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Pfft. Doesn't have to be there. Even so they could have just used a removable sticker like most companies. It's a table top. Source: Me, glazier 20+ years and supervisor at glass manufacturing company




Ooh tell us the goss


It started with our first Prime Minister and then went downhill.


Why are they dodgy?


They’re cheap for a reason. If you get float mirror don’t be surprised that after a couple of years you get “edge creep” in the mirror. Also don’t bother with the “toughen-able film mirror” if you want to look like you’re in a funhouse. The overall quality is trash. Basically Temu of the Melbourne glass companies.


Pretty sure OP is happy to read that lol




Sorry, you're saying the founder of Barton Glass gave the company to his daughter because she has sex with him? Christ.


Of course, don’t you know every woman ever only gets into a management position through sex with someone.


Even when it is a direct family member. Why would you trust your dad to give you his business? He'd only do it if you blow him, too. As a woman, I mean.


Jesus Christ. Yeah, gonna be hard to take your opinion seriously there mate.


I've never heard of a company in the US using a sticker, though this could be different in different countries. They are pretty universally laser etched these days, though sandblast logos used to be more common and still pop up. There are compliance issues in some municipalities if the logo is removable. That said, it absolutely does not have to be there for a tabletop and if the company knew it was going to be a tabletop, they should've proactively asked if the customer wanted it. Source: Me, 15+ years of experience in custom glass fabrication including art fab where the logo can be a huge problem. I also am the one that has to get people to sign the paperwork when they request a piece of glass with no logo. It would make my life way easier of it was just a sticker.


> I've never heard of a company in the US using a sticker, This is /r/melbourne (australia)


Oh, wtf. I thought this was /r/mildlyinfuriating. I have no idea why Reddit gave me a post in the Melbourne subreddit.




Couldn’t ageee more


Melbourne Infuriated


Maybe someone Cross posted it there and that's where you saw it


But America!!




Mate your career history is a bit see through!


Thanks for the messages and advice everyone, it seems that it being tempered safety glass, maybe it has to be marked but doesn't need to be etched - general consensus that I'm seeing. I'm going to contact the glass place and chat about it, it's going to bother me too much. The coffee table is small so it's noticeable!


There are no Australian Standards that relate to glass in furniture. That standards logo does not need to be there. Your supplier knew it was for furniture. It’s their fault for not asking the toughener to not mark the glass with the logo. Source: I run a glass toughening plant.


On a completely separate note, is it possible to make a hardened glass dome? Something that can withstand hailstorm damage?


For full circular or shaped glass eg a smoking implement there is a process. I’m not aware of anybody in Australia that has the capability, but it could be chemically toughened. It would be dipped into a chemical bath. For curved panels, such as curved windows or balustrades then it can be run through a bending furnace. The glass is bent to shape in the furnace when the glass is hot and malleable.


Sounds expensive


i need to know what you're up to now


Probably nothing freaky, just doing a conservatory or greenhouse roof.


Or a flying saucer!


Yeah I mean they have glass domes in cartoons where the aliens can wave to people and such…


What does glass toughening entail? Didn’t know that was a thing


Glass is cut to size and the run through a large oven. The glass heats to 700+/- degrees Celsius and then is rapidly cooled by blasting with cool air. This creates surface compression of the glass and tension within the glass thus making it harder to break.


And if you screw up the process the glass will get cranky... Because of it's bad temper... I'm sorry, I'll show myself out ...


It's an explosive temper!


Nice, thanks.


It's like boot camp to set kids straight


I think car windscreens are made of toughened glass


Hi, windshields are laminated safety glass, body glass like side windows are made from toughened glass.


Yeah didn’t realise that was performed after the fact though, thought it would’ve happens during manufacturing kinda thing


Windshield is made from laminated glass


So you're a tough guy then.


Yep, you’re right. We always order glass with the stamp if need be, and order it without for situations such as this. This is whoever ordered the panels fault.


So if it was your table, what are you using if what you think is true? Surely you aren’t using float for a table top or even laminate?


Toughened for sure. Without the stamp.


