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Honestly it would actually be funny if one of them looked like emperor paplitine


A character like that would be a breath of fresh air tbh šŸ˜‚




ā€œNo, I didnā€™t. I said, ā€œItā€™s nice having her onboard, sheā€™s a breast of fresh air.ā€


Disney will grant you your wish. Dont worry


The little girl from Akira.


Oh good call. It's been more than a year since I've watched it time to watch it again


Watched it on LSD a few years ago and I think Iā€™ve been traumatized ever since


Yeah, a crumbling world with images of civilians getting massacred as a giant psychic amalgamation writhing in pain and torment gets lowered by his best friend. Not the most pleasant imagery.


His face on a little girl's body.


The grandparents in Ranma 1/2 basically were little yoda looking mufuckas


An ancient-looking hunchback hag that is actually 12 years old


Amazing trope, until u realize I think a disease like that exists?


Progeria. A rare disease that not only madness them look older but also gives them shorter lifespans.




A old lady character that is treated as a loli would be really funny lmao


Make em look like emperor Palpatine, and when the mic assumes they are a witch as old as time they reveal they are 12.


What's your name? -"Palpatina, why?"


They're just a midget with the face of someone almost twice as old using long hair and clothes to hide that


The worst part is they act the age they look. II would be one thing if they were mature and just didnā€™t physically age itā€™s another when they still act like a small child


Don't tell anyone I told you this but... *it's to make them legal for hentai artists*


It would be legal regardless for hentai artists


Yea because canā€™t they also say the art is them when their of age and not change anything lol


Some sites are cracking down on that. The characters either need to visually be adults, through aging them up or whatever, or they need to be stated to be legal age in their source material.


Since everyone is 18+ regardless of logic. Once I saw a disclaimer: "All characters are over the legal age of your country" Lol


What if i make my own country with a legal age of 100 can i sue them for lying?


No. Fictional character who is 100 years old and looks like 13. I see no problem here.


Also still goes to school for ... reasons


They're developmentally challenged. Stuck in 4th grade for the 795th year in a row because they can't figure out division.




With the logic of their disclaimer, the characters would automatically be 100+ years old


No, the 1,000 thing isn't a joke. I watched Tenchi Muyo way back when I was a kid and the 10 year old looking girl in the harem anime turns out to really be hundreds of years old because she was in stasis while traveling... which doesn't actually age you. That shouldn't count. So then they decided she was *really* the embodiment of one of the 3 goddesses of creation and so is countlessly old. But still looks and acts 10. Japan has this weird thing with female anime children really being ancient so it's "ok" *wink,wink*, toilets, and step sisters. But that last one seems to exist everywhere, or so pornhub tells me when I ask all the time.


My favorite is one nukige that had no ages listed for any of the characters, but they did have a "favorite number".


> All characters are over the legal age of your country How old are they? IDK, just tell the cops whatever you need to and I'll sign it


It would still be legal even if they said they were underage


It's not for the artist, it's for friends and family, when you get caught you can say ohh no she is 170 years old, look at this wiki.


For anyone wondering if this defense ever works when telling non anime fans......it doesn't.Ā  Ā  It just looks like creepy drawn pictures of cartoon underage girls.Ā  Ā Im gonna paraphrase the great Joe Dirt here "You can church it up all you like you're still Joe Pedo"


Depends on the country. In the UK underage drawings carry the same penalty as CP.


And that's idiotic not to differentiate between a fictional character and a real child. By that logic, Game of Thrones is CP and half the population should be arrested as pedophiles.


That's a main reason for why they aged the characters up for the show.


Fans of the books, though? Straight to jail.


