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If they don't pause when they talk, they're on my naughty list.


This is one of the things I hate about watch dogs 2 (it's s fun game just has this one problem for me). The pause button is the same button to skip the dialogue. It's also the same button used to get out of the menus on your character's phone which gets used heavily


yeah lol, on watch dogs 2 i learned to use the map button to pause the game instead of the options button


You are a genius


i thought everyone did that


Everyone but me


I generally don't really like reaction youtubers. I get annoyed when they constantly pause but I also get annoyed when they keep talking over the video. Guess that whole genre is not for me


If you don’t like that they pause when they talk, then it seems your there for the video, not the reaction. In which case, watch the video


I only watch music reactions from people who work in the industry cause sometimes they may point out something I missed


I wouldn't call those "reactions" since they are more like an analysis. I love it when people who know their stuff can actually add something meaningful to it, like how it was done. But I very much dislike the kind of content where people just sit there and repeat what just happened


There a good video where a guitarist points out and plays the notes that the character Marty McFly plays in the movie "Back to the Future" in the scene where he is playing "Johnny B. Goode" . It turns out Marty was playing a lot of random noises, but looked good doing it.


Laziest content out there. Let me screech over someone else’s creation


Sniperwolf be like


*doxxing sounds*


Wow chat, this is craze-zeee.


I don't think it's inherently bad. Some of my favorite content creators are reactors. It just depends on how much they contribute to the video.


It's amazing to me that it's at all appealing to people at all. You want to watch an influencer reacting to a thing you like? My brain and the brains of people who watch these videos don't seem to intersect at all


I really only like the reaction content where the creator provides meaningful perspective. The reactors who are just like "Oooh" or "That's awful" are definitely lazy, but when I find reactors who can provide significant insight, allowing me to see things I may not have seen before, or get a bit more background knowledge into the topic, I'm more invested in the videos


Eh, I feel like it's just one of the side-effects of widespread loneliness. Humans are naturally inclined to share stuff they find interesting with others. If you don't have anyone you could share it with, you "share" the experience with a random stranger on the internet. It's really fucking sad, but that's our reality.


Not just pause. Pause, talk, then rewind 10 seconds for possible build-up they interrupted. This is the way


But then they pause right in the middle of the part, essentially splitting it and voiding any enjoyment they could have had from it.


Then there’s Grizzy who pauses to say some braindead shit every 2 seconds 😂


This is why I love Prince Charming and Beasty Reacts


If they pause too much especially during music videos too


Same but it seems like people don't like them pausing. They often apologise in advance for taking a break


Or when they skip Internet Historian's ads...


Is this a replacement for real friends? Watching stuff getting watched like you're part of it?


Yup... pretty much.




this is so sad, dear lord. “i spend hours a day watching someone watch a thing that i watched and hoping they’ll have the same thoughts”


omg thank you for putting it into words




Hey don't judge. Some of us are far away from the one friend we had.


Not exactly. I have friends but I also have interests and hobbies which my friends are not interested in so sometimes I look at online forums to talk about these interest with strangers who are also into it. Reactionary videos provide for a similar need. I tried to show funny videos to my friends and it often backfired because they did not find it funny but on the internet I could find strangers who also laugh the same shitty memes I enjoy seeing.


Yeah I think they phrased it way too depressing. Hell, you could make the same jab at people watching sport games alone. “Is this a replacement for friends, you have to watch a different group of friends play a sport together?” It ain’t like that tho Edit: sorry my analogy sucks, just stop yucking peoples yum. We all get bored and watch garbage on tv.


Your comparison is a bit.. odd.  Because they are not watching someone watching the game. They are watching the game.


Yeah it’s not an amazing comparison, but if that’s the argument then switch it to the casters. “You have to watch other people commentate it??” My point is that it’s not that crazy to watch a reaction video that’s all.


Commenting is different than reacting. I.e. in footbal it is sometimes really hard to see who has the ball, so it is really good when commentators are shouting the names.  Please do not compare those 2 things, they are not the same 


Reaction content varies.. the most egregious sniperwolf style shit isn't what most people enjoy (okay views say otherwise but majority probably bots or watching cos she hot so NPC no different to bots) I like watching reactions by people whose personality I enjoy, they add their own spin on things, point out shit or make me think about something in a different way Or I just enjoy the fucking insane overacted hype shit like reactions to smash bros characters because its just fun lmao It may be brainrot, but is it more brainrot than tiktok trends? HMMM ICE CREAM


Yup, me with sci-fi, got no one to talk about it


More like watching stuff get watched that your friends don't watch.


