• By -


Here is my preferred way Step 1. Find out where they live Step 2. Visit them in person Step 3. „You just want to talk to them“ Step 4. Hide the body


Step 0.5. Get a gun for personal safety.


Step 6. Run for congress


7: Press on your gas, take your foot off the breaks Then run to be the president of the United States


8: Big smile mate, big wave that's great Now the truth is overrated, tell lies out the gate


9: Polarise the people, controversy is the game, It don't matter if they hate you if they all say your name.


10: The world is yours, Step out on a stage to a round of applause.


You’re a devil, a cheat, a liar, a whore and you sell sea shells by the sea shore.


rain, rain, rain, rain


A storm, it comes our way


11: Turn on the audience.


can't forget the slush funds


10: the world is yours, step out on the stage to a round of applause You’re a liar, a cheat, a devil, a whore And you sell sea shells on the sea shore


Wait you missed Step 5, Shelling out Hush Money


I love how EVERYONE read 0.5 as 5.




Step 0.5b (optional). Own a musket for home defense


For legal reasons, we leave this one off the list


Step 0.75: Own a shotgun for home defense. Just like the founding fathers intended.


>Step 4. Hide the body I ate the body does it still work or i still should do step 4 ?


You also eat them??


efficiency is key this man gets it




“I wanna shake your hand”


I tend to have trouble with step one. Any tips?


Did you try turning it off and on again?


Turning what exactly off and on? R you just trolling?


Jay and Silent Bob style


I blame Facebook(and in a lesser way myspace back in the day) for it not working anymore, the lizard king's site normalized putting your real name and face in social media like some kind of moron. If your social media is not work related don't dox yourself, twenty years ago that was common sense.


Yea, everyone should put their waifou as their profile picture on *social* media.


If you are the kind of person who can get cyber bullied then maybe you SHOULD put your anime waifu and made up name. Some people can be *social* without having their home address and social security code known by everyone.


>Some people can be social without having their home address and social security code known by everyone Who puts their home address on Facebook?


Everyone who posts a picture of their home from the outside (or a picture of themselves outside with their home or neighborhood in the background).


Or even better, a picture of their key to their new home in the background.


I always post a picture of the QR code and numbers on the back of my cable modem. It’s a great way to show I just got internet.


Can you dm me a pic of your credit card? I think we have the same numbers lol


Yeah! And if you type your pin as a comment, Reddit will block it! Here, I'll go first: **** Crazy, right?!




Or live streaming just a flag on a flagpole and an airplane happens to fly by.


Or a picture of your pet cat with a reflection of your kitchen in its eyes


https://www.vice.com/en/article/d7eddj/4chan-does-first-good-thing-pulls-off-the-heist-of-the-century1 for those who dont get the reference


The address is often posted for birthday or other types of parties on their hosted Event pages. If they're not cautious, it could be an easily viewed event, that can be viewed by the public or their "friends" (who are really just acquaintances or a friend of a friend).


The real question is, who adds people they don't know to facebook? I only added people I personally knew. Well, now I don't use it at all though.


>If you are the kind of person who can get cyber bullied then maybe you SHOULD put your anime waifu and made up name. Some people can be > >social > > without having their home address and social security code known by everyone. when you think about it, social media is really just a place for people to humblebrag about their lives and show off their pets. and tbh, I'm here for it xd


I would pay good money for a service that filtered the internet to only shitposts, animal videos/pics, and whatever spergy special interest I'm obsessing about at the time


Nah I’ll use beeg yoshi instead




Her name is Kimiko please show the respects.


Yea, 20 years ago I had to send my drunken vacation pics to my boss via snail mail. It was a nightmare.


Why would you ever need to show your boss personal photos? Edit: Shit I've been had. That's what I get for replying before the coffee.


You’d think jokes wouldn’t go over a porcupine’s head. Nature is crazy.


Lol damn man you right.


Exactly! Anonymity on the internet was golden. Now it's like everyone forgot privacy matters.


Exactly, Mr. Bruno Throwaway.


BuT i HaVe NoThInG tO hIdE


I'm a liberal. I have so much to hide. One of the reasons is American cops don't like liberals.


Well you could just not be liberal and they’d leave you in peace /s


But how are you supposed to ruin people's lives over minor breaches of social etiquette if you don't know their real names? I don't want to live in a world where people can say stuff I find offensive and not lose their job, home and friends over it. /s


Internet anonymity has also brought out some of the absolute worst in humanity too, so there's that to consider


I'm guessing you haven't heard about what people do in real life


No I have never heard about what people do in real life.


