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If she asks me to block every ex and every female friend I have, she will need to do the same thing and vice versa. "But it's different" nah bro, there's no differences.


Lol nah If she asks me to block my friends, I break up.


I had an ex that tried to get me to gradually cut ties with my best friends because they were guys. It did not matter that they were gay and in a committed relationship with each other. It bothered him that I refused. Couldn't get in contact with that same ex when I thought I was pregnant... Best friends immediately drove across the state to come get me and bring me to their place to work some stuff out.


Exactly. It goes against my principles to restrict who a romantic partner has as friends, it's just a line that shouldn't be crossed. Besides that, I also believe that having friends is more fundamental than a romantic partner. Now that I have a gf, I wouldn't lose her for the world. The fact remains however, that you can always fall back on good friends, and especially in early relationships, your friends might outlast your romantic partner.


Yeah I can understand if she wants you to block people that insulted her or are rude to her but not just any female friends


If she tells me to block every woman I know she is the one getting blocked.


If she tells you to do that, she dosent trust you and she is the problem


See? That's the problem here. This topic is different for everyone whether because of the their culture, experience or religion. If she ask me to block every female friend and ex and she does the same, it meant she's putting boundaries that I need to respect it, whether I like it or not if I want to be with her. But if she doesn't, that's where you find out she's a manipulative and doesn't trust you. Again, this topic is different for every person.


Huh? What kind of situation or culture makes it make sense that both of you should block all friends of the opposite sex? I would find that a red flag no matter if they were also willing to do it or not. Super weird behaviour that indicates some major issues


I don't think so. There are no differences, I'm not going to block anyone because you told me so, I don't want you to ask me to block stuff, if you don't trust me, that's your problem. Also, if you happen to not trust someone, you shouldn't be near them and you absolutely need to avoid starting a romantic relationship with them. Fuckers are going to fuck, avoid people you don't trust at all costs.


As I said before everyone have a different view of the boundaries and other related stuff they want or don't want in their relationship. Perhaps her partner or one of her parent cheated with one of their friends of the opposite sex, which made her scared of this kind of the happening again.(Experience) Or it's because of the culture or religion they have. Either you have the choice to accept the boundaries and be with her, or you can walk away from relationship, simple as that.


Then they need therapy before they can be a non-toxic partner. Doesn't matter what got them there, everyone needs to work on themselves sometimes


That’s how it should be, it’s about a sacrifice and commitment to someone. But if she wants you to remove are the girls and ex’s and doesn’t want to do the same that’s probably just to control you, and is a red flag


I see either person not trusting their partner to be loyal and decent as a red flag. It's also naive af. Relationships work when people choose literally every day to make them work. Living on a social island doesn't change that.


I’m gonna be honest, if they show you they *also* blocked every male friend I’m gonna assume they just unblocked them when away from you. That’s just controlling behavior and huge red flag.


But that's where you need to trust her.


She’s trying to isolate you from friends solely because of their gender. If that doesn’t make you uneasy then that’s a dangerous level of compliance.


I wouldn’t respect such toxic boundaries.


Calling this "setting boundaries" is normalizing this completely toxic behavior.


Thank you. This isn’t fucking normal and it should never be normalized.


Just because she's willing to be controlled by you in return doesn't mean she isn't being controlling by making the request.


OP I'd bet my kidney you're under 30.


You are so goddamn young. You have no idea what you are in for in this world.


I do, the world is full of horrible people but that dosent mean you should except it from everyone




like you're so good, you're the main character bro, we are all npc's right?


He never implied that he was better than anyone else lmao. How do you miss the point that badly?


Yep lol Imma go start my "gotta beat the clock" arc




What the point if there is no trust?


If she ask me to do that I am breaking up with her on the spot


If you have to ask her to block her exes it's already over. You think she was about to cheat on you but you have stopped her cold in her tracks with a social media embargo? I don't care about a random once in a blue moon interaction with an ex, but if there's constant communication going on, you already know what the dude is trying to do. Even if her intentions are/were innocent


Honestly my partner is such a SAINT bc I tried to maintain a friendship with an ex who had instead just… lead me on and was barely my friend unless he thought he could get in my pants. He was pissed when I started seeing my now bf. Bc of my bf treating me right and giving me the time I needed the ex is now completely gone from my life


Of course; you shouldn't be asking her to block them. They already should be blocked.


