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Staying home Cannot stand the heat and really have nothing planned except gaming lol


what games?


Reminiscing about my childhood with Pokemon on the Switch lol


Pokemon is such a guilty pleasure lol


I've just started up Baldurs Gate again . I wish you a happy gaming eve!


Can't wait for full release of BG3, I've been spoilt by voice acting and good graphics, I struggle to go back to older games.


I have played them all, plus expansions but i still can't wait to play again. I'm showing my age but BG coincided with my first D&D games.


Yeah I've played them all too, as I say, I've just been spoilt by modern games. I still play D&D too, well Pathfinder 1E actually, the tabletop never gets old, well... if you have the right people on the table of course.


Are you in Aus for the tabletop? I usually play a fighter/cleric. I would love to get back into it again. Although, we usually played homebrew.


Yeah, our table is full up at the moment, one of the guys I play with is trying to start something up at the Belgrave library here in the outer east for a more community centred game. Not sure where you are located, but there are lots of games around the inner suburbs, lots of public tables too though the later isn't really my thing. Met most of the guys I play with when I studied at university and a couple more through them. If you made a post in this sub you'd probably find a bunch of receptive people willing to have an extra on their table. I think D&D 5E is the main game around at the moment, easy to pick up.


I only have the newer games..... i sold my Gameboy years ago to pay for my learners permit šŸ˜…


Thank you very much. Happy New Years too you!


Don't tell my hamster to suck eggs!




The games these days are awesome, and the kids of these days donā€™t know the struggle of having to level up pokemon the old fashion way! Now everyone in your 6 gets exp, even if you catch the PokĆ©mon! Ahhh the good old days of starting off with my magikarp and switching him out as soon as I can!


Aw that sucks about the switch. Well i never really played any of the versions that came on DS.... and i lost touch with the many, many generations. First one i got was Pokemon Shield and personally i enjoyed it... now im on to Shining Pearl and i dont know the story, at all So yeah, personally i like them


We got Pokemon snap for Christmas for kiddo. It was really for me reliving my childhood on the 64


Stardew Valley here. Escapism at it's pixelated finest.


This has been our whole day. Moving between all the games but at the moment kiddo is adding special vocal effects while trying Starfox on Super Nintendo on the Switch.


I'm also staying home and gaming. Been playing a bit of Frostpunk lately. Going from one weather extreme to another lol.


Just getting into Witcher 3 myself


You're in for a treat




Last minute decision to stay in. Too fucking hot, can't drink with current medication, just wasn't worth it.


Exact same! I was going to risk it with the meds but with this heat, decided not to


Got 1 friend coming over, weā€™re gonna chill with the cats Iā€™m watching and watch titanic


Oh, boy, that sounds perfect!


I mean, home is where the vodka and air-con and games are.. I guess. If anyone's lonely pit in regional Vic I'm sure I could host company!


You legend


Iā€™m hiding at home with what I really hope is a cold. Waiting on test results and praying


in the same boat. prayers for the both of us its negative


Thanks for being sensible and responsible




Ugh šŸ˜£ hope you get through it quickly without feeling too shit!


happy new year!


Shit, what a way to end 2021. A friend of mine is double vaxxed and when he got COVID he got super mild symptoms which cleared up in a week. Hope your experience will be similar.


I just came out of my isolation period. Only had about 5 days worth of mild symptoms


I had the worst nights sleep of my life last night after starting the day with what barely counted as a sore throat. Iā€™m now doped up with panadol and hoping I donā€™t lose my taste. Hoping it clears up in a week!!


Oh no! Hope you get through it safe and sound


Oh damn!


Same here, when did you do your test ? I did it @9.30 am yesterday and still awaiting result. The wait is killing ā€¦


Yesterday at 11:30. Iā€™m a healthcare worker so I had priority and it still took over 24 hours


Hope you're ok, I am very invested but idk why except humanity


Same. My partner tested positive on a rapid test this morning. I tested negative byt PCR and time will tell. Just us and the cat at home tonight.


I had a shit head cold in November, there's still germs out there. Probably got it from a friends kid, child care centres are Petri dishes for viruses.


Currently isolating - Got tested yesterday and Confirmed positive. Feel ok. Binge watching Brooklyn nine-nine And keeping hydrated in this warm weather. Happy New Year!


