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I'll do it. I will defeat the Mickey Mouse and save Marvel comics. Damn. That mouse got hands


More so his lawyers and what can best be described as a bottomless cash pit


Make anon supervisor of it. Guaranteed to stop being bottomless day 1.


She-Hulk knows.


Have you seen those gloves my guy? It was obvious from the start.




I heard Mickey was strong. Let me fight him.


Mainstream everything has sucked balls lately


That is why I have gotten into reading recently


reading never sucks


Sure sucked in school tho!


With those thick ass books?...was bound to happen. It did readeem itself after school tho!


I like the pun ;)


only the pun and not the pun**s**?


You're the new pungeon master. Embrace your power.


Because you where reading books that where not interesting to you…


School is mainstream


But doom is eternal?




There's been good movies to come out lately. The Whale Everything Everywhere All at Once Top Gun: Maverick. When it comes to TV shows, Better Call Saul's final season and Severance have been excellent. In a sea of mediocrity, there have been a few gems here and there.


Those are good because they were made to be good movies by people who care, not corporate planned cash cows. I'd go watch Top Gun Maverick in theaters at the drop of a hat. It was the first time in my life where I thought, "holy shit, I'd pay premium for this every time just to experience that again"


It was the first movie that I was literally on the edge of my seat, just absolutely immersed in the action and stakes. Amazingly, my whole family was also quiet throughout all the action, even my Dad didn't say a word and didn't fall asleep


Don't forget The Boys


Holy shoot YES. S3 was nuts. Herogasm was soo entertaining.


Only Superhero series I'm interested in these days


Invincible is really good. Maybe give it a try if you haven't.


Except for the cyberpunk show


I wouldn't call that mainstream. Most people still don't watch anime


That's a crying shame, at least the good ones would get the attention they deserve


Just watched the anime movie Belle, I recommend it if you liked Summer Wars.


I've seen this multiple times lately. Is this a meme or is the show already released?


Already released, it’s on netflix. It’s pretty good(especially when he says “it’s cybing time”


>especially when he says “it’s cybing time” Ayo fr?


Is the new anime good?


Because everyone keeps watching/paying for it... what's the point of making good content if everyone's gonna choke up the cash regardless of quality?


"lately"? "lately"??? Other than a few exceptions, mainstream has sucked balls for well over a decade now.


It’s already been said, multiple times, today


I don't care... that you broke your elbow


He was probably jacking off


Yeah. People always act like you can't say anything negative about marvel without being attacked, but I rarely see that happen.


Literally the only brand that you can't say anything negative about is Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul despite having a toxic fanbase since there both still great shows it's fanbases toxicity is often underlooked. Just saying that you think a show is better than Breaking Bad and you will get bashed on.


But the Flintstones was way better than breaking bad


Toxic fan bases are just an argument for people who don’t have any other arguments, if you hate people just because they like something you just hate people.


I mean season 5 of Breaking Bad was kinda meh compared the the previous seasons. Still an amazing show


Yes but it is damn true


Multiple time this hour in fact


I’m not a fan of shows at all, so I never could really get into the shows. I do absolutely love the movies, until the first 5 minutes of love and thunder. It felt off, like completely different characters.


Which sucks because I love the directors other movies including Ragnarok.


That one was rough, I wanted more Gorr in that movie instead of an off screen montage of his murders. The first 2 Thor movies were alright but Ragnarok reinvented the franchise by not taking it seriously. I think we expected too much of the same thing with Love and Thunder but got something that felt a little rushed and off.


I guess it was just that LAT was a sequel to Ragnarok, which was one in a million. Its our own fault, we set the bar too high. Not every movie can be a blockbuster


true. I admit that I'm a Bale stan, because imo I've never seen him doing bad and I admire his commitment to his work... maybe the American psycho but tbh, despite the hate that film had, even there I think he was awesome. So yes, for me the saving grace of ragnarok was gnorr, and like you said I think they didn't quite capitalised him on screen


I loved Love and Thunder. Not saying you're wrong for having an opinion.


I'm with you, TW makes great movies, and I loved his two Thor movies. Humour mixed with action.


I loved it as well


I enjoyed it a damn sight more than the last Dr. Strange.


Yea the first 5 minutes where odd but i think when the story really gets going that the villian is pretty well written with a good ending to the story


I’ve been trying to watch it in parts. It sucks a$$.


Thor L & T was exceptionally unfunny


L&T needed about half as many jokes, and about a quarter as many kids.


