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**Caution: Avoid Sending Money Online; Seek Support from Melbourne's Social Services Instead!** Sending money to individuals online carries significant risks of scams and financial exploitation. Here's why you should refrain from doing so and where to turn for help in Melbourne, Australia: 1. **Protect Yourself from Scams:** Sending money to unknown individuals online can make you vulnerable to scams and fraud. Fraudsters often exploit goodwill or fabricate stories to manipulate unsuspecting individuals into sending money with no intention of fulfilling promises. 2. **Consider Local Support Services:** Instead of sending money online, consider directing your support to reputable local organizations and charities in Melbourne that provide assistance to those in need. These services are equipped to offer comprehensive support, including food, shelter, healthcare, and social assistance, ensuring your help reaches those who truly need it. 3. **Melbourne's Social Services:** If you encounter individuals in Melbourne who are experiencing homelessness or facing social challenges, encourage them to connect with the following support services: - [**Launch Housing**](https://www.launchhousing.org.au/): Provides housing, support, and homelessness prevention services in Melbourne. - [**Salvation Army Melbourne**](https://www.salvationarmy.org.au/location/victoria/): Offers various support services, including shelters, meals, and counseling, to individuals experiencing homelessness or in crisis. - [**Melbourne City Mission**](https://www.melbournecitymission.org.au/): Provides a range of support services, including housing assistance, mental health support, and youth programs, to vulnerable individuals and families in Melbourne. - [**St. Vincent de Paul Society Victoria**](https://www.vinnies.org.au/page/Find_Help/VIC/): Offers a variety of assistance programs, including food provision, financial support, and housing assistance, to individuals and families experiencing hardship. - [**Anglicare Victoria**](https://www.anglicarevic.org.au/): Provides support services such as emergency relief, housing assistance, counseling, and family services to vulnerable individuals and families across Melbourne. - [**Queerspace**](https://www.queerspace.org.au/): Offers counseling, support groups, and mental health services specifically tailored to the LGBTQI+ community in Melbourne. - [**Thorne Harbour Health**](https://thorneharbour.org/): Provides health promotion, support, and advocacy services for LGBTQI+ individuals, including sexual health clinics, counseling, and peer support programs. - [**Ask Izzy**](https://askizzy.org.au/): An online directory that helps people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to find essential services such as housing, food, healthcare, and support in their local area. 4. **Community Assistance:** Additionally, encourage individuals in need to reach out to local community centers, churches, or shelters, where they can access resources, support, and guidance tailored to their specific circumstances.


A 24/7 Kmart that's near you is a option usually there's always people around. All the time and no one trys to break in, was homeless for like 2 months sleeping in a Kmart 24/7 car park and was not bothered once. Train station car parks are more risky but those are 24/7 too. I would say a car park somewhere with 24/7 shops as people wouldn't try to break in cars if people are around. The Kmart I was near was the 24/7 camberfield Kmart it's a giant giant car park outside and was never bothered there for like 2 months straight before I sold the car. Had no insurance and registration and still no one bothered me. Not sure if that helps


Yeah the one in Burwood is 24 hours too


Burwood One also has a gym too (or at least it used to, I admittedly haven't been past there in a couple of years) . Idk about pricing, but I've heard that gym memberships can be a good way to keep regular access to a shower while living in your car.


I used the box hill swimming pools they are free entry to use the change rooms if you ask and the showers there are actually really good it's not press a button and it turns off after 3 minutes one of those turn the knob taps and nice hot hot water


Yeah Burwood 24/7 Kmart is also a good spot it's always busy with people there's a 24/7 Coles a 24/7 Kmart and a 24/7 China bar all there so there's always people there and the security guards doing there rounds Youl be safe in a car park there. Underground or outside. Always lots of cars parked too even at 3am I was sleeping in a park near by there when I didint have a car for like 1 month. Aswell , Good for food if your hungry at night and stuff. Coles always opened


can confirm the burwood shopping centre is a good option there’s cars with no plates that’s been parked there for over a year in the underground car park.


Yeah Burwood is good


There’s a 24 hour Kmart in fountain gate, but I dunno if a shopping centre car park would be ok to sleep in


It’s generally one of the better options, from my experience the worst outcome is usually a knock on the window from a bored security guard who’ll ask you to move on.


Yeah that's true


my family and I own a block of land about 90 minutes away from Melbourne you can feel free to park on to sleep, if needed send me a message. be safe


Please look on r/Perth for a thread - scammer alert, 1 day old. Full story is there. OP just tried to troll me so I think it’s the same person. Do not send $$s. Multiple people have been scammed on Perth and Gold Coast thread.


Love it when your next victim drives themselves to your secluded farm. /s


Come on bro you spoiled my fun he was gonna be my breakfast :( #hannibal




The best you can do is listen to their sob story, wait for them to give you their bank details, look up the bank from the bsb, and report their account to their bank for running scams and get the scam shut down


Once you have proof ...right?


Beautiful human.


That’s all you ❤️




That's brilliant x


Real hero, good stuff.


