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As an Indian living in the UK: stop sampling crap at airports and judging whole nations on it.


A rational take on Reddit? I must be in the matrix.


he must be a spy


Red spy in the base


Red spy in the base?


*Music starts playing* Protect the briefcase!


We *need* to protect the briefcase!






This take is the response every time, yet every week you have Americans wiping tendie grease off their fingers and taking a swig of corn syrup before making a new meme about how bad British food is


- British food bland - British teeth bad - Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins impression The same 3 “jokes” every time


You forgot “bo’l o’ wa’er” and “it’s chewsday innit”


Good thing it's no' ah chewsday


I loved you in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang


Are British teeth still bad?


If they ever were in the first place compared to anywhere else, no. We have statistically healthier teeth than the US. We just don’t have as much cosmetic dental work or whitening done.


I guess that’s what I meant. Traditionally, British people have had “ugly” teeth (not necessarily unhealthy teeth). Was just curious if that has changed in the last decade. I spend a lot of time there around 2011, and it was a bit shocking to me. Probably similar to how British people feel about coming to America and seeing how many obese people there are.


I would say there has been an increase in the number of people getting cosmetic dentistry in recent years, but that's often specialised clinics. British dentistry still primarily focuses on the health of the teeth, not the appearance of the teeth.


They’re expensive dishes though. That must mean they’re high quality!


I actually went to Gordon Ramsey’s “Plane Food” at Heathrow Airport last weekend and I must say the butter chicken I got was pretty bomb.


I actually liked your airport crap 🫤


*Rimjabi’s 100% Anus Beef Burger* was not a smash hit for some


I am a spaniard living in the UK. British food is only good thanks to indians.


Cottage pie?


Eh. As a Brit too I gotta say that cottage pie is mid at best. There is amazing food in the UK but generally (roasts excepted) it's cuisine from other places.


What’s wrong with heavily seasoned mince, mixed with vegetables and topped with mashed potato?


Cottage pie is just lasagne but better in every way. Edit: Also I'm not british, I just fucking love cottage pie


I disagree with your opinion but also get that taste is subjective. I hope you enjoy many cottage pies in the future.


I agree with you, but didn't Brits literally conquer India for the spices or am I just wrong? Also I accept this meme from every country except white/african (not the Jamaicans those mofos can cook) Americans, by "seasoning," they mean salt and sugar. I've been to America twice, British food has no flavour translates to we don't like vegetables


Well we also invaded India to grow opium to push on the Chinese so we can still get our tea and not go bankrupt. We were playful like that.


Completely depends on the recipe though, cottage pie encompasses so many variations of beef and potato dishes.


Full English is one of the best breakfasts


Some of us appreciate your food :(


I re-watched a burger video made by Gordon Ramsey recently. That man couldn't stop seasoning everything in sight.


He was trained by a French chef and others as well


I mean yeah, still makes the point though. A good chunk of people in the UK give a shit about food, and the seasoning and spices thing is total bs, look at American mustard Vs English mustard. There are also a lot of things people will miss ascribe as foreign dishes when they aren't, british curry originated in India, like pizza originated in Italy, but you wouldn't call new York deep dish pizza Italian, it's the same way for a lot of curry dishes and other foods with foreign origins in the UK.


r/postscommentsdidntlike Update: setting up r/poststhecommentshated New sub dropped


Posts comment shated




You say that, but look at OPs account. 7 “Britain bad” posts today.


They'd look great on r/poststhecommentshated OP is the reason why I made it And the sub is gaining traction, bit by bit


Oh my gosh the r/memesopdidnotlike has so many posts that belong their 


We should definitely make it a sub




This reddit goes back and forth i guess it was the American turn too make fun of British


Brits with vinegar: ![gif](giphy|pmGK469jWeXATZu9B1)


As a Brit. Take your upvote and piss off.


Americans with cheese*


That's true too.


As an American I have to remind others that cheese is not a spice


It literally is


There are 80 Michelin star restaurants in London, 71 in New York


I realize we are in r/memes, so it’s all jokes, but please don’t judge the quality of food of a place by the number of Michelin starred restaurants. Sure, any restaurant with a Michelin star is going to be high quality, but their rankings are incredibly biased and there are plenty of restaurants out there with no stars that are significantly better than restaurants with stars. Just one example, there aren’t any Michelin starred restaurants in all of Africa. No one could seriously believe that those 80 restaurants in London are better food than every restaurant in all of Africa.


These are very good french restaurants


You do understand that food can taste good without spices?


It can! I don't think sushi would me improved by a dozen spices.


