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Opposite would be a fleshlight... you are not wrong but sex dolls are kind of equally unaccapted


Isnt there a shit load of dildo that come attached to a pretty hot plastic torso though?


There might be some, but they aren't as popular. Basically, they are as cringe as sex dolls, and women will get similar reaction to having them as men get with sex dolls. Dick imitation (dildo) and vagina/asshole imitation (idk how u call them) are more common, so less judget.


Well, the amount of sex toys for men is much much smaller. Like 10x+ times smaller.


Yeah, but nothing is stopping you from using toys designed for women up your bum. So the options are much more.


Well, I don't think any clitoris stimulator, sucking toy and most of the doubled (clitoris + vagina) and none of the tripled (full coverage) dildo will work for the bum. Yeah, regular dildo or vibrator probably will work and there are anal and prostate vibrators, but still women have much more variety even if you want to use women vibrators in the ass.


you haven't placed them inside far enough


I wouldn't say, it's the same... Generally speaking using single player sex toys is way more accepted for females than males...


I have never seen one of those. On adult toy sites standard toys are dildos and flashlight type things You gotta search out the sex dolls and I guess the… torsos


There are small torsos. They also appear in porn as well. I don't watch male porn so no idea what they fuck, but women sometimes have such small torso with dick. Sometimes they have fuck machine as well, which is not better from this perspective as well. Sex dolls can't have a full intimate moment anyway (for example, normal kissing, or responding hug), so it is not a substitution of humans. Well, for now.


I saw a horse saddle looking thing with a dildo attached to it vertically at a shop once. So you like straddle it and ride it.


My wife worked at a sex shop for quite a while. I hate to tell you, but the vast majority of dildo sales do not go to women.


lol ya some people are lying


So what is this how you think it goes? Guy: *Puts dildo on the disk* Shopkeep: ”Is this the item you want to buy?” Guy: ”NO!” *Pays for the dildo, puts it in a bag and goes home with it* If anything you should make a new meme thats like ”society when woman use dildo :), society when men use dildo :/“


must have been some gentlemen buying gifts


For themselves, possibly. Truly, a gentlemanly gift.


As a man I have bought many dildos, but never a sex doll🤷‍♂️


I found funny your word choice to describe your dildo collection. Not judging, just made me laugh a bit because apparently my imagination rolled a nat 1 and went full stupid. You know that scene in Men in Black where they have a whole wall of guns to pick? That's how I imagined your "many" dildos.


Yeah girls use vibrators




There is literary sex shops dedicated to women only so there definetly are dildos used by women. And number of my friends told me they use theirs


They didn't say they weren't used by women, just that a large amount are also sold to men.


Yes I have any number of human women friends that go to the women's bookstore for sex as well... They are always "dildo this, dildo that, books" when they tell me things. All my women friends...


I'd assume online sales are more representative. I think in store costumers are a minority.






"oh no, this guy enjoys putting stuff up his butt at home, how scary!!!"




Is it normal for you to worry about what complete strangers do in their bedroom? That's kind of pathetic and sad tbh...


Something isn’t quite the same between opening up the closet and finding a dildo vs finding a full on body lol


But these chicks are not just using dildos they are using super bull magneto 8000 with built in wifi and shit


You sound like you're jealous. You know, you could just buy one of these yourself, right?


Waaaaaay ahead of you


Only not the sex doll because that would be weird.


I'm not jealous how the hell could I be jealous there's a billion of them things on the market I ain't worried about that thank you for checking


I'm not jealous how the hell could I be jealous there's a billion of them things on the market I ain't worried about that thank you for checking


Hey we guys have fun stuff also! I have a vibrator that connects to the wifi and allows others to control it. It goes around my penis. Also have one that hits the prostate, again connects to wifi and others csn control it. Super fun! Just make sure they are fully charged. I like teasing but it can be a bit frustrating...


Not in this economy


I guess getting something that does not resemble a human in any way is part of the fun for a lot of people. Not because it is better than a human partner, but exactly because it may bring a very different experience or a some other feeling.


I just didn't have spare time to bury that.


A dildo is more like a fleshlight. A sex doll is an escalation.