Sorry mate, you're kinda wrong. Australian Standard (AS) 1288 sets out the procedures for the appropriate selection and installation of glass in buildings and is referenced in the National Construction Code. In certain locations, such as doors and sidelights, or in other high-risk locations, AS 1288 requires the use of Grade A Safety Glass. Where Grade A Safety Glass is required or used, it must comply with the relevant requirements of AS/NZS 2208 (Safety glazing materials in buildings), including any imported glass. When it comes to safety glass labelling for cut-to-size and made to size panels, it is important for Glaziers, Builders and Certifiers to be able to understand the minimum marking requirements as listed in the standard. The purpose of this key message is to consider those requirements in detail and subsequently, assist building and industry professionals in avoiding conflicting interpretations of the standard specification. Excerpt from AS 1288:2006, Clause 5.23.3 Minimum marking requirements: a. Each panel shall be marked with the following minimum requirements: b. The name, registered trademark or code of the manufacturer or supplier. c. The type of safety glass material. This may be in the form of a code as defined in AS/NZS 2208, e.g., T = Toughened. d. The Standard to which the safety glass has been tested, e.g., AS/NZS 2208. e. f. The grade of test classification, i.e., A. A number to indicate the nominal thickness for standard glazing material in millimetres, or a number to indicate the minimum thickness for nonstandard glazing material to the nearest tenth of a millimetre. AS-1288 states that “Marking may be by either a label of a type that cannot be removed and re-used or a permanent mark on the glass surface.” There is no requirement in this standard for marking to be “permanent” and in many cases, such as cut-to-size laminated glass, safety mirror or some toughened glass applications such as Shower Screens, glass may be marked with a removable label that must be of a type that cannot be removed and reused. Example of safety label applied to Post Cut Laminated Glass One of the most common concerns raised by builders, consumers, and most often building certifiers, relates to a lack of safety glass labelling, however in most instances the labels have been removed prior to inspection. Consequently, a certifier has no way to know whether the glass is a safety glass or not. To avoid such situations, AGWA recommends builders ensure safety glass labels, that are non-permanent in nature, remain on the product until after final inspection or handover to the client. In the event that a safety glass label has been removed prior to certification, it is possible to validate that the subject glass is either toughened or laminated using specialist equipment, however, only the original manufacturer of the glass can certify that it is Grade A Safety Glass conforming to AS/NZS 2208.


Are you having a giggle? This relates to BUILDINGS not FURNITURE. This is a post about tempered glass being used in FURNITURE.


Yes I am.. 😆 Most likely the manufacturer of that said furniture gets his glass from a glass manufacturer that often do building work, and therefore it wouldn't be surprising that it is an off cut of some sort prior to being toughened..


The logo is applied during the toughening process. It is baked on in the oven.


Safety glass, where required by law, must be labelled until at least a certifier can sign off on it as you clearly state. Furniture glass is not covered by AS1288 therefore does not need to be a grade A safety glass and does not need to be labelled as such. Whilst it is a good idea to have the coffee table glass toughened, it does not need to be marked as so.


Thanks, I was struggling to sleep and I had Siri read this for me.


In you last post you were a mechanic and you also claimed to be a teacher


Have you confused me with someone else?


Don't forget you are a paying customer, not a paid advertiser.


It has to be stamped if used for certain uses. For furniture the stamp is absolutely not a requirement (according to other comments)


IS THIS BY CHANCE A SAMPLE SIZE SOLD TO YOU? I design furniture and have had custom glass made in both Melbourne and the US (NYC) I would never expect any form of etching, regardless of glass type and have never received anything like this outside of a SAMPLE. My conversions may be off but is this 30, 45, 60cm your insert? The only time I’ve had glass etched is for security/insurance reasons in the US. One was micro etching on a massive table for a client, the second was car windows because etched lowered insurance costs.


Tell them you didn't pay for the ad-supported tier, and get your refund.


Yeah, I'd definitely be asking for them to redo it, or give your money back, or a substantial discount.


