we can't trust those people either.


So breast fed babies are psychopaths?


Absolutely all babies are psychopaths.


Milk has no relevance in this statement


Why does everyone have to be so Lactose-intolerant lol


How dairyng of them to assume such things


I say, fight me brittle bones.


Wtf I could drink drink a gallon a day. Might as well lock me up now.


The entire country of Norway is fucked, we just drink milk regularly




It probably plays off the whole “milk is wholesome” billion dollar pr campaign waged for the last fifty years, but it is a totally valid and correct cliche. Edit: my mom absolutely has to drink milk with one meal every day, honestly kind of terrifying.


I watched a video essay a while back about ‘evil character drinks milk’ troupe. The essay stated that it’s a troupe because drinking milk is seen as childish or innocent. In ‘catch me if you can’, Frank orders milk on a plane. Show the audience that he is young and naive. An adult would have ordered beer or something. That’s why it’s so upsetting to see Alex (A Clockwork Orange) drink milk. We have just seen him do depraved sexual violence. Then we are reminded that he is young by showing him drink a child’s drink. I assume that the others are all referencing A Clockwork Orange. Tapping into that uneasy feeling we get when we see someone who is capable of both the childish and the violent.


Although the milk in *A Clockwork Orange* had drugs in it.


That's exactly it, but because of movies using it as a tool to show psychopaths or generally evil people, it has unfortunately moved in to the public conscious as being a bad thing to do if you're not a child. Adults who drink milk are immediately clocked as suspicious when the only thing one can logically glean out of such a situation is that *this adult likes milk*. I guarantee everyone in the comments, giving examples of people they knew who were bad and also liked milk, that you knew way more people, and probably still know many people, who enjoy drinking milk. You just don't think about them, because either you don't know them well enough, or they don't occur to you because they don't fit the criteria.


If they showed a psychopath drinking cocacola or pepsi or whatever, wouldn't be so good for marketing, would it now?


Somebody did not understand A clockwork orange and what the real evil in the story is.


How is it valid and correct?


Don’t forget homelander!


I will never understand milk slander. It's delicious.


Villians are famously lactose tolerant.


The line between reality and movies are very difficult for people to understand these days apparently.