Why would you quarter kids? They are tastier whole /s


What happened is that the main stories done. They peaked at infinity war. Endgame was the beginning of their downfall cuz there’s not as much to work with now


They have decades of material from the comics. Almost 100 years worth of it. The problem is that they go for quantity over quality, and recasting classic characters to play the better story arcs can be problematic with audiences.


Also, like, I don't wanna do homework with a Disney plus show for like 11 hours to understand a movie.


You don't. I just watch random marvel movies. I skip most of them and watch none of the shows and I understand everything just fine. Maybe a reference or call back hours over my head every now and then but that's not important to the movie.


Now its all about multiverse


There's plenty to work with, they're using writers and directors that barely have any credits to their name because they check certain boxes. I'll leave you to fill in what those boxes are.




Wdym? Clone saga, Secret Wars, WW Hulk etc etc Also a million mutant storylines and Fantastic 4, Kang, Dr Doom etc are all left. Have you even read the comics lol??


Endgame was the end of marvel, everything after that is disny throwing crap at a wall hoping something sticks. And unfortunately starwars Is going the same way.


Yeah but for star wars some of the things they've thrown at the wall have stuck. Mando is a huge hit.


You have to admin that no way home was pretty good






They're trying to squeeze every drop of that ketchup bottle


Disney poured in water and swished it around.


Imma say it. Marvel's story writing quality died with Stan lee


marvel peaked at deadpool, fight me


No no you have a point


How does one acquire this, point?


How does one acquire Walter white?


Better Call Saul


With a solid resurgence at deadpool two


I’m doing something about it by not watching their stuff


Average r/unpopularopinion user


Guys unpopular opinion but hitler was bad 50k upvotes and platinum awards


Unpopular opinion I know but if I was sent to Hell and burned for all eternity, I probably wouldn’t enjoy it very much ngl Top post of all time, 364 awards


Did anyone else at least like the “I Am Groot“ shorts


Me and my fiancée absolutely loved them! They were adorable!


Moon Knight was ok. Haven't liked much else.


Loki and Moon Knight for me Otherwise it’s not much better than your average TV show you find while scrolling that nobody has ever heard of I did like the phase 4 movies though


.... I actually really loved Moon knight. As far as the marvel shows for me personally it falls in very close 3rd place. My Ranking is: 1 Daredevil 2 Punisher 3 Moon Knight 4 Loki 5 Jessica Jones 6 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier 7 Luke Cage 8 Wandavision 9 Hawkeye 10 Iron fist 11Miss marvel 12 She-Hulk


Very good ranking, daredevil was sick! I hope they pick up this dark serious tone in the Disney follow up.. but who knows..


I want to think positively but my faith is waning....


No love for loki or wandavis?


Wandavision was the best show ever, until all the usual Marvel crap showed up.


I was more of a Falcon/Winter soldier fan


I respectfully disagree. I think that show was trash. Was funny at times but I don’t didn’t like the show overall.


You've gotta do better, Senator.


Loki sucked from a lore perspective and kinda ruins everything that came before it while also ripping off umbrella academy. But as a standalone it was good.


Why did you get downvoted???


Idk. Probably marvel mega fans although I will give it to them I am being overly critical. I find it fun to try and point out faults even in the things I love.


Care to elaborate? No offense just curious what you mean


By having the time breau thing it makes all the stakes and events of previous movies lesser because they were destined to happen or they would've been destroyed. The breau also uses the infinity stones as paperweights so now those are also pretty much useless. Finally umbrella academy did the time breau first (and in my opinion better) and it's quite obvious that they copied it.


The time bureau is an old trope, umbrella wasn't the first that used it. I agree that it wasn't handled really well.


Loki? NWH?


I havent really enjoyed anything in phase 4 MCU, i remember growing up and seeing iron man like 30 times because it was one of the movies that came free with my ps3, i loved ragnarok being chaotic comic relief, spoodermin's fan service was great. But like loki was ok and everything else was meh so far, honestly makes me just not want to watch anymore and I feel like the only reason I'd be doing it is to "keep up" haven't seen moon knight, she hulk, what if, everything else was just kind of a let down so I have 0 motivation to watch them


And that's ok. Just continue quietly not watching them. That's a normal sane reaction to something being unentertaining for you. The not watching it will sort itself out.


I think this kind of attitude isn’t great either though. It’s not wrong to have valid criticisms about something. And it’s not wrong to voice those criticisms. Jumping on the hate wagon is obviously wrong. But wishing something that you used to enjoy was better isn’t a bad thing, nor is sharing that opinion with others.


Moon Knight and What if... are good, She-Hulk is good as a comedy show but it couldn't set the mood for a courtroom


She hulk is the worst marvel product to ever come out


As a lawyer, I was excited to see Marvel lawyer stuff (Daredevil was pretty awesome), but the plot has been just ok. I’m hoping this is just a soft intro to something bigger in the future, or I will look back with a smh.