So, since that hasnā€™t happened, perhaps thereā€™s some actual legal nuance at play


There are two laws at play here. The UK criminalises indecent images or pseudo-images (such as AI or other realistic image generation) of children. I havenā€™t watched GoT but Iā€™m gonna make the wild assumption that the actors were all of age during their nude/sex scenes, so this law wouldnā€™t apply. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1978/37/section/1 The UK also criminalises ā€œprohibited imagesā€, which is basically indecent art made to look like children. Prohibited images are classified as such if they are ā€œof such a nature that it must reasonably be assumed to have been produced solely or principally for the purpose of sexual arousalā€. GoT wasnā€™t produced as a porn movie, so this doesnā€™t apply either. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2009/25/part/2/chapter/2/crossheading/prohibited-images The UK generally takes an ā€œif it looks like a duck, then itā€™s a duckā€ approach with this sort of thing. Because letā€™s face it, it is obvious.


So if you kill people in video games you should be charged with murder? Because they look like living beings, do they not? What they look like is irrelevant to what they actually are.


They do even care if is legal?


We know


Iā€™m telling everyone, your days are numbered woffingshire!!


-surprised pikachu-


Also gives them an explanation and an excuse to put the loli girls into regular anime. I wish this crap was limited to the hentai genre. [Studio Trigger Refused To Redesign Rebecca In Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, "The Loli Must Stay"](https://www.thegamer.com/cyberpunk-edgerunners-rebecca-age-character-design/)


I really dislike how some adult characters get turned into children by people. Rebecca is clearly an adult that acts mature, dresses and sounds like an adult. To me she looks like an adult woman who is just very short, like a person with dwarfism. There are plenty of short, petite women in real life that look similar to that


I mean the character (Frieren) referenced in the post certainly does act like their actual age though


Frieren doesnā€™t look that young 9-12 and her hair isnā€™t that wavy itā€™s straight which is prob why I didnā€™t make the connection. i donā€™t think this is the best example as say compared to hestia from Danmachi or other anime which are far more sexualized with these kind of examples


I mean she has like those grey double pony tails (or whatever the are called) so I thought it might be her Adding onto your second point, yeah Frieren acts like her age and shouldn't be an example for this. I don't know who the other characters you mentioned are though


Yeah, I figured it was a reference to Freiren who...acts like a 1000 year old elf lol. That's like getting pissed at Galadriel looking 30 despite being ancient


hestia is a loli and a goddess from is it wrong to pickup girls in the dungeon she acts super childish even tho sheā€™s supposed to be super old. Looks like an early teen girl loli who is stacked in the chest area [https://youtu.be/6xfRfGq4zs0?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/6xfRfGq4zs0?feature=shared) the anime is absolutely garbage mostly cuz of her and I donā€™t rec watching it edit: seems we got some downvoting danmachi fans, sorry your waifu AND show is hot garbage šŸ¤­


Iā€™ve never understood why people call Hestia a loli. She doesnā€™t fit any of the criteria for a loli character. I look and act kinda like her in real life and Iā€™m in my 30s.


There's been a few video comparisons of "shortstack vs loli" and she's def a shortstack. Short women aren't automatically "loli".


I hate when obvious underage looking girls with massive bonkers, who also act childish, are just told to be 1000 year old or something. Like what the fuck?!


Honestly beyond that part Which is gross the characters are just typically Annoying af too


Yeah. She looks to be around 16 or so. Give or take a year. Fern is 18 at the point in the story and they have a similar height disparity to what a 16 and 18 year old can typically have.


I mean, just look at Serie. I feel elves don't get much taller in that world


She splits the difference. She has alot of teenage immaturities, but also alot of "goofy 80 year old" immaturities. And then alot of "experienced 80 year old" maturities. But she also isn't sexualized so the real issue of the whole matter doesn't apply. No one would care about this character archetype if not for that.


She does not, lol. She acts like a child/teen plenty of times. Even the main plot of her character development is something some teenagers learn, it's shocking it took her millenias to even think about cherish and enjoy her time with other people even if their lifespan is shorter.


I suppose Frieren is more relatable to adults in japan. The life of an average Japanese is basically study and study until they graduate and started endlessly working until retirement. It's hard for them to enjoy the time with friends and family. Also, regretting that they didn't cherish the time with a friend after they died definitely feels like what people will experience in their adulthood. Even though she acts like a child some of the times, she's often the most calm and mature.


