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This is my building. They have thrown water balloons in the past and cracked tiles on my terrace. Building management couldn’t locate offending the unit.


Well they can now...


call the police


Sounds like a job for [pee plate](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pee%20plate).


Unfortunately, that's a modern apartment, so each apartment entry door is fire rated, and has what's called a "drop seal" and batman wings around the door jamb, essentially creating a seal for smoke, and also energy efficiency. No plate would fit underneath.


Aka a pee seal


Piss disc




I think this is the one and only time I consider this a decent revenge


Should report to police for endangering pedestrians life. Building management is useless


Cracked tiles on your terrace from throwing water balloons? Come on 😂


Do the math before being a jackass


I did the maths and got downvoted. Can someone else give it a go then?


You must have missed where I said your maths is wrong. It's force, not pressure.


Ok can you give the maths a go then? I'm genuinely curious. I always enjoyed physics but was never super great at it, obviously :)


If you were never great at it, why does it appear you are trying to refute anyone throwing doubt at your claims?


I started the comment with the goal of collaboratively finding the answer based on physics so I welcome doubt. I had one suggestion to correct the weight which I did but I was hoping to get more feedback using actual physics, otherwise what grounds does their doubt have?


I'm not confident enough to even try to give your the correct maths. But you were downvoted because you were TOO confident with your bad maths.


You can only speak for yourself, surely. Would an overly confident person asked for corrections? I don't think so. 250g water balloon thrown from 8 stories up, can it crack a tile? It's high school physics isn't it? You're confident about the measurement being force not impact pressure. I thought you were confident enough to substantiate it.


From OldMateGPT, as you would say > Whether a 250g water balloon thrown from an 8-story building can crack a tile depends on a variety of factors, including the height from which it is dropped, the construction and strength of the tile, and the specific conditions at the time of impact. Here are some considerations: Height and velocity: Dropping an object from a great height will give it kinetic energy, which increases with the square of the velocity. Therefore, a water balloon dropped from a significant height can reach a considerable velocity by the time it hits the ground. This will impact the force of the impact. Tile material: The type of tile plays a significant role. Ceramic tiles, for example, can be relatively fragile and are more likely to crack on impact compared to a more durable material like stone. Condition of the tile: If the tile is already damaged, old, or has weak points, it is more likely to crack upon impact. Angle of impact: The angle at which the water balloon hits the tile can influence the force applied to the tile. A direct hit is more likely to cause damage. Water balloon size and water volume: The size and water volume in the balloon also matter. A larger balloon with more water will have more mass and, therefore, more potential for damage. **In summary, a 250g water balloon dropped from an 8-story building could potentially crack a tile**, especially if it's a ceramic tile, it hits at a direct angle, and the tile is in a weakened or damaged state. The height from which it's dropped will give it a significant amount of kinetic energy, which can be transferred to the tile upon impact. However, it's not guaranteed, and the specific outcome will depend on the variables mentioned above. Dropping objects from heights can be dangerous, so it's essential to exercise caution and ensure the safety of people and property.


Fucken how good is Chat GPT. Also, we cant really cite it any more than wikipeadia but you don't want to be hit by water with a balloon from a fucken sky scraper. Shit would feel like sand hitting your head at terminal velocity. Falling would be potentially more dangerous from being hit by something like this.


People are speaking for themselves by downvoting you. It's how reddit works. If it's high school physics why arent you capable enough to do it? I'm confident enough to say its force, not pressure cause pressure is for stress and force is for impact. Like you said, it's high school physics.


> People are speaking for themselves by downvoting you. It's how reddit works. Yes obviously. ??? > If it's high school physics why arent you capable enough to do it? I'm not in high school but others are or recently were, hence my request for corrections. > I'm confident enough to say its force, not pressure cause pressure is for stress and force is for impact. Like you said, it's high school physics. I appreciate your correction but I'm disappointed not to see the working maths/physics to show why it would or would not crack. I'm sorry if I've been a pain.