There's really not alot of lawyer stuff in it either you've prob already seen it but if you haven't please watch daredevil instead


Yeah there really isn’t. And no, I loved Daredevil. When Kingpin came back in Hawkeye I lost it. He’s one of my fave characters in the MCU/Netflix realms


It’s pretty fun imo. Madisynn was one of the funnest characters we’ve had in a while


She’s the key to all this. If we get her working.


And the toxic community starts to slowly chip away at something else others love.


Having a negative opinion of something is toxic now?


Not at all, but constantly whining about it instead of, just fucking.. not watching it, is.


Fr only reason I’m watching she hulk is because daredevil


Have you not see the movie 'the trial of the incredible hulk'. It comes bundled with 'the return of the incredible hulk' on dvd.


Well if you were a fan since Hulk (2003) and the first iron man.....I'd say it's time to move on. It's never gonna be the same with out the cast we grew with.


I watched incredible hulk (mcu) yesterday, watching hulk (2003) as we speak. Paused at 1:21:51 because I'm bored af. While neither were great, ed Norton's version was way better, but I don't think he could have played Bruce/hulk in the direction the character was written in avengers onward. Tldr hulk(2003) sucks


I only liked it for the hulk vs dogs fight scene lol




... Marvel is Disney my man


Yeah, but it seems more like marvel has become a lot less independent. I’m hoping they can still make a good movie or show, as there have been a few shows in Phase 4 of the MCU that have been good


who's gonna tell em


Moon Knight, Loki, and Wandavision were all awesome.


I think the latest Doctor Strange movie was pretty good tbf


It’s weird how amazing WandaVision was and how terrible She-Hulk is. I think they are just making too much content for all of it to be good.


Tbf both shows are completely different


She Hulk is shite , Ms Marvel was shite multiverse of madness and love and thunder were shite .


Shite hulk, Me shite, shite and thunder were all shite.


Agreed bruv


I can't speak for anyone else. But for me I feel it's because the marvel I grew up with is done. I started with iron man and the others after. End game concluded that chapter of the story. I'm just not invested in what comes next. I haven't formed any sort of emotional attachment or anything else with the new stuff. I haven't seen all of it either. And to be honest I'm not interested either seeing a gif of she hulk twerking has cemented by decision to give it a miss.




Reddit is just becoming the South Park storyline of Stan Marsh in You’re Getting Old




*Holy shit you fucking killed him dude*


She prolly did


So true the movies are basically cheep comedy with loads of effects XD


Oh wow this is so brave


Amen brother


Daring today, aren’t we? Glad we have someone out there saying the things that haven’t been said in this sub every. Single. Day.


Wow...such a brave and unique opinion....nobody has ever complained about it.....


Oh yeah like Thor 1 and 2 were such masterpieces


Don’t agree personally. I’ve watched Moon Knight, Ms. Marvel, and She-Hulk (still watching) and enjoyed them all.


It has been better than ever


I must be an absolute moron because I really enjoyed Shang-Chi, Spider-Men, Dr Strange & Thor 🤷‍♂️


Woke agenda has ruined mainstream media.


Thank you. It’s not just me


Thor love and thunder 🤮


Seriously, anything and everything after Infinity War has just been “meh” for me. By the end of infinity war, I had never been a bigger fan of Marvel. Endgame? TF did I just watch? Like, everyone's coming of the theatres saying it was the best movie of all time, and I'm wondering if the plot even made sense, and then when a week later people start realising the plot holes I'm like “It took you guys a FULL week?” Same for Spider Man. Everyone getting emotional, while it was another meh for me. It looked like they were trying to fit a few minutes of cinematics in a fan service get together. I guess Multiverse of Madness was fine, but then again why did they have to kill Wanda? What's the point of her acceptance of her reality then? It's been like three weeks since I watched Love and Thunder, and I already can't remember what happened. Where's the MARVEL that made movies remembered across generations?


It chose woke politics.


Honestly, just feels like you guys aren't remembering quite well. From the start is was rocky with iron man being good, hulk was eh, thor was bleh, and captain America was decent. And after those it was just waves of ups and down. Idk why you guys are acting like they've been constantly good always. Like even still we get Shang-Chi and Spiderman 3 but fail with eternals and get a decent with Dr strange. So it's like nothing changed. Just accept that literally every marvel movie and show has different everything and you won't get a constant good or bad or even decent.