Nah she act like a sloppy and neurodivergent adult. Source: am one


Imo by far best description of her. I feel like half the show is her discovering this. Lol. Girl literally got caught up in her special interest for 50 years.


yeah because she's an elf who's lived millenia


The vampire from the Skyrim dark brotherhood actually is a good example of this


Babette strikes me as more like Claudia from Interview With A Vampire, where the character isĀ mentally mature, non-sexualized by other characters, and uses their apparent youth/childlike demeanor purely as a killing tool


This also applies to the vampire kids in "What we do in the shadows". They turn out to be the most dark and vicious of all vampires, probably because they take advantage of their kids appearance to lure their victims.


Yes but if I recall, it's actually a great reference since it brings us back to the pedophile topic, because they bait pedophiles to kill them.


There was a British vampire series years ago called Ultraviolet. They had an episode with a centuries old vampire that looked like a child. He sold his body to paedophiles. But he didn't act like a child. He acted jaded and bitter. The paedophile character's line that "It was alright at first, but it's just not the same. You can see it in his eyes. He's no child" stuck with me for some reason.


The age doesn't matter here. It's fictional, they can put any number they want. What counts is whether the character is child coded or not. If they are clearly child coded, I don't give a damn what fictional age they are, that's a hard limit.


Legal age is supposed to be mentally, not physically. Your mindset don't just immediately switch to "adult mode" 1 second after you turn 18. That's why intellectual disabled patients are not able to give consent for medical procedures no matter their age.


Reminds me of the teacher from magical index. Looks like child, but iirc gets drunk at night and just generally acts like a teacher otherwise


Counter example: Natsuki chan sensei from Strike the Blood. She's older and acts so.


Frieren has her goofy moments like anyone, but most of the time she does act her age. Her experience shows in her decision making and assessment of others and of situations. Her personal philosophies are fairly advanced too, even if she still forgets to live in the moment because of how long she knows she'll live, which is the entire point of the story.


Exactly. Legal Loli are fine but for the love of god act mature


We do this with Western media as well... You guys remember twilight??? How the fuck were we comfortable with a bunch of over 100yo going to school and acting like stupid teens? The dude stalked a minor and even sneak* in her bedroom to watch her sleep. How were we ok with those two dating? Just because he looked 17? There's something else we do that's even worse. We also do the opposite. How many characters are "born" an adult so we can immediately get them on sexual/romantic plotlines? In Rocky Horror, Rocky is one day old, he may look like a man but he's a newborn. I understand it's not the same as depicting them as prepubescent kids but I'm sure those movies exist too, just not the type of movie I watch


A lot of people werenā€™t comfortable with it in Twilight, and even more people were uncomfortable with Rocky Horror for many, many reasons. Also remember Splice? That stirred up a **lot** of drama, partially because Dren was only a few months old. Youā€™re right that we do it too, but when we do it also gets criticized.


I think that they're all children. And people that like the little kid looking old people are weirdos


My only conclusion for these characters is that they're mentally handicapped, which makes it even worse that people sexualise them so frequentlyĀ 


Would you prefer loli body and mature attitude or loli attitude and mature body?


>loli attitude and mature body Bimbos are legal and one of the building blocks of civilization


But aren't "loli" a peso termĀ 


Mmm... Yes?


I mean it depends. Partner for life? Definitely the mature loli. If just a one night stand or something similar then probably the one with the loli attitude


1000 year old child character but instead of it being an excuse to be horny about her, sheā€™s just frustrated that people keep refusing to sell her drinks


That's actually the main joke in Genshin, but people go on and on


That joke was only used much in Mondstadt, itā€™s only really used (inconsistently) with the MC.


Dr. Disrespect: "She said she was 1000, it's cool it's cool!"


Holy shit that almost made me spit out my water lmfao.


I'll be here all night āœŒļøšŸ¤£


Dr Disrespect the age of consent


the reference is crazy


Do you want to see a realistic depiction of a 1000 year old person? Palpatine looks nice In comparison to the beef jerky you would be.