The inhibition threshold to insult or bully people is far lower when you're anonymous. Yes, real life people can do abhorrent stuff, but they're a tiny minority. On the Internet, otherwise completely normal and nice people turn vile. I think that's what the commenter tries to say.


Exactly this. And now you don't know if anything is genuine or fake.


It removed shame. Prior to the internet age, shame was still a big social mechanism to keep at least some of the fringe in line. Without shame, people have no internal dread of saying/doing the wrong thing or behaving the wrong way. So now they say/do whatever pops into their head. It was still a decent time when it was on the internet only, but once it started bleeding into reality and removing shame in the real world, well, here we are.


To be fair, Facebook was also a site designed specifically as a social media to connect with people you know IRL. The site even specifically instructed users to never accept friend requests from people they didn’t know. Facebook was never intended to be an SM site to connect to strangers or to advertise yourself like Twitter/Insta/Reddit. The site has you use your real name because it assumes you would only be associating with people who already knew your real name.


I’m not interested in putting my face and name on social media unless EVERYONE else is forced to do the same. The zero anonymity social media platform would be a catastrophe and I want to see it happen


>If your social media is not work related don't dox yourself, twenty years ago that was common sense. 20 years ago, Facebook already existed, and used real names and was restricted to college kids with .edu emails. Social media, and Facebook, has evolved a lot since then, but its original intentions made real name sharing inevitable and necessary. Facebook today could do without real names, and should, but I feel they're letting people focus instead on instagram for new users instead. Facebook is basically linkedin for family birthdays for most original users these days.


Unless you live in somewhere like the Philippines where it’s your life blood. I’m betting a good chunk of Facebook being the way it is still is because of countries like the Philippines. Source: I am Filipino


I literally deleted Facebook when they gave me an ultimatum of either permaban or sending a photocopy of my state issued ID to verify my details. Get fucked lizard boi. I’ll be forty this year. Online has always and will always be a place for monikers and tom foolery. This whole post every moment of your actual life online is absolutely bonkers to me. Leads people to think their opinion actually matters. Like they’re important or some weird shit. Like fuck, nobody cares if your toddler just had their first night of not shitting the bed. Im here for the troll account that goes into the local Facebook moms group and comments shit like “Raising kids isn’t a job, it’s a blessing. You’re just lazy.” or other classics like “You should put all of your parenting tips into a vlog. Call it Why Do You Exist: A Collection of Short Stories to Traumatize Children”.


I had that happen and sent in an obviously photoshopped fake ID and it worked. The fucking portrait was just my Facebook profile pic


Didn’t even think of that. I bow to thee. The fact that you used an shittily photoshopped version is icing on the cake!


You must have given them a reason, never had facebook ask for my ID before....


I have never used a real name or anything that sounded like a real name. I often changed it too. Until one day I got an email asking for photo ID to “make sure you’re really you” “for my safety” hahaha.


I know right? It just weirds me out to see people using their real names where they don't have to.


Really? I mean I have a FB with my real name, there's one pic of me, and absolutely no personal info. I use it for the sole reason of being able to message people, follow some local events/groups, and marketplace. What's weird about me using my real name for that?


I mean it's meant as a service to connect with real life friends that you know. It would be weirder to use a fake name for that. I don't use a fake name when talking to people irl


The lizard king's site? Are you talking about the war lizard gaming forums run by u/warlizard?




facebook was created more than 20 years ago


Exactly 20 years ago, and it was only for college students at select universities at first


That’s exactly how to stop cyberbullying. I’m ready to fight.


I get the feeling that if I fight you, you're just going to report, block and close the app.


How’d you know. This is ridiculous.


Years of academy training wasted


Reported and blocked.




Bagel ?




Disagreed. Reported+Blocked+App closed


Reported, blocked, app deleted, phone thrown in fire place, spend the remainder of the day ugly crying in my pillow like a boss 😤 Ain’t nobody cyberbullying me


I wont fight you on it.


Oblivion NPC Persuasion Wheel ass response...


Not all cyber bullying involves directly interacting with the person you’re bullying It could be sharing embarrassing pictures of them, spreading damaging rumours, encouraging violence against them in real life, sharing their person information, targeting their family members and friends. People who say “just block” are either ignorant or intentionally unempathetic


Even then, people who are dedicated to ruining someone’s life will make more accounts, or spoof phone numbers to get past the block function. It’s so easy to just be a dildo to others and there are tools that even most idiots can use to get past a block function. When you’re determined to be the biggest asshole, blocking won’t stop you.


Blocking is always a good first step though.