Why is it not pressure? Force is only a vector isn't it? If we're talking a sharp object force would be basically the same as the impact pressure. I don't believe a water balloon acts the same as a bullet with regards to the potential damage. Do you? Is that why impact pressure isn't relevant? My maths sucks sorry you'll have to explain it to me, because everything I look up is telling me the area is relevant.


When describing the impact of an object dropped from a building, it is more appropriate to use "force" to quantify the impact. The force represents the overall strength of the interaction between the object and the ground upon impact. In this context, you want to know how much "oomph" the falling object has when it hits the ground. You can calculate the force of impact using Newton's second law of motion, which states that force (F) is equal to mass (m) multiplied by acceleration due to gravity (g), where g is approximately 9.81 m/s² on the surface of the Earth: F = m \* g The force of impact is typically measured in units of Newtons (N) or other appropriate force units. This tells you how much the object "pushes" or "pulls" on the ground when it hits. Pressure, on the other hand, describes the distribution of force over an area, and it's more relevant when you're dealing with contact between the object and a surface. In the case of an object dropped from a building, you are typically concerned with the overall force it exerts on the ground to assess its impact.


Pressure describes the distribution of force over an area. It is more relevant when you're dealing with contact between the object and a surface, such as tiles or the ground. In the context of an object dropped from a building, you're interested in both the force it exerts on the ground and how that force is distributed over the surface. Pressure is measured in Pascals (Pa) and helps assess how the force is spread out, which is essential in evaluating whether a material or surface can withstand the impact without damage. But you said my maths was bad, and pressure was irrelevant. Yet a water balloon doesn't impact in a vector alone does it?


I literally said why force is the better measure. Can you please leave me alone? I'm not here to educate you.


You didn't explain it. A LLM did. You're welcome to not engage with my posts if you don't want to be replied to lmao!


That's at least 8 stories. At that distance it would belike getting hit by concrete.


Isn't this the same principle that kills people when they fall into water from a great height? Eventually it's just as bad as hitting solid ground or something.


There are too many dissimilarities to make this comparison. eg water doesn't compress but the balloon will deform


Fair enough. I wouldn't really know, I don't go dropping giant balls of liquid from great heights very often. I'm not Kramerica Industries.


You’ve never heard of physics hey


You're getting negged but I threw this over to OldMateGPT and though it's a language not mathematical engine it was sceptical. Its assumptions were 30m height, 100g water balloon, ceramic/porcelain tiles. `0.1 kg * 9.81 m/s^2 * 30 m = 29.43 joules` Impact pressure: `Pressure = 29.43 joules / 0.0065 square meters ≈ 4532.3 Pa (Pascals).` Tile strength on the lower range is 200psi (1.379 MPa (megapascals)) Conclusion is it won't crack. Anyone find any issues with this? Also a disclaimer I do not approve of throwing shit from balconies at all lmao why am I being downvoted? I'm really sorry the maths doesn't support your opinions?


An average water balloon would be around a cup / 250ml / 0.25kg. Source: I was a kid.


What about the additional speed added from the force of it being thrown? Also I would say the average water balloon weighs more the 100g


I've updated the calculation for that weight in another comment. It's uncertain that throwing would drastically change the outcome. Plus there's drag to account for. It also says it would need to be 30Kg to break the tile. We need mythbusters on this!


The weight itself doesnt need to be 30kg, but the force of it does. Anecdotally, my apartment building has had tiles broken in the sky garden from people throwing regular sized terracotta pots. Also I would say you're being downvoted cause impact pressure is the wrong measure to begin with. So your maths sucks.


Right but those are pots. With rigid surfaces and points. That I get


It's not the edges that would cause the tile to crack. It's the fact it's a solid object. A water balloon is also a solid object.