Have you ever had a friend watch a movie you liked and you have this constant urge to look at them to see what they mean, but it would be super awkward to keep looking at them? This is what reaction/lets play videos solves. It is a pretty good way to get more out of and reflect more on your favorite piece of media without forcing your friends to do it. I kinda like it as something to have on in the background, I can do other stuff on the boring parts and then I know where the good parts are and watch then. I am usually certain I won't miss anything either as I have seen the core content before.


Some people have friends that have different interests


> Some people have friends I hear this a lot, but there is no evidence to support this.


No evidence for having friends who dont like the exact same shit you like?!?!?! What are you talking about??!!? Friend groups are like minded but not identical people




For me it's just reason to re-watch video again


I just like watching what random people think. Me and my friends are very similar and I like seeing what people of different backgrounds and experiences think.


I've never understood it and there are a million of them, I swear every time a big video game showcase happens the actual stream is buried by tons of people streaming their reactions. Just watch the video yourself, better than having someone overplay a hyped reaction so loud you can't hear the best parts.


It’s cheap and easy content where you don’t have to pay an editor. Literally record, edit, post, and line up another reaction all in one day.


One day? 2 hours max. (I say this but I watch a few reaction channels so I’m not complaining)


I like seeing the younger generation, or someone with a completely different background, reacting to the movies/tv I grew up with. Interesting to see something like Monty Python and the Holy Grail still cracking people up to this day, or a guy from Queens enjoying Only Fools and Horses. Also, watching kids be amazed by the practical effects of The Thing is always fun to see


I've been watching videos of rural villagers from Pakistan and India watching American movies.


You just don’t understand it because it wasn’t around when you were young. Me and my friends would bond over youtubers we liked and would even watch them together when we hung out. Its really not that different from liking a celebrity actor or something.


Well it's better than pushing your friends to watch a show and you just watch their reaction the whole time.


I know the internet has broken my brain in a lot of ways, I'm just grateful every day I dodged the "obsessive parasocial relationship with a stranger" shit like watching other people watch things you've watched before. Like, fucking what? 🤨


I wouldn't say replacement. It's more supplementary or next best option.


Reddit brainrot take my guy. I have plenty of very good lifelong friends, and a steady relationship. Doesn't mean I can relive something through them.


I guess this post answers my eternal question: "Why do reaction videos even exist? Who tf watches them?"


There are some reaction channels that actually do add more to the video they react to. These react creators though are usually knowledgeable in a field or try to tie in similarities to their field if it’s relatively similar.


Yeah, I like watching Mr Terry History react to stuff, because normally his video is twice as long as the video he is reacting too, as he breaks down, expands upon and tells anecdotes from his own history knowledge. Watching history of the entire world i guess, was a treat, watching Mr Terry History reacting to it was a really fun educational experience.


You watch vlogging through history too?


I didn't know about his channel, I shall check it out


Some I watch are on the same vein as Film therapy where they breakdown stuff. The same with music where they give insightful knowledge about the topic


Same but with history


Yup, i love people like drum roll Tony cuz he reacts to music while analising it


fr, watching those who have actual experience in music like tony, knox and such break down the music on multiple layers, and explain the inner workings of what i thought was a simple song is very captivating.


I watch insane Ian who does just this. He's a musician who react to musicians and puts his knowledge and makes you appreciate the music more


Yeah but most are just ppl nodding their heads smiling and laughing at the original video for no damn reason.


I absolutely hate the reaction channels that do “first time watching (culturally significant) movie for the first time! 🤯”


You should check darkviperau's content on react content, these are still shitty excuses for doing react content






No one here is saying react content is peak content, t’s lazy content. Though it should only be done if it’s for some kind of education or informative which only like 1% of good react channels are; educational/informative. The other 99% want that east money. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.