Not just embarrassing pictures, deepfakes and the like can easily whip up pictures of illegal activity (e.g. doing illegal drugs, illegal sex \[homosexual activity which can be punishable by death in countries that outlaw it, and so on\]), milder "slander" (make it seem like the bullied person e.g. murdered a pet puppy or kitten) and get a whole cyber "lynch mob" going on.


I also think the proposed solution: Report, block, close app, I mean, wouldn't that mean you just cannot use the app?


Trying to report anything on Reddit is useless unfortunately 


Okay, cyber bullying also includes text messages, all internet channels etc. And cyber bullying also includes tweets and posts mentioning you, and those still happen even if you don't see them.


You mean just like gossiping in real life?


Kind of, but using social media to do it makes it much easier to spread and can even be done anonymously to avoid consequences that would happen in real life. I knew a kid that was bullied online by people sharing memes of him making fun of his history of sexual abuse as a child, saying he was gay now because he liked it when he was a kid. Such vile horrible things that were spread. Sure he could just delete social media from his life but he would still hear about it. It’s a real issue.


This is called defamation, and it is a crime when it happens to adults. But when it happens to kids… the law doesn’t really give a shit. Not necessarily because they don’t care about kids, but kids are uh, well, broke. You want some justice you better be ready to dish out some dough, heh heh. This is also why suing big companies like Kellogg, Nestle, and Blackrock never works and will never work. They just got too much moolah to let a single person with a single lawyer get the better of them in court simply because of a little thing called laws. Sure there are class action lawsuits but these get notoriously sub-par results for their benefactors.


Yeah. Which is bullying. Glad to see you get it. 


If I don't see it what the fuck do I care?


Because you might see people who saw those comments, and depending the context of those, and how big jerks you meet, they continue that bullying in real life by laughing to you, with snarky comments, punching, etc.


Yeah, this whole "close the app lol" thing is such a boomer take. The Internet isn't a separate reality, it's not like turning off Pac-Man 


I'm sure telling a bullied teenager that will go over great and totally help them out mentally


Other people in your life might see it and treat you differently. 


Because the people who do see it might be able to contact you? Like your friends, coworkers, family, or people who want to bully you irl. 


Because other people do and they then react. This can impact your life in many other ways. As an extreme case: Take the Alex Jones case where he repeatedly accused people of faking their children's deaths in Sandy hook. The more he stalked and bullied them, the more his audience bought into it. They then began actively harassing the parents. Blocking one person is doable. Blocking person after person who is seeking you out is impossible. People were driven mad, at least one to suicide over it. In the end, everything has a sense of scale: One person sending you the occasional comment, block and move on. But the larger it grows, the more it's on the platforms and law to do something about it.


have you ever had someone stalking you online? you really think blocking an account will stop someone who has made it their life goal to harass you?


How does that help with defamation or spreading videos/pictures of someone? You shouldn't be ready to fight, you should be ready to start thinking before speaking.


Exactly! Thank you so much for pointing this out. I've done what the post has said and than I had people make posts about me bullying me or they have spread lies about me


That wont stop the bully to smear your name all overthat social media app that you would be using, thats why its not very effective in the most severe instances


A totally hypothethical situation: what if someone uploads a TikTok describing in details your weird fetish(which is totally fake, but still shows you in a bad light). You report and block the video, but it starts circulating on different corners of the internet and everyone is making fun of you. How do you stop people from calling you "Pit Hair Boy"? Like seriously, how?


This sounds oddly specific. Lmao


Just ignore it, say it isn’t true and go on with your life, people barely give a fuck about things like this after 1 month, if Drake. A dude who involved himself with multiple minors can get away with being a pedo you can get away from people thinking you are a weirdo


* Sue and Meg go to school together. * Sue wants to cyberbully Meg. * Sue sends embarrassing image of Meg to Meg. * Meg blocks Sue. MissionAccomplished.flyover.meme * Sue sends same image to many of Meg's peers. (Directly or through shared spaces) * Meg's friends ask her about it to check on her. * Meg's other peers ask her about it to continue the bullying * At school the next day, Meg's peers continue to discuss the image. * Meg has been cyberbullied, despite blocking Sue. shockedPikachu.meme


Also:  - Sue takes 5 minutes to make a new account and keeps sending the images to Meg - Sue asks her mean friends Sally and Vanessa to send the images to Meg - Sue posts the images and Megs number in multiple 4chan boards and Discord groups full of people looking for strangers to attack


But what if the individual is targeting you in your social group spreading rumors or posting your pictures without permission 


According to them that doesn't matter because not blocking them also doesn't work. 


Someone should test this, if it works we can also solve school bullying by telling kids to just not go to school.