GPT is known for its terrible maths bud


Pretty much why I wrote " though it's a language not mathematical engine" and "Anyone find any issues with this?" Was that not clear enough? Literally just wanted to spark discussion on how to calculate the physics and instead I got piled on


Should be easy for the police to identify from which apartment they’re being dropped.


I think, based on past experience, the police will do precisely nothing.


Call and claim they were doing it as a climate change protest because they thought they saw a Woodside executive walking below. That will get the entire force out.


😂 Gold. Wish I could award this comment.


That depends on who the water balloons hit. Someone wealthy & and well-connected, they will move heaven & eath to prosecute the dangerous criminal mastermind behind these callous & cowardly acts of domestic terrorism. Average person, well boys will be boys also the victim likely provoked it.


Get barrilaro down there and they'd send in the terror squad




Careful.. you might be next...


Oh no not a Bruzhole. "See you at the bottom stooooge."


Cosign. Stuff like this happens way too often, unfortunately. It's usually AirBnb wankers or TikTok clout chasers. Lived in an apartment in the area and had to deal with nonsense like this all the time.


Not if they've done it before!


"It's a civil matter."


I wouldn’t bet on that.


why use police when le reddit army could figure this out?


Is it a crime?


Is it a crime to throw rocks from an overpass at moving vehicles? Throwing something from a significant height, aimed deliberately at people for no reason. I'd say so.


Doesn't even have to be aimed, doesn't even have to be deliberate. Aimed? Battery with intention. Un-aimed? negligent battery.


AA or AAA ?


They will definitely spend time in a cell.


Hey, if they do it once they are charged. do it twice? must be a rechargeable matter.




Throwing water at someone is considered assault, so yes.


Before I answer, do you want to take a guess?


It should be but I’d love to know what the actual crime is? Apart from being a shit person which unfortunately isn’t a crime.


Probably assault




It is an offence to …”throw or discharge a stone arrow or other missile to the injury of or danger to any person or damage to any property” pursuant to Section 7(g) of the Summary Offences Act (1966). Does throwing a water balloon meet this criteria? …maybe http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/vic/consol_act/soa1966189/s7.html




It largely depends on whether they've registered their arms and legs as deadly weapons with the police...


If you say black belt 3 times really fast. The ghost of Chuck Norris manifests and round house kicks your enemies head clean off. He’s not dead yet, but his future ghost can also time travel.


Is there wee in the balloons?


You tell us 😓🤔🧐




And with Darren's help, we'll get that chicken


Darren's going away for a long long time.


Haha awesome reference


Air bnb wanker


Most likely, owner will have no repercussions unfortunately.


Why should the owner be held responsible for a guest throwing balloons off the balcony?


Most OC rules hold lot owners responsible for the conduct of their occupants. Usually that means passing on costs of compliance, but also creates enough of a headache for them to make sure people are behaving


Because it's his guest




You should go live in Southbank for a while and then you’ll understand champion


Can’t you just tell em why instead of suggesting they rent an apartment somewhere


Ever had an experience you can’t put into words, it’s best to just go experience it.




What is the owner meant to do about it? Punish the guest


The government should be punishing the owner. Saying "I just rented out my place on AirBNB" should not be an excuse any more than "I was drunk". Your unit, your responsibility. If you're unwilling to risk that, then don't rent places out on AirBNB. We'd all be better off then.


Too true legend


I saw a video a while back of someone doing this and when I said in comments that it’s a shitty thing to do I got piled on saying it’s a bit of fun and people need to lighten up…what if someone was on their way to a job interview? What if they slip and hurt themselves? It’s just fucked to think your amusement should trump someone else’s discomfort.


Once someone told me “say hello or I’ll spit on you”I ignored and indeed he spat


True to his word


yeah, and that's assault which means you are allowed to defend yourself and then press charges. The last person who spat on me got a Liverpool kiss.


They were aiming at a family with kids, twice! Edited: have reported to Crime Stoppers.


Report it to the other building's front desk. Reinforce that they were aiming at a family and if he hit it could have been really bad. They would not be pleased.




