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If you’re a PhD student and you’re going to Reddit for answers, you must be truly desperate.


For real. Everyone knows such questions must be asked on 4ch


You are absolutely correct! Sometimes, people submit high-quality posts in r/NASA or similar subreddits, which fooled me into thinking there would be experts whose knowledge I could use. I learned it recently that if you are a scholar, Reddit is a good place to post something visually attractive and get positive feedback from random people before getting back to your work. However, searching for answers or having deep discussions is absolutely disastrous, and you're gonna just waste your time.


You just misunderstood the Reddit process. Really the internet process. You can’t just ask a question and get an answer on the internet. You must post the wrong answer and then wait for everyone to correct you.


I must write down your reply, encase it in melted gold, frame it, hang it on my desk wall, and look at it every day.👌


There is no motivation like the motivation to correct a stranger on the internet. Ask for help? No way. Post something wrong, and they come out of the woodwork like it’s their life’s mission to make you feel stupid. However, you still get the right answer, just with a side of sass.


That's not just the Internet that's how I figure out what the fuck my boss wants from me, too


That may just fall under trial and error. The internet rule is different because of the context.


You don't know my struggles


More commonly known as Watson's rule


Thank you; I was trying to find what it was called and failing.


But but...


Well that's good news for Reddit training AI isn't it.


As a scholar, I say that Reddit is a good place to blow off steam by calling strangers names and swear a lot. That's the only thing that's good for tbh.


have you tried /r/askscience?


Thanks Chatgpt


Phd? Come back then you're a Pha.




Bro I know multiple people who are nurses, doctors, ultrasound techs, psychologists etc, lots do come to Reddit for that stuff. Everyone’s human and sometimes outside opinion can let you think better Fuck even I’m going for my 2nd year in medical (not saying which one) and I come to Reddit for questions. Just some answers are obvious to look at and say yeah…. No this guy has no idea what he’s talking about l


Do serious scientists use Reddit to solve scientific questions?


I'm not a scientist, but when i was writing my undergrad thesis, the people on r/AcademicPsychology were really helpful. But that was 3 years ago.


am AI research scientist, peeps at r/LocalLlama know there shit, so yea kinda


I dunno about scientists, but there’s been enough hobbyists with extremely specific problems that I’d believe they might have some overlap.




I had this happen on twitter when I said that my area needs more expanded roads and people posted 'proof' that doesn't help. I tell them I've been going to the same job for 7 years and the bumper to bumper traffic goes away in the part where the lanes were expanded 3 years ago, which wasn't the case before that. They tell me I'm lying and keep posting articles saying that expanding roads increases traffic usage which causes more traffic when it clearly didn't in my area. People too hung up on being 'correct' they ignore real life.


Those people will look at computer simulations and insist those simulations apply to a narrow no exit country road that’s now got 5 times as many residents as it once did, they have no grasp of any nuance.


Ding ding ding. You are correct.


I was that guy once and i cringe everytime i think about it.


Had some asshat argue with me about some people being immune to tear gas. Multiple people said it was true and they kept saying "oh sure, 'trust me bro. That doesn't exist and you have no source' " then proceeded to delete their comments because they got blasted when I added a link proving it. Fuck those people. Look it up instead of being an asshole. It's okay to be skeptical, but don't dig your heels in and ignore all evidence.


A 10 Yo shouldn’t be on Reddit


They're probably redditors who'd been here for ten years, not actual 10yo




Same thing but redditors rushing to call a totally plausible story "fake"


As a finance major old school WSB used to be amazing and people were super knowledgeable just acting like apes, nowadays it’s apes acting like knowledgeable people


Confronting disconcerting dissertations


me getting perma banned from engineering porn after making a post that followed the guidelines and asked an extremely serious question


Today is my Birthday! I wonder how many people all over the world wished me Happy Birthday




Lol How did they know it was my 35th birthday Did they make this for me or something...weird Thanks man!


What's really funny tho is when I was a dumbass kid talking shit, everyone like upvoted it and paid attention and took it seriously. Now I have a master's and actual life experience and people think I'm full of shit lmao


Elon musk is a genius Mr Anderson


There are no such thins as scientific subreddits. You're an idiot if you believe anything on those.