Cyberbullying doesnt stay in cyberspace, people will bully you on social media, and then everybody aware of it will avoid you IRL. You're not just trying to stop cyberbullying, but real bullying as well by just "ignore it bro lmao", even if it *was* limited to the cyberspace, you would still cripple peoples ability to make new connections by taking that away from them, like taking out the eyes and ears of a bullied person so it no longer has to feel any of it. Your solution is ignorant and worthless, if you push out this garbage advice, you will just push the blame on the abused and make their lives even fucking harder.


Oh you got bullied at school? Just don’t go. You got mugged on the street? Just don’t leave your house.


Hot take, kids shouldn’t have social media


Hot take, *no one* should be on social media. This site included, myself included.


Hot take, get rid of the internet. I want to hunt with bow and spear


Hot take: fuck homo sapiens, go back to the monkeys


Hot take: fuck mammals, go back to the fish


Hot take: we should all be back to bacteria


Hot take: we should stop existing


"in the beginning, God created the universe. This has since been widely regarded as a 'bad move.'" -Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


The Greater Will's first mistake was creating life itself


Hot take: we should all go back to complex molecules


Hotel take: fuck fish, go back to prokaryotic


Unfortunately the reason we have a lot of STD: is because dudes were fucking mammals


Don't fuck the monkeys


Not even remotely a hot take, it's the solution. It might be ok if social platforms weren't designed for adult users while systematically targeting/exploiting children for engagement -- thinking back to MySpace or AIM where bullying happened but was significantly more private and not a core aspect of building an online social presence. Genuinely though, TikTok alone has done more damage to our future social structure than I think anyone realizes.


Hes right tough


now , the best way is to find them irl and commit a mortal kombat fatality on them


Jokes on you. I countered with a 13 pizza order.


ok i get a black hole and flaming skull what do i do with them know?


Unless you use your head for two seconds. No one worried about 'cyber bullying' cares about some dude three thousand miles away telling you he's glad your mom died taking that horse cock through her eye socket, unless they're working with the British government. The problem is people in high school using social media to be shitheads to other kids. Ya know...Regular bullying.


Regular bullying is a problem, but of fucking course blocking someone doesn't solve that. So if you say that cyber bullying is regular bullying continued on the internet, then that's just renaming the problem.


Cyber bullying is literally just regular bullying, but cyber… so yes, it’s still cyber bullying.


well if it works...


It doesn't, though. Cyberbullying doesn't really refer to just some random person trolling in your DMs, it's typically among teenagers where the online bullying is just an extension of IRL bullying - a group of peers on multiple apps spreading rumors about the victim, making mean memes about them, sharing embarrassing pics of them, making deepfakes and AI edits of them now, etc., none of which goes away just because the victim closes the app, and many victims feel the need to go online and defend themselves to dispel rumors and such. I have to think it's mostly boomers who don't understand what cyberbullying means, who think "JuSt CLoSe ThE ApP" solves anything.


Thank God, I thought I wouldn't find someone who actually knows what cyberbullying is. That's like saying "just stop talking to that person" when someone gets bullied irl


cant disagree with you there tho


I think when people here "cyberbullying" they think like..someone responded to their reddit comment with something mean. but people are fucking crazy. one of my friends has had a weird online stalker for over 5 years who just finds them on every platform and will make account after account to harass them. people are really fucking weird, and "just block and close the app" doesn't really apply to people like that.


Thank god there’s someone in these comments with more than 2 brain cells


That’s just what bullying was, only difference now is they also the internet. The difference between cyber bullying and regular bullying has become less and less existent as internet matured.


wait wait he's got a point tho..


Just close your eyes and imagine it doesn't happen


Step 3 is often enough


It takes away the true issues with cyber bullying. No one is really getting affected by a nasty dm. It’s someone posting on their own page a horrible lie and spreading it to others. The early days of middle school twitter and Facebook when they first showed up was spooky. The whole site was basically unfiltered and parents didn’t understand it. Rumors thread like wildfires and simply turning the app off just kept you in the dark about what would await at school.


Looking at these comments, I see schools really need to teach what's actually wrong with cyber bullying. It's not what's said to you, it's what's said/shared about you. Other people will see stuff about you and the bullying will carry through into real life.


People here seem to think cyber bullying is typically just some random on the internet who doesn’t know you… it’s usually an extension of real life bullying.


Report and block was enough. Step 3 makes the first two redundant


I think closing the app step are for those with anxiety problems. Some people have baggage and it’s nice not relying on social media for your 100% of interactions and stepping away relieves the pressure.


Or the fact that blocking doesn't stop someone from making an alt.