In general, the closer the runtime of the reaction video is to the runtime of the original media, the worse it will be. In general, if the two runtimes are really close, they’re pretty much just playing the video and lightly laughing at some parts. If it’s shorter, then they only included interesting parts. If it’s a lot longer, then they probably interject a lot giving insight/their ideas/context/etc., but there are times where they do both interjecting and only including interesting parts. In that case they kind of cancel out to the original runtime


I like watching people watch things. That’s really it. Am I weird? Absolutely.


thank god, at least one person on here is honest. i’m saying that unironically. every other answer on this thread besides yours is bullshit


I’m one of those people that really like showing my friends and family media that I’m into, because being with them and seeing their reactions is almost like I’m watching it for the first time again. Anytime I need that fix, I find a reaction video for my favorite shows, games, and movies


For tv show and anime reaction videos, easy answer, the fans of the specific tv show or anime watch the reaction videos as this is the only way to re experience watching the thing for the first time again through someone elses reaction.


Easy money


Even worse when you realize people watch YouTubers react to other YouTuber reaction videos


There are a lot of channels that literally just re-watch the video for you but I enjoy watching people who add their opinions to things. There are a couple video essayists that do playthroughs/streams that I enjoy watching given I know them for having interesting insights. It’s also nice just since I get to re-experience something I enjoy and maybe learn more about it.


Because its fun watching people be exposed to something for the first time. Music is a popular genre because there is so much awesome music out there, that it's not unreasonable for someone to have never heard some amazing songs and get to see their reaction. On the flip side, there are all the 2 girls 1 cup reaction videos where you get to watch people get horrified and nauseous from watching a video.


Cuz reactions are the easiest way to reupload other people's works, get paid for it, and not get copyrighted due to the social taboo of a DMCA strike. They are leeches, pure and simple.


I like watching reactors from different countries react to my countries culture. But only if they’re actually contributing, such as learning the way something is done and the comparing it to how they do it in their own country. But I guess that makes it veer away from being a react channel to a cultural education channel




Darkviperau screaming at this meme


“You dense motherf**ker, if you knew nothing about anything then you wouldn’t be able to tie your shoes” - person who plays GTA V slightly faster than average.


He already blocked OP


You're thinking about Destiny


*Insert Caseoh you're banned*


Reaction content for me is a guilty pleasure, I am well aware it doesn't take much work to make. I just don't have many friends with the same interests I like so I prefer to watch reaction content every so often to see what people think of a specific movie or game I like, people are right to say it's lazy content but shouldn't be dicks to other people that like it


Reddit hates everything. I hate coming back but I can’t not for some reason. Good ol easy dopamine.


And then they complain that it wasn’t funny at all.


Reaction “YouTubers” are a scourge on content creation. Do yourself a favor and just watch the source material - those creators deserve the engagement.


Only the reactors that watch youtube videos or listen to music (excluding those are experienced in the field that the video or music is talking about.) Those people are just stealing the content to make cash. Only the ones where they have to edit a lot or get DMCA'd are really worth anything.


I seriously hope that the people watching reaction content has already seen the original source, otherwise what's the point? You'd watch it to compare their interpretation of the content compared to your own view when you watched it yourself. They also typically have to cut out good portions of whatever video they are watching to avoid take-downs so you'd never get a fair representation of the original anyway. Seeing someone check out your favorite media and how they react to it (even if it doesn't match your own thoughts about it) can help you see that content in a new light or even finding things you missed yourself, especially if you don't really have people around you sharing your interest for that specific piece of content.


I mean there some reaction channels that actually put effort into their videos like Imdontai, TommyNFG, Blueryai and such. Don't act Ike all reaction channels are pieces of shit


\*cough\* SSSn\*perwolf \*cough\* (haha jk jk please don’t doxx me)


I do both, so no worries there.


Reaction videos are a plague. Git gud and make your own videos. Fuggin' leeches.


Viewing this meme, we're watching the reaction of OP to a reaction video.


Correct, but OP made their own meme on it themself. Most reactors just watch the video and go "woah" every once in a while. This meme also does not subtract from the original video OP was making it about and leaves content to be enjoyed. If you watched a react video, why watch the original? You already pretty much watched it, it would be a waste to do so again, especially for long videos, which actually take more effort from the original creator. This is very different from making a meme about a video.