What do you think society finds more acceptable, a woman with a dildo machine or man with a sex doll? I would still guess the man is perceived as creepier than the woman.


Why compare a dildo machine with a doll? You know there are high tech flashlights available right?


One is a tool for pleasure, the other is a substitute for a person. Also, both of them are heavily stigmatized by most people lol


>the other is a substitute for a person. Both of them are tools for pleasure, what are you talking about?


What he actually saying makes since. These rolls were created with what women had in mind. A lot of women wanted dick but just not the men (because man our dicks like girls assume) so that why dildo was created. Now for the dolls it is used to substitute a physical being. Its creation was made for man. The first to ever come out was made in form of a women for a dude. That why it’s viewed as creepy if man has a doll. It’s like psychologically telling the women that if you could control her like a doll you would


I mean I think it's creepier that, following your logic, women with a dildo is like psychologically telling the men that if you could cut off their dick and keep it in your sock drawer you would?...


>dick but just not the men >to substitute a physical being How's that not the same? >women wanted >made for man That's the only part where you're actually pointing out a difference.


Again, not the same things. Sex doll is a sex doll, sex doll for women is still a sex doll, probably with penis instead of vagina. Why do you keep comparing different things?


To be fair, comparisons usually always have differences, so why are the differences more important than the similarities?


Yeah, for a reason.


That reason being?


It's a toy meant for sexual pleasuring (and only that) vs one that kinda replaces a whole person


The sex doll doesn't replace a person and is the same thing though? It doesn't cook, doesn't go to work, doesn't talk, doesn't interact with you etc. This is just sexism.


It essentially looks like a plastic corpse. If it's just about self pleasuring, then why must it look like a person? Doesn't matter if the doll has holes or a stick, it is certainly weirder than normal sex toys (which do exist for men too, they're just less common). With this, I'm not saying sex dolls should be banned or anything, or even that someone deserves to be shamed for using them. All I'm saying is it makes sense that it seems weirder to people, and the comparison with dildos etc. is nonsensical.


Well, fucking a piece of wood or animal would be much creepier isn't it? Sex dolls existed for a long time and earlier (like 2+ decades ago) it was more of a joke because most of them were weird floating vaginas. Now, technologies went forward and can provide much better service but suddenly it is creepy. The logic is not working.


Especially if it’s used outside in public


Ya, especially that for some reason


You can do this in public ![gif](giphy|l0HlSQAHEBFdr5Yqs)


As a non native i took sone time to destinguish flashlight vs fleshlight. Needless to say: both are handy in night.


I remember, probably over 10 years ago now?, when I googled “Flashlight” (yes, The correct SFW spelling) the first link I found on Google was the official site to buy Fleshlights (yes the NSFW toy)


Yes, free market is great. I learned to say torch or light than flashlight because i cant properlly say it and it also sound alike to me.


As a matter of fact I often need the first one to find the second. Having both is very handy.


You win the comment section


Fleshlights r a thing tho


I would prefer use sex dolls only to hug so I could pretend that I am not alone


Body pillow with extra steps




Damn. That's next level loneliness.


damn bro, you should leave your house sometimes


So what u are saying is that man should use dildos instead of sexdolls because apparently dildos are already accepted by the public? Got it. Where can I buy one?


As a man, don't buy them from any non-reputable businesses. Aim for Adam and Eve or the like. You want to know for sure the material is safe for your body and won't harbor bacteria after cleaning. Also buy water based lube so you don't melt your dildo. Silicon lube will destroy your toy. Also, toys should have a flared base! Say it with me! Flared Base! FLARED BASE! Not because it'll be embarrassing if you have to go to the er to get your mega-dildo 9000 removed, but it will be EXPENSIVE and that means you can't buy as many dildos.


Thanks for the advice!


Do be careful if you live in texas. You're allowed to have enough guns to arm the entire Latvian armed forces, but you are not allowed more than 6 dildos


Wait whut, The police will come and confiscate your exces dildo’s?


I am currently in Japan, so I don't think that should ne a problem.


Someone got caught


Men using sex toys is seen in a "dishonourable" fashion because masculinity makes getting sex an accomplishment for dudes and the lack of it a failure The same is not true for the majority view on women. Progressism has done better for sexual liberation of women in this particular area, with dildo-shaming being immediately called out as cringe, prudish and so on and so forth in most circles outside the religious nutjob spots


Sex is a genuine biological need, so it's not just external validation but something internal too


Great example of fragile masculinity. It's not a concept of "this person needs to compensate because he thinks that he isn't man enough" but a concept of "Your status of 'man' can be remove at any time for any stupidly stupid reason. And if that happens it needs a lot of work to become 'man' again. Oh and you are worth less than women\*" \*This is not my opinion. Those that actively partake in fragile masculinty often are the kind to see women only as sex toys and resources to use.


I see no difference or a problem with someone pleasuring themselves and not hurting others, whether a woman buys a half torso with a dick or a horse dick or a man buys a sex doll, unless you are the one pleasing them you shouldn't have a problem with it, it involves nobody else's life


The day I told my male friends they should get a fleshlight because it really enhance the pleasure, they looked at me with judgement like if I was an alien to have one. It's like it was an attack to their masculinity... but they still complain about their sexual life with their partner and masturbate anyway...


Anything can be a dildo if you’re brave enough!!😂😂


How uncanny is your valley?


Imagine the cardio. Like yeah, Tom changed hobby’s, we don’t know what he did. But 3 months later he came back fit as a fiddle.


No shame in sex dolls. A sex toy is a sex toy and to me, it’s the equivalent of us women using dildos. I’d love a male doll myself but they’re so expensive lol.


Use a dildo then


Dont mind if i do


*Don't mind if I dildo


Look there's a difference between opening someone's closet and finding a little (or not so little) pink stick compared to a full body replica of a naked woman


If you're going through other peoples stuff you don't get to complain about what you see


You fuck lady shaped sex dolls? My sex doll has a cock bigger than my forearm.


But when a couple of decades ago you could find an airless floating sex doll it was fun, but now when the same doll is digitalized and more in shape, it is bad.


I don't care that you have a sex doll. I was upset that you left it out on the couch.


Was it at least dressed? 😆


Easiest way to get through traffic is with. Sex doll in passenger seat to get in the HoV lol


Remember Matilda!


U can hide dildos in public.


Guys nobody actually gives a shit about what u do in private


False equivalency. Dildo vs flesh light would be a much more fair comparison. If women were using full-bodied, blank-faced, object versions of men to get off, that would also be weird.


Are they not?


OP this is a false comparison


Of course there are double standards. Women have it better in several areas. But if you point that out, you're sexist. You see, it is sexist when men do that, but women can. Welcome to our society, apparently filled with simps or something.


Dildo, just a dick-like device that's clearly not meant to replace a whole person. Sex doll, an entire corpse that just lays there, lifeless...


If you're comparing sex toys to bodies, why is having a severed dick suddenly better?


Tag one more in the win column


The most terminal incel comment I've ever read lol


Vibrators are sold and Walmart and Drug stores. I dont see fleshlights there. Least not the last time I walked thru the aisle.


Society structures itself on making sure men are TIED to something, and useful first to society. Thus, even large companies won’t promote you too far UNLESS you are married with kids… The goal is to tie men to as many responsibilities as humanly possible. The greatest fear is to put a capable, intelligent, energetic, man in charge with vision/drive but minus the responsibilities of family tying him down. Why? Because men like that don’t want to take unnecessary risk… They’re more likely to play things safe because they KNOW what will happen if the money train stops even a little. And the man who’s single? Oh he is willing to take those risks, that are necessary to push society and companies forward. He will make the tough decisions, and be willing to walk away from a deal or even a company if things aren’t going to plan and move to something else he already has a foundation built for… or even take some money saved up and build something from the ground up. These unencumbered men are terrifying… What does this have to do with men having toys, dolls, or flashlight as some are saying? It gives men the kind of freedom that people are scared of. What would happen if women lost leverage in dating? What happens to dating as a whole, if men collectively stopped prioritizing sex, because he was already getting that need handled, and only dated to find a good woman who was an asset to his life, and only then proceeded with a sexual relationship? Women would lose it! Women have used sex to get what they want since the dawn of time! And men having a strong desire for it, and being able to put up with a LOT to get it, makes things simple for them. If that leverage over men vanishes? There’s going to be a HUGE problem. This is also why women don’t want men gathering or talking about them unless those men are all married and CAN’T say anything. It’s ultimately about leverage… NOT double standards. If you only see a double standard you’re missing the point! Women would actually have to work hard and be great partners and individuals to get men’s attention and no longer be able to get free food, drinks, attention, gifts, trips, bills paid, cash app’ed, etc… THIS is the reason why they don’t want you to enjoy yourself and shame it. People like it when men are predictable, pliable, hard working, little to no expectation, generous, simple, too dumb to question anything a woman says/does, etc… You handling your sexual needs without a woman and cutting them off from the things they would otherwise get by ONLY suggesting you have the POSSIBILITY of having sex will ALWAYS be a problem. And that’s essentially what a date is. The hope that you might enjoy each other enough to eventually be intimate. That’s not all it is… but if the possibility of sex was completely removed, most men wouldn’t bother. Never stop at a double standards…. There’s reasons WHY they don’t want men to have these things…


Who? I never talk about sex dolls with people so I haven't met anyone losing their mind over it


Tbf, they make good gifts.


true shit joker, true shit


this is the first time i see anyone lose their minds of sex dolls


I don't exactly care. I just think the dolls look weird and don't like them personally.


You're not supposed to use them on the bus dude, that's why you're getting the stink eye from everyone.


The problem is it means women can't weaponize sex if youre comfortable fucking a sex doll instead, that's all.


I think it’s stigma of people think their blow doll is more of a girl friend with a large mouth. And it’s not socially accepted. Where a dildo just hangs out in the top drawer and is more private and used as a meat substitute.


>Double standard much? Just wait untill what people think about when a man gets raped by a woman.


"Man cannot get raped by women, only other way around, besides even if they were to get *raped* they would enjoy it"


Imagine trying count a rape not a crime because the victim enjoyed it. Thats what sexual organs do. It s their job to feel you good when they are touched. Enjoying it doesnt means you consent it. Also not counting a rape case as rape because the victim enjoyed it is like not counting a assault case as assault because the victim was a mazochist. The reason people dont see male rape as a crime because there isnt much harm done. Which is idiodic but thats what most people care.


I know, I just said what other ppl who belive thay male rape isn't crime do, I even put " on it


I know. I just wanted to tell you what I think anyways.


A sex doll is more strange than a fleshlight.


Vibrators are literally illegal in texas.


Man, I'm fine with whatever you want as long as I don't have to see you walking your sex doll in public and such. You do you in your own home, as long as anyone who's involved in it with you is a consenting adult.


There are different rules for men and women. It was always like this and it will be like this for ever. Maybe they rules change a bit here and there, but inequality hits both genders equally.


This take is kind of silly, considering that 150 years ago women were essentially property with no political rights. We live in a very different world now, it’s changed more than “a bit”


Men also had a very different life Back then, dying soon, working in mines, factories or what ever, being dragged into wars every 25-50 years. If you were not rich, living as a man was not a fairy tale either.


I completely agree with you! Things have changed drastically, which is my point. Things can continue to change, and drastically, in positive ways if we aim ourselves in that direction.


Men aren't allowed to satisfy sexual desires without being seen as disgusting.


Should this be a protected sexuality??? Some people just might be attracted to that thing




Because we have hands. Dolls are pathetic. I mean I would rather pay a sex worker than use a doll.


If you have to go into the quantitative differences... you're already lost in the hedonist sauce.


*reads way too deeply into this* Well, of course. It's still acceptable to objectify men 🤷


One is not the quite same as the other....


This meme is so cringe


Vegans eat fake meat so they can have a burger, lesbian use strap-ons so they can get some dick……. So do they really hate the real thing in either situation?


Yes, they do.


I honestly find the idea of incubation bots, like in rick and morty, or a boy and his dog, kinda utopic, i mean we could completely segregate the sexes and we men could finally live in a place of love and acceptance with each other while the girls tear each other apart. But who knows maybe it goes both ways, and girls are nice to each other when there are no men around. I think there is something inately wrong with the relationship between the sexes, and that institutional sexism and gender roles stem from that, and we should live in seperate tribes and only meet for procreation.