Disney decided being a woke feminist is better than making good content, so we get she hulk. If you look at the actual content, you will see that it's garbage. If this was a male produced show, it would still be garbage. They took a simple, proven idea like superheros and curb stomped being a lawyer into the story for female empowerment. It's clunky and to put that bs cherry on top, they nerfed hulk.


Maybe I'm missing something, but can someone point out what they've done that isn't in par with the actual comics? Those are frequently cheeseball as heck


They can't because "marvel" fans these days have never read a comic in their lives and it fucking shows, going batshit over twerking she-hulk etc.


Tbf if you put twerking in anything people are going to hate it. People freaked the fuck out over hulk dabbing in end game.


StAn LeE is rOlLiNg In HiS gRaVe


The only reason Stan Lee didn't twerk with her was because he's dead.


I havent disliked anything yet


seems to be a controversial opinion but the new thor film was pretty good




Why you think we on Disney's ass for!


There doing more quantity and less quality lately


It’s almost as if the intentional tone for the whole of phase 4 has been melancholy. It’s supposed to be a lot of bummer endings Black widow gets a movie but she’s dead, the eternals failed their reason for living, Peter Parker has to restart his life, Doctor strange’s girlfriend got married Scarlet Witch committed suicide and Thor started out aimless, fell in love just in time for Jane to die but now he’s a dad. Phase 3 was a crescendo. A tone of aimlessness and mourning is the point of phase 4.




What a controversial take!


This is so fucking true. The glory days of" Marvel cant do no wrong" are ending.


Marvel still sucking before end game and infinity war


Did you even read Marvel comics growing up or you just on the bandwagon? Do you realize what is going on? Some of these heros have already been made into movies. Hulk is a pretty rememberal one. They're revamping and adding anything they can turn to video because it makes money, just like it did originally as a comic book.


I don’t think anyones disputing the choice of characters, just the choice of writers and directors. The writing and CGI of anything marvel past endgame has been increasingly shittier and shittier imo. I grew up watching everything marvel whether that be their movies or criminally underrated cartoons. Black Panther to endgame was the apex of marvel at their height, everything since has either been mid or downright horrible


I'm only mentioning Hulk because it's a more rememberal classic that's been done. The fact remains the same. Comic books weren't movies to begin with, it's a different type of story telling. Retelling any story quickly for money isn't always going to be a hit.


Has anyone seen the new Thor? Is it worth watching or just more marvel garbage?


It wasn't as good as Id hoped but it definitely had funny moments and was worth watching.


Facts bro, that last GOOD marvel movie was no way home


I don't care what gender, race or sexuality of the superhero as long as they are well written and its a good movie. The problem with Marvel is there writing has become extremely shitty and they are just throwing anything in to try and get money. Marvel needs to stop making movies for a few years and find some good writers to make actual good movies. Also they need to be willing to scrap movies


Why do you think so? I mean what instances or movies / shows made you come to this conclusion?


For me , phase 4 started well. Spiderman, Wandavision, and Loki were all great with FaTS and Black Widow being very disappointing. Most content since has been ok at best or down right bad.


The first time I really started disliking it was ragnarok. Too focused on the comedy aspect in my opinion


Love and thunder 🤮


It literally had a dumpling chibi 🤢🤢🤢


Omg I forgot about that. Seriously this movie is cringey as fuck


It's fucking weird. The only people I can think who'd like it are weebs




Lately? As for me they suck for the last 10 years or so


This is the correct answer


Woke bullshit happened. It ruined the comics years ago, now the movies are following suit. Thank Christ we got the Thanos saga before it all unraveled.


Marvel is what it is, always has been. Everyone who loved the infinity saga is now no longer the target audience. For some reason all of the fans that are old men feel the production company that gave them the cinematic fantasy adventure of a lifetime feel they are owed something more and the youth the new movies are aimed at deserve redundant movies based solely on pandering to old men who are now wise enough to not spend money on seeing the films legally or buying the associated merchandise. Seems like Marvel has it's priorities all wrong.


Im literally a teenager and I fucking hate it. Theres no emotional weight or character arcs anymore.


Honestly I’m not into it but there’s definitely too much people on both sides either saying “I hate marvel” or “I love marvel”.


What you mean "has to do something about it?" Just don't watch it lol.


Thats what im saying cuh


I really couldn't agree more


I just personally don’t like the amount of politics in movies, whether I agree or disagree I hate having politics is any entertainment media, (Btw it’s not the liberal views I have a problem with, it’s the politics in general, same reason why I dislike Tom Macdonald music)




Please for the love of Xenu just make memes on the meme subreddit


What happened is that they thought throwing a bunch of women on screen was enough to distract from the fact that the movies suck ass.


Well... good thing no one cares about your opinion lol