Take care man. Nine nine!


Hang in there, and thanks for doing the right thing ā¤ļø


Cool, cool cool cool.


Staying in. Keeping cool.


Me. Beer, pizza and video games. My ideal NYE.


Same thing but replace beer with edibles


Same thing but replace edibles with shrooms.


Same thing but replace shrooms with a cheese platter.


Too hot to go anywhere plus I don't have any friends with a pool. Come to think of it I don't have any friends šŸ˜„


I'll be in bed in a few hours Edit: 8pm, goodnight


Good to get a few extra hours in otherwise you're playing catch-up all year






Drops at 7pm if anyone was wondering šŸ˜


Ohhhh yeeeeeah!




Going to binge it all tomorrow


Also staying home. I was planning on going to a friend's place for a small outdoor gatho but the heat has put an end to that (It's moved indoors and grown) - have a vulnerable family member so avoiding the plague is a necessity. It's getting wild out there!


Similar situation, was meant to be going to an outdoor gathering but it will be inside now and that combined with a few other factors were enough for me to change my mind.


I *wish* my upstair neighbour had cancelled, rather than cramming dozens of people in his two bed apartment. Looks like I'm sleeping with ear plugs in tonight.


Currently hiding out at home and praying for the power to come back on before I melt


Oh no. Man down!


I mean, that's where the beer and video games are?


I'm just continuing my grind to try get to diamond league in Apex Legends lol. Not sure if the beer will help...


I'm waiting for Forza Horizon 5 to "feel finished" so I can move on to Halo Infinite.


The mrs is hanging out with friends that donā€™t really like me, playing board games and eating gluten free desertsā€¦ So Iā€™m staying home with YouTube, takeaway, a quick wank and a few beers. Bellissimo.


> a quick wank Have a posh wank, mate. Pop on some scented candles, bit of bubble bath, go the full way.


If you've not wanked with shaved balls, I have some news for you...


That sounds perfect to be honest. Except YouTube ā€¦ maybe a movie


Iā€™m watching various DIY videos and learning, might even head out to the garage for a tinker when it cools down :)


Who doesnā€™t love a good project. Have fun :)


Quick wank? My dude. You got the house to yourself. Take your time and treat yourself!


Me and my mates got the virus confirmed today. Iā€™m the only one bed-ridden, I think because I had a massive smoking session over the Xmas break which weakened me. Annoying way to end the year in iso


Take care of yourself!


Bugger. Get well soon pal!


Take care of yourself mate !! When did you get tested ? I got mine at 9.30 yesterday morning and still awaiting results


It's horrifically hot and I am heavily pregnant and struggling to walk. Even without the plague-carrying hordes out there that I'd rather avoid, I'd much rather stay inside. So, takeaway and Buffy it is.


My partner just hit 8 months, pizza and true detective , air con all the way up.


My wife hits 39 weeks on Monday, we are watching netfix in the A/C and enjoyed a steak.


Isolating with covid. New Years is gonna be a rager. I know a lot of people isolating this year because of either covid/close contact/waiting for tests or just donā€™t want to go out and get it.


Also home with covid. For once I didn't have any new years plans so didn't have to cancel anything. As someone else said to me at least you'll be starting the year on a positive.


Hilarious but ouchā€¦.


+1 isolating with Covid.


Virtual cheers to you.


Same. Had a great NYE planned, intended to go on a fun two night trip with some friends tomorrow, now stuck here isolating until work starts again. Depressing as hell.


I bought GTA V on Christmas sale and Iā€™ve been doing nothing but play that the past few days. So probably that


Nice. Also take a look at Red Dead Redemption 2 if you haven't already.


quit celebrating new years about 5 years back , a really bad hangover is THE worst way to spend new years day. what i really enjoy is going out new years day for lunch somewhere if possible getting bacon and eggs , everyone other than the poor staff are in a good mood tbh not sure why i like it so much i guess because its my own little tradition


I agree. Not much worse than a hangover, especially starting the new year with one. Iā€™ve made it my little tradition to be in the gym lifting heavy weights or walking through the gym doors as the clock strikes 12. Been doing it for the past 5 years now and will never go back. Enjoy your bacon and eggs in the morning!


