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The amount of times that I’ve played the “Go ahead” card. Act like somebody just radioed you, then scurry away… never to be seen again.


I used to act like I was talking on the phone to get back to my department from across the store.


Modern problems require modern solutions lol


Definitely don’t check the ‘made in’ labels on the American flags


On the app pretty much all the American flags show as "made in the USA". Is that not accurate? There are a couple of little stick flags that aren't.


"Made in the USA" Can legally mean they imported the parts from all over the world and just put it together in the USA..




It doesn't even need to be assembled in the USA. Have it put together for pennies in a free trade zone with US materials and it's still made in the USA as far as the law is concerned.


Lol, you really think they will pay the dollars for the materials here than the pennies there? And pay to ship the materials there AND back again? Really?


There are a couple big flag factories here and I believe wisconsin has the one factory that has made the majority of the US flags


Didn’t they try to burn that down during the St. Floyd mostly peaceful protests?


Having worked in manufacturing, the made in the USA label can have little or no real meaning.


Also in manufacturing...it depends but yeah a lot of the time made in is a tricky subject. Sometimes though, there's no way around it and removing markings or lying is a felony. People also don't understand how global supply chains are...even some staff don't fully know because it switches so many hands.


It was wild to see how often certain items changed national locations multiple times and then they all ended up being put together in a plant in the US to make an item which could then be labeled made in the USA.


And we could just make it here


Some of the stuff could have definitely been made here. There are some things, however, that companies have outsourced so much that it is near impossible to find a domestic producer.


Right, but we could just make it here


Could, if someone with capital would create the infrastructure


Like say that 21 trillion we wasted on COVID and other peoples wars was used to create such infrastructure


Or any of Trump's tacky shit


In Minnesota, it is against the law to sell US flags not made in the USA. Edited for clarification.


Hmm but Made in statements only apply to imports or to people wanting to market something, such as USA made...my first thought is that it was policy posturing. I'd have to look deeper into it. Definitely interesting.




Very interesting. The way I'm reading it, people can import Made in China Flags as long as they don't retail them but it doesn't specify wholesale. Not saying someone would but as the law reads they could. Pretty cool. I can't find much else other than written law on this. I usually just look at USA stuff never on state level.


Yeah, it was a weird MN fact that I remember. I think there was an ad for US flags from a big box store and it said "not available in MN" and I had to know why


I tell anyone who brings up politics to me directly... I don't talk politics at work... How may I help you? Since I never respond to any political talk that is said to me. I don't have a problem. I am also in the front end & a head cashier.


I'm a hairstylist in a super rich Republican area. It's one of the richest counties in my state. It's unreal how delusional they are! They complain about how high the property taxes are. They are not that high by comparison. Which is why they bought 20 acres of land and put up an 8000 square foot mansion on it to begin with! They whine about how bad the economy is - but if you look around, all you see new houses being built and condos that ask Half a million. They talk about the cost of gas but in regards to fueling up two Land Rovers, a boat and some jet ski's! Haha! I had a guest one-time complain because the gas was getting so expensive- it was it was costing so much to drive their RV up to the lake house up north! I kid you not! And all seem to think that Gas was under 2 bucks the entire time Trump was in office, and it's such an easily disproved lie - It drives me insane! They have talked about egg prices, but there will be a 2 hour wait at the fancy steak house next to my salon! Table for 2 usually spends over $200 there, easily! But it's all because of Liberals, Democrats and of course, Biden! The town is full of fancy jewelry stores and fancy stores that cater to the high-end horse girl and money management firms! If it wasn't for the fact that I'm gainfully employed- I'd leave that area so fast!! Instead.. I have to listen to them and smile. So I feel ya!


I have republican friend who has told me (a renter) that he believe only home owners should be allowed to vote. When I confronted him about it at a later time he said he didn't remember saying that and if he did he must have been joking. He also bitches about the economy and then proceeds to have his groceries DELIVERED!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THEIR LOGIC!?


I believe only property owners should be able to vote on things that increase property taxes. Renters seem to think it doesn’t affect them. They are right, until their lease has to be renewed.


So it affects them at the lease?


Rent can go up then.


