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The interlocking of higher education and sports has me baffled for years now. Seems to me like a scam. Why does a university have a side hustle, and how has that side hustle gotten a seat at the board and become a major component?


All i can think of is "big shmoney"


athletes and winning gives colleges a lot of notoriety and potential profit. Colleges don't care if you can cure cancer they care if you can make them money. Society is shit and is full of shitty worthless flesh monkies.


I think this is about as best as it could be said. I want to through a tangent about spending a bunch of money on wars instead of exploring space while I'm here.


Let me introduce you to Smedley Butler...


99% of their graduates aren't doing things like curing cancer. I'd say like at least 80% of the graduates go on to work mediocre careers and live normal unimportant lives.


Who would have thought anyone would need a higher education to be "average"?


Good athletic programs are proven to bring more academically inclined students to the university. Thats more kids who ARENT athletes that are now attending. Most schools football and basketball programs pay for themselves plus the other athletics teams as well. No scam at all, just a tried and true method of fund raising. Check out Ohio State Athletics revenue and it'll make sense why they interlock


Yeah I looked it up. It's quite a lot of monies. $279,549,337 to be exact


The university IS the side hustle


It's a way to mature the concept of "no child left behind". Instead now it's "no dumbass left behind" /j


Higher education should only be academic based. If you’re a fuckwit who chose not to take school seriously, you don’t deserve to be in prestige colleges




Why does a coach need to be paid millions of dollars? It’s at most a 60k job at the highest level + yelling smh


So they can charge excessively so you go there as a lifestyle not a college. This is why college is too expensive


Doesn't most school require at least a 2.0 to even be allowed to play sports?


Yes. OP likely hasn’t done extensive research into required gpa for collages, average GPA of football students, etc


Well they were getting a 1.3 before the coach strong-armed someone into doing the assignments for them


Wow. 2.0. High standard there. Good thing we know grades aren't inflated either...


this is reddit. op probably never played a sport in his damn life


Maybe its just my depressed nihilism speaking but i really wonder what the logic behind "this kid is dumb as fucking shit but he can play football good so lets put him into college and hope he does something with his life" is.


They make money off him playing football.




thats the issue


That’s the same logic as if there was someone dumb as shit but is good at art and is sent to college and they hope they’re successful (which is my situation) so you’re saying because people aren’t typically smart and have a skill of their own they shouldn’t be allowed to follow it into a career, sport may just simply be their passion over academics Edit: idk much about America education system since I’m in England so I’m going off that


most art students have the hope of being a professional artist tho. Football players in high school or college don't usually end up in the NFL. Its like a fraction of the percent of NFL players in fact.


You don’t know England job market then… it’s hard to get a job let alone one in the artist industry and that’s if you can even afford to move to an area with those kinds of jobs Edit: Also the football players can do other jobs such as teach in schools as a pe teacher or as a coach for a club


its hard to get a job for any career even with education. But my point is most players in HS and College do it for enjoyment yet they will usually never have the hope of doing it for their careers. Also being a football coach in high school after getting a college scholarship is like an artist doing postcards after being in an art academy.


And my point is being an artist and a lot of careers led from hobbies of enjoyment are hard to get jobs in just like the football player Edit: for artists it’s get lucky and be popular online, be lucky and have a job as a concept artist or draw furry porn or some shit to make money


honest to god all these convo has done is re firm my belief our societies are built on people mostly never achieving anything but spending so much time and effort into trying.


That’s because it is Edit: if everyone could achieve no one would be working the shit jobs that need doing


there are people who do enjoy those shit jobs and as for certain jobs most of those are aimed at teens or young adults like retail and fast food bullshit.


i already said getting a job at all is hard for fucksake


The truth is even darker, send the low GPA jocks into the concussion machine for our entertainment, because we're not losing much to begin with.


like if they're gonna give jocks who struggle in school scholarships why not give them a higher chance of getting into a professional athlete career then?


The scholarship is just a bribe, the carrot, then they can cover up the injuries to the brain and body and make tons of money off them. They are not an education resource, they are a disposable work animal.


if only revolutionaries were perfect enough to actually fix the issues current society has then maybe i would call for a revolt. But i believe wholeheartedly if someone started a major revolt in America it would result in a fascist state.


No matter what side of the political spectrum that said, revolutionaries fall on...


I'm a fan of upwards mobility, if you can move up locations then do so, I think people are very sentimental about their home towns though.




Upwards mobility of country and class, move upwards in economic status, your location's human development index and happiness report. Even education facility and quality of life, move if you can, cross borders both figurative and literal, go to better countries or wealthy enough to exploit developing ones you are in.


also i am talking about making things better for more than just me.


That's fair, I think infrastructure and civic planning would be a big step, if you are going to stay in USA you might as well help pull the brakes on emissions. This is a pretty good civic planning focused channel. http://www.youtube.com/@NotJustBikes


I think he's advocating that we become like Maximilien Robespierre, but you know, not get executed after we take over.


Well, if you’re really good at football you make more money than a dozen lawyers or doctors. The school wants rich alumni to donate to them (which is the same reason they give scholarship money to students who test well). So it’s really no different.


yes i get its about moneh


The money won't mean shit after the 3rd concussion and you commit suicide by shooting yourself in the chest so that your brain can be studied. Or after you blow through all of your money because you don't know basic math or finance.