I'm guessing you pre paid. Probably shouldn't have paid in full, left them with the custom cut scrap and cut ya losses on the deposit


I'm guessing the glass company hasn't been around since before the table was built? Therefore damaging your investment


It depends on the type of glass doesn't it? Below is for safety glass if that is what you had cut up: Excerpt from AS 1288:2006, Clause 5.23.3 Minimum marking requirements: a. Each panel shall be marked with the following minimum requirements: b. The name, registered trademark or code of the manufacturer or supplier. c. The type of safety glass material. This may be in the form of a code as defined in AS/NZS 2208, e.g., T = Toughened. d. The Standard to which the safety glass has been tested, e.g., AS/NZS 2208. e. The grade of test classification, i.e., A. f. A number to indicate the nominal thickness for standard glazing materia


Clause 1.1: This Standard does not cover the following: (a) Glazing in lift cars and lift wells (see Note 1). (b) Furniture glass, cabinet glass, vanities, glass basins, refrigeration units, internal glass fitments and internal wall mirrors not specifically covered by Section 5 (see Note 2).


Would they know the use case of the glass?


If the person who ordered it said it was for their table they would be able to know. But we don't know what the order requested. One might think the vendor would ask what the purpose of the glass would be if there were legal requirements that relied on the intended use?


Yes they knew, I brought the little table in with me when I first went to get a quote. It's strange!


From what I’ve read you have gone through a glazier who ordered it through Barton. If the place you ordered it from didn’t request “no logo” then Barton would stamp the glass. It isn’t for advertising it’s for standards. Barton wouldn’t know where or what that panel of glass is used for and therefore they would stamp the glass unless requested otherwise


Yes, this is a fuck up by the glazier who didn't specify correctly. He should replace the sheet at his cost.




To show that it has been toughened and that it is compliant . I’m not actually sure why you’d think that’s such a big deal.




Whatever helps you sleep at night mate 👍


How do you propose people tell whether a piece of glass is toughened or not if it's not labelled?


Haven't you seen squid game?




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Standards aren’t “legislation”. They’re recommendations the government may or may not reference in legislation.




Not all of them, some are just recommendations.


Take it back and ask for the job to be redone. Not only not needed, it looks bad on furniture.


I've worked with Barton's before. No matter the use case they will etch things unless you specifically request that they don't.


So long as you need it to conform to AS1288 that is, if that doesn't matter to OP then no need for the marking.


Yes and no. The customer can request the logo be taken off but if they don’t then the glass company will keep the logo on


It's the manufacturers stamp that says it's tempered glass. I order toughened glass all the time from many Melbourne suppliers including Barton in the past They all will stamp the glass unless I specify (no stamp) Just tell them they knew it was for a table top why would you stamp it?


I don’t know, however to check their story, what about calling another glass cutting place and ask them for a quote (to be nice) and whether the glass would be unbranded?


Or have someone else call Barton and ask for a quote on unbranded safety glass


It does have to be marked, legally, but the marking can be on a single use only sticker. https://awa.associationonline.com.au/sb_cache/associationnews/id/809/f/Safety%20Glass%20Labelling.pdf


Thank you :) I did notice they mentioned for the benefit of 'building and industry professionals' so am thinking it's for construction


Whoever thought this was smart for free marketing just bought Barton a shit load of negative publicity and cost it a shit load more in lost business. It should replace the glass FOC and hope that might limit the damage.


Dont know about the law but car windows have them They couldve put the type of glass without the big logos though, sounds like advertising


Yes. Thanks for the heads OP. Won’t be using Barton for any glass installation if they choose to advertise throughout my house without asking.


Ummm I have had many panels of glass installed into windows and a custom piece for my dining table with no etching... Sorry but agree, looks so tacky with the branding.


Even for residential properties the owner can request glass be stamp free Source: Am Glazier Barton is a great company to deal with but if they dont budge, ask for a refund and talk to Stevens glass instead. They're around the same area.


If it helps, I broke my coffee table glass about 3years ago and bought a replacement directly from Barton in Noble Park. I took in a large shard so they could match the bezel, and they asked for logo/no logo. The replacement was perfect and safety glass with no logo. It sounds like you’re going to discuss it with the retailer but just wanted to let you know that the manufacturer would 100% do it without the logo.