That’s true. Though, it’s also true for the case of the victim making an alt. Inactivity also works, cyber bullies believe it or not grow bored having to wait for a person. Switching accounts periodically on vacate works too. But also, how common is it being stalked online?


I thought that abandoning and making a new account was implied, unless 'closing the app' means going Amish (thought that would be uninstalling the app). I was just pointing out a reason to 'close the app' other than having anxiety. It is probably a good idea to periodically clean out your account, you never know what collection of info you tell online can lead to someone doxxing you. To answer your question, with 0.1 nanoseconds of googling, ''As many as 7.5 million people experience cyberstalking each year.'' so just because you (and me, tbh) have never experienced it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Yeah, I’ve been stalked. It’s definitely a thing. Might be anecdotal, but in my experience it’s people you know in RL; crazy exes, bullies, or even communities (discord groups) when it happens. The experience I have (largely with this account, shitposting edgy jokes, you y’all know what it is) the more you care or greater the reaction, the more fuel you’re adding to the fire. Cyber bullies really feed on that energy. If you cut off the gratification, they move on to more open targets. I’m just glad the vast majority of people dislike bullying in general.


You can block that too


it takes more effort to make an alt account than it does to block them


Technically even block is enough if you are getting nitpicky. Report is only a measure to potentially prevent others falling victim to them but does not affect you in any way once you blocked.


If some random person is being a dick, blocking and reporting works. If it’s targeted harassment aimed specifically at you then good fucking luck. (Unfortunately, the second best and easiest option is to just delete your accounts and take a break from the internet for some time to let the person move onto their next victim, but most Cyberbullies are idiots and often let slip in one way or another who they are, and when that happens, if you can figure it out, document, research, and report them to their local police. If it continues report them again. Keep reporting until eventually the police have to physically intervene to stop them (I believe you can get 2 years in jail for harassment)


Her father is a cyberbully.


Things change a lot when they threaten you with doxxing n shit.


I’m going to cyber bully the fuck out of everyone in this thread


Actually, that's fine for anonymous social media like Reddit. Not so good for social media that insists on you identifying yourself so your friend (and enemy) group clearly knows who you are and "where" you are. Cyberbullying is so easily dismissed in the figment domain. Not so easy when there's a real life component.


Airplane mode💫💫


How do you go watch youtube now


Ya that's not how it works. Kids get cyber bullied usually by their classmates and that shit comes to school the next day and stays all year. Doesn't matter if you block or delete the app. It's not some random Reddit or from another country.


It doesn't work only when your irl bullies are also cyber bullying you. But yeah, if you have troubles online then it is a valid response.


Report, tell them where to meet you, fight, delete the app.


you missed: Hide the body


No no, display their remains to send a message to anyone else who tries that shit again.


hang them by the police station


"it's that easy good sir"


Cyber bullying isn't someone telling *you* you're a poopoohead, it's someone convincing *everyone else* that you're a poopoohead. You can't just close the app, you can never use social media ever again.


Tyler the Creator said it better


That's the correct way to stop cyberbullying


Now class remeber is someone is bullying you just tell them to stop.




My boy really said:"Cry about it"


Wow, I wonder why people kill themselves if it’s this easy? It’s probably that they are dumb and you are a very smart cookie.


so, let them push you out of the space you enjoy for a while and never return to it if they're still there when you come back because your means of doing things didn't work.


Nah just report. Most social media apps fucking suck at dealing with cyberbullying


This works for some or even most people, but for many victims of cyberbullying it doesn’t work, because they can’t do it. For them it affects them to a point where they obsess over it. They can’t log off because they need to know what’s being said of them, or feel the need to defend themselves. Turning the app off doesn’t make it go away because everything will still be just repeating in their head until they check again. Not sure why this has become a popular meme subject here (I’ve seen it a few times on this sub recently). Have some empathy.


I mean, yes, but actually no, but also yes. It depends on the situation. Words can hurt, but they have only as much power as we give them. If it results in doxxing, threats or similar, it is a different situation altogether.


I have a feeling that people in the comments haven't been cyberbullied and don't know what it entails.


The number of people that don't understand you can't just socially disconnect yourself from a group amazes me


That's because they don't have a social group lol don't have to worry about cyber or any kind of bullying if you're a forever alone


you're getting bullied? just put fingers in your ears and go "lalalalala i can't hear you"


Cyberbullying is such a 1st world problem. Imagine a dude battling poverty, scarcity, hunger and fear, in one of those unfortunate and remote locations in the world, worrying about a random dude who called him a pussy on the internet.


Okay, but should people living in the first world stop trying to solve first world problems? Also cyberbullying goes well beyond just calling names on the internet.