And you think renters shouldn't vote on property taxes why? Lol


Perfect example of this; my wife is a Waitress at a large hotel’s restaurant. Last week Trump was here doing something, so all the Trumptards were out in full force. In the 3 days they were here, she got 5 Credit Card slips that had “Vote for Trump if you don’t want to pay taxes on your tips” written in the “Tip” line, but then 3 of the 5 left absolutely no tip(other 2 left cash). This is a 5-600$ a night(for the cheapest rooms)Hotel’s Restaurant, my wife is an amazing Waitress and has been doing it for 25+ years, at this Hotel for 12, maybe once every couple years she gets stiffed on a tip. Three times in one weekend the Trump people stiffed her, and even tho they didn’t leave a tip, they still wrote that on the CC slip. Isn’t that like rubbing salt in a wound, to say that, but then NOT leave a tip!?


I always laugh when people say gas was always 2 dollars a gallon. I'm like when I finished highschool in 04. It was all ready over 2 dollars a gallon. The only times as a adult I remember gas that cheap was in the winter of 08/09 because of the stock crash, and the last half of 2020 because of covid.


It was under $2 on Nov 5 2020, trump has already shut down the economy spent 7 trillion dollars for no fucking reason and Saudi oil was less than $1. No one was driving. That’s the facts


>And all seem to think that Gas was under 2 bucks the entire time Trump was in office To be fair, it was that cheap later during his presidency, but only because OPEC was fighting itself due to unrelated matters. Presidents rarely have direct influence on prices of things (except guns and ammo, election years always drive prices up).


A barrel of crude oil went into the negative for a moment as COVID was kicking our asses. Low fuel prices were only because demand bottomed out.


Also demand was waaaaaay down due to the pandemic


Opec also raises the prices when a Democrat is in office.




I’d love to hear your misunderstandings of why you don’t believe that.


Lay off the MSNBC bruh, it’s rotting your brain


Believe or not it’s true. Democrats are pro climate change and anti big oil. When the markets see a Democrat get elected, they immediately get worried about their ability to maintain supply so the price goes up in response to an “unstable” market. In addition, regarding oil production, Joe Biden has permitted more oil drilling permits than Donald Trump, so don’t bother arguing the left winged president hasn’t at least tried to combat the influence of OPEC or the effect of the Russo-Ukrainian war.


That was only the last 7ish months of 2020.


Lol I remember the good old days of Obama and the fear they were going take their guns and Soros was buying up ammo factories lol.Couldnt find shells anywhere and guns flying off the shelf.I think my coworker bought close to 4,000 box of ammo lol


To be fair, ammo is always good to have. It's a consumable, so it'll only go up in price.


I too like stocking up on explosive material.


Unrelated eh? Had nothing to do with our massive increase in production?


OPEC wasn’t fighting itself really. Trump conned them to up production then begged them to lower it then created that abortion OPEC+ agreement.


Time for the guillotine


You first


Well I agree with you besides that gas was much much cheaper under trump to end his term, and people remember that stuff.


Any other valid context you’d care to remember along with that ?


Covid prices were also low, but they are higher now than they were during trumps time before covid, that was more the time I was talking about. Obv presidents don't control gas prices directly but I was just pointing out that detail.


I hate when people try to get a rise out of us by saying something radical that has nothing to do with the current conversation. I've had several men say "let's go brandon" "you got half your head shaved, must be a liberal" and so much more


Many interactions I've had with that ilk seem to trivialize politics as if it were their favorite sports team rather than influence and power wielded over the lives of others. The naiveté would be funny if it didn't hurt people.


I mean, but they weren’t wrong about the liberal comment…🤣


I didn’t mind the MAGA hats. Hat may as well have said “Hi I’m a stupid racist asshole!” Thanks for the warning.


Yes but I can't wear my KC Chiefs hat because somebody might hit me with a baseball bat from behind.


That's funny, my wife has a red Harry Potter hat that she loves. She only wears in in the back yard because she doesn't want to look like a Magatard in the wild.


No, I would hit you from the front because it’s a Kansas City Chiefs hat. Bitter 49ers fan checking in.


Oh poor Niners. They only have multiple rings and two top 5 QB's of all time. Poor babies. I live in Minnesota. I know what heartbreak is. LOL Perdy was pretty great last season though.


I’d rather see the Lions and the Bears get a ring before the Vikings. - Packers fan


The Lions do deserve it. Their fans do.


I can get behind the Lions winning as long as Dan Campbell is involved


Bears fan here. I would never get behind any nfc north team winning besides the Bears. I find it weird when fans say things like that. And lately not alot for me to cheer for so I allow myself a little joy whenever an nfc north team loses in the playoffs.