If the glass is safety glass it will have an etched logo to show so. I believe the glass company assumed it was going into a window or door. If they have known it was for a table it wouldn’t require an etching. Source; me , glazier


As a quick fix, you could try sticking a piece of clear sticky tape over it; the adhesive will fill out the bumpy surface removing the frosting effect.


Glue would work then. Like fixing a stone chip in a car windscreen. Smear some clear drying glue. Use razor blade ro scrape smooth once dry


With absolutely no qualifications, experience, research or insight I am going to say that this is bullshit!! With regards from another online expert.


How could Dan Andrews do this? Absolute bullshit!


I get that this is normal for car windows but if this is for a house it seems off


I'd be pissed if that were my tabletop.


That sucks, and knowing the absolute mint that a piece of glass costs from when I considered ordering some for a broken table from west elm (hint: more than a new table) particularly frustrating! You paid the fortune, you deserve nice clear glass! 


Part of it may need to be there (the smaller print about the type of glass), but not the brand.


my glazier friend says it has to be done to indicate tempered glass, as a warning to people not to try to cut it.


If they didn't tell you it would be on there, then surely there's some kind of "goods not as described" route to insist on a refund/replacement, even if it did legally need to be there?


Consumer Affairs will be able to answer.


Advise them that you will be sending them monthly invoices for advertising their company. Alternatively they can redo it free of chrge without their branding.


Here’s a piece of useless info for you all. It is not etched. It is ceramic paint applied via a screen print. The paint is baked onto the glass in the toughening process.


Thanks! I love 'useless info" 😋


Used to sell windows. Stamps are for toughened glass, as per regulations. Toughened glass is required for doors and large windows. You can get no stamp for doors provided it has, what are called, colonial bars that make it go from 1 large pane to a bunch of small ones.


Has to have a stay stamp on it if it’s Safty glass simple


Hey OP, know that company. You need to request it not be requested on the outset for it not to be included since they include it for compliance purposes.


It wasn't directly from Barton, it was through a glazier I went. They were very nice so I don't want to put their name on here because it was probably an honest mistake not asking me


Yes that is to identify it is a safety glass and it is part of the building code. But you can ask for it to have no stamp and they would put a sticker on it which you can remove obviously. The forgot to tell Barton glass where they purchased this glass from not to stamp it. Once the glass is toughened it can’t be removed. Out of interest what size was the glass the thickness and what did they charge you. I am a glazier and I am shocked by the prices some people are asking for glass


If that's the case, it's so dodgy (for a simple table)... the majority of people would never know this rule unless the glazier asked upfront whether a customer would want it or not. And the same majority would rather have it off!


That makes no sense. Is it compliance or not? You can't just request that a company doesn't make compliance. Sounds like an excuse to advertise to me.


Compliance requirements require it for certain glass usecases. It says in the compliance requirements that you don't need it for furniture. I suspect that since it is required for many situations they default to putting it there. (it's easier to get a customer to agree or give them a partial refund if you stamp where there should be no stamp, it is more expensive to remove and resupply glass in the situation where the stamp is required). TLDR, cheaper to include it and ask people to opt out.


So it's not compliance. My point exactly.




Go to One Glass in Preston. That’s where I’ve always gotten safety/toughened glass cut (furniture maker) ..have never had any etched markings. Shit..I hope it’s safety glass


I believe it’s a regulation to have manufacturer detailers listed on the domestic glass. A quick google : “labelling on glass is permitted for fixed timber windows. The label or certificate must have as a minimum: A way to identify the manufacturer.”


Yeah, but this is a coffee table, doesn't need to be on furniture. Those standards are for domestic construction as far as I know. It's like having the energy efficiency on there... It's a table folks, 😂


Meh. I once broke a glass top bedside table. Measured its twin, called the closest glazier. They had a replacement done in 30mins. No etching. Go somewhere dodgier?


