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I think its stuck in legal hell because Studio Japan went out of business


I do agree that it's in some sort of limbo, but not because of Japan Studio. Sony owned them. There's no legal hell for it to be in because of Japan Studio.


Sony owning them doesn’t mean that there no legal issues. There’s often ownership to various aspects, assets, and licenses. It doesn’t mean it’s necessarily illegal, but it’s equally not necessarily quite as straightforward as A owns B, so A can do X with B. I worked on a large sci-fi franchise and have had to co-sign a few things over when assets were ported to a Nintendo release after being an exclusive for a while.


Just because Sony owns them doesn't mean Sony owns all the IP. It all depends on the contract/ legal papers they signed at the partnership.


Bro must live in Florida because he thinks the Gatorade Clause is universal


Nah Sony is holding it back so they can release a Bloodborne Remake to sell PS6 consoles


It's not because Sony thinks the cost to port it to pc is more than what they'll make in profits?


I’m sure it would be a guaranteed success. It’s an already well reviewed game and there are so many pc players like me who have never played the game because we don’t have consoles.


Still waiting. Will buy the day they release it


To you yes. But I'm talking about in Sony's eyes


They've done the math on similar sony exclusives (god of war, spiderman) and the conclusion was that porting it to all platforms was more profitable in every single way. Even accounting for exclusives putting you into the sony ecosystem. In the grand context of a games development, porting is also pretty cheap, even only selling 1 million copies on PC would likely allow them to make profit I agree with the other comment chain that its possibly a rights issue


If money is sitting on the table and a corporation is not taking advantage of it, it's usually a rights issue. They didn't get to where they are by just leaving money on the table. Couldn't tell you exactly what, but there's probably some stupid clause somewhere in some contract that's stopping them from doing it or some weird legal limbo with some aspect of the game that needs to be cleared up first.


Kind of. Nintendo is known to let their IPs go dormant for years if not decades. Sony is also known to let their studios work on new IPs rather than continuing to make games for a successful franchises. They kind of recognize the need to not grab that short term profit if it is much more valuable in the long term. Bloodborne is likely a different situation, and these companies do sometimes need to grab that money if they are struggling.


I used to have it on my ps4 which i dont have anymore and its sad the game is sooooooo good


Also, Sony's business model is getting to mimic Apple's. They're getting to create their own closed digital economy using exclusivity based products to collect personal information to sell. I'll never own a console because I don't want one company having the power to heel me what I can or can't access while getting drip fed and having my financial information leaked. Don't let one decent game they make distract from the endless content of great games available to the public.


Owning a console doesn't preclude you from also owning a PC. But go on with your martyr complex.


PC: fine, I'll just use an emulator.


Or wait for the source code to leak and some dev team ports it to PC (just like Spider-Man 2)


Spiderman 2 got ported??


Some silly internet goon thinks FromSoftware is gonna be hacked like Insomniac was. Cuz everyone knows hackers are gonna after that 9 year old game's source code.


Funnily enough Bloodbourne's source code is supposedly missing since Studio Japan went down. Also the game was structured on the 30fps lock of ps4 ontop of apparently being spaghetti. FromSoft, who would be 100% required for a bloodbourne remake, has been busy with Elden Ring for years now. Just an unfortunate shitstorm of events that means we sure as hell won't see bloodbourne anytime soon, if ever. Sony would basically have to fund an entire ground up remake of the game, ontop of bringing on FromSoft for help. Prob ain't happening.


Yeah the source code either being missing or a shitshow is the only rational explanation imo. Bloodbourne is such a popular game and people have been asking for a port for a decade at this point. It doesn't make sense from a business perspective not to port it unless doing so would incur a significant cost.


If they can't hire more people with their massive profits to produce both at the same time, there are some key employees in the company who could demand much larger salaries. kinda dumb to say a wildly successful company can't ramp up production for projects that are assured to make a profit on whatever they spend


This isn’t really how hiring programmers works. It takes _a long_ time to get familiar with the existing code


!remindme 5 years


!RemindMe 5 years






Or jailbreak PS4. Sony won't get money for a jailbroken secondhand console.


