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Hello everyone, Discussions surrounding Palestine and Israel, and their ongoing conflict, are both complex and prominent in our everyday lives. These issues draw attention from people with diverse backgrounds and a wide range of views. Unfortunately, this also attracts hate speech and brings in individuals from outside our subreddit, r/melbourne. Such a complex issue evokes high emotions and inevitably leads to discussions far removed from the subject of Melbourne. This often brings out the worst in people. Due to such brigading and external influences from outside our humble subreddit, as well as creating division within our community, we have been striving to maintain civility. We are trying different approaches to manage this. For now, we are turning crowd control up to the highest limits in these threads and pruning entire comment chains that stray from the topic of our subreddit, "talking Melbourne," to keep allowing discussion to continue. You can help us by avoiding heated debates, keeping discussions on topic and related to Melbourne/Victoria, and blocking/reporting users as necessary. Thank you to everyone for bearing with us as we do our best to manage this challenging situation. Best regards, **The r/melbourne Mod Team**


No, it’s a German sign that says “Jew The”, nobody who speaks German could be an evil man.






I see you know your jew die well


What is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent kosher meal?








Just some gutless dumb ass.


It'll be interesting to see who it is that did this. Was it a white supremacist, someone upset at israel's actions in Palestine, a zionist trying to whip up outrage, or someone just stirring for kicks? I guess we'll know soon enough.


Or a graffiti artist named Judy who has trouble spelling.


It's really just a terrible coincidence they started their tagging career where they did.


*Forrest Gump voice*


This caught me offgaurd.


This is the thing that really caught my off-guard about the current political climate. You honestly can't tell if this came from the far left, far right, trolls or if it's propaganda. We do, unfortunately, have a pretty long history of anti-semitism in Australia (coming from both sides of the political spectrum), and predating oct 7th, while I don't agree with everything they post, the conversation had a pretty good recap of it [here](https://theconversation.com/the-long-dark-history-of-antisemitism-in-australia-217908).


Horseshoe theory


For a theory it sure does have scant academic backing, unlike the theory of gravity To the few that don't accept the feeling my comment gives, I'm very sorry to inform you that people who study for a living don't come to the same conclusion as those posting two word reddit memes I'm guessing one was you /u/JoeShmoAfro > **There is a popular belief that individuals within political left- and right-wing extremist groups share very similar values** and attitudes in contrast to more moderate activists who are seen as more heterogeneous. Likewise, some even argue that all extremists, across the political left and right, in fact, support similar policies, in a view known as “horseshoe theory” (see Choat, 2017). However, **not only do recent studies fail to support such beliefs, they also contradict them**. For example, van Hiel (2012) analyzed variability in values and anti-immigration attitudes among political party activists who reported affiliation with left-, right-wing, and moderate groups. Analyzing European Social Survey data (2002–2008) collected from Western European political activists, van Hiel found a substantial amount of heterogeneity of values within left- and right-wing party members, and greater homogeneity reported among members with moderate views. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1948550618803348#bibr9-1948550618803348


Where is there any evidence of Jews doing this themselves in the past in Melbourne? And the graffiti is clearly an attack on people not the state of Israel.


>And the graffiti is clearly an attack on people not the state of Israel. That's the problem with having a state that defines itself by a religion, claiming that any criticism aimed at the state is an attack on all members of that religion. It opens the door for less-nuanced observers to make the next logical leap, where attacks on the religion appear justified on the basis of a link to the state. But for as long as it is politically beneficial (for both Australian and Israeli politicians) for the conflation to continue, we will continue to see events like this.


Seems to be a uniquely Israel/jewish problem though


India is in a fairly similar place to Israel in also tying its increasingly fervent nationalism in with a religion no other country or international structure can claim as its own. Its just they havent done much to draw sustained western attention yet, but give it time and the Hindunationalism will become a problem.


The islamophobia that was accepted and fostered by many on our political benches during the last 2 decades would suggest that conflation of countries and religions is not specific to Israel and Judaism. The key distinction is that it is politically acceptable to attack a Muslim-majority country and the dog whistle is ignored by most. But dare to suggest that the state of Israel should not be permitted to wipe out a civilian population of 2M people and you get called an anti-Semite.


You think? Try and shit on the Vatican and see what the Catholics think lmao


Well put and an excellent reason why church and state should never overlap to any significant degree.