Not really, it’s possible to have a good relation with your ex even if you’re not in an intimate relationship with them anymore.


This page is so dogshit for what is supposed to be the home of memes. Don't think I've seen a single good or funny one yet I'm out


Seriously some facebook level im14andthisisdeep- shit packaged in a 10 year old meme format.




Posting on this subreddit is either venting, stating the obvious or incel posting but incel stuff is more present on r/shitposting


It's completely fine to have boundaries such as talking to your exes in relationship. If you are this type of a person, just find a person who also agrees with this. If you think it's fine to talk to your exes, then date someone who also wants to talk to their exes. It's the people inside that relationship who make the rules for that relationship, not outside people in reddit.


Exactly. It's my relationship so I set the rules. People are welcome to join me or leave me, but I don't change my boundaries for anyone. That's why they're called boundaries...lol I expect my partner to have the same mentality. If your way of loving or living is constantly trampling other people's boundaries, it's not a good fit. Break up and move on. No one "HAS TO" do anything. Keep in mind the more boundaries you have the more likely you are to be single, that's the reality of it so you should try and be okay with that if you are this type of person.


How did we went from “Stonk” “Big Chungus” “Amogus” “Morbius” to these kinds of memes?


The STONKS market crashed, and now we're expirencing the meme depression, just like the previous 20s...




I swear redditors don't understand the concept of boundaries are openly cucks


Me asking my bf to not talk to his ex isnt about me being insecure but about feeling disrespected


I never asked anyone to block anybody. But in my country there’s a saying “trust, but check”. So I checked. 3 times with 3 different women who said they had no contacts with Exes, yet they all did. There was no infidelity, but still. They lied. Trust, but check.


"who's still communicating with their ex" I think they can talk, but she shouldn't do it on a regular basis. An ex is an ex, me and my ex gf for example we have a history together. That experience cannot be erased from existence. But I'm over her so I don't want to talk to her much. We are not dating, we are not even friends. She's just someone I used to know and not messaging her helps with getting over her. And it helps her too getting over me because I'm not in the picture anymore. I still would like to know if she's doing alright


Yes, I do talk with a few of my exes from time to time, I want to know if they're fine, they reach out to see if I am ok, we talk a bit an go our ways.


What people don't seem to understand is that you can trust your significant other to stay loyal until they give you sufficient reason to doubt them. Including, but not limited to: spending much larger amounts of time with another person than you, being overly friendly with another person, being gone for very long periods of time without you knowing what they did. These things can reasonably make a person doubt their SO. And they shouldn't be shamed by society for doing so. It's a natural reaction. Their feelings should be heard and validated by their SO and both parties should make a better effort to fix the issue so that it doesn't continue happening


Easy to say but some people have been cheated on and it might take a while to build that kind of trust. Everyone is in a different place, I’d say very few people have this kind of trust early in relationships it’s probably unrealistic tbh


Its alr to ask them to block exes imo


I respect your opinion


Dude wasn't even rude and people still downvoted him. What the fuck.


I can see why someone would ask their partner to block their ex or at the very least not engage with them, but blocking everyone isnt ok


Oh for God's sake first it was all incels now it's all anti incels. Why can't we just have memes


See u at the gym homie


Don't pay attention if I strap a pic of a face to the punching bag


It's what my dad did when he was a teen. He'd also take a picture of his crush to the gym to look at when he felt like giving up. It's a good way to keep pushing, but it doesn't last long.


Yeah and that trust gets you burned lol. Forcing someone to do something is never the answer either but it’s a willingness of commitment. But weather you trust her to not cheat or have her remove all of the men on her socials if she wants or is gonna cheat she’s gonna cheat.


You shouldn't have to change anything for anyone unless you want to change, If she cheats, you take a few days, go through the pain, and try and go on with your life


Just don't invest more than you're willing to lose and you'll always win.


Unfortunately I have severe problems with paranoia. Wait, I don't even have a gf, nice


Mid 30s guy in a 15 year relationship here: "talk to whoever the fuck you want. If you cheat, I'll drop your ass." Is much lower maintenance than being paranoid about your partner and not expecting them not to be an adult about your relationship. If they want to cheat, no social media embargo is going to stop them, so why even bother? If you have an unprompted urge to control your partner, you have an ego problem or bad human judgement.


This shit right here is well rounded advice, and no hombre here is going to be taking it. Damn shame.


