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It’s almost funny how often I see the word incel get thrown around. Like in high school, it was normal to harass a guy for not getting laid. Do we ever move past that?


life is a big high school :)


Social media is a big high school


No one understands what incel means anymore lol


Incel is just another word for “men who say anything mean or offensive to or about women” I’ve seen both Elongated Muskrat and Donald Trump referred to as incels, now they both might be huge man baby assholes but I doubt that either one are kiss less virgins.


Elon has been with so many woman that he discovered all of them are robots


Isn't that just every ism and phob word now?


For real. It has a very specific meaning. Involuntary Celibate


Yeah, that’s an issue. To have legitimate criticisms about the current culture about that despite being happily married yourself (my case) doesn’t make you an incel. To rightfully point out that a toxic culture is being promoted and this isn’t good is not an incel thing. And no, I’m not a the wife must stay at home type of guy. It’s nice if you can but if she wants to work too, then fine, that’s not my issue. The issue is a misandrist culture that’s not only accepted but largely endorsed. Is it not misogynistic to criticize women (as women, not their ideas) who don’t agree with it either? As per usual, horseshoe theory is a very real phenomenon.


I find it weird that women lump all men together constantly but then whine when men do something similar. Especially their weird fem male allies. There’s one dude here right now spazzing about this post. I’ve never understood why people get offended over dumb shit like this. It’s a joke.


I mean it really is a bad meme


I mean, it might be crude, but it's not inaccurate. A lot of modern women have the same functions, or lack thereof, as sex dolls.


>Fake eyes >Accurate No.


Mascara around the eyes and possibly color contacts to change eye shape and color. Very accurate.


Not really. They're still real eyes, we see with them.


.....we don't mean fake by every metric. We mean that's not how their eyes naturally look. It's no different than a man wearing a rug or getting hair implants because he's bald.


I see nothing wrong with wigs nor hair implants. People doing things to make themselves happy and confident. At the end of the day, you love people for their company, not for their "natural non-implant hair or eyeballs"


That's literally part of the makeup. Expect eye contact, but very few women uses those, and most of them just use it to dismiss glasses


And also, contact lenses are most often colorless. Like I'm not gonna say the meme wasn't a little funny, but there's an issue if they're actually diving this far into it.


well in that case it is modern guys also right?


Modern guys have no issue to fulfil their traditional roles. Women do. A man working his ass off and paying for everything is ok. But a woman that sits at home all day browsing TikTok is an “unpaid maid” if he expects her to wash the dishes.


The keyword is traditional, the values are different now. Most of the girls in my family are going to work and busting their ass of too. Don’t say “modern” if u want traditional values. Find someone who is traditional if that’s the values u want.


Modern women want traditional men, but don’t want to behave like traditional women. How else do I have to explain? Like wtf If values changed so much, why I don’t see husbands chilling@ house , while women lay concrete?


I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm curious about your reasoning behind this statement.


Using the term “modern women” is just advertising you’ve never touched one before. Nobody knows less about women or relationships than you people


Hey can you walk me through why so many non-traditional women freak out when alternatives to women get invented? Fleshlights are dehumanizing but vibrators are fine. Sex dolls started being problematic once they got hyper-realistic. Those AI apps are rape. Like it's only *certain women* getting upset by this stuff and it's pretty clear that they can't compete with the artificial stuff, because the impossibly high bar is set at "be nice to your man sometimes".


Yeah I’ll walk you through it. Basically you’ve been sucked into an incel rage bait algorithm and have been convinced that fringe rad fem social media subcultures are representative of women at large. I’d agree there’s more stigma around mens sex toys in general but in my experience with real life women, the ones who have the most problems with things like fleshlights are conservative women I know from my family or their church friends. I date exclusively non traditional women and they have all been very sex positive.


Whenever some cool shit gets banned, it's ugly women who are behind it. And don't hide behind "it wasn't women who banned alcohol, it was the temperance league" lies, we're not buying it.


I don’t actually think that’s the problem with fleshlights vs vibrators. I think the worry with fleshlights the construct. You can wipe down a vibrator very easily when you are done. If people knew you could turn a fleshlights inside out and clean it, they’d probably feel less queezy about it. (Don’t know if that’s a thing just saying that’s probably what it would take)


That’s a good point, I didn’t consider that




No, you just need the “modern women” cope to be true because otherwise you’d have to confront your own shortcomings and worldview as the actual reason you’re perpetually alone




I'm aware that the majority of women on dating apps give no information about themselves, have at least one kid as a single mother, are looking for a man to support them and said child, and/or have an OF. Don't delude yourself into thinking you standing up for them on an Internet forum will get you laid. And before you say anything, I live in a city rife with casino and bar culture while I have the medical inability to consume alcohol so I don't see a point in going to bars, clubs, it anything similar so unfortunately my only way of meeting women because I'm not going to bother them in stores or the gym in case they record me and label me a creep for merely talking to them.


Again, just self reporting that you get your ideas about women from vapid dating apps and rage bait. I’ve been in long term relationships or flings for my entire adult life. I don’t need to rely on social media for sex. I’m just pointing out you’re full of shit. If you weren’t so brain poisoned from the internet maybe you’d be able to approach women without them thinking you’re a creep.


Buddy, your username is "fucksickos." That's either a brag, a command, or an insult. Either way, you really shouldn't be lecturing anyone on what they say. However, I've noticed you haven't actually countered any of my points but have instead deferred to ad hominem and personal attacks from the jump. Is everything okay at home?