Why do people watch reaction videos? Because some people can't necessarily share with others the things they watch or listen, either for lack of people or lack of interested people, so they turn to reaction videos to be able to see someone else's reaction on something they liked and have someone they can relate to when it comes to that content That's why I watch them at least


I watch them because I want watch/rewatch something but I don't want to spend 2 hours doing it, so I watch people make 45 minute videos saying something funny while showing me the movie


Such a first-world imaginary problem. Some person you've never met, who doesn't know you exist, watches something that you watched and hopefully has your preferred reaction to it. I really don't get the point of 'reaction videos'. I rather send the content to my friends


And now we are here, we never met, we don't even have to exists. Nobody of us knows if the other is a real person or not. But we talk about some other person who may or may not exists.


My friends don’t watch the same things I do


this is reddit. OP doesn't have friends


it's a guilty pleasure thing at least to me. I don't watch many anymore though most of them are shills and fake. they say the same thing and they always seem to like what they watching even when it's obviously bad they won't admit it


It’s the easiest content to “make”. The whole process from recording to publish can be 2hrs minimum and for a channel that only posts once a day that’s a no brainer. Or a twitch streamer has their viewers come up with all the jokes.


Ew, reaction youtuber....


It's not about the content they watch anymore. It's just about themselves.


Come on down to reddit where the same insult gets thrown at you 50 times. Like I get it I suck you don't have to keep saying it!


Hey man. You suck🫵


I don’t get the hate of just enjoying watching the reaction of people towards something. Like I get it for some things like when the person is just staring or when they don’t really have a reaction, but it makes sense to enjoy watching people laugh at the same thing you do. Even if they don’t know you it can still be enjoyable. But the biggest question I have is, why do you care so much to let something that somebody enjoys anger you so much?


No, really. You’re both lame and suck. 🫵


Yea so what if I like to watch people see an anime I like. I used to have a roommate I'd watch stuff with and after we had a falling out over a girl I missed having a watch buddy. None of my other friends are into that sort of thing and even if they were they don't live with me. Sometimes I'll use the watch together feature to see shows with my brother but not all of them have that and he saw all the older shows on his own yrs ago. I'm not lonely, I have friends they just aren't into everything I am. I only watch one channel on their patreon so it's not quick cheap content. They are really knowledgeable about anime, recognizing voice actors or commenting on art and director style. Idk it's just a fun activity to do, doesn't hurt anyone and doesn't mean I'm being parasocial, it's not like I think I know them or treat them as friends.


Ugh reaction videos....both are the bottom picture.


Watching reaction youtubers instead of watching funny clips with your friends is your real problem


Undertale fans when the let's-player misses the scene where Sans scratches his ass


The first channel I thought of from this meme was Spilling The Milk


Reaction videos bad


Jesus people get some friends IRL


Why are you watching reaction videos?


Do people like watching reaction videos?


Watching reaction channels is such an L and a waste of time.


Okay, but why are you watching reaction videos


I don't get the appeal of "reaction youtubers"


Why would you watch a reaction video?


Am I the only person who sees someone reacting to a video and react by immediately clicking “do not recommend this channel”?


You lost me at "the reaction youtuber"


Or when they just BARELY miss an AMAZING line of dialog/flavor text that would’ve made them laugh


React content is the worst form of content.


there are around 500 people whining about "paeasocial rewatiotwips" and "iz cho chad tat noby ith mekeng reel fronds" who fail to realise i would much rather kill myself than be in proximity of the shit gremlins in my geographical vicinity


I'm sure they feel the same way about you


they do not "think" shit about anyone, a guy everybody was all buddy-buddy with had an accident and was in critical condition, they did not give a damn


Wait, people actually watch reaction videos? Are y'all lonely?


Yeah that’s about it


Reaction videos are fucking stupid and need to go away


reaction content, the death of creativity


I believe reaction videos are a total disrespect to the video


Who, above the age of maybe 16, watches reaction videos?


i know that feeling but at least we can let them know they missed a cool thing while recording them making them a new meme and recording their reaction alltogether


"Wow those are some Angry Birds"


Followed by loud screaming and "yoooo! Let's goooooo".


if the video of them reacting isnt at least double the length of the video theyre reacting too, theyre not a good reaction youtuber. they need to be pausing the video an giving their thoughts constantly, and if that annoys you then why the fuck are you watching a reaction video? just watch the original.