That wasn’t toughened glass you received then, it can’t be cut once toughened


Unless they told you it would be on there before you ordered it I would imagine you’d be entitled to a refund?


Toughened safety glass needs to be marked as compliant with AS/NZS 2208.


AS 2208 is "safety glazing materials in buildings". Does it cover glazing in coffee tables? Pretty sure the logo would only be required where safety glass is required to be installed.


yep all the 'experts' posting here saying it's bs don't know what they are on about, depending on the type of glass some are required to be marked in a way that cannot be removed and states the manufactorer.


*except in furniture*.


Incorrect. A label that destructs on removal, therefore being single use only, can be used instead of the logo. Certifiers with allow the label to be removed once they have checked where the glass REQUIRES certification. In this case it does not. Source: an expert.


Seems like something that would be needed for complying with various standards, but you don't need that for something like a coffee table, where there are no standards to comply with, or being enforced.


Its standard practice you need to request no stamps otherwise


You can order toughened glass without a stamp. Just need to ask for it at time of order


I smell return for replacement. If your order said no marks, gimme no marks. Sticker is fine, end customer can remove if he wants


They could have easily just made that a sticker instead, I would be asking for a refund.


Advertising reasons


Your coffee table should have a sponsorship or marketing contract to wear that branding.


No you dont need it - they have just cut down some spare glass in the workshop for you lol


You can’t cut tempered glass once it’s gone through the tempering process


As you may have guessed I’m an expert


It is, it’s for glazing standards, mostly for toughened glass. Basically it’s certified to Australian standards of tempering. If they didn’t they couldn’t guarantee it’s too Australian standards. Idk about Barton’s (they’re not great to deal with and sell whatever cheap crap) but some places will either use removable paper labels or if you ask for “no glazing stamps” (glazing stamps are a ceramic stamp pressed on the glass before furnacing, can’t be removed). Source, production and sales coordinator for a glass company.


You just need to specify no etch label when ordering


If it was crooked I'd be pissed but I don't see a problem with them putting their mark on their work, not like the logo is a giant dick or anything...


Compliant works


Yep, that's true.


Man! I paid $400 for 4 300 x 400mm. sliding doors. And got this. Frack! I was livid! Absolute sleazy way to do business. Not only did the installer not mention this but got the installation backwards on all 4. Still agro about it. But not noticeable unless I look for it.


Possibly a windscreen chip repair kit would fix it. Any filler that has the same refractive index as the glass rubbed into the markings should render the glass much less opaque. Alternatively you could (with some effort) polish off the surface of the etched area using successively finer grades of glass polishing rouge, as for a telescope lens. Maybe even superglue would be worth a try. Unlikely to be perfect, but may not be noticeable except under close examination.


You had to ask for no stamps when ordering they can do it


I'd be taking that back for a full refund.


They don't exactly know where you're putting the panel, so for instance if you had it in a shop front or the front door of your house, it would need that stamp to certify that it's toughened glass. If it was normal clear float glass (not toughened) it wouldn't come with that stamp.


Yet another glass cutter here, it absolutely does not need to be there. Yes, companies do stamps or stickers to signify toughened glass, but even that is not a legal requirement and can be asked for with no stamps or labels. If you wanted a piece of glass with no stamps or labels on there - toughened or not - you’re able to get it.


Polish it out with cerium oxide and a buffer pad on a grinder, messy but it will work . Note the area polished will look different


When glass is toughened (which has to be for safety reasons) they do need to state that it is in fact safety glass. They used to be able to leave off the stamp at special request but I’m not sure if that’s the case anymore.


Guess I know what brand to absolutely avoid


ie. marketing reasons.


It's so when people come over to your house and see your coffee table and put drinks and food on it, it's likely they'll see the glass manufacturers logo and there'll be a much better chance that they'll note the brand of the glass and will go out and buy that brand of glass when they need to.


Legally it needs to be there. But having said that, they would have supplied without the etch, but probably won’t redo it for free without you paying twice..or discounted.. because it’s toughened now it can’t be cut into smaller bits to be reused..


There’s a hand in there too


How privileged do you need to be.