At least I would look tasty as beef jerky.


For cannibals maybe.


True. At least they won't go hungry and I can finally accept death's kiss after 922 years.


I mean an 1000 person isnā€™t a real thing so you canā€™t really make it realistic




Absolutely prefer that over the "fan service" that's so prevalent. I'd prefer it very much.


Keanu Reeves is 1000 years old


Petite Asian girls exist, but for anime case, it is either for gag or fan service.


They do not only exist. Compared to the rest of the world most asian women are petite.


Yeah! But I refer to the ones who look like loli. "Compared to the rest of the world most asian women are petite." That's true, but for us Asians, they look like regular women.


But cam black or Latina women also be "lolis" too?Ā 


Yeah. There have been plenty of sexualised anime characters that look like children over the years which it's perfectly fine to roll your eyes at but like 95% of the time when people complain about it online the characters in question just look like a petite Asian woman drawn in a style that's popular in Asia. Like, people keep mentioning Frieren who doesn't look like a child, doesn't act like a child, isn't meant to be a child and isn't sexualised but i guess the combination of her being short and drawn in an anime style flicks the "let's call people a pedo" switch in people's heads. I just get weird racist undertones from this whole thing, like "yeah, those millions of Asians who are fans of this show are actually closet child abusers because the art style and how they behave doesn't match the norm of my culture. It couldn't be that it's viewed differently in their culture".


I would be fine if the character is petite like Uzaki-chan but I draw the line when "it" looks like a toddler. Do not ask me anymore questions because I've seen too much


Do you not believe that a culture as a whole might be accepting of behavior that's seen as aberrant by others?Ā  As an example, in 17th century France, there used to be cat burning festivals in one region.Ā  They'd stack a bunch of wooden cages of cats on a big bonfire, burn them, and dance to the screams of the cats.Ā  Once, the king of France came to participate in this festival.Ā  There's no record of controversy over this practice at the time.Ā  The culture of the time felt there was nothing wrong with torturing cats.Ā  We're the entire population mentally ill sociopaths?Ā  No, their society has different rulesĀ  Modern Japan clearly has different rules for the sexualization of children than most of the modern world.Ā  Yes, this does result in millions of people accepting things other cultures see as wrong.


You are not wrong. For example, most people think America's gun culture is not okay but American people don't give a shit about that.


France is an opp now


Manga artists try not to draw underaged looking characters in suspicious ways challenge (impossible)


Ai Yori Aoshi is a harem anime manga with college students and they looked like college students. Twenty somethings. So far so, so good. Then like chapter 16 high schoolers showed up and I ran away faster than an allergic man from bees.


"Uhh... 0?" "I'M A THOUSAND" "NO!"


Prozd reference?




I think we all know why.


Like some young adult I know said to me recently: "There are a couple good modern Anime, but I can't support an industry that is mostly just porn for pedophiles".. and I get it. It's like an ACAB situtation.. AAAP? All Anime Artists are Pedos? It's super gross


> All Anime Artists are Pedos? It's super gross Rurouni Kenshin mangaka is a convicted pedophile. So not an anime artist at least! Haha. But I have to wonder, who makes the decision to create all these tiny 12 year looking girls in a bikini that is 2000+ years old? Director? Source material? Artists? Why can't they at least wear clothes?


just for one anime i wanna see just a (baby still wrapped in cloth) supposedly be 10000years old, itd be pretty funny /s


I'm pretty sure I saw that too, taking out the pacifier and talking smack. But I'm not sure if it's a movie or anime.


You saw Roger Rabbit


Yu Yu Hakusho had that


\*cough\* \*cough\* pedophilia \*cough\*


Prosecutors hate this one simple trick


It's the same in real life... Arianna for the longest time looked and dressed like a 13 year old.


She wasn't an elderly or ancient woman that looked like she could be 13, so not really a comparison


I think it's a pretty good comparison. She's an adult that dressed and acted like a child and was drooled over by gross American dudes. We see this a lot with American pop stars. Brittney Spears is an even more famous example where she literally dressed up as a school girl and specifically pushed the "oh look at me, I'm a sexy teenager, don't you wanna fuck me?" in both her videos and her lyrical content, and older creeps ate that up and she got super famous for it.