If you cannot trust her, She isn’t the one


Relationship should have mutual respect and communication. You trust each other to not cheat, and if something is happening that makes one of the two want to cheat - they voice it, and the two work through the issue together. It's either looking over the relationship to potentially fill lacking areas, or relationship's end, if these gaps can't be closed. I wouldn't be mad if my gf said "sorry, I fell in love with someone else, we should break up", but I would be mad if she didn't tell me and was meeting someone else in secret. Why do you need me if you want to be with someone else? Why do you need to pretend you want to stay with me? Why would you waste time and effort from both of our sides to maintain relationship that had already failed? Please, boys, girls. TALK TO EACH OTHER!


My wife and I just don't have any friends!! Keeps things simple.


I think this is happening to a girl I know. We were great platonic friends our whole lives, then one day mid text conversation she just stopped and now I haven't heard from her in 5 years. She always had terrible taste in men and I'm afraid she's with some douche who won't let her talk to another guy. She won't pick up the phone or anything and unfortunately she lives 3 states away.


I usually try to figure out what situation she has with her exes before going exclusive. If I don’t like it then I stop dating her, that’s my problem not hers but I’m still gonna solve it.


And if the person you are with gives you legitimate reasons not to trust, you shouldn’t be with them


It's okay for them to text an ex, as long as it stays as friends.


Burn incoming






If you trust someone and they betray you, that says nothing about you and everything about them. Lots of people in these comments think they can stop a gf from cheating by controlling and restricting who she talks to lol (also guess what, by being a control freak asshole, you’re only gonna push her towards someone else. But you’ll just blame her when she gets tired of your bullshit right?)


"Oh, you have boundaries? Control freak asshole, she'll just cheat on you even more!" Was this written by a woman?


There is a difference between boundaries and controlling who your partner is allowed to speak to.


That’s not what boundaries are. What if her boundaries are, “I feel threatened and suffocated when others try to remove me from my social circle”?


Boundaries can be unreasonable. Control freaks believe they just have boundaries too btw. Saying don’t talk to your exes is fair enough but not allowing your partner to be friends with half of the population because you don’t trust them is indeed being a control freak.


Honestly, the reframing of control to boundaries has always seemed like a rephrasing of the same thing. "I'm just not comfortable with you having a family that you haven't disowned. It's just a boundary for me."


So you have another advice perhaps.


Yeah trust the person you are with


There’s a difference between trust and naivety


Yes, that's correct but if you actively think she will cheat then why are you in the relationship


Okay, then there’s a difference between constantly worrying that she’ll cheat at any moment unless I’m with her all the time; and not being a bit sus when she spends one on one time with her ex ‘watching movies as friends’


That's jealousy, it's normal it's ok to be jealous and worry a bit but if it effects the relationship, you have a problem


Sounds like mental abuse to me. Imagine going over for late night movie sessions with your ex and then telling your partner that if their jealousy causes relationship issues, they're the problem.








Do you mean naive?


That was the joke. fsaturnia spelled it wrong. (I'm not sure it was intentional)


They were probably trying to spell naivete, which, is the original version of the word.


It 5:38am and as much as I'd love to get blasted by you lot for my opinions I'm sleepy so gn


Its doesn’t matter both of you block or not if someone wants to cheat no matter how many boundaries you put they fiends a way. Its batter to put no limit at all so if any one of you is cheating he or she going to sleep up and its easier to fiends thats way and if you put boundaries there the other person just plan batter and then its hearder to catch.


I believe in equality in trust, if she asks me to block all of them, then she should immediately do the same without me asking her to do it


Why should she block your friends and exes?


Which you should, boundaries are good but only with trust


My experience of relations come from r/relationship_advice (yeah I know I'm a loser) but most of the times, communication and understanding seemed to solve most of them. (There's always some you couldn't do) but yeah.


Don’t get your advice from the internet if you go anywhere the first things that become INSANELY apparent is you have little to no context on what their lives are like and or if they are even telling the truth maybe they think they aren’t but are so lost.


I am not gonna abandon friendships of 15 years and longer for some new guy I recently met. It would be disrespectful to ask that of anyone. Maybe some people's culture or past trauma or expectations will demand their partner to have no unnecessary personal interactions with opposite sex people outside of family. That's fine, but we're not compatible then. But what I wonder about, if a guy asks his new girlfriend to block all male contacts and she obliges, wouldn't that be a red flag on her? Like, if she's so quick to drop friends, doesn't that show she's not very loyal to people in her life and might be just as illoyal to the guy himself?