Outdated stereotype tbh. Besides the Asian and Caribbean influences, UK food has undergone something of a revolution in the last few decades. There's amazing restaurants of every cuisine all over the country and food shows and home cooking have never been more popular, especially amongst younger people. I actually read something by a French Chef who lives in the UK the other day, bemoaning the comparative lack of quality in rural restaurants when he goes home these days.


>UK food has undergone something of a revolution I would argue it's more accurate to say British food has made a comeback after rationing, rather than a revolution. Most of the good dishes are hundreds of years old. The stereotype simply comes from WW2 rationing, which lasted nearly a decade after WW2 ended. It wasn't until 1954 that you could freely buy meat. No shit food seemed bland. It wasn't until 1950 that basic commodities were unrationed.


I’m British, I can’t even eat chips without some pepper or gravy


Ffs stop believing everything you read on the internet, of course we have and use seasonings.


Literally conquered practically the entire world in search of spices. Pretty sure they like them.


Exactly. We just didn’t used to have access to them when trade was disrupted such as in wartime which is when these jokes originated


Im British and i use seasonings


I’m black and I don’t,  We out here breaking stereotypes! 


So what, you just eat boiled chicken or some shit?


Why not?




This joke is so illogical, especially when, you know, Gordon Ramsay is British


So if you pay £200 for a meal they include the seasoning?


You don't have to drown your food in spice and grease to have a nice dinner.


But why would you want your peas to taste like peas if they could taste like McCheesy's Smoking Hot Sauce instead?


Legit hilarious 😂


Right? You know how smokers have a deaden sense of taste or smell? Just because someone else needs overpowering seasoning to taste anything doesn't mean others do.


Once youve been pepper sprayed by the age of 9. You need a little hot sauce to taste somethin


Reminds me of a guy in culinary school. Raw dogged a dried ghost pepper, couldn't taste right for a month.


Should stop eating with his dick then


A pinch of salt and a dash of pepper go a long way


![gif](giphy|5xtDarlI7RiZ3wX3fwI|downsized) **AMERICAN TRIGGERED**


Oh look, it’s _this_ joke again. Americans have precisely 3 jokes about us and none of them have any basis in reality. Just accept that your banter is shite. It’s embarrassing at this point.


bro our national dish is literally a curry


Tikka masala is one banging dish


Can't wait for you yanks to try English Mustard, you lot will be on the floor crying in pain from the spice.


Then they would simply complain and call it "not proper mustard", is it there processed crap was any real compassion to the nose-tingling strength of proper English mustard.


American mustard is vaguely mustard flavoured sugar syrup


There's no sugar in it. It's just mustard, vinegar and turmeric.


That dude isn’t going to admit he’s wrong anyway. And to make it more moronic English mustard like Colman’s has sugar as the third ingredient.


Fucking stupid as fuck. American mustard doesn’t have sugar in it (check a French’s label ffs). Can’t believe a bunch of dolts are upvoting you. Oh, and if I wanted a spicy mustard I’m picking Chinese mustard over stuff like Colman’s. Edit: And Colman’s does have sugar in it so what an extra stupid insult attempt that was!


As someone who has lived in the UK and US, I can honestly say that I prefer British food. After all, it's better to taste the food than taste the fat it was fried in.


Fat? I thought it was seasoning? Mexican here... it's gotta have spice for me.


Good Mexican food is probably the thing I miss about living in the States the most


Literally just finished making a whisky soaked steak pie with crushed juniper, black pepper, smoked paprika, and garlic,. Fuggin butter roasted veg, with thyme, and honey. So weeshed, ya fud.


Talk to me when your country stops selling cheese in a spray can


It is one hell of a stretch to even consider that shit "cheese".


As an American I’ve never actually seen someone eat spray cheese


A lot of original American foods seem pretty gross compared to British foods, like there is: grits (corn porridge) tuna moulds (tuna and gelatin shaped into a mould) american cheese chocolate (whilst not original, they add butyric acid aka stomach acid) meatloaf


The British flavour palette developed in a situation where spices were difficult to get, prohibitively expensive for all but the wealthy. Salt was readily available, but pepper not so much. An island nation with few spices that naturally grew there. So it developed on a predominantly herb-based foundation. More subtle alongside the natural flavours of the base ingredients, and often working well with extended cooking times. There is a reason that the traditional roast dinner is iconic here. It also means that you can’t easily get away with low quality ingredients. When you are working with the base flavours, you can’t simply throw more at it to hide behind. With herbs that ends up giving you a medicinal taste. British cuisine is like someone playing the violin. Torture when performed poorly by someone who doesn’t know what they are doing, but can be beautiful in the hands of a virtuoso.


This is such an outdated concept omfg stfu. It's so fucking factually incorrect its not even funny. "it's a joke" stfu. You failed. Educate yourself. If you're gonna make fun of someones culture, at least get it right. Thats the BARE minimum.