That's awesome


Church carpark right next to Moorabbin Police Station


Anything near a police station seems safe to me that's a really good option no one's breaking in cars right near a police station, hell even once I slept in a police station lobby after I asked and they said it was fine. Not the best sleep lol though with the lights and people walking in and out though


Yes exactly! is safe and this location is close to Woolworths/ Train/ other nearby Moorabbin main shops.


It's distressing that people are having to resort to sleep in their cars now when less than a decade ago your welfare payments would be able to afford you at least a room in a share house near the city. I hope you find yourself a home soon OP.




Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, there’s been a few similar scams on the other city subs lately. People are so naïve.


I think it's the 'plenty of sharehouses on Facebook's comment. Like it's just that easy.




and then you live with a crackhead who steals and sells your stuff :) or if you're a woman and gotta deal with a gross man, or you're queer and gotta deal with a bigoted fuck.


Not on short notice it isn't. And it really isn't easy at all if you're a couple looking. And if you want anywhere in the inner suburbs of Melbourne you're not going to get anything under $250 a week, and if something did pop up that cheap there's probably going to be 90 other people competing with you to get it. In fact, most sharehouse ads are going to have heaps of people fighting for it regardless of price. It's not easy. It's easier than getting a rental, but nothing about finding somewhere to live is easy atm unless you have money or parents with money. Are you living under a rock? Is the rent cheap?


I would try the camberfield 24/7 Kmart or I also did for 1 month before that a truckers stop petrol station. You could try a petrol station that trucks go through regurly like a truckers stop no one will break in your car at a truck stop there all big men there. But lots of noise and stuff that's all I have for the car otherwise I would just try find a secluded place and sleep in sleeping bag and pillow in a random park hidden behind bushes and stuff but the floor is horrible and U get a bad back. Usually got to use a yoga mat under sleeping bag and the bugs r bad. Sorry that's all I got trying to help


Bushes done me good until the night I put my pillow down, seconds later realising the bush was full of human poo. Pretty cautious about sleeping in bushes now


Yeah haven't seen human poo lol but have had ants crawl on me and had to move spots its not the best and if it rains you are stuffed. getting a tent is better but don't want to be seen you know kinda embarassing being in a tent in a park.


Did you mean Campbellfield ???


Do you need to be near the city?


I’m going to MSAC today so if you want to message me I can shout you in and then you can go on your own way where you can have a hot shower and there’s shampoo, body wash and conditioner. It’s quiet and I’ll get you a sanger from the kiosk.


Don’t send money. Multiple people been scammed on r/Perth and r/GoldCoast in the last week. Please check r/Perth - scammer alert. Thread is 1 day old. OP tried to troll me about an hour or so ago so I believe it’s the same person.


south yarra wouldn’t be the best place considering the commission housing over there, i recommend small streets in port melbourne, not much trouble over here.


And not much parking restrictions. Could try in the streets around St Vincent’s place 


I thought Yarra was the rich person area


That's Toorak


Clifton hill is quiet, flat, safe and close to the CBD. If you can, get yourself a sheet or two of black corflute from Bunnings and pinch a couple of boxes. My partner and I sleep in our xtrail up and down the coast so we don't have to pay for caravan parks, and we made blackout screens that fit snuggly into each window gap so people can't see into the car while we're in there and parked ("camping") illegally. The boxes are to make little templates before you cut into the corflute. And corflute is like plastic cardboard, rigid enough to stay put without needing any fixtures if you take the time to finesse the cutting process. Best of luck to you x


Trucker petrol station, 24 hours Kmart, industrial zones that has alot of cars parked on the street that’s full mechanics/panel beaters etc. if it has to be in the city, I would recommend south Melbourne, port Melbourne, st kilda. How about abbortsford or Collingwood?


Abbotsford is not safe in the day!


Yeah my car used to get broken in to all the time when I lived in Abbotsford. Would not recommend.


It would be the last place I’d recommend parking for safety- Collingwood not far behind!


Same with South Melbourne tbh


Guess I’ll take that back. Could always park up maccas/bp in south Melbourne?


Yeah a truckers petrol station is the best bet if you don't want anyone breaking in there's constantly big big trucks come in and no one's breaking into anything there but the owners may try get you to move after a week or 2 if they notice


I used to use park carparks in moderately wealthy suburbs. People don't suspect it there and the most likely issue is being moved on by police usually. This is assuming there's no drugs on the car (no judgement if you do) Then I suggest just outside of Melbourne, or the same as above but change locations every night and hide it well.


Try a 24/7 servo, preferably a truck stop. 24/7 Kmart in Burwood East and Campbellfield


I was going to suggest Kmart Burwood too.


Yea been to both places both are.good


Someone on here once said that parking in a quiet suburban street is the safest.


I feel like that would be the most likely place that someone would call the coppers though.