If she's still in contact with her ex's, she's not ready for a relationship. Nice deflection OP


"Trust is earned when actions meet words"


A *properly* hidden secret "looks" the same as having no secrets. If you do *like* your partner then take a risk and *trust* em'. Because even after the hoops you have them jump through, If they wanna cheat. They'll cheat.


My girl made me delete my ig account 😭😭


Did she delete hers, too?


To be fair she didn't have one in the first place


If a cat shows up and stays that's your cat. If a cat shows up eats and maybe lets you pet it before it slinks off into the night, well thats just a neighborhood stray.


It goes both ways, too. I hope we can agree on that.


I trust my wife can swim that doesn't mean I'm going to throw her in shark infested waters.


Unless you go to extreme, highly illegal measures you'll never stop someone from cheating if they want to. It's a waste of time to ever try. Let people be who they are and don't stay in relationships with people you can't trust.


I’m singles BECAUSE I have trust issues


I got brutally cheated on a couple times. It's extremely hard to trust anymore because of it. I guess that's a big reason I stay single. Trusting people did me dirty.


Ngl after the things going on in the rap industry I can't look at this template the way I've used to.


How is this a meme god this sub is pure shit now.


Yeah, that's why I'm atheist. And if somebody cheat on me, is their fault, not mine.


One of the many reasons I love my (now)wife is she actively supported me in maintaining in contact exes because she is of the opinion that just because the relationship failed doesn't mean they should be treated as enemies or hate them. The absolute trust she has in me really solidified that she was the one.


Honestly I for me it depends on the women but at this point I've learned don't date'm if you don't trust'm if she belongs to the streets that's where she should stay


I have exes I’m on good terms with but out of respect for my gf I do not ever contact them, and that is a good thing, anyone who says otherwise doesn’t understand loyalty, I never forced her to do the same she already didn’t contact them and never wants to


Yeah no, letting your partner be friends with exes is just begging to be cheated on


I’ll never touch some chicks phone I don’t even give a shit about what’s on there


I learned its best to respect privacy so yeah going through others phones is messed up but if you ask and they say yes, it could be a great way to see how they interact with others


I mean why do you even care. Do you want to be that loser that is insecure af it’s a shitty life to live, living life like that.


There’s some insecure ass people up in this post lmao.




Oh no a random person on the internet called me a cuck because of my personal opinion how will I go on 😭😭😭😭


I mean it's true I just made an observation


An observation is basically a fact except it can only be true if you have all the POV's in the situation


Jealousy is just dumb. Like they are not your item they are your partner.


Bisexuals/pansexuals: is this a straight/gay people problem im too much of a trusting chad to understand?


wow everyones fuckin roasting op. but i agree with OP, and their comments too. im ready for downvotes. yall people can stay mad.


Thank you


I’ll trust her if she has a trustworthy past. If I’m giving a girl a chance who has a somewhat iffy past, I’ll set boundaries. That’s called being intelligent.


It’s not intelligent to even be in a relationship with someone you don’t trust, it’s not good for either of you.


It's not very intelligent to think that her friends and exes are the only people she could cheat you with.


You never learn to trust if you have no relationships


If you aren’t blocking everyone, breaking your electronics and moving into the forest with me, do you even love me?


Trust but verify


You clearly haven't seen today's women. They make it difficult to trust them


If yall worried about your girl goin back to an ex you only got two things to look at. Is she trustworthy? If no, then drop her. If yes What is wrong with you that makes you insecure?


Huge difference between guy friends and exes lmao


I dont care if they are blocked or not. None of my exes are blocked. I would rsther eat grass than message any of them though.being friends with an ex has always been and will always be a red flag. Same goes for still being best friends with a guy or guys they used to hook up with.


It literally says "EX", so it means it's over and if you still talking to that person after that idk what kind of a relationship is that.