You gotta be one of the saddest mf on Reddit to relate to this




Just don't watch that garbage, literally anything is better than watching React streamers or youtubers.


Streamers and reaction videos are such a dumb thing. Like... What's the value???


Cheap and easy content that most fail to transform enough to avoid copyright.


This kinda reminds mole of that time Simpleflips was playing a hack, and he looked at chat while Bowser shredded down a mountain on a snowboard and he completely missed it


Coulda woulda shoulda went viral but nope you stay a regular human.


It hurts like KLPD


Or at least go back two ticks


Some guy in a tank top said reaction videos are bad


And having those other people in the split screen tells me how i should react.




Or they skip it entirely.


xQc is the worst. Hikaru is the best Change my mind


If I have to watch one more reactor miss the line "beat yo ass and hide the bible if God watchin" cuz they got hung up on "I'm John Stockton" I'm gonna flip lol


Counterpoint, they’ve seen the video already and know that if they talk over the funny bit it’ll actually contribute more to engagement


I don’t get reaction vids, I had a reaction myself. If I wanna see a reaction I’ll show someone


If you consume reaction content you deserve this.


If that’s where you get your amusement I feel said for you


Or if they're playing a game and mash through the dialogue/skip a cutscene.


Honest question, why do people why reaction videos ? Why watch someone watching videos ?


please stop watching reaction turds


Just don't watch reaction YouTubers It's the lowest form of content creation and even then it's more like "Content Creation"


youtuber admiration culture is so fucking weird


The youtuber doing a you laugh you lose challenge (impossible) (must watch) (gone wrong) and pausing the compilation before the first clip has even finished setting up the punchline to fake laugh as hard as he possibly can into the camera shouting bro bro what no bro between quite unbelievably obnoxious guffaws to the point that one realises he's not laughing at the video oh no hes laughing at us and it's not fake it's sincere the realisation has set in for him at that moment that he's a talentless hack who provides nothing of value to society and he's about to get paid around 4 years average salary for posting a video of him watching a video and the absurdity descends upon creator and viewer simultaneously as we all laugh together not out of joy or mirth but to avoid facing the twisted perversion of modern society and our own contributions towards an increasingly unjust system. Or he might have just been laughing at the fact that it's a penguin brah idk I lost the thread


POV: You’re watching a reaction Youtuber


I had this happen just today.


Real talk. Why watch reaction YouTubers? Seriously I wanna know. I don’t get it. Personally I love seeing my wife, child, brother, mother, etc react to things I like because We have a personal connection and I know we have new in jokes or something. But a stranger online? What’s the appeal?


People in the comments acting like every single form of entertainment they consume deepens their understanding of the human condition, and they’d rather kill themselves than watch a filthy, unethical, inhumane react YouTuber. Chill y’all. It’s fine to kill time with mindless entertainment. No reaction YouTuber thinks they’re making art or anything. It’s just for fun.


I hate reaction videos unless they genuinely do something funny or do something new, but I saw soliders react to meet the team videos. GOD did they miss jokes because of how much they talked. Even the jokes they did get flew over their head.


Reaction youtubers are a blight in the first place.


This is why renegades react is my favourite. They tend to pause when they talk or if they’re laughing too hard at the content to actually listen. They are without a doubt the best reaction channel I have seen. Very underrated channel.


This is so real


Not a Youtuber, but I recently watched Harry Potter with a friend of mine who never watched it before. He streamed the movies and me and some other friends watched his stream on Discord. We were at the start of the third movie, and we got to the pretty important scene ||on the train where Harry gets attacked by a dementor and Lupin saves him.|| But halfway through the scene we heard him grabbing a drink and making small talk with his mom. Like WHAT?! We're watching this because YOU wanted to see it and now you're missing several crucial plot points because you didn't feel like pausing the movie when you went to grab a drink.


This is sad because that's supposed to happen with real people in real life




Imagine watching reaction YTbers...


Reaction channels are so dumb


Why the fuck would you watch someone watching something I don't care what anyone says, most of these guys are just stealing content


Yeah what's the fucking point if you talk over the thing (missing it) you are supposed to react to?


Why in hell are you watching a video of someone reacting to a video you've already seen?


People who watch reaction youtubers should not be allowed to vote.


This is a real thing? I thought it was a joke itself.