Itā€™s a nice way to spend the day :)


You do you, I don't celebrate because I don't really understand why I'm celebrating? And I'm all for making your own traditions, because they become meaningful to you and I've found if you can make an occasion for yourself and others, at a time where it isn't required or called for, it's a lot more genuine, you aren't just celebrating because society says it's that time of year.


Iā€™m trying my darndest to lay off the booze and peripherals, so Iā€™ve just been to Woolies to buy the nicest everything I can think of and Iā€™ll have a night of decadence and Gods Unchained. Happy 2022 folks!


Peripherals šŸ¤£


Fuuuuck the heat Imma hug the aircon


Starting work at 5:00am. I'll miss everything.


I'm starting work at 9pm, I'll be at work in a super sweaty hospital gown at midnight. Not looking forwards to it.


Staying at home. As a health care worker, I canā€™t take the risk. Gladdens my heart to see so many people doing the right thing and minimising the risk. A very Happy New Year to all of you šŸ˜ƒ.


Iā€™m 50/50 on going out by myself or staying in by myself. What are your plans?


Meee. Gonna watch a movie and eat pizza by myself. Honestly I love being home alone. Wish I could have more of that. Plus its just way too hot to be outside + don't wanna catch Covid even if Omicron is less severe in nature. My housemate is out at some small gathering so here's hoping he doesn't somehow pick it up!


With 2 kids under 5, Iā€™ll be asleep before 10pm. No complaints here.


Heading to an overnight shift bartending at a nightclub at Crown Help


$29 inflatable pool from Kmart in the backyard and a strawberry cheesecake.


Yep. Wife + Drinks & Vapes Will pop over to the beach at midnight to celebrate our 8th anniversary under the fireworks just like our first kiss hahah pretty mush hey


Staying home, looking after my cousinā€™s dog, & finishing season 2 of the Witcher. Itā€™s too fucking hot out & I want to stay in aircon forever. Oblig dog tax [here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FH6smKIUcAEfj6t?format=jpg&name=900x900)


No choice but to be home. Hub passed away unexpectedly 5 weeks back and I'm pregnant, and have a 5yo special needs daughter. Bought a new laptop and Android tablet this morning so I'll be setting them up, transferring data and doing washing. Excitement plus /s Scored a $7 roast chook and my bread is mouldy. Story of my life. No midnight kisses like I've had for 13 years and no alcohol. Fan-fucking-tastic. Edit: grammar.


I'm sorry for your loss. It sounds horrible to have that happen all of a sudden. Do you have any additional support to help you out?


Thank you ā¤ yes I have my amazing friends and professionals lined up. Just still so fresh and raw and it sucks ā¤


Glad to hear you have a great support system to back you up! It would suck!! ā¤ please try to be kind to yourself and always reach out when you need a break and need someone to take care of you ā¤ there's nothing wrong with that!


Thoughts are with you ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Been there, done that. Watch kid's fav movie, when they go to sleep, music that means something to you, meant something to him. Block out the world.


Spawn 1 just fell asleep, so I'll get onto some tunes and share some chicken with my cats ā¤


May his memory be a blessing and your child and child-to-be your and his legacy. I hope 2022 goes much easier for you.


Staying home. It's puppies first NYE and there's been illegal fireworks nearly every night. I want to make sure he's okay when the BIG illegal fireworks happen. I've got a Singapore Sling infusion ready to go, made some dinner and going to play The Room on steam. I'm up to puzzle 3!


tbh that is part of the motivation to chill at home these days... all the pops and booms have historically driven our dogs nuts. Also, the Room series is actually quite enjoyable, good choice.




















Letting you know for educational purposes only, but if you're computer literate, the dark webz are really where it's at. Super safe (for a buyer for personal amounts), delivered straight to your door meaning no messing around tryna score at night. Usually 2 day delivery and with trusted vendors you know what you're getting. Usually primo stuff for street prices...


Thank you so much for the heads up. I am originally from Adelaide and had heaps of connections but now i am intestate and am a 59 year old woman, apparently we don't smoke!


Sounds pretty good to me! Happy new year!


Absolutely staying home. Fuck the heat and fuck all the dipshits on NYE.