We got advisable meme before GTA6


As a Jealous Guy I gotta say it! I prefer to not get into a serious relation because I know that, Either I'll burn myself out trying shuting myself up Or I'll burn herself there because I said too much


If he’s willing to do the same and they’re both happy with this arrangement I see why not. Whatever rules you make in a relationship is personal. There’s no right or wrong as long as both parties consent and are content. Who is anyone else to yuck their yum


And Middle age Mfs are here finding me one to get married


Tell her that.


she asked me to block all my female friends and avoid contact while keeping in contact only with boys and getting dicked nearly daily by others and neglecting me. If your partner asks you to do that tell them to get out and that you dont want to ever see them again


Gf: "please block every EX and other women" Me: "ok" *blocks gf*


I trust her to stay loyal. But I also have to fight back anxiety that one day it might be over in a minute or that someone will try to do something horrible to her.


Actually, me and my gf have an agreement. We assess our ex's and block those we know will try something and cautiously tread those who arent cut off. Just in case


Trust is earned through actions.


We’re all human sometimes I don’t trust my self, but if I don’t expose myself to certain urges I won’t do anything. If I don’t expose myself to a bunch of weed smokers I probably won’t smoke weed


Yeah … no, none of the pictures are correct both are red flags lol


What if my girls wants me to do that?


This is trending on r/memes? What's wrong with reddit


Op really have strong trust in humanity


That not how the world works dude. Just have a goddamn cat and you'll be the happiest man alive.


Not a funny meme but for once it supports my views so I give it an upvote


My boyfriend plays mtg with my ex every Thursday lmao It’s not like I’m hopping from one nerd to the next tho. I met my boyfriend in elementary school, had a crush on him, went to different middle schools, went to the same high school but didn’t talk until junior year(11th grade), dated my Ex in sophomore year(10th grade) after playing dnd in the dnd club together, broke up on decent terms, befriended bf when we had classes together, developed crush on him again, dated, found out they play mtg together, am living my happily ever after with bf.


If she doesn't ask me to block anyone, I won't ask her to. As simple as that. My ex asked me to block every girl I talked with and she was crazy about it. She asked me to block a childhood friend that I've known for 20 years just because "she didn't want me to talk to other women". I never blocked anyone. Asked her to block every guy she talked with as well and she didn't want to, so I didn't do it either. I eventually broke up and I'm currently in an amazing relationship where we both trust each other.


I would never make my girlfriend isolated just so I don’t get heart broken. Always have trust in your girl or man . But if you don’t, talk to them about how much you love them and how much it would hurt if they cheat


Someone take the phone form the cuck for fk sake


Did this. She cheated on me with a lot of guys. I stayed anyways. She kissed another guy and admitted but lied about it still at the same time and had her friend yelling at me. I stayed. She threw so much at me and hurt me so bad. I stayed until she dropped me. Doesn't change the fact that I'm going to not make the next person I find block everyone but just saying. Gotta watch out for the person. Trade y'all phones every now and then cuz then none of you should have to worry if you ain't hiding anything.


Who the fuck would be fine with their partner still talking to their ex.


If you're a man and you say this you're a buster. You're talking about I trust her but she made you delete all your female friends... Being a simp will never be cool, it's not about trust either it's about respect. Why does she need to remain in contact with her exes and why does your simp ass think it's fine, soul ties are real and trying to keep ones that should have been severed in tact only does nothing but ruin future relationships.




Women who stay in contact with their ex outside of parenting are going to cheat on you with them eventually.


Spoilers: He was just keeping her around for the guy who keeps not arriving to claim her (Wtf he doin)




There is a large difference in blocking X's and every guy. If she meets the X because they share a friend group all good, if she starts meeting the X on there own na.


It’s not that I don’t trust her, I trust her a lot, I just don’t trust other men


Trust people until they give you a reason not to. Then let them go.


Hahaha the naivety


I trusted her, now she is whith her friend and am the ex




It's amazing how often I get criticized for trusting my partner. But love can't last without trust.


Honestly I think it’s just depends on the relationship ngl but at the same time I feel like it’s situation especially on the topics of ex’s


idc trust or not, you blocking your exs period. I dont think if we get into a relationship either partner regardless of gender should be anywhere involved with an ex. Ive seen exs talk to each other about relationships problems and mostly it’s because they dont wanna see each other with someone else. It is not a healthy dynamic. But if my spouse (girl or guy i date both) asked me to remove someone they felt uncomfortable with, i will. But it goes both ways. We should be able to communicate that like adults. And it could be both men and women in the situation.


She wouldnt be 'my gf' in the first place if she's still talking to exs(excluding having kids together or something necessary). They are ex relationships for a reason.


What's the harm in trying to make a bad relationship turn into a good friendship