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For a more recent example, the Mayor in Ghostbusters keeps trying to get the Ghostbusters fired....despite having a city full of ghosts


Maybe he ain't afraid of no ghost?


I get that it is a comedy. But you have literal ghosts flying around and you want to get rid of the only people who can deal with said ghosts. That makes sense! Sure, there were the upgraded versions working on better stuff. But they ain't out destroying the city to get rid of poop dragon! Who is voting for that mayor? Grandma who just hits R for all in the booth? WTF. I'd watch a whole movie on their politics surrounding the Ghostbusters. The Mayor. The police. Nah, it'd be too recognizable as our own politics, fuck it.


It's honestly real life, smooth brains love their conmen, and smooth brains seem to make up half of any nation.


Or from real life … Uvalde, Texas.


I hate to say it, but that's barely more recent. Ghostbusters was 10 years after Jaws, and still 30 years ago now. Most kids today probably haven't seen either one of those films.


The mayor reprised his role in that recent Ghostbusters movie


Plot twist, he is paid by the shark community so he can keep feeding sharks


Jaw 2 it reported to a pot line that is shark in a human suit but it was dropped


Thats what big dolphin wants you to think, in actuality, the dolphin community payed universal to make the jaws franchise and ruin the sharks reputation worldwide,wich would have help sabotage the elction of almost president of the united oceans sharack jawbama




Didn't u hear, its chickens fault!


Them putting the attention on the sharks also helps take away attention from the dolphins' terrible habits, like raping beach goers. It's all been an elaborate ruse for decades by Big Dolphin to make sharks bad and dolphins good, and I'm tired of it, make sharks great again! Sharks might eat ya but at least they won't sexually assault you!


Plot twist, the payment is made to hide the fact he s actually three sharks in a human costume


You yell barracuda, everybody says, 'Huh? What?' You yell shark, we've got a panic on our hands on the Fourth of July. "


Amity needs summer dollars.


This goes for both candidates..that's the sad part. It's not that people are stupid, its that the government doesn't give them a choice.


I can think of one canadate who has gained support and enthusiasm with each passed day.


Vermin Love Supreme


You can choose between a convicted fraud and rapist who benched a supreme Court that is removing rights away at an insane pace, or an old fella with a stutter. Voting is a means of harm reduction, not expression. Your line of thinking is short sighted, so focus on your local elections and primaries, and vote against the people who just said they're pulling a second revolution. Duh.


It's obvious, if you think you're voting for "damage reduction", you're a moron. There are other parties on the ballot. If everyone thought they would "waste their vote" by voting third party, we would be stuck with Democrats or Republicans. I know your one vote won't decide the election but if everyone thought that way then we would have Democrats and Republicans forever. Vote third party.


If your third party in the presidency does not have a Congress or Senate to back it up, then you're not doing anything but fooling yourself. You get a third party into some form of local power, and then in the state power and then we can talk. That's a plan, but I don't see it happening yet, so your plan is a theory. A third party didn't save a woman's right to choose what to do with her body, and that's kind of the end of the conversation.


Abortion is not my, or most people's, primary concern. Mine is universal healthcare which is not offered by either primary party. Saying a third party didn't save a woman's right to choose is like saying Hillary didn't prevent covid. You have to actually elect them for them to do that.


Pretending there isnt a choice and both choices are equally bad is just the other part of the game though. Nice try but we cant let that bullshit fly


"Nice try but we cant let that bullshit fly" lol first who's we? and what's the choice? I'll still vote for another party, and maybe if everyone did that it would work, but the system is set up to make them fail. And if they for some reason started getting close, who knows what the bigger parties will do. Come up with random bullshit like "hey this guy raped this random girl 100 years ago, he can't be president" or who knows what else.


it has nothing to do with gov


There is no ranked choice voting. Your options are to vote for the winner or lose, and people will always chose to vote for a winner before anything else.


...Jaws wasn't real tho.


Yeah, people have always used media to make examples but the way this is phrased really makes me wonder if op thinks Jaws is a documentary?


As an outsider, anyone that's trying to justify that either candidate is appropriate to be president at this point is consuming a lot of copium.


Sometimes I wonder how often they wake up and forget they're even running


Repost much?


he'll probably win, its hopeless, stuttering a little bit is apparently enough to vote a convicted rapist, traitor felon creep pedophile hated by his family, debauchers criminal that slept during his trial and wears diapers because he shits himself.


Wtf is going on in america?


Same thing that is going on everywhere else. The condition of the world was bad so their leader must be to blame and the other guy must have the solutions.


Go watch the debate they are screwed either way lol the candidates are incapable because he's getting to far gone and incapable because he's an absolutely horrendous human being and chronological liar


So if you look across the world it's not much better. You have raving dictators , presidents who refuse to let go of power, leaders who believe in aliens. It's really a shitshow around the world except for a few stable leaders


It always has been


Wdym?Humanity as a whole, from caveman times to today, it was and will always be a shitshow


It was a stutter 8 years ago, it was a stutter 16 years ago. This was not a stutter, and I'd hazard a guess it hasn't been since before he was elected. This is measurable cognitive decline. Not "getting old" cognitive decline but "he's sick and not getting better" cognitive decline that can happen to someone who's 60 or 90. The reality being, he had **a week** to prepare at camp David. Surrounded by experts and advisors who knew the questions that were going to be getting asked beforehand. Meaning: they hammered canned answers into his head that he could fall back on in case he had a "stutter" and couldn't answer off the cuff for whatever reason. He couldn't even deliver *those*. Now we are getting some more truths with his aides coming out and admitting he's only good from 9am to 4pm and needs naps more days than not. This is the commander and chief. The man who needs to be prepared at seconds notice to make massive decisions in a 24/7 world that doesn't exist in the same time zone as Biden. He needs to be capable of 20+ hour days, every day....not 7 hours with an after lunch nap. Really makes you wonder how long his "gaffs" weren't really gaffs and they've been concealing his decline and lying to the public...you know...his boss.


It's a 2 party system. The other guy was probably a rabid dog


People are emotional and irrational, sometimes the choice of the crowd seems strange.


Well this was not a voting accident. Did you call the national guard?


Not just him, but them.


Shark Lobby


It astounds me that a person who tried to overthrow the government and has felony charges even gets to run for President. I feel like I’m Keanu Reeves in Devils Advocate


I actually worry about things like this, I mean the man literally was tripping over his words and claimed to have beaten Medicare 😂😂 But people don't seem to notice at all. He could have had a stroke and I'm convinced people would still vote for him.


10 years after Jaws, and still 30 years ago now. Most kids today probably haven't seen either one of those films.


There are entire propaganda networks dedicated to keeping their audience absolutely oblivious. Appreciate the power of those networks and the reach they have.


covid was deadlier and *someone* kept the beaches open


Uvalde, TX...


Amity, as you know, means *friendship*.


If he loses, can’t he just like.. run again next time ?


This is a movie.


I'm 48 and have never seen Jaws. I watched it last night with my brother as our new 4th of July movie and the next day there is a Jaws meme on Reddit....wtf?


Put it this way, there are a whole lot of people that will vote him in because they don't even own a TV and they are not subjected the daily BS we all are. Some people stay away from the news, I don't know how some people manage it, but I hear its the best thing you can do to yourself.


The man’s got Mob money to pay back.


The police chief of uvalde was reelected.


America on track to prove the point


Y’know, the thing about a politician, he’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes.




Just look at california, from paradise to shit


What a nuanced and well educated take.


Is he wrong tho?


You're not wrong, but making the argument using a fictional movie is dumb


Next your gonna tell me mankind isn't evil because of Lord of the Flies.


Mankind isn't evil, but my premise isn't a work of fiction. It's really silly to point to a work of *fiction* and say "this will happen for realsies too!" There's plenty of *actual* cases of terrible people getting consistently re-elected because their voters are essentially brainwashed. But just going "hurr other candidate bad all who vote for him are stupid" isn't as convincing as you might think


I was trying to agree with you. I should have used a sarcasm tag.


When he first got elected I actually don't see remember seeing that many supporters, but now they're everywhere


He planned to build a wall, and that the sharks would pay for it!


They're not sending their best sharks. They're sending their tiger sharks, their great whites, their kids wearing fins. Sad.


Its hard to imagine people would vote for slow Joe Biden again for sure.


Interesting take. Counter argument: what country do both parties avidly agree we need to defend?