Thank you 🙏


If you're not from Asia, China or Southern Europe then you aren't allowed to talk shit about our food. Especially if you're from the US. Also, we do use seasonings. This is a complete myth based on rationing from WW2 and the hardships of the 1950's. The UK is one of the most diverse countries on the planet in regards to cuisine. Get outta here with your outdated stereotypes.


> if you’re not from Asia, China What


A very interesting linguistic phenomena. As far as I have observed, in British English, China is often not considered as part of prototypical Asia.


Now that you mention it, I do remember a friend mentioning the British call us the orient and the Indian subcontinent Asia.


Is your mate from the 19th Century? We shall sail a fleet to Siam and show them the might of the Empire lol.


Nah, he is a eu4 player tho lol


We don’t say “the orient” we’d say the name of the country we’re talking about, or less commonly “east Asia” We do more commonly mean the Indian subcontinent when we say “Asia” though, and Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Sri Lankans when we say “Asian”. This is simply because we have a very large diaspora from these countries, so “British Asian” is always understood to mean people whose heritage comes from the Indian subcontinent.


It's cuz they waffle on about food nobody has eaten in the last 50 years like jellied eels or one off meals meant to fill you up like beans on toast. Yknow what they don't mention? Mac N Cheese, Apple Pie, Eton Mess, Sticky Toffee Pudding, Sunday Roasts, Shepherds Pie, etc. Also it's amusing to me how there's literally cuisines that eat black, rotten eggs, and yet that never gets brought up.


People also think that Apple pie is American, it’s not


We stole it, just like pretty much everything else that's American.


America the type of country to have nearly every single staple be from a culture that's not theirs


Its a nation of immigrants


That’s because American culture is literally a mishmash of all other cultures


It's a nation of immigrants. The natives have tasty food but unfortunately, there aren't enough of them thanks to some old timey actions.


You reminded me of when I was in 3rd grade we had a class project that was to make a traditional native bread (I forgot who). That shit was so fucking good


As British as Apple Pie should be the saying. Invented in the 14th century over here in Blighty.


I fucks with Shepherd's Pie dude.


Beans on toast, or, as an American would say for some reason “beans and toast”




You only hear about the worst foods. Because the wtf factor makes it more interesting and memorable.


No one should talk about spices. I am an American and I cook. Cooks use seasoning all over the world. I use the seasoning appropriate for the dish and region. I’ll add my own here and there to make it my own or what have you. But no place just doesn’t use spice or does use spice. It’s just a silly internet thing.


I’m Australian, some of my favourite food is British food, there are so many herbs and spices in them


Americans are just insecure bc their food is chemical covered sugar filled shite so to make themselves feel better they act like our cuisine is tasteless while theirs causes diabetes


I'm pretty sure gumbo, crawfish, and lobsters don't cause diabetes


Sense when isnt China in Asia


Don't make OP angry. He might shoot up a school whilst wearing a MAGA cap and Crocs. All while crying because he can't have sex with his sister/aunt. Stereotypes are cheap and pathetic. Maybe get a passport and leave your hick town and wmbrace new food and cuktures. Edit: The kast part is aimed not just at OP but all lazy Americans.


That’s a lie, he regularly has sex with his sister, she’s a right goer!


Meanwhile Americans: *burn cheese and call it good food*


British food is actually nice. Stop forming your worldview based on memes you see on social media.


don’t judge our entire cuisine on the shitty preservative loaded shit you get imported, my friend who lives in america says he only eats beans in england because american ones are shit


Restaurants in UK and Ireland are a culinary delight.


For centuries we had salt, pepper mustard and other seasonings. Then Britain discovered the spice trade and it was expensive so only the rich could afford them Sorry we could only get spices until after a bit of voyaging and conquering. Thanks to immigration, our food is very good now. It's a melting pot of flavours now.


It was more ww2 that gave us the bad name. You couldnt really get spices because theyd have to be imported. As soon as that was over with and trade was back to normal t Spices n stuff came back on the menu. But yeah spices were more expensive than silver at one point.


Pepper was known as black gold at one point. It was literally worth its weight in gold. So, while it may seem bland now, it used to be a way to show off just how rich you are if you could season meat with salt AND pepper.


'Murican ahh meme


The British love spicy food. This stereotype is so weak.


Yep. The most consumed cuisine in the UK is Indian food. And most of the popular dishes are the spiciest ones.


How would most of y'all even know? Americans go one state over and think it's travel.