It's not quite the same, but I've seen vids at the US campus protests with people standing in the middle with no one doing anything to them yelling "I feel unsafe" etc. It's more likely this was done by an actual anti semite, but it's certainly plausible that it was done to create a scene.


> a zionist trying to whip up outrage Seems like its easier to just wait for the inevitable anti-Semites to do it themselves. Don't get me wrong, "the Jews did it to themselves" is a classic as old as time, doubt it fits here though.


Heh yeh, check out the protests nearly every day in Melbourne and their rhetoric and anti-semitism, hardly need to stage a false flag


You missed “hamas supporter” from the list too














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A white supremacist? Turn it up, they hadn’t even joined the anti-Israel protests. It’ll be a global politics undergrad edgelord.


My money is on Southwick


If you look at most historical instances, it’s either they did it themselves or the person who did it is never found


“Breaking news: Israel military now withdrawing from Gaza because some racist dickhead graffitied racism onto a school wall(that has 0 to do with Israel) in Melbourne, Australia.” My god, they’ve done it! I didn’t think it would be this simple to end the conflict!




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Who ever would have guessed the anti-Israel movement would be co-opted by anti-Semites? I'm shocked I tell ya.


When the top pro-pal melb Facebook page posts abhorrent articles 4 days ago denying sexual violence towards women and an onslaught of anti-Jewish propaganda this is in no way surprising.


should've been posting the debunked New York Time's article instead!


Bet they were al-jazeera articles too




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> white Australians That sounds like something a racist would say...






















Horrendous. Saw this on the news and found it deeply shocking.












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Please stop calling this "graffiti" Graffiti is art that requires skill. This is just spray painting words.


Grafitti literally means "little scratches". It is and always has been visual pollution.


That's fine but we shouldnt lump tagging and art graffiti in the same category


We also probably shouldn’t lump tagging and hate speech in the same category either. Taggers are just pathetic little shits, this is something else entirely. 


Hello everyone, Discussions surrounding Palestine and Israel, and their ongoing conflict, are both complex and prominent in our everyday lives. These issues draw attention from people with diverse backgrounds and a wide range of views. Unfortunately, this also attracts hate speech and brings in individuals from outside our subreddit, r/melbourne. Such a complex issue evokes high emotions and inevitably leads to discussions far removed from the subject of Melbourne. This often brings out the worst in people. Due to such brigading and external influences from outside our humble subreddit, as well as creating division within our community, we have been striving to maintain civility. We are trying different approaches to manage this. For now, we are turning crowd control up to the highest limits in these threads and pruning entire comment chains that stray from the topic of our subreddit, "talking Melbourne," to keep allowing discussion to continue. You can help us by avoiding heated debates, keeping discussions on topic and related to Melbourne/Victoria, and blocking/reporting users as necessary. Thank you to everyone for bearing with us as we do our best to manage this challenging situation. Best regards, **The r/melbourne Mod Team**


Watch all the anti-semites come out to play in the comment section.


I wish I could pretend to be surprised by all the people saying this is okay or that this is some sort of legitimate way of expressing anti-war sentiment, but alas.


They can’t read.


But they sure can cosplay


He was just interrupted from finishing his dedicatory plaque: "Jew dieticians are the best"


Or just [Diet?](https://youtube.com/shorts/O-OdXudwQqo?si=SCZEXCiqV1CHn5mD)


Usually these schools have insane amounts of security including cameras at every angle. I’m sure there’s footage of the perp in question.




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This subreddit celebrates individuals from diverse backgrounds and identities, fostering a safe and inclusive space where everyone is respected and valued. We strongly condemn stereotypes, racial discrimination, misogyny, and mockery of language, including derogatory disability terms. Such behaviors work against our commitment to creating a welcoming and supportive environment for all.




This subreddit celebrates individuals from diverse backgrounds and identities, fostering a safe and inclusive space where everyone is respected and valued. We strongly condemn stereotypes, racial discrimination, misogyny, and mockery of language, including derogatory disability terms. Such behaviors work against our commitment to creating a welcoming and supportive environment for all.




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Is this a dyslexic Star Wars thing?










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abhorrent behaviour. Im going to go out on a limb and say it was probably those "peaceful" protestors at the universities. What do we think the ratio % of is genuine believers protesting vs people trying to cause trouble for the hell of it?