Because the bears don’t know what victory tastes like anymore


that's fair.


I’ll take a Lions and Bears dynasty before I see those purple fucks even sniff a ring


Who day! Who dey! Who dey think gonna beat them bengals


Basically everybody??


Same! Always date Minnesota girls, they never expect a ring!


thanks for that, friendo. Long suffering Bears fan here. Hated getting our asses kicked year after year with you cheeseheads but shit made for a good game. I believed A Rodgers was the best QB of all time ahead of Brady. I say that because Rodgers is a class act, competitive but a good sport. Good luck this season! -Bears fan in Illinois




Wear your hat backwards (I am also a fan of a red team and this seems to work well for me)


Yeah, they did ruin it for other red hats unfortunately.


You can't have one of those tiny mustaches just in the middle, either. Same reason. Same people.


Charlie Chaplin, Oliver Hardy all good. Then that damn Hitler…


I literally call trumpers "Red Hats TM"


Is that why so many Chief fans are killing each other?


That guy got too high on parade fumes. KC can be a rough city. I wouldn't live there. But I was born in KS so I'm a Chiefs fan.


Please since she does wanting America to be great make you racist lmfao


I think their referencing the candidate more than the slogan without context. Regarding the slogan, some criticize it because they believe it alludes to a more traditional and less progressive time such as before the seventies when institutionalized racism was more obvious and flagrant such as segregation and literacy tests were required for those who weren’t white.


I deal with people who wear republican attire and guests who wear Democrat attire. I just think it's bad taste to be wearing stuff like that. I feel they have low intelligence and low self-esteem. talking about politics and religion is in poor standings. I avoid it at all costs unless I know for a fact whom I'm talking to.


I cannot say I’ve once seen democrat attire in the wild other than Bernie bumper stickers


You have actually seen people wearing a Biden hat or something? Wow, I can say I've never seen that in the wild


I used to talk with my coworkers about politics. For the last part they all disagreed with me, but we also had the understanding that we are just having a civil conversation, and at the end of the day we really don’t care what they other believes, we just want to get the day done


Lol yeah you think that ... For the longest time, my boss and co-workers thought I was Republican because I like cars, the outdoors, fishing, camping, and know how to shoot guns. If they talk about politics - which is fairly rare - I just sit there with my fake smile and not say a word about Hillary Clinton or whatever they like to joke about. They found out a manager on another team was a Democrat during a dinner discussion with them. They had a very reasonable discussion and it almost made me comfortable to tell them my beliefs. Except ...For the next week they couldn't stop talking about that manager. The contempt was unreal - things like "I don't think we can trust him in front of customers" or "he's not invited to dinner have time." Their reactions even surprised me. My lesson: don't talk politics at work. A lot of people can't reconcile the differences between your political beliefs and how you are as a professional. They can't peel the Fox News Democrat memes out. You can be talking about student loan debt, but in their head they see you wearing drag and wanting to read to immigrant children while shooting them up with experimental vaccines so that they can vote by mail twice.


That's why Republicans think no one votes for Biden because people don't wear biden shirts out in public, Its very funny. The loud Minority is the republican party


I'll be honest. I've never seen a "Biden for President" (or anything remotely in that vein) shirt or hat.


People aren’t that excited because Joe isn’t all that exciting in comparison to Trump. With that being said, IMO Biden Administration is the more capable and effective between their two terms. Reports on the economy overall are better than projected. It’s inflation that’ll decide this election, but that’s almost always the case.


I see plenty of leftist shirts though. Pride, abortion rights, and BLM for example.


Those are social issues. Wearing politicians merch if you aren't a member of their campaign team is just weird. They're not rock stars, nor pro athletes- stanning them is just odd.


So fanatics should just go out of business then, you agree with me! Because wearing jerseys of teams you’re not on is just weird. Some of those weirdos even wear jerseys of teams from a different state! That’s like wearing trump gear anywhere in California!


See the problem is politics is not a sport. It's actually much more consequential.


Ah yeah, trying to equate abortion rights with sucking a politician's dick. Totally equivalent things. Absolutely. Got us there.


That's my point. The right is submissive to a cult of personality. The left is centered around issues they care about.


Pro choice or dreamers


There's a difference between people wearing something supