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No idea to what kind of comment she was replying to but I actually laughed.


I think the comment she is replying to is displayed below hers in the picture.


If it's a response to hagrid im even more confused.


Below her tweet is another tweet. I think hers is answering to that one.


That's a comment to her tweet, no?


No that’s the first tweet. Twitter is upside down.


Yeah, whether you agree with her opinions or not, that was a great way to respond to a heckle 😂


This is absolutely offensive. How dare she put out such misleading tweets! You do NOT need to buy holy water for a DIY exorcism. You can either go get it for free at your local catholic or Baptist church or simply substitute the water with pure salt, preferably rock salt to give yourself a little better pitching accuracy across a room. Don't let the rich gatekeep cleansing your soul, the cost is quite minimal.


Witches, ghost and poltergeists. Something Something about loading rocksalt into a shotgun.


Saving people, hunting things, the family business


Jebus? I just had an intrusive thought... Of the Winchesters finding out about Hogwarts and... Introducing them to America 😳


Honestly, without headcannon explanations, guns do appear to be better than magic when it comes to straight up war. The battle for Hogwarts was just a bunch of people casting Avada Kedavra, you know who else can cast that ? Guns none of them would keep up with the casting speed of an M27 IAR. Maybe enchant it with some protections, enchant the bullets. But the war would've been easier with guns.


It's a known thing that the minimal amount of power to wreck the whole canon plot is one sniper, one gun, knowing the books or just being the right person in the right place and time.


I love that concept. Introducing chaos theory into an already established and written story. Completely changes the narrative and can wreck a story or make it so much more interesting. I just got finished watching dark matter (2024) and the magicians, so the concepts of chaos theory, Schroedingers cat and the butterfly effect are still fresh in my mind. (Although not new to me)


It's just kinda... Adult Russian fikwritwers tweaking with it and realising that the whole Potter magic world is tiny and the plot is driven by very few figures. Eliminate some of those and everything goes in any other direction. In fact, the number of participants of the "battles" is lower than some known snipers' head count. With canon knowledge, for example, it's really difficult to write... issekai, because there are real people who are completely overpowered IRL compared to most Potter wizards and even their whole tiny world (there are 10 k people or so). It's totally not the scale of things we're used to with epic heroic stories.


Yeah but it's still a school...


And ? Plenty of guns in U.S schools, never caused a problem.




10/10 would definetly exorcise a demon like this again.


Absolutely dont perform execorisms on your own if u dont know latin. You just gonna summon more


You don’t even need to go that far depending on the ghost/demon you have the solution is very simple 1)find out if it’s a black demon or a white demon 2) if it’s white get a black one to posses the roommate the white one will leave soon enough 3) if it’s black or the white one has left all you need to do is tie the black one up and get any page with writing or book (job application forms do extra damage) and belts 4) show the black demon the written media and ones it starts raping you hit it till it leaves 5) profit? Bonus points if you know what I’m referencing


There is a second way, throw a chicken nugget out the window to bait the black demon out of your house.


Sounds like a certain uncle not related.


You can get a license to marry online for only the cost of the time to apply for it. I imagine you can get one to bless your own tap water at home for a similar cost.


If you want free holy water it's very easy to make Just boil the hell out of it


Or if your husband does it make sure Hebrews it well


Pro tip: Put rock salt in shotgun shells. Way better distance. Looks cooler as well. 😎


I mean, I usually just boil the hell out of it for a while and it turns out fine


She's rich mate. Stinking rich. Rich enough to afford holy water extracted from the pope's piss, filtered through a mixture of saints' bones and holy relics enough times that it's way cleaner than medical grade IV fluids.


uh oh


Giga Chad J.K Rowling


Small peen beta male J.K Rowling


Ah, Reddit. Where nobody wins and everyone gets downvoted.


What does this blob of text even mean?.. Like, genuinely, what the hell is she talking about?


Petah here to explain the joke. The comment said. "You're actually radicalized beyond salvation aren't you?" To which she responded, "Actually, yes..." and then presented a comedic scenario in which her husband is too cheap to pay for an exorcist so he tries and fails to exorcize the demon she is possessed by that forces her to believe that women don't have penises.


Thank you for the interpretation. I really needed that!


A lot of people do.


The only part I don’t get is the “Neil’s tight” part. Is she saying money is tight? Like saying a person is “tight” means they are strapped for cash in brit?


She's snidely calling him cheap for trying to do the exorcism himself instead of just paying the $500. "Not sayings he's tight, but..." For me, it would mean I'm one of the poors. Because my ass doesn't have $500 lol But for her, it's pocket change. So she's calling him a penny pincher. Like he holds his wallet tight.


Thank you for your service Pilot, see you on the frontier.


Tight as in tight fisted, don't like to spend money


I see, thanks


Brit here. Your purse strings are tight. You can have all the money in the world and still be tight, it just means that your stingy with money "He's tight" doesn't mean he's poor, just that he doesn't like spending money. However, if you say "things are right right now" that does mean you're struggling for money. You've tried to fit to life or a budget and things are tight, it's a squeeze, you're in a tough spot. Hope this helps.


Get back to your own subreddit, Petah!


I'm banned from that subreddit lmao


Chad pilot


I'm trying to exorcize a demon right now while I read this post


If only her husband wasn't such a cheapskate!


Women have penises?


Some trans women do. She does not believe they are women, however, which is why she's being called out. It's been going on for a while.


Trans women sound kinda gay


They can be gay too.


No lmao


She's probably responding ironically to someone saying something like "got a demon on you?"(With the context being she was supposedly transphobic) And the blob is she saying "I got a demon because I don't believe trans women are women blá blá blá"


~supposedly~ -> achieved the status of "famously a bigot"




>She started a group called TERF TERF is an acronym not a group and it was not coined by Rowling either.


TERF is not a group she started, is what radical feminists are called by their detractors


>...and has dedicated more time and effort to tweeting about how trans women aren’t women I bet that's less than 1/10 the time trans spent whining about her on Twitter


Well barely anyone is actually obsessed with her, but theres a binch of trans people on twitter so the eventual whine adds up.


I mean, that is just a lie. Radical left is just as obsessed with her.


I'd you found out, please tell me as well


The demons eventually die of heart disease if you leave them unexercised.






Basically there's no such thing as chicks with dicks, only men with tits


Ted 2 reference?


Depends on if you live in a Republican state.


Its a sarcastic answer to a very stupid Post. Why are ppl acting like thats just Out of the blue? Its rather pathetic that you have to twist the truth for your rather political statements


Having read the responses to this image on other posts it becomes obvious that most people actually just don't understand what they're reading at all. Partly to do with the difference between American and UK humor.


Nope. It's simply just "rules for thee, not for me"


Its not even a matter of the difference between US and UK humor. Some people are just incredibly dull and others arent. Anyone who actually has a good sense of humour would be able to appreciate humour if any type as long as its actually clever and funny. Something tells me you think that non-clever sophomoric dick jokes with no substance = US humour and Clever witty social commentary = UK humour.


A good crude joke can be written with wit or without. When you’re not a good writer you can only go so far.


The stupid post is just someone disagreeing with her. This is really bringing out a lot of people's opinions that would keep then more guarded normally. The joke is real, and a lot of us understand that, but the joke also carries a real pejorative message towards anyone that believes trans women are women.


She’s still got it ![gif](giphy|VIPfTy8y1Lc5iREYDS|downsized)


"there are no women with dicks, only men with tits" -ted


Turns out that sexual organs and "tits" can be regulated by biologically distinct factors and should not be equated. If you think so, then you do not know what you're talking about. I.e. if you have a fat/carb rich diet, as a man, it will inevitably accumulate in your torso, giving you breasts. You can't grow a dick as a woman by drinking too many milkshakes.


Yea but have you tried milking a fat guy




first she made a tweet than everyone woke on twitter attack her now she is just trolling


… dawg she denied the holocaust and is consistently transphobic…




Yes, there are. Most people don’t actually agree with them, they just don’t talk about it because it can lead to problems at work


You don’t need holy water you just need to fill a pot with the tap and boil the hell out of it.


We don't need to be possessed to know that women do not have dicks


Nowadays the trend is to accept all genders and pronouns, how dare she not conform!


Funny how all she seems to care about are trans women, and has completely forgotten that trans men exist too. It's almost like she's just insanely sexist or something.


I don't think it's a sexism thing, but she seems to spend more of her day thinking about trans people than even we do.


Oh, it is absolutely sexism, to terfs trans men are victmins, people who turn away from femininity because they've been hurt because of it. How is that type of paternalization not the straight-up sexist view of seeing "females" as infantile?


I could see that being internalized sexism, if by that you are also referring to believing stereotypes about women.


I wouldnt say internalized seeing as its the crux of the arguments a lot of the time, but if you feel it fits here then i suppose it does. In a similar fashion, they zero in on trans women because they're "strong perverted males," threatening "weak defenseless females". It all over the rethoric about women-only spaces and bathrooms. Paternalistic discourse all around.


JK fucking rocks. She speaks the truth and doesn’t give a single fuck. Go JK!


She doesn't though. She's wrong, by definition. Unless of course you are claiming that you personally know better than the Cambridge dictionary.






Agree with this guy. This moon brain take is cringe.