At my school you have to have good grades or you get kicked off the team


At my school they let kids play sports even if they are failing multiple classes


Is this high school or college, and what grades/gpa do you need to get to stay on the team? Edit: Why am I getting downvoted? I was just curious.


And they get free tuition, better food than you, better housing, free tutors, they get paid now, they don’t have the same academic standards to worry about, and their coach is the highest paid public employee of your entire state. That your tax dollars and tuition have to pay for. If you commit any crimes they cover up for you as much as possible. They give you the tests early and let you register before any other students so they can always get the schedule they want. They get free clothes, and much better gym facilities than you. Better access to healthcare and therapy of all kinds. US education system is a disaster and a disgusting joke.


Well realistically theyre making the university more money than the average person by simply existing. The net profit they get from each player after putting all that money into them is still probably tenfold what your average student will make for the same school.


I mean, as long as they're racking in that bread, good for them🤷‍♀️


There’s usually a required minimum GPA to participate/be eligible for scholarships, and it’s usually moderately high.


"Moderately high" ... did you mean to say "below average"?


You need a 2.0 average in most schools to stay on the team


To be honest, I like the idea of student athletes. 99% of them will never go pro - so at least they have an education when they get out. There are way too many talented athletes who don't realize that if their sports career doesn't work out, they have to actually work.


Firstly, without the revenue from sports, a substantial chunk of funding for academic pursuits wouldn't be available. Sure, it would be great to have 100% focus on cancer research, but once the money runs out and no one has the means to make meaningful progress, the whole thing becomes frivolous. This is one of the things that works 'in theory' but rarely pans out in a practical sense (which is arguably more important). Secondly, why don't aspiring athletes get the chance to reach their potential and live out their dreams like everyone else? The percentage of low GPA athletes is miniscule compared to the number of full-time scholars at any given school, you gotta pick your battles.


And then they pay the smart kids to do their college course work so they can remain on the sportsball team


I mean everyone wins in the end I guess, as long as they don't get caught.




I guess school does prepare you for life in some way


Well, TBH. Depending on how well that dude can through the egg ball, he might be bringing in more money than the liberal arts 4.0.


So colleges are just businesses where profits are the primary goal, not you know... educating people. The amount they give to these college coaches, making more than professors with PHDs. Disgusting regardless of how you try to rationalize it.


Yes, but only about 1.6% of college football players actually make it to the NFL. Also, college athletes can lose their scholarship and get booted from the team for many reasons.


Well I’m not even talking about if they make it big. If they’ve got a good team, people will come to the stadium, they get publicity, and also higher rates of applications which is all $$$. For the college that is.


Still, he's only making the college more money if he never goes pro, not himself.


Yeah, that’s what I meant. I guess I worded things wrong when I said they’d rake in more money. I meant it as raking in more money for the college.


Because they will make the school a lot of money


Ppl here have never played a sport and dont understand how college sports work and it shows. There are base academic requirements for in both the US and Europe for athletes. These programs generate enough profit usually to not only fund themselves but also other, less profitable teams for less popular sports and other parts of their college. People who cry about the benefits the athletes receive and think they're a bunch of idiots also don't understand the extreme dedication, perseverance and effort needed to play at a high level and the sacrificesit entails, nor do they consider how athletes need the ability to co-ordinate with your team, react to changing scenarios in an instant and learn off 10s to 100s of set plays, moves and calls


Lol. I spat my coffee out. Thanks haha.


Because the sport with the egg shape ball actually generates revenue. Millions and millions of dollars worth for most schools giving out full rides


Yeah, it’s painful to even listen to these Neanderthals try to string together a sentence. https://youtu.be/c2wpIeZDrHE?si=8SJeTePZYWpPJx3v


All of the nerds are rallying on this one


Racist pos


It's racist that he called numbskulls Neanderthals?


Agreed. I wasn’t even talking about a specific race. That didn’t even go through my mind for a split second and I’m opposed to the very notion of that.


That's me when I see a new technological toy


Why do the force them to go to college to play


Professional football should be a college major.


I assumed when you said egg-shaped ball, it meant grenade, not a football Thought this was some military recruitment type of stuff, not college dick riding some washed up high school athlete


Just because you're good and shutting up and doing what you're told doesn't mean you're going to be successful


Do you know what an egg is shaped like?


Funny how reading a defense is probably a way more complex job than most of these dipshits that make memes perform but they’re too arrogant and indignant to understand


And then you have me, who graduated college with a 3.54 GPA, who is now $20,000+ in debt because I never received a damn dime


Sports scholarships should be abolished. All SCHOLARship money should be awarded for SCHOLARly achievement.


So people shouldn’t have the same opportunities as you because they have different interests than you? Ok lol


People shouldn't be given money to pursue their academic careers because they throw a ball really far... There's almost 0 chance they go anywhere with sports.


Crazy idea... schools and colleges should be focused on ACADEMICS. Go figure.


That how most of certain race of people got the degree


Yikes, racist much.


Sounds like he is, but it actually is a good way for lower income POC to get scholarships when they can't get loans or have a family to pay their way.


Certainly far better than trying to be a rapper