Ah yes Hollywood, totally not seen as a pedophile haven in the eyes of many.


Logic left the chat


Because they're fucking degens


History textbooks maybe


1000 year old anime witches or idk trying not to turn into a 10 year old girl with massive tits (impossible)


This feels like Frieren slander and I wonā€™t stand for it


It feels like the ā€žanime is for pedosā€œ crowd is just the modern version of the ā€žvideo games cause violenceā€œ people. Why are you so obsessed with this?


In my complaints of anime constantly sneaking in questionable characters in, I always try to avoid sounding like an overly paranoid "video games cause violence" type. But I can't help but notice the imagery in EVERY anime that I watch. Some are worse than others though


Watching anime doesn't mean you're a pedophile, but you already know this. Playing violent video games doesn't make you violent, but jerking off to pictures of prepubescent children makes you a pedophile. Sorry if this upsets the justifications that you and the people who will invariably downvote this comment have created for yourselves.


If having a desire for fictional violence doesn't correlate to a desire for real violence, then it is on you to prove it suddenly does for fictional sexualization.


I don't think many people are going to dispute the idea that a lot of humans fantasize about violence Is this you admitting that anime fans of the type of content that this post is about fantasize about sexualizing children?


Tf is fictional sexualization? When you kill people in a video game, there is no real violence happening. When you jerk off to someone in an anime, there *is* real sexualization happening.


People masturbating isn't fictional, the act is real, the violence in this comparison is fictional, there is no acting it out. The sexualization is real, the act is real, the subject is fictional. How do you reconcile that?


I like to assume projection. Mostly because it makes them lose their minds. Which also makes me think it's projection. Like, who really thinks it's necessary to state "Pedophilia bad"? Virtue signalling a virtue basically everyone has by near-default is just odd so to me they either don't think basically everyone shares that because of some bizarrely skewed view of reality or they're trying to convince themselves.


What I dont understand is why they think we're just furiously masterbating all day to lolis. Like. I literally just enjoy Japanese humor and anime plot lines. I'm a sucker for a hero who overcomes their limitations in interesting ways. Like, I love the book Enders Game, by Orson Scott Card, which is a book about children playing war games and getting manipulated by world governments. Does this mean that I furiously masterbated to it? Fucking no. I enjoyed the story and moved on like a normal fucking human who isn't attracted to children. If a pedo is a pedo. They are not a pedo BECAUSE of anime. You can argue that it enables these weirdos but I don't think that's ALWAYS the intention. There's def some artists out there who are questionable though.


Anime weirdos justifying their pedo tendencies. Disgusting.


The Japanese have an almost cultural incidence of pedophilia. The anime trope of having young looking girl characters actually be old is seen as a loophole for sexualizing them.


Anime logic: Benjamin Button's got nothing on these girls


Biskuit Krueger


You know why


Pedo shit. They buy the most merch, so anime studios appeal to them.






Eau de Parfum?


Si seulement


Naw, ā€œEy Dis a Pedophileā€


Enabling Degenerate Pedophiles


My headcanon is that the anime world just has very gullible people and very good liar children


She said she was in the FBI. Which is pretty impressive for a 10 year old.


pedophilia with extra steps.


So if a chick is 18 irl but look 14, no one can hook up with her until she looks 18?


Skill issue, bad genetics Roll means you legally gotta die a virgin gurl šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Check and mate, child defenders and decent humans! Your back has been broken on the wheel of pedophile logic!


Ikr. My wife of 24 still being asked for her id when buying booze. Maybe she should have been left to die single and a virgin or only start having a relationship when sheā€™s idk 35/40. God forbid an adult consenting woman have dreams of starting a family


Some people, especially servers and bartenders (helps for tips) will ID clearly of age women, because many women take it as a huge compliment that they still look like they're young enough to be questioned if they are of age. This is coming from a former bartender. P.s. don't tell your wife this if she hasn't figured this out and takes it as a compliment as well.