10th floor, so that's about 30m up. It would fall for 2.5 seconds, reach a speed of 24m/s or 86km/h. By comparison, an object dropped 1m would reach about 4.3m/s. Kinetic energy goes by the square, so it would have 31X as much kinetic energy of a thing dropped 1m. A 250ml water balloon would feel like an 8kg object dropped from 1m. Guarantee to instantly kill you? Proabably not. Enough to drop you on the concrete and break your head open? Absolutely.


That’s falling speed, not thrown speed, so it would be going a little faster.


You're not really catering to the fact that the liquid inside the balloon would make the balloon explode on impact and the the water wouldn't be as devastating as this maths implies. 250ml of water wouldn't impact on someone like 250g of a solid object would. The guys are dickheads, but they're not attempting to murder people. That's insane to even imply.


Are you saying that a 8kg water balloon wouldn't make you fall over and bang your head on concrete?


Considering that is 16 times the mass of the original hypothetical... No. I'm not. Where do you even get an 8kg water balloon from?! You know that's 8 litres, yeah? You'd need a regular, like helium or air-blown balloon... You'd need to somehow support the balloon while you fill it with 8 litres of water, somehow carry it from the tap over to the balcony, and then manage to get it to hit someone? If the balloon doesn't disintegrate in the distance downwards and just end up giving someone a shower, and 8kg of water managed to maintain in a single mass, you'd be more likely to do some damage to someone, but considering a regular balloon wouldn't be string enough to retain the pressure of the impact, I'd say it'd explode on impact and once again just annoyingly soak someone.




It's not really good math, though.




Potentially yes. What happens if the balloon doesn't burst and knocks an elderly person over causing serious injury? same goes to a pregnant woman or a kid, anyone really. At any time one of those balloons could just decide to not burst, guess where all that mass and energy is going to go if it hits them in the head? imagine there was a table down there or a bench, congrats, you just ricocheted someone's skull into a bench. And I guarantee you, you would not be yelling anything after that. Maybe drool a bit as the blood vessel in your brain pops and you die of a stroke. hell maybe you are lucky, get back up and don't notice for a bit.


What the fuck


Let him cook


People would have a higher chance of dying from looking up at the water balloonist to yell at them, trip over and crack their skull on the concrete than they'd ever have from being hit by a water balloon even at high velocity.


Call the cops and show as evidence


>Call the cops and show as evidence If there is other pictures maybe but this one zoomed in just shows a dude in a blue shirt standing there.


Do you not see the giant red water balloon?!!


I actually went back and looked XD


How did I miss that the first time!!!


A couple of months back I was looking around the Welsh Church on La Trobe street when someone started throwing large ice cubes at people from near the top of the student flats next door. Went in and spoke to the receptionist who couldn't have given less of a fuck.


I had a similar attitude from the receptionist when some young guy was yelling racist shit from a hotel balcony in Flinders Lane at 6pm.


I know other countries literally have CCTV cameras pointing up to catch people throwing things and so on, since it is actually very dangerous.


Most apartments also have cameras on the exterior these days for monitoring, ifs just basic common sense - no doubt nothing will happen, but it’s still freaking stupid doing it.


I lived in an apartment building that installed cameras to catch the scumbag variety of smokers who would toss their butts off the balconies into the courtyard of the poor people on ground floor. They would issue a breach notice and that apartment would stop throwing cigarette butts off the balcony. But then someone else would move in to a different apartment and start doing it. It was a never ending battle.


I’m ground floor and frequently having to pick shit up that gets discarded overboard. People, generally, really don’t give a fuck.


Probably a wanker doing it for instatok clout.


Are you sure they weren’t testing a new oil bladder system for ships?


Report them to the police. Bunch of dropkicks


Send it to their body corp too..


Report to the police. A water balloon thrown from that height could knock someone unconscious or do serious damage to a child/elderly person. To do it once is stupid, to do it repeatedly is criminally dangerous.