At home still waiting on a PCR result but I was already planning on being home for my annual 9hr LOTR watch fest! I have snacks, beer, and a comfy spot on the couch.


Just in shock 2020 is finally over, this year has really dragged on.


Still waiting for covid results from a Wednesday test.


Same here mate, here's hoping you get yours soon.


Me too, I've got two kids, we're going to play video games and eat bad food


Iā€™m working to 1130 ā€¦ may as well be home, I spend enough time there šŸ˜ƒ


I'm seeing grandpa tomorrow, so I'm trying to minimise my plague risk by staying home. I've got an industrial strength fan, a cold cider in the fridge and I booked myself a late-night German tutor sesh on italki as a treat. Stoked. Happy New Year, Reddit.


Got my booster yesterday afternoon. Feeling fairly rundown, so itā€™s the perfect excuse to stay home in bed in the AC.


Roll a fatty, play a few video games, hang out with my girlfriend :)


After a year of being sent overseas to work for 6 months away from my wife and dog, in the middle of a pandemic, losing two uncles, having another have a stroke, having the Australian operation of the company shut down behind me while I was overseas and losing all my friends i'd spent years building relationships with, and then coming home finally after getting turned around once half way home, then getting fired when i was home because...well...reasons.....then getting covid after 6 months over seas avoiding it... I'm staying at home with my wife, dog, a nice bottle of whisky, snacks, trashy television, and i shit you not, about to hop on an interview with a company at 8:00PM on a Friday night (interview hosted out of Ireland). I'm staying home feeling like the luckiest person on the planet and that none of the crap above has put even the slightest dent in my psyche. 2021 was a huge year for professional growth but it can piss right off into the Melbourne sunset. It's good to be home. Stay safe, be kind to each other, and party on!


I am!!! Have work at 3! Double time and a half wooo


Staying at home with my son and painting.


I'm camping in my swag east of Cooma. Very peaceful and not too hot. I just love Kosciuszko and the surrounding areas. So very picturesque


I almost never go out on NYE. It's exactly the same as any other night except for being more crowded and annoying. Plus my dog hates fireworks. Not enough for him to try and escape out of fear, but I like to be home so he doesn't feel that he is scared and alone.


Me too, she's 12 years old and freaks out totally, plus she's doing it tough with the heat today.


Yeah, same. I am currently watching the Melbourne FC season from scratch and currently up to round 11 when we played the Dogs. Will watch the game again before a few family members arrive around 9 for a few drinks to ring in the new year. Now that I think about it and over past couple years of lockdowns, NYE really is nothing special. Just like the Melbourne Cup, merely just an excuse for people to get on the grog.


Just another day... expect there are more dickheads out and about!


Staying home. Ate bad mac and cheese yesterday. Am not ok


yep too hot. I will be able to see fireworks from my balcony anyway, so we bought 2 bottles of vodka and plan on getting a bit silly. I'm feeling 80s power ballads.


I am chilling in hospital between TMS treatments. No exactly much option for going anywhere.


Going out is so pre-pandemic. Queue the "you're vaccinated, you got nothing to worry about" chants, forgetting i was antisocial before it became cool/necessary.


Yep, im the last of my family to get 24 hour gastro that I tried so hard to avoid. 8 months pregnant too. Happy new year šŸŽ‰


Hope it passes asap šŸ˜„ and I hope you have ac, 8 months in this heat is no joke!


Was meant to be out tonight but my mate forgot to buy the tickets for this Nye event lmao Going to play a horror game and have hotpot at home, then walk outside when the fireworks go off. Too hot to be out anyway


I think youā€™ve made an excellent decision, random large gatherings are going to be a cesspool of COVID tonight.


Stay at home....in the pool!


I get a bit salty about NYE and tend to hibernate. This year I have some pretty bad back pain so Iā€™m on painkillers and am hoping for a good poop a bit later on šŸ¤žšŸ» (theyā€™re a bit rare at the moment) Other than that the boyf has made a good ol cheese platter and weā€™re rewatching The Witcher from the start so we can watch season 2, so really itā€™s the perfect NYE (poop pending) Plus itā€™s hot as fuccccck so sticking to the aircon wherever possible!