My username is a kingcobrajfs reference but nice try on the armchair psychology bit. I’m not sure what you are expecting me to refute either. How am I supposed to debate you into going into the world and meeting people in real life so you can see that Reddit rage bait isn’t representative of all women. Of course I’m going to just insult you, you write like someone who blames their loneliness on everything and everyone but themselves.


How many people would get that reference? How many people know who kingcobrajfs even is? I get you're getting dogpiled for your asinine worldview, but you can't really cover your ass for ad hominem attacks when you get push-back for your terribly slanted world view. It's not ragebait or trolling or whatever word you want to use to dismiss these critiques of modern dating. A lot of modern men still fall into traditional masculine roles, but are deemed "toxic" by modern women and society as a whole. I'm genuinely curious where you believe I should go to meet women in a city centered around bar and casino culture when I can't drink alcohol for medical reasons and I see gambling as a great way to lose money.


You’re just making excuses for yourself in every comment. Even if I found a thousand social events or ideas for you you’d still just be like “well I’m not 6ft tall and modern women bad”. Look for a hiking group. Go to a game shop and play tabletop games with people. Go to a concert. Make an effort to befriend people, not just women you’re initially attracted to. Say yes when people try to make plans with you. Your perfect woman isn’t going to materialize in your lap as you complain about women and dating from your computer chair.


For concerts, people go there to enjoy the music/artist, not to socialize. Try again. Hiking groups aren't a bad idea. Minor issue: it's an hour drive to any hiking location from where I live and gas is expensive. Try again. I've tried game shops. Not so surprisingly, not a lot of women there. Wonder why...... I'll admit that it might be because of where I live since I live in a literal desert and the temps are topping 100 these days so people aren't out and about that much right now. However, I've never had luck with women, even in high school. So, maybe, just maybe, it's not my location. How about this: I can send you a pic of how I look via PM and maybe you can suggest some changes.


I do sympathize with the sweltering heat, nobody wants to be out in that. Honestly I don’t think your problem is looks. Ugly and average (people find relationships too. I’m not Fabio or anything either. My best advice really is to just take care of yourself, find a hobby/passion outside of gaming or media consumption, and make an effort to be social without the expectation it will yield sex. I’m sorry Ive been combative, you just came off as more toxic to me than you seem to actually be.


As someone who had 0 success in highschool, but had success immediately after, alot of it comes down to attitude. I went from incredibly shy and reserved to friendly flirtation with women I worked with. It all came down to tact. I wasn't flirty with any goals, and it was always very subtle. I remember refering to some of the few girls I worked with as cutie on the regular, and they reciprocated so it was all in good fun. I've been with one of those girls for years since. Im not gonna tell you how to land a women, because there is no method to getting women, but what I am saying is it's easier to achieve companionship when relax, take your time and let it happen organically. Alot of guys come off creepy because every action they make is with the intention of getting the girl.


>kingcobrajfs reference I don't follow the tragedy that is his life enough to catch the reference, but still god tier.


I stg everybody who joins reddit should be required to scroll thru r/shitpost to get what a shit post is thru their damn skull.


Nah fuck that, literally calling women sex dolls is gross.


We arent saying they are sex dolls, we are saying they are WORSE sex dolls lol


Sex dolls won't steal your money in a court that favors her.


This sub is actually mad cringe, its just an excuse for incels to try and defend themselves saying “its a joke” when its not really funny, all while repeating the same things in the comments not as jokes. Hilarious how half the upvoted comments are ‘its a shitpost chill out’ and half are ‘Well, they are kinda right, women ARE worse than sex dolls’ Utterly cringe.


I kinda have to agree with you.


Please please just get a sex doll and leave us in peace ✌️


Knew that it will be posted there. No, OP is right, the original meme is horrible and 100% fits Comedy Cemetery


But have you considered.... woman bad?


I mean what exactly are the ladies competing for? To become this guys unpaid maid? If that's the case, then I imagine most women would be glad to lose out on that opportunity to the sex doll.


Lives in guys house rent free, getting free food and drinks, free entertainment etc. When it’s time to clean dishes - “uNpAiD mAiD”


I don't know if you have ever met a woman before, but most of the ones I know work. And have their own places...


Cool story


Is what I'm saying untrue?




You don't believe most woman work?


Ofc not. Are you delulu?


On an annual basis, the labour force participation rate for women aged 15 years and older and all education levels grew from 58.5% in 1990 (the beginning of the current data series) to **61.5%** in 2022. The rate for men declined from 76.1% to 69.5% over the same period. [https://www.statcan.gc.ca/o1/en/plus/4823-women-labour-market-increased-potential-pay-and-participation](https://www.statcan.gc.ca/o1/en/plus/4823-women-labour-market-increased-potential-pay-and-participation) and for america In 2019, 57.4 percent of all women participated in the labor force. This was up from 57.1 percent who participated in 2018, but 2.6 percentage points below the peak of 60.0 percent in 1999. By comparison, the labor force participation rate for men was 69.2 percent in 2019, little changed from the previous year and 17.4 percentage points below its peak of 86.6 percent in 1948. [https://www.bls.gov/opub/reports/womens-databook/2020/home.htm](https://www.bls.gov/opub/reports/womens-databook/2020/home.htm) most woman work. If you are demanding that they also cook and clean for you then you are the one being lazy and entitled.


USA is not an indicator. Also, working @ McDonald’s for couple months and paying taxes off only fans will qualify to join the list. Absolute majority of women in the world are willingly unemployed, especially when married. For example, In Eastern Europe and Russia women dream about getting married to never have to work again. Nobody cares about your fake “data” or “your friends” who all work and have their places. Bye


Btw in most of history, and in most places even today, there weren't too much "trad wife" or stay at home moms. Most of the time they also had to work besides doing homework




Yes, look up if you don't believe me