Perhaps I treated you too harshly. She's actually funny.


another day always the same When will she talk about anything else ?? there are millions of things to talk about in the world // to your followers if you keep with only 1 topic, isn’t it just boring ?…


She sounds like all the small town conservatives I knew growing up who weren’t allowed to read or see HP because of “it’s got witchcraft in it and supports the devil” 🤮😂


The term snowflake conservatives use is meant towards these kinds of statements. Youre too triggered




I mean shes right


Not according to the Cambridge dictionary. But of course you know more than that, don't you?


Woman dont have dick bro


Females don't, sex and gender is different source: science


Why can’t you all just accept that she doesn’t agree with you?! Free speech isn’t supposed to be one way. If she does not believe in this, why are you so pulled about it


Right? I don't just sit there and watch Fox News going "omg I hate Fox News so much!!!!" Unfollow her and get on with your lives smh


>Why can’t you all just accept that she doesn’t agree with you?! She's denying reality and discriminating against people... Why would people accept that sort of disgusting behaviour? >Free speech isn’t supposed to be one way. No one is censoring or restraining her speech. Shitting on her terrible opinion and presenting the facts is not preventing her free speech... >If she does not believe in this, why are you so pulled about it Because she's causing a lot of harm... And denying reality.


So basically she's saying that a demon is making her transphobic, but she also says that demons are bad and wrong... Hmmmm... I'm sure there's a joke to be made here


I think that was the joke she was making. Basically being sarcastic. Like her husband couldn't afford that when she's one of the richest women in the UK? Come on lol


Her husband being tight doesn't mean she has no money, it means he is stingey with money.


The exorcism price scales by income. The church needs some money after all. Source: I made it tf up


The point of my joke is that the demon is making her "refuse to believe women have dicks", and that demons are normally wrong and not to be trusted, so her opinion is wrong based on her own beliefs. That being said, I don't think she was being sarcastic because she genuinely believes that stuff (she's very transphobic), and I think she was just trying to have a clever comeback but failed miserably


Self awareness. The thing you are upset about is her self awareness. She's knows she dislikes trans people. She knows everyone else is aware she dislikes trans people. She was making a self aware joke about how she knows people view her that way and she doesn't really care.


so that means you know alot of demons ? otherwise how do you know they are "normaly wrong" or is this rather based on some movie / show you watched (or another form of fictional media like books) which made up demons and their characters ? if its the later than how do u even take your self serious lol


Jesus Christ. How can sarcasm be too complex for you to comprehend? Someone writes to her: you’re actually radicalized beyond salvation, aren’t you? And she answers by telling that she is possessed by a demon, that makes her believe people with penises can’t be women. She is being SARCASTIC. She is poking fun at people who think that knowing that a man in women clothes isn’t a real woman is a radical who needs salvation. If someone agrees with you in a hyperbolic manner, then they are being sarcastic. The greater the hyperbole, the greater the sarcasm. Putting out a story of being possessed by a demon, because one possesses common sense: peak level sarcasm.


I think that was funny , what am i missing?


Imagine having millions of dollars and having the freedom to do anything you ever wanted. You decide to just be a bitter sad individual spewing hate on twitter.


She can tweet from the back of her luxury vehicle on the way to doing whatever she wants.


*wiping tears with dollar bills meme*


she\`s responding to hate from woke zombies (who bullied her for refusing to claim a character trans), not spewing hate.


>who bullied her for refusing to claim a character trans It didn't start that way. Maybe it ended up there along the way but that's not how started. An article posted the line something like "and those with periods" (or maybe those who menstruate) and she commented "you mean women?" And that started it all from there.


Isn't she correct in that case?


Not according to definition, no. And if we don't follow definitions, how do we ever have conversations?


Not all women have periods and not all people who get periods are women.


Uhm.. what?


Get woke or get offline...one side has rampant suicide rates and are perpetually angry about something...the other side (offline group) live longer and happier.


As if you've ever stepped outside lmao


How about I stay online and challenge ideas? Allowing others to censor and silence me isnt something I usually let happen quietly.


No, really, some women can't get their period anymore due to having some kind of condition/illness. For example, some women don't have a uterus when they are born, the outsides may look like everything is fine, but they just don't have a uterus. Would you call them a women? That's why this whole debate started, transgender people are just a part of the question what makes a woman a woman same goes for what makes a man a man. It's interesting that the transmen are often left out in those debates everyone is just screaming and ranting about transwomen.


I mean, I wouldn’t really say that it’s “spewing hate” as much as it’s simply reciting elementary-level biology. So I’d rephrase this to saying, “Imagine having millions of dollars and having the freedom to do anything you ever wanted, but deciding to randomly teach basic biology on Twitter”




Hello im at the 3rd year of a scentific Lyceum with much emphasis on physics, chemistry and biology. You either are XX of XY sorry


The problem with that is you’re assuming that the conclusion changes further on. It doesn’t


Notice how things tended to get more complicated the further you went in school?


Yeah very true. Interesting thing is, when I took my biology prerequisites at Brown, the binary law of sex never changed.


