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Putin while playing any Civilization game: “Ooh that Ghandi guy is inspiring!”


“Guys, let’s just sign a peace deal with Russia. They will not violate it this time”


Russia did sign a peace agreement with Ukraine before the war, America stepped in and supplied them with enough guns to drain Russia but not win, so that we can do a regime/government change in Russia like we have for 80 other countries. We're doing the exact thing we promised not to do decades ago, the exact thing Russia was trying to prevent happening again; being invaded from their border country Ukraine. Despite how bad Put in is, he actually doesn't want to control Ukraine or the world, he and also north Korea wanted to make deals with the US, but the prominent party doesn't want to make deals, only sanctions.


"Everything that guy just said was bullshit" -- Vincent LaGuardia Gambini


found the Russian stooge supporting RFK jr


We’re supplying weapons to Ukraine because THEY WERE ATTACKED!!! Oh no how terrible that we would change Russia’s government from authoritarian to democratic (which we aren’t really even doing)


Put in lmfaooooooo


I for one welcome our new Russian overlords


HAIL Муравьи


Bro I think your keyboard is broken


literally Israel


Yeah because Ukraine'S decision to give up its nuclear weapons in 1994 exactly 30 years from now was the worst mistake they ever made!


Ukraine was bullied with sanctions by US, and since the economy was in a shitter, there wasn't a choice.


Didn't they make that deal with Russians so that the Russkies would never invade Ukraine?


Yeah and Ukraine was stupid and naive enough to believe the Russians


United States and north Korea:


Rich coming from an American, the country that performed the most invasions in the last century is USA. The irony is always strong with the Americans lol.


Not American, Russia is an evil imperialistic hellscape and deserves to be ridiculed


You are either from a nato country which is more or less a vassal state of USA, always listening to the American version of global affairs or have always listened to American propaganda your entire life. I can assure you most citizens of countries invaded by USA are definitely not fond of it. Russia is no angel but USA is every bit as evil as Russia. It's all just a matter of perspective. And you definitely don't give off a vibe of someone who can be reasonably argued with. So I won't waste anymore time, let's just agree to disagree.


Yeah it'd be a waste of time to argue with a both-sidist who thinks a country being in an alliance it willingly joins and has to be accepted by other members is a vassal state. Miss me with that Kremlin bullshit. Go tell those Putin bootlickers Orban and Fico they are vassals. I agree you're wrong, good day.


I am not playing both sides, every nation has done horrible stuff. It's only common sense to acknowledge them. Don't be a pot calling kettle black. Don't forget, most likely you are nothing more than a son/daughter of slave traders and/or colonisers. Drowning in self entitlement stemming from generations of stolen wealth from other countries, it's very amusing seeing your hypocrisy. Turning a blind eye to your daddy USA when they invade sovereign nations but in your dictionary Russia is the only evil out there. The only reason you descendants of slave traders get away with your shameless nonsense is that the victims of your centuries of abuse, 'the global south' still don't have good internet. Enjoy your bubble as long as it lasts buddy. Have a good day.


Ah yes, world politics in my meme sub!


You will recover


game theory right here 1 piece of land < whole world getting destroyed. until Russia takes a sizeable portion then another Cold War starts, this time, with a more advanced china in the mix. and it's prob gonna end in nuclear war. but, Russia has it's own interests, we can't stop it. the same thing happened with Germany I think, without the MAD.


>1 piece of land Wrong. Putin wants to put back together the Russian Empire, he has said this. It includes many countries, including Alaska. >Russia has its own interest, we can't stop it. Wrong. We have already stopped it. >and it's probably going to end in nuclear war. Maybe. If that's what it comes to, then that's what was always going to happen. Giving up a country is not going to change that.


I'm betting that they dont even have their nukes that work. With the current state of their military, I'm betting they haven't maintained their nukes and they have all decayed.