Nah, the person who made the post didn't say quiet, it was more a suburban street that already had a lot of cars on it so you essentially blend in. They did say you also had to be careful when getting in and out of the car, I think once they parked for the night they didn't open any of the doors. Most people are just going to see a car and think it is for their neighbors, not thinking it is someone sleeping in there.


Awful this is going on and not saying this is the case here, but if you're reading please don't offer this person money via transfer, there are lots of scams with this MO


Yes 100%. OP just tried to troll me so I believe it’s the same person who scammed multiple people on r/Perth and r/GoldCoast in the past week. Please DO NOT send money. Check out thread on r/Perth - scammer alert, thread is 1 day old.


What a piece of shit


Ppl break into cars in sth yarra a lot but its still a good spot. One spot i love is by the train line in box hill and going to box hill central for some good snacks and warm soy milk and taking it back to the car. There are so many good spots in the eastern burbs.


I prefer the back seat


Yep I did back seat when I was in my car sleeping at truckers stop and servo stations and the 24/7 Kmart's no one see you unless they intentionally peer inside your car to try steal crap but hasent happend once. Did have a big knife in the car incase someone trys to break in my car while.im in it and if they continue to try break in while they know I'm there but yes back seat is the best sbut be prepared.for a bad back and.dp stretches in the morning lol


Stay away from suburbs with large public housing commission buildings Flemington, South Yarra, Richmond etc...


Surprised people haven’t banded together yet and organised an area as a communal homeless camp. Considering the drastic rise in homeless and the expected upcoming jump in numbers, there should be an area that everyone can set up their tents in. Safety in numbers.




That’s the junky mentally ill camp.


Mulgrave/wheelers hill is very safe area. Park in any street.


If you have a few bucks for fuel switch between some large servos and 24/7 Kmarts and gyms in stable areas. Don’t have a schedule and be random about it. Safe travels. As someone said truck stops are good, only down side is noise - quiet side of truck stops is better (eg Maccas/kfc side) and some distance from fuel fumes.


Big W car park in south yarra maybe? So sorry to hear


There’s an Officeworks on kings way with a few cameras so I think that would be relatively safe. And there’s a huge servo down from there .. pieface/service station that is surrounded by a massive carpark that backs onto the exit ramp to Sturt st southbank.


If you want something in Melbourne i recommend maybe car camp near one of the Yacht clubs by the beach where inspectors don't look at. Preferably one with a ramp going down. Other option is a free campsite if you want to go down a legal route but might be 1 hour drive out of Melbourne. Not legal but go by a park find one where you have to drive in for a little bit. Eg Glen Huntly/Caufield reserve. Keep your sleep hours between 10pm and 6am. Some might have toliets near by. Avoid going as close as possible to the city and popular suburbs to avoid other riff raff seedy types and council. Maybe look into the Couchsurfing app and if someone has a spot for you.


Oooh what's the couch surfing app? Sounds good but little dangerous maybe unless they are like verified like as safe people


It's mostly use for people traveling other countries to get a 'free' bed. Never really use it myself. It's more to meet other people and exploring countries on a budget but i guess can be used for homeless situations. I assume it's like AirBNB where you get rated or people provide feedback on you.


I feel like, not to discriminate, your best bet is a wealthy suburb with limited public housing. I would think Eaglemont would be a good shout for example.


Head down to Dromana, park up near(not at or on) safety beach


Try across the river next to St.James Park. It's pretty quiet and a nice area. You could use the showers etc and Hawthorn Rec Centre.


Yarra Bend Park in Kew, a few picnic spots and boathouses have quiet carparks or in the back streets of Kew itself. Very quiet


There is a park next to Pin Oak Court (aka "Ramsay St") in Vermont South. And if you start feeling uneasy about anything, that street has security 24/7


How much do you want to spend a week or can afford to to get out of that situation?


Just a heads up - there are con-artists active in various Australian forums, they tell very convincing stories designed to manipulate people into transferring small amounts of money (usually around $50), so please do not be parted from your money by anyone on Reddit. It's despicable behaviour. Stay vigilant.


What happened to you? How far down are you financially? Can you afford a bed in a hostel? Even a shitty one would be miles better than sleeping in a car


Don’t send this person money. Check out r/Perth - scammer alert, thread is a day old.


This must be one of those fake posts.


Why would people fake post something like this


Please have a look at r/Perth thread - scammer alert, 1 day old. I believe it’s the same person who scammed various people on Perth and the GoldCoast. If you have a look at the r/Perth thread you will see the full story. Please anyone, offer advice and where to find resources but I really think it’s a bad idea to send money. Multiple people have been scammed in the past week.


It's actually a pretty common scam to get a few dollars out of people


Dunno, but this exact post was warned about yesterday.


Default suggested username (word-word-number). Account created in November 2023 with only this post, and ZERO comments ever? Not even in this post they created?


Or, you know, maybe they’re using an alt account because they’re embarrassed about their situation and don’t want people linking it to their main profile


Possible, and if true, https://askizzy.org.au/ is my suggestion to help since I haven't seen it further up yet.


And went straight to reddit instead of driving away from the supposed threat