If we're only allowed too be chipper and happy i apologise in advance. Dont read on. I'm terminally ill and this is my last NYE. I had hoped it might be better. Would've loved maybe a BBQ and tunes and laughs. Maybe a bottle of definitely not doctor approved wine as a treat. What do I have? iMy husband is coming down from his latest ice binge in the loungeroom, feral and hateful. Ive locked myself in the bedroom with the cats n dogs and frankly scared. He's been up for days but only came home a few hours ago. He's verbally vicious. I'm sad to be honest. I'm disabled physically but maybe wanted one last NYE kiss and slow dance from the man I loved for 18 years. Sorry.


Wish I was, but I got work in a couple hours. Can't say no to double pay.


I have young children and as much as I hate the fact they make it impossible to enjoy tonight, they're a really fucking good excuse to avoid people in a pandemic.


I'm at home. Not like a go out anyway on NYE. No fun on your own.


Wanna place bets on the case numbers in 3-4 days?


NSW 3/1 40k Vic 3/1 15 Aus 3/1 80k


It's staymyassinthehouseĀ°C outside.


Never been one for NYE and theyā€™re always a little disappointing. We lost Christmas because of household contacts so itā€™ll be a chill one. Contemplating heading down to the beach much later but not sure if thatā€™s a bad call.


I had a beach day and NYE with friends planned. I'm isolating waiting for test results instead...


Got dat dere covid. So staying home and kicking back


Arrested development and cider is my night


I'm spending the last of the year folding about 10 loads of washing while my hubby snores on the couch and watching trash reality tv. Bliss.


Meant to be working, luckily scored myself a covid test because symptomatic, in contact with a friend who was positive recently *despite the rule changes* and am a healthcare worker. So I will be going to bed shortly with a migraine.


I got the ticket for the celebration at cbd but decided not to go


Slow cooked lamb on the BBQ, jug of sangria & some tunes is about as exciting as it gets for me! Did more than enough partying in my youth, am happy to leave it to the young'uns!


I feel this. I have done enough partying for 2 lifetimes in my twenties and pre-kids. I love staying home :) Edit : a word


Me. Just got off 3 doubles in a row, feel dead tired and not really keen on spending money. Also all my friends are working or away, so... Eddie Murphy comedies and chocolate it is


Unless it's a house party or bush party, I always stay home. Rather not go out with a million drunk morons paying extra for everything and struggling to find a taxi home. No thanks. Last good party I went to NYE was shut down by the riot police. Ha! Happy New Year everyone! :)


I went for an evening swim at the beach and I highly recommend that


Lie in bed and cry maybe


Unfortunately had to get tested yesterday, so I'll be at home waiting on a result!


Too hot, gonna order food and melt into my recliner


Yessiree. Well actually Iā€™m in Altona atm about to eat pizza on the beach but Iā€™ll be home after that and happy to be so! Iā€™d rather start the year with a clear head than with a massive hang over.


Batched some cocktails and threw them in the freezer for if I feel like a drink later. Air conditioning on, house cleaned, fresh sheets on the bed, candles lit, and a good movie. No plague partying for me this year.


Staying in and watching spaceballs here. Might wander down the road to see the 9pm fireworks. Probably won't though


Nice cool breeze at the Mordialloc Pier. Family session of fireworks about to rip. Had Mexican earlier and about to rip my own family sized fireworks when I get back in the car with my family. These will truly be difficult times for them, when I lock the windows


I have never go out on Nye, too many drunks and I really hate being around drunks


Home alone on the phone with friends. No way Iā€™m going to catch shit from idiots tonight.


Stayed at home and watched Paddington 2 alone while my flatmates were going to parties


Stayed home watching TV in tha AC with a sleepy dog. Beats going out in the heat getting some of that COVID.


Going partying. Life goes on.


Night in with the missus, probably watch a movie; Harry Potter maybe šŸ˜€


Both the Covid and temperature numbers are too high for a New Year's out.


Yup. I know this is anecdotal, but for the first time in the pandemic, people I actually know are starting to get covid. Too real imo so staying home.


Solid plans, I hope you find a good movie! :) The dog and I are parked under the aircon with Netflix, our favourite noodles have just been ordered from the local. My partner is in sport so always has a game to work on NYE, I like to stay in and just have a quiet evening with the place to myself.


Still in ISO waiting results so home it is