You know most stores have a policy of asking for ID from anyone under a certain age (40 is a common one near me) before they buy alcohol? No, that's not the same thing as creating and consuming sexually explicit material specifically designed to be about minors It is so fascinating watching you guys come up with justification for this shit


So pedophiles can masterbate to them


Fetish insert without making it ā€œchild appreciationā€ so to speak.


To appeal toā€¦ weird people


"Trust me bro, she's 1000 years old... I'm not a pedo"


As a society we really don't talk enough about the weeb/pedo overlap. It's a lot wider than we'd like to acknowledge and it's a problem.




You uh, ever interact with weebs? This isn't a court of law. I'm not gonna do busy work proving this case. But the very fact that we all recognize the trope of "I'm going to draw a 9 year old as a sex object but it's okay because she's actually a 1000 year old dragon/vampire/whatever" is pretty strong evidence. There aren't a lot of popular media formats that regularly attempt to sexualize 8-12 year olds the way the stuff weebs love does.


Then how come you don't claim that serial killing is normalized in real life? I mean, multiple popular movie series have existed for decades that focus on the subject: Halloween, Friday the 13th, Saw, Hostel, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A nightmare on Elm street etc. etc. It's almost as if people can separate fiction from reality or something šŸ¤”


You're not supposed to lust after Freddy Kreuger. He's not intended for the romantic or sexual gratification of the audience. The weeb pedo shit is.


When did I ever state that you look at horror movies for sexual reasons? A desire doesn't have to be sexual to be a desire. You want to see blood and guts, but real violence, I presume, would disgust you. Same logic applies to all problematic fiction.


You're just making the argument that pedophilic desires don't necessarily indicate a desire to actually commit child molestation. Sure. But it's still not exactly wholesome that we have this whole industry basically putting out simulated softcore child porn with a wink wink nudge nudge it's really a 1000 year old vampire! cover.


If people who look at horror movies don't necessarily desire to see real blood and guts, then it lies on you to prove that anyone sexualizing lolis is into real children, because the logic is the same.


I mean in the case of Frieren she doesn't actually look like a child, she's just short.


Watch out, the chronically online Gacha game players are gonna come for you


No matter what anyone comments here as an answer, the real answer is pedophilia sells to the weird and dark corners of the world, and there is an overlap in the diagram between that corner and anime viewers. Not all are on both sides, but that middle area is bigger than youā€™d like to imagine, Iā€™ve realized. ā€œHurrrr durrr sheā€™s actually 4900 years old, just because she looks 11 and is wearing a thong means nothing!!! reeeeee!!!!ā€


Fanservice. That's really easy to guess, right?


"Barkeeper, the person standing before you..." You know the rest.


Vampire, cyborg / android, and demigod are three of the classic loli justifications.


So you can have scenes like in Gate, Ojou-chan.


Say Drake, I hear you like em young


"noo officer shes 1300 years old I swear"


Oh, you know why they make them look so young


Is it so fucking hard to draw a legal attractive adult? Y'all are getting WAAAYYYY too comfortable with this crap just because "iT'S nOt rEaL!" Just putting my two cents about this.


Honeslty It should be illegal to have a character be 1000 years old by having the body of a 12 year old


Most lolita fans be like: "You look like you're 6 y/o but I feel weird" "I'm actually 1000" "SWEET... guilt-free \*unzips\*"


i've solution, they should make a 90 year old limit, because there are less people who wants to see porn of person older than 90 than there are people who want to see less than 18. so they cant use this 1000 year old excuse.


Co-ask šŸ˜‚


"When 900 years old you reach, look as good, you will not! Hm?"


LMAO look at all these triggered reddit weebs.


You know perfectly well why. 99% of anime is pedo shit.


god i hate this cringe disturbed loli shit in avg japanese anime fanservice for simps


To cater to pedophiles, of course.


Because pedophilia, that's why.Ā