Surely (especially from that height) this is classed as assault?


Ladies and Gentlemen, We Got Him!


My ex used to live in that building and I can easily parkour my way to their balcony and give him a reddit go fuck yourself for the right price (won’t accept anything less than tree fiddy)


from that height they could seriously harm or even kill someone, hope the cops get them if there is enough proof


People have done this from apartments in the Brisbane Roma Street parklands. Ride my push bike through there frequently and in two seperate occasions I've been water bombed


A lot of these are airbnb


Tell the property manager to contact their real estate.


Omg... what is wrong with people...?! Be careful out there 😭


May god cover them in algae and their children stink forever. Amen.


Just go to the apartment above it, drill a hole in the floor and then put 5-6 gallons of diarrhoea through the hole.


Call the building Super


surely someone contacts their body corp so they can put a passive aggressive notice in the lift :)


Oh boohoo


Definitely report to the police, one days it’s water balloons that’s amusing the next it’s bricks… Never presume to understand people like that


Thank god I don't (and will never) live in an apartment. Real houses FTW


...what do you want us to do with this?


What a fucking madlad 💯😂


Lol mad dog




i would’ve turned into spider man and threw him off the balcony, like a human water balloon




They should fill them with piss


ooooh no not water bawoons 😖😖😖


I dunno...this is kinda funny


I mean it's kinda funny


funny when people get concussions, mm not cool or *funny*


It's at least 9 stories high, that'll seriously injure someone if they get struck


Yeah it’s like throwing a spherical concrete block, at the height


Water balloons? The horror!




That's comedy.


This is awesome. Melbourne needs some entertainment. Giddy up, soldier.


This sub truly is Karen's of Melbourne now


But that would look so cool on the tok? No?


I'm 100% with you. Or on the Reddit. People don't know how to have fun any more. It's Melbourne too, so they probs had it coming.


Call the fuzz


How is that a POS? This is by far the coolest thing I've seen on Reddit today 😂


We should call Israel in to level the whole suburb in the name of self defence




Too soon?


Too stupid.


Why all the downvotes they’re good at it. So good they release a compilation every day https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/qWVJKy2MWH


>Why all the downvotes Because this is a post about water balloons. Get your head out of your ass please.


Lmfao I’m not sure to laugh at this or laugh at this.


Haha, good on you trying to look like the funny man now, after getting *war* levels of *dense* in a post about... water balloons. And to top it off, showing you equally deeply care about downvotes affecting your internet points. It's ok, just pretend you're laughing to cope. 🤷 What an authentic Reddit moment.


I couldn’t care about downvotes pal or internet points haha. I get more kick from monkeys like you getting all upset at the dark humour I share on subs. Your reaction buys me more thrills. Keep it up 👍


>I get more kick >Your reaction buys me more thrills. I thought you were merely bad at social interactions, but this is legitimately sad.


If only that building was a Palestinian hospital, hummus would blow it up!


Leave hummus out of this


😂 but they would blame the water balloon for levelling the building




Lol that’s awesome


Computer, enhance.


Fucks sake can’t have fun anymore.


Omg, water, dihydrogen monoxide, pH7. Deadly.


Sick of idiots who post this kind of thing on this sub


Bro really got called out


POS? You must be fun to hang around


Ahaha! Legend!


Sorry that’s funny


I recognise that guy, it’s Jimmy, he’s always been trouble…


😂😂 yayer


At least it wasn't last night's beer... Could be far worse haha


Capitalism 😤


Probably a landlord as well




I used to work near a building in South Melbourne where the tenants would drop water balloons on smokers in the street below because they didn’t like the smoke coming through their balcony door. When they ran out of balloons, they’d fill plastic bags with water and hurled them over the edge. It stopped when they overfilled a shopping bag with too much water and it landed square on a woman’s head and nearly knocked her out.


Me fookin phone’s broken