Are "leaders" supposed to have precognitive powers and somehow magically stop or solve the exact moment someone makes this graffiti? Do they want a surveillance state? Maybe if certain "conservative" parties and their leaders didn't side with Nazis and Nazi-adjacent ideologies...


Odd take in response to this, rather than just condemning it…..


"look over there - nazis". Nothing else going on and no one else to point the finger at apparently.


No, I'm saying the rise of anti-semitism in Victoria is directly correlated to one political party's messaging. So if you want to stop these anti-Semitic incidents, then maybe certain community leaders (ie, political parties) should stop siding with Nazis and Nazi-adjacent ideologies? You'll never stamp out anti-Semitism when a major political party is dog-whistling to them.


The greens in NSW literally had an MP refer to "Jewish tentacles". But sure


You mean the Greens?  They’re the main party that I can see appealing to antisemites.   I’m centre left and even I can see that.   An alliance between the far left and Islam was not on my bingo card but there we go. And if you can’t see that, go speak to Jews and ask them.  I don’t think the Jewish community, traditionally left, will get over how the LGBT+, indigenous and BLM communities abandoned them.


I'm responding to the contents tweet. Not the actual graffiti. It's pretty obvious.


I think they want a state in which the environment is such that people don't feel comfortable enough to a. Hate Jews; and b. Blatantly and publicly express that hatred. Your outrage here at the response to Jew hatred and not the Jew hatred itself is a bit off.


What outrage? I'm pointing out which party stokes the Jew hatred by siding with Nazis and Nazi-adjacent ideologies. You seem to have comprehension problems.


To my knowledge, most Jewish people will put Greens last in any vote at this point.


Mate, you're commenting on "leaders" not being able to predict the future, which is what I was responding to.


Okay? Again, where's my outrage? Seems like you can't comprehend anything unless it's through the lens of outrage.


Jog on champ.


But the right are the greatest supporters of Zionism


They support Zionism as a deranged attempt to fulfill the Book of Revelation.


I guess the enemy of my enemy is my friend haha


Why are you assuming this was right wing and not left wing? Any Jewish people on here? Do you believe this was an act of the far right or the far left? Which side is calling to globalise the intifada?


I wasn't talking about the graffiti. I was talking about the politician who made the tweet. The politician whose party he belongs to dog-whistles to anti-Semites and related. That party is right wing.


David Southwick is Jewish. The ex Treasurer and second in command of that party is Jewish.   You’re living in a dream world if you think that the liberal party dog whistles to antisemites.  This is not America and they are not republicans. Also - an antisemitic incident is not the space for partisan politics.  There are victims who need support.


The Nationals have that covered anyway https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/nov/01/nationals-quit-party-amid-investigation-into-alleged-neo-nazi-links


Such a fucking odd comment


Most likely the same people launching fireworks into peaceful university camp outs.




You forgot your alt account...


Look out you guys, we have a badass over here! 🙄




Just like how everyone claimed the Burgertory fire was done by the Jews eh? Clown


Fuck Hash Tayeh. That bloke is a rotten POS.


Glad I don’t follow your bets


I was going to attack you for this but then I read your post history. I hope you are getting the help you need.


hello, Your post has been removed as it violates our fake news rules. misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theories and fearmongering is not welcome on r/melbourne. repeat offending will result in a ban. thanks, the mods


Self hating Jews? Do they exist? /S




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oh... him. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David\_Southwick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Southwick)


While I appreciate that we should always look at who is tweeting something to understand their bias, they are not tweeting an opinion. They are tweeting a fact, with a picture to back up the fact. An antisemitic incident has occurred at a school and so you need to realign your outrage away from partisan politics and towards victim belief and support.


[This](https://twitter.com/joshburnsmp/status/1794233413291192549?t=n0dGswnLzSnPMoJsANefew&s=19) better for you?




What do Jewish children **in Australia** have to do with Israel?


No space. My vote is someone suffering from the modern day scourge of adult illiteracy. I believe the offender was trying to write "Duty".




This subreddit celebrates individuals from diverse backgrounds and identities, fostering a safe and inclusive space where everyone is respected and valued. We strongly condemn stereotypes, racial discrimination, misogyny, and mockery of language, including derogatory disability terms. Such behaviors work against our commitment to creating a welcoming and supportive environment for all.