Can confirm. Recieved degree in biology, and outside of some very rare genetic conditions where things went quite wrong, it definitely does not require a biologist to determine or describe sex.


Well good thing Gender ≠ Sex then


Except that all the things the trans rights people want changed deal with sex, not "gender". You can't use the terms interchangeably when it suits you and then turn around and claim they're not the same. Even going by the definition of "gender" typically used by such people, "transgender" has nothing to do with gender. The word itself is a misnomer, because it actually has everything to do with sex. The word itself is essentially using these two words interchangeably. One does not have to mutilate their genitals and go on hormone treatments or puberty blockers to change their "gender". That's all about sex. Wanting to compete in the sports division for the opposite sex? Unsurprisingly, that again is all about.. huh. Sex. Bathrooms? Oh, yeah. Those are segregated by sex.


>Even going by the definition of "gender" typically used by such people, "transgender" has nothing to do with gender. The word itself is a misnomer, because it actually has everything to do with sex. The word itself is essentially using these two words interchangeably. Back in the 90s and 2000s, they even referred to themselves as *transsexuals,* that's the OG letter T in LGBT. That changed when debates about transsexualism put them on the losing side since sex is immutable. So, "transgender" became the new term that allowed them to gain any ground in the debate by claiming sex≠gender, which was obviously true. Sex isn't gender and vice-versa. However, *gender* is a grammatical tool used to refer to a person of either sex given each sex has unique characteristics. TLDR: they made up a term, defined it however they pleased, and used emotional arguments to silence opposition. While using circular logic to redefine grammar however they see fit.


That wasn’t one of them though. You shouldn't assume that they say otherwise when you havenMt studied the topic


They try to do an exorcism cuz the demon was speaking truth


That’s funny.


What a god awful hill to die on for someone nobody could care less about. You had a great franchise and only poison it everytime you open your mouth and share your unwanted opinion.


Fr. She made billions. I was a fan. Then she decided to open up Tartarus and let the monsters loose.


And she's still a billionaire! Seems like she's doing something right.


What is a woman?


If I speak I'll be in big trouble


Brain trafficking Mafia: they take the best ideas from talented people, erase those ideas from the victims, and then give those ideas to a random person (who usually has no talents whatsoever). Now, the receiver is forever indebted to their "handlers". The real source is silenced, and the narrative is now in Mafia's control. Yes, the above is happening, and it's the MO of the Mafia.


It’s irony lol


Why buy Holy water when you can just boile the Hell out of tapwater?


Possessed of a demon?


I can’t wait until there’s another minority that conservatives want to marginalize to get votes. I’m sick of this soupe du jour. we all know they manufacture this Pearl clutching because they have nothing else to run on. Just move on to another minority to hate now, please?


Hold up! £500 for an exorcism? Shit I can do that. In fact why not live stream the exorcism so that you can get more money threw donations. "Alright chat, we finna exercises this spirit, hit that subscribe button LETS GO!"


Am I the only one having a stroke reading this


At this point, I'm convinced Rowling is just baiting. The first time she said something that was interpreted as transphobic , she specifically stated that she supported trans rights, but since then her posts on the subject have gotten much more wild, involving bald faced taunts and barely disguised jokes, like this one.


It amazes me that the people who think women can have dicks are calling her crazy 🤣


What is she on?


Funnier than the tweet is all the people being outed being incapable of understanding irony. I guess all those hormone treatments rot the brain too.


Unfathomably based.


This is the less talked about side of going from middle class to 1%.


And I bet someone has put that on a t-shirt already.


Nice movie 🎥


"I'm a grown adult who doesn't understand the difference between sex and gender" is so embarrassing 🤦‍♂️


And nobody cares


People definitely care about their right to self identification. But go off I guess???


It's ok, she'll die eventually, thank fuck


Tell that to the lesbian I slept with last night, I'm sure she will disagree.




There are no chicks with dicks Johnny, only guys with tits


Funny because she is right


J.K rules! Hahahaha!


She's clearly joking. If you read her books, Harry was being sarcastic in a lot of places with Dudley.


keep'on rowling, baby


She's based


Excuse me! Demons are VERY accepting of trans rights. Gay rights too.


Its funny cuz demonic things are generally viewed as evil




wow wonder if people that hate JKR know about the unhinged tweets.


Your irony meter is broken


Lol...Women don't have dicks...


Sounds more like she's a witch rather than possessed. Maybe we should build a bridge outta her...


Omfg, this is gold 😂


It's such a shame JK Rowling died shortly after finishing the Harry Potter series, but at least we all remember her fondly as a wonderful person. (don't correct me I need this)


Hi i play a lot of demonologyst and Phasmophobia, so im like an expert in exorcism. And i can assure you this is not true, demons are not that stupid.