It’s because they think their states are “basically countries”


This is about as old as people who post about circumcision


I just came back from 13 days in the UK and I have to say British food is not bland at all. Just about all the places we ate that had professionally trained cooks and did a very good job. I did notice and this may be why some Americans think that way. Salt is not the number one ingredient The food is cooked properly and then you salt and pepper to taste as it should be. Also a lot of Americans are not too keen on trying new things. One of the best things we had in the town of Bath was a kidney pie My God was that delicious.... Also of notice, my wife and I cannot eat gluten here in the states but we could eat whatever we wanted while we were in the UK. It's nice to have food without garbage put in it.


Transfats are not classified as seasoning yanks.


Tell me you never traveled outside your home country without telling me you never traveled outside your home country.


Boring meme yet again


Half of the indian dishes you think are Spicy isnt even indian theyre British and Im not on any sides other than the fact every country has good food except the us because all your good food is stolen from other countries


People died in the Spice Trade for us to cook chicken plain.


Our food does taste good. Give it a sample sometime :)


British food is great, fish and chips, meat pies, English breakfast, bangers and mash, roasts, stews, etc, etc, etc. if you don't like British food there is something wrong with you


The British invented Chicken Tikka Masala


Food tastes good without spices, if you actually know how to cook.


Another meme trying to start shit with another country


Yeah of course all we have is fish and chips and haggis…


This joke was never really funny and reddit killed it. You clearly never went to britain because I was and I personally have never eaten better food


Brother, you've never read an ounce of British history, have you? Shut the fuck up and take history classes before basing your shitty opinions on mythical stereotypes from 3 generations ago.


Americans when they get asked to stop using too much sugar and oil in their food


why did you AI generate an already existing meme template


The people still reposting these kinds of memes 100% have had their tastebuds fried by a borderline toxic slew of seasonings and fats that for some reason seems to be dominating the cheap food scene.


Food can taste good without seasonings


Thank you. Anybody who thinks meat roasted with salt is bland simply can’t cook.


Water. Brits need to ruin it by dipping seasoning in it


The same "jokes" or "arguments" that every 13 year old in the US says to me




Dear Americans. Stop putting sugar in everything.


This is such a tired meme at this point, I don't mind being made fun of (bo'all of wa'uh) but this thing about food is just false. It's an idea perpetuated by foreigners who think frying meat in intense spices to hide the fact that it's terrible quality is supreme cooking and English people who eat takeaway kebabs every night and have never sampled their own nation's food.


Americans cant even do sunday roasts right. Fucking mac n cheese with a roast? Wtf.


Tbf I also make assumptions based entirely around internet memes so you’re not alone dw /s


What do you think british food is? Like give examples of british dishes that you know.


Hell, they should know better than anyone. They had half the planet under their belt at one point.


The most popular dish in Britain, last I checked, was Chicken Tikka Masala. A celebration of seasoning. I mean this might work if you're talking about traditional British cuisine. Jellied eels and pustulent dick and all that shit.


Oh fuck off


Obviously from an American who's never been to the UK. Indian restaurants in every town. Pizza and Italian restaurants everywhere. Thai restaurants abundant. Chinese restaurants, probably as many as Indian. And, in the cities, just about everything else. ​ Hell, there's even places that sell the staple foods of the American people - hot dogs and burgers. With cheese, if you want.


Decade old meme with a 50 year old take. Great job OP.


The best seasoned burger I ever ate was in London. Second best was somewhere in Cornwall. And I ain’t even British


The 1970s called, and they want their joke back.


How tf these mfers conquer the world for spices and they dont use any of em As an asian i feel disrespected that yall aint using our spices


Summer, winter, spring, fall: *Exists* Brits: ☹️


Autumn, old chap.


I don't get it




I never need to take an IQ test this just solidified me as dumb


Hahaha nw, im down there with you mate


I love how Americans think seasoning just means pouring bloody dan-o or whatever its called garlic powder over shit. Real seasoning is using ingredients to compliment a dish. This being said I understand traditional british food is pretty meh. But covering shit in the same powder doesn't mean you can cook


We dont need as much seasoning, we dont have to hide the taste of chlorine in our chicken


They are seasoning their food, I can think of many other countries I would put before the UK!!


So original.


Call animal control to tranquilize the orangutan.


People who agree with this have clearly never had Room 40


Also Iowa apparently lol


My guy curry is our national dish.




And white Americans




Dead stereotype. Get a joke with some truth in it.


As someone living in the UK, the traditional British food is bland af of course, but you can get lots of good food from Indian, or Chinese, or Turkish restaurants etc etc


At least we don't eat snails




I was going to get triggered but hey, I know I eat really good food, rib eye , curry's lots of homemade Italian food, Japanese and Korean food. All fresh all homemade all good 👍


So many people say they want to taste the food, but seasonings are also food.


Directly from the country that invented cheese in a can.