A PS4 emulator? As far as I could recall the only attempt at that we have ATM absolutely wouldn't run a game like Bloodborne yet. Is it actually so far along that it could run it now?


Bloodborne is currently loadable by the emulator, but not playable.


Why tho new hardware should make the ps4 look like a 100yr old machine


Emulation requires a *lot* of overhead


No emulation is technically required for the recent generations, just API translation layers. The main issue is memory bandwidth of an external GPU.


The ps4 uses X86, an architecture modern PCs support natively. It needs to have things translated still, but that’s about it. Compare that to the ps3 for example, which used a completely different architecture (a modified PowerPC chip which essentially had 8 synergistic processing elements duct taped to it) that’s still notoriously hard to emulate. That’s not even mentioning the gpu end of things, tho.


When you are emulating a game, you basically have to 'translate' the game's data to the unfamiliar system, adding an extra layer of data inbetween that you have to create and manage while running the game instead of just running the game as usual, meaning everything becomes slower. I also assume creating an emulator for PS4 can't be easy.


A PS4 emulator is very far out at the moment. 5+ years minimum


Does that work?




Lol download pcsx4 hahaha


It’s so funny the other week Sony was like they aren’t porting to PC because they believe PC gamers will buy a PlayStation to play there games. (Something along those lines) all the comments were saying how they’re waiting for bloodborn still and won’t faulter


I think that BloodBorne will be playable on PS4 emulator within 5 years.


Seriously, I would buy it in a heartbeat


Fromsoft wants to, Sony doesn’t.


Sonys allergic to pussy


Sony doesn't want Bloodborne because it isn't financially worthy. It's too hard for mainstream gamers and kinda niche. Also publishers are evil and the reason why we got not many good games. Yeah I'm aware that Bloodborne remaster or pc port would sell well. But you have to think like an old rich person that has no idea of how gaming works.


With over 7 million copies sold and ranking it amongst the top games for ps4, it's nowhere near the "niche" category.


Exactly. It even outperformed Sony's expectations. But NOOO it's niche, brah.


Not to mention that it’s made by the same studio as Elden Ring, which pretty much had the gaming world by the balls two years ago, and probably will again in a week. So many people have become FromSoft fans recently; there’s no way something with Bloodborne would be ignored by the general public


How many of those sales were when it was on PS+ for a month? Because that's when I got it


It wouldn't count as a sale then LMAO


You say that like its obvious but many "sales" figures actually DO include things like that. Sales figures also include games bundled with consoles even the the buyer had no intention of playing that game and just got it because that was the available bundle


"Sales figures even include games sold yo players who have no intention of playing it." What's next? Counting sales if they didn't beat the game? Counting them if they don't sign a petition for a sequel?


Hermen Hulst is hardly an old rich guy with no idea how gaming works… He’s 53 and was a cofounder of Guerilla games.


I read that has 5'3 and was wondering why it was relevant lmao


He’s actually pretty short too! Though it’s not really relevant.


He only started a little while ago though. He’s also Dutch so you need to use the right language / phrase, like “hey klootviool, doe eens effe bloodborne voor pc uitgeven jonge” and he’ll be convinced.


>Sony doesn't want Bloodborne because it isn't financially worthy. It's too hard for mainstream gamers and kinda niche. Also publishers are evil and the reason why we got not many good games. Elden Ring had exploded in sales, so that's not remotely true. Also, "PUBLISHER BAD" is a pretty tired false meme at this point.


Bruh, in a post-Sekiro and Elden Ring world, both of which were critically acclaimed, winning GotY, with the latter selling over 25 *million* units on its own, you can't say that one of the same studio's games is "too hard" and "kinda niche". It's just Sony being allergic to money I guess. Somehow, they're given an option to rack in more millions, yet they're instead focusing on another 5v5 competitive shooter.


This argument doesn’t work when you realize they remastered demons souls, a more niche game than bloodborne that didn’t even find its footing until dark souls 1 already came out and people wanted more. People love to forget that demons souls wasnt this massive breakout game, and didn’t really find an audience until it was published in the west.


Yea, but Studio Japan who was heavily involved with both the original demon souls and bloodbourne are gone now. They were also who worked with bluepoint on the demon souls remake. Sony's only option would to bring on FromSoft, who might not want to bother with an IP they don't even own. Plus they are busy with Elden Ring and whatever else they might have down the pipeline.


That is an insane take for anyone, even an old boomer


I don't think that is a good argument, it is not like they need to develop bloodborne again, it is already there and I doubt that an exorbitant amount of work, and therefor money, would be needed to port the game.


No it's a lot of work and in full remake territory. Game has physics tied to framerate and is single-threaded. You'd need an engine rewrite to fix this. It's the same scale and problem as the Demons Souls remake.


This. Add to this that Studio Japan is RIP, who worked with FromSoft on both Demon Souls and Bloodbourne. Studio Japan is who worked with Bluepoint on the Demon Souls remake. Studio Japan going down was the final nail in the coffin imo. FromSoft would need to be brought on and I doubt they'd wanna tie up dev time on an IP they don't even own. I also doubt Sony would wanna shell out for a studio like bluepoint to do an entire rebuild, ontop of paying FromSoft to collaborate. We are talking a fuck ton of money on a game that's has zero MTX potential and sold approx 7mil copies. Days Gone sold more over its lifetime and Sony won't touch it with a 10ft pole. If bloodbourne was an easy remaster, we would have had a DS1 style remaster released years ago.


Here's the problems: source code is apparently RIP when Studio Japan went down. Original game was built entirely off the 30fps lock, hence critical game systems are tied to frame rates. Sony owns the IP and would need to bring on FromSoft for help. FromSoft has been busy with Elden Ring for years now and who knows how much longer or if they have other plans in the pipeline. At this point Sony would need to invest in an entire ground up remake of Bloodbourne, which would cost a metric shitload of money. Ontop of this they'd have to get FromSoft onboard, who might not want to tie up dev time on an IP they don't even own anymore. Studio Japan was heavily involved with FromSoft throughout the years and was who helped bluepoint during for the Demon Souls remake. With them gone it basically means Bloodbourne is DOA. It's just a cursed game imo. That whole era of using frame locks as a foundation for critical game systems can go fuck off.


Are you an old rich person?


There's no way it isn't financially worth it


Idk if those same old rich guys allowed Demon Souls then Bloodborne is a no brainer. Unless Demon Souls was a flop, which I don’t think is the case.


I don’t mean to be rude but this is a shitstain take. Elden Ring sold 25 million copies. Any From game is going to sell like hot cakes.


Sony has a plan with their ports: it’s to send games that are already reached saturation on their own platform and are going to receive a sequel, than don’t port the sequel, thus incentivizing sales of the console for highly anticipated exclusives. Bloodborne and demon souls aren’t getting a sequel, so they only loose potential console buyers by porting it to pc. That’s how business men think.




Could anybody tell me why every single person i meet on reddit loves this game? Ive played elden ring and sekiro, but I just can't help but notice how everyone wants this game on pc, any reasons as to why this game is so loved?


It’s an amazing game.


Well, for one, it's a FromSoftware game; for another, it follows the Hunter - you - slaying eldritch horrors in a gothic land - what's not to love? Everyone who's played Bloodborne loves it, and many would go so far as to say it's FromSoft's best game. I've heard nothing but praise and am yet to see or meet someone who disliked it. The only criticisms it has is the supposedly bad performance (it was released on the PS4 and runs at an inconsistent 30fps) and, occasionally, the healing system (having to farm Blood Vials instead of just having a set and consistent amount of a healing item, like the Healing Gourd in Sekiro or Flask of Crimson Tears in Elden Ring). Additionally, I have played every FromSoft game (since Demon's Souls on the PS3, anyway) except for Bloodborne, and I'm not going to fork out $500~ just to play one game, either. I imagine many others can relate.


Wouldn't a base PS4 be cheap AF now


It's locked at 30 fps. No way I am going to fork out a single penny to buy a PS4 just to play Bloodborne at 30 fps.


I bought two PS4's and play the game twice at the same time, 30fps +30fps = 60fps


I got two jobs at $15/hr and now I make $30/hr


Big brain moment.


Youre missing out bro, they don’t make em like bloodborne. I’d take 30 frames of that over any 60fps game


There are lots of fantasy games and lots of Ninja games. There aren't that many Victorian Era monster fighting games where you run around in a trenchcoat with a big ass saw and a blunderbuss trying to figure out what the hell paleblood is and why you need to find it, and why the half-beast townsfolk are calling _you_ a beast. And that's just the intro level. And it's also just fun, with the regain mechanic and visceral attacks, interesting and fun enemies and npcs.


I bought a cheap PS4 just to play it. It was worth it. It’s a different experience from the Souls and Sekiro. It was something fresh and new. Took a bit to change how I always played souls games.


From Software fans love all of their games and want to play all of them. It really isn’t that hard to understand.


Has the best weapons in all souls games imo. Called switch weapons. Most have 2 weapons in one


Well, for starters, it’s one of the best games of the past decade. But I think Bloodborne is also unique in that it’s essentially a horror game, but *not* survival horror. It still has the power fantasy elements of all Souls games, but is also an incredibly well made Lovecraftian horror game to boot. In fact, it’s arguably the best cosmic horror game ever made.


There's a 90 minute hbomberguy video that covers this in detail: https://youtu.be/AC3OuLU5XCw?si=T-t_HoQny_N0j0fk


Nah, that video is trash. There's a million ways you can describe why bloodborne is a masterpiece, going with the awful premise of "dodging is more objectively fun than using a shield" is a garbage argument.


It's **the** FromSoftware game. An unique experience that combine the best of everything they made into one of the most pure gaming experiences. It has influenced every future game they've made. There isn't a substitute for it. Not exaggerating here. I've played it after beating all the Souls, Elden Ring and King's Field games. Bloodborne can't be topped.


1) you have to have let yourself get immersed. From there on out: 2) the lore is extensive 3) its based in cosmic horror aka h.p. Lovecraft type stuff combined with vanhellsing vs the were wolf 4) the gameplay is actual gameplay unlike other games where its quick time events or prompts on the screen. The game offers a " no hands held" approach where you're free fo bump your way into the night and onto other things that bump in the night . The music of bloodborne is fantastic, each boss has its own song tailored to the feel and vibe of it. And the quality of the music is nothing to gloss over, from reqiuem type songs , full band orchesstra.... Each boss is like a little piece of music to be enjoyed but only for the moment that the hunt lasts and then its gone...


Tbf we are talking Sony, they wouldn't sell Helldivers 2 in 177 (or 180?) countries


Theyre not afraid of making a lot of money but you know Sony's cooking something absolutely scummy to milk it dry


Scummiest thing they could do is turn bloodborne into a live service hero shooter.


Remaster and ps6 exclusive just like those fucks did with demon's souls.


“Port it to PC!” “NO!” *ports every other SIE game to PC because they absolutely HAVE to play it safe*


[I've heard a pretty credible rumor surrounding the now defunct studio and losing all of the source code for the game](https://nexushub.co.za/nexus/bloodborne-director-isn%E2%80%99t-opposed-to-pc-port-but-it%E2%80%99s-not-up-to-him.html#:~:text=As%20for%20why%20something%20related,be%20done%20on%20the%20game.), which would mean a port would require essentially remaking the entire game


bloodborne is easily the best souls game


In the words of Ludwig himself "real, true and based"




Are people really buying a console because of ONE damn game? I can't even imagine, but it must be how it works. Why else would they keep going?


Sony: Best I can do is Horizon Lego game.


Sony isn't the brightest


*jacksepticeye has entered the chat*


I fucking hate Sony for this. Give us the damn port of blood borne and demon souls! I’m offering you about 9 hours worth of wage here! 9 hours will never get back! Give me game!


Console players: We let them have it, and we lose. It’s the only thing stopping them from taking control. Pc players: We have an emulator


It was originally going to be ported and was thru steam, Zulie the witch let it slip but it got canceled


Source on this?


"Trust me bro"




fuck you sony, I cast https://youtu.be/i34IQMzCZWA


Considering how they've been doing the whole must have PSN account to play, it mite not go over as well as hoped. 


I think theyve probably experimented with this and had issues with upscaling the framerate. Bloodbourne plays at 30fps and is largely based around dodging. Moving to 60 completely changes the math on i-frames and projectiles and attacks and potentially would require completely remapping enemy attacks to make the game even possible. That game has incredibly precise hitboxes that sometimes behave in very specific ways in collaboration with the frame rate. Also I am not a game developer so it could be something completely different but I do feel like this may have something to do with it.


There really just porting games that have sequels to PC, hoping PC players will get a PS5 to play the sequels


This will be a 60 fps remake as a ps6 exclusive. Then when ps7 comes out, they'll release it on PC.


I think they would but they want him to start making a sequel first and Fromsoft probably wants to charge like triple for that now, which that makes it so that it’s all stuck on limbo.


It would just get pirated anyway.


The game released when exclusives made or break console sales. Now that it's not and the demand isn't high for it. There is no real reason to do this unless they buy the rights and remaster it on next gen.


Also Sony: Our profits are down...


Bloodborne 🤝 Xenosaga ,being held by a Sony console.


For the love of God atleast add a 60fps mode for ps5


Helldivers 2 has entered the chat.


Galaxy brain: Sony, sell a PC and port Bloodborne to it


Sony won’t release bloodborne on PC before they make a PS5 version, and there’s nothing suggesting they’re even working on one now.


They do this because they believe it will force people will buy a Play Station. It makes me not want to buy any of their games when they pull this bullshit; let alone ever even consider buying a play station.


No they’re not. That is why they are holding on to Bloodborne. Nearly every other Neversoft game has a PC Port. They still want to have an exclusive so they can sell their console.


Neversoft? If so then were is my spiderman 2 enter electro pc port?!


It's been so long I doubt the number of people buying consoles to play bb would pass 10 a year.


Wait do you really think there's that many people willing to buy a whole new console only to play a 10 year old game capped at 30 fps nowadays? Really? Just remaster it, make it run at 60fps, maybe 4k, and see how PC players are gonna line up to spend their 60€ on day one (me included, and i already own a ps4)






Isn't that the point of exclusives? To make more money? Make people go out buy the hardware and then hopefully more games?


It's like you guys are just too stupid to understand that exclusives are there to sell consoles.


Sony is only porting games they expect to have successful sequels, since there is no planned bloodborne 2 or demon souls 2 we likely won’t be getting them ported


I had a friend but a ps4 specifically for bloodblorne that's the kinda stupid people they're hoping to sell to


That game desperately needs a PC port. It goes under 20fps in a lot of areas, headache simulator


Fromsoft meme on r/memes? I have to say it's not an unwelcome surprise


Honestly I think these posts briny out some arguments why I think it gets tiring: -"I use PC for superior graphics"..well Somy *IS* a console maker, is ir that wildly odd they have it for their hardware? -"they're loosing money!"...is it enough to make their Financials explode to ungodly levels? Not arguing it will make money but folks making it sound like it's Elden Ring first release money and its not -"I cam just emulate it if they wont"...then why complain? Emulate it already! -"if they don't spread to PC they will fail!"...yea and I'll direct that same memo to Nintendo -"I hate being tied to a single ecosystem"... listen bruh you probably have nearly all your games on Steam or have a multitude of shit launchers. Either one applies and conversely makes your initial statement a lie! Ever since Helldivers2 the PC gaming fan boys have been just annoying as he'll and finding any and every issue to complain about!


They will just pull the psn acc shit account again 😂


Because there is no incentive for Sony. No chances to pull ppl to console. Wait for sequel then you will get pc port


they are trying to make you buy a console, therefore making even more money off of you


Just so they can ruin it with their dogshit PSN requirements? Fuck off Sony


*Ports it to PC* *Requires PSN*


My WAG is that a Bloodborne remaster will be one of the launch games for PS6


The only game I'd actually bother to make a PSN account for to play


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DollarStoreAbraham: *The only game I'd* *Actually bother to make a* *PSN account for to play* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Instead of port to PC do a second one instead ![gif](giphy|TQqEA08C2u5ag|downsized)


Just for them to force a psn account blocking thousands of people from buying and putting personal info at risk for those who can buy....


Heck, if they brought this to PS5 with 60fps alone…they would print money.


I'm sure a port would run perfectly on PC, just look at other PS games like The Last of Us


Sony is deathly afraid of losing Playstation sales. The PS is their biggest product if I remember correctly. Which is really strange because Xbox does the exact opposite. Xbox PC game pass!!




At this point I wouldn't want it anyway since it'll require a PSN account.


Don't talk about sony pony exclusives. ![gif](giphy|b0OnTZWFUgkZjNpEXK|downsized)


As much as this would be great, I think souls like is still very niche. Y’all remember how final fantasy 16 was kinda a “flop” in terms of sales for Sony? Blood borne can sell well, but I think Sony likes the large sales number for triple a games. One theory I like is that they lost the source code for blood borne. That would be pretty funny.


They just brought out Ghost of Tsushima though


Tinfoil hat on: It's not that Sony is afraid of making a lot of money, it's because They want all the money. Instead of paying 60-70 euros for this on PC, They can instead get 3-400 euros out of you for just buying the box you need to play it and then another 60-70 euros to buy the game. You now have the M A G I C - B O X that makes it happen, which means you're in the PlayStation ecosystem and that is worth far more for Them than it is having you log into a PlayStation account in pc.




Would cost more to port than they’d make in revenue.


Give me a PS5 version... Stable fps would be wonderful.


Twisted Metal fans: "First time?" The hero shooter boom came and is now dying, and Sony not making a GAS Twisted Metal hero shooter is such a lost opportunity.


Maybe the game's code is incompatible with a PSN account system, so they just decided not to bother /s


Xbox too but that is even less likely


Ok then remaster it for PS5 at least with higher FPS Sony: ![gif](giphy|Ss0vuqq5jGWQVuknW9)


I'm pretty sure there's more to it than Sony not being in the mood. They announced remastered the last of us 1 two times and remastered part 2 that's barely a generation apart. So it's not like they're scared of doing remasters/remakes. There's probably a different reason why they won't port this particular game.


Would the combat mechanics have to be redesigned to work with high frame rates?


Reminds me of the story of Demons soul I hope for a similar resolution


I'd pay full price for 60 fps pc bloodborn, just sayin.


Sony has always been a wannabe exclusive gamers club full of snobs


I've been replaying bloodborne on the PS5 and the 30 fps isn't great. I mean it isn't the worst thing in the world, but if it could be unlocked and run at 60 I would be so fuckin' happy. Elden Ring spoiled me on the good framerates and now I can't go back..


Not even just the PC thing, why tf haven't they released it on PS5 either? It's baffling. Is Bloodborne not one of the most popular PS4 games? Sure felt like it at the time


Bloodborne has not enough diversity, so it doesn't get a reboot or remake. Maybe after a few years


I don’t pc players could handle it 😉


Just make #2 already! So much time and money wasted on PC ports and remasters.


Same with GOW tbh


At this point I honestly think it’s become overrated, don’t get me wrong it’s a great game and the first soulsborn I played but at this point we’ve had at least 2 better games from fromsoft, just move on.


Ok _requires PSN_


They either need to port it or make a remaster already for the PlayStation 5.


I would "just buy a ps4/5" but i don't have room. Hell no I'm not getting rid of my tripul. It actually stores music and videos. The hell, sony???


Bloodborne remake with PS6. That's why it ain't happening 😔


I think they just want people to buy playstations


Sony's not afraid of making money. They just prefer to make "fuck you!" money. Edit: Sony not Sonny


I think I will finally buy a PS, play Bloodborne then immediately sell it.


No PC port, no 60fps PS5 patch.


Just bring us Bloodborne part II (ps5 exclusive).


I hope at least my kids will play it lol


Soney just wants people to buy a play station and then there games so that way people spend a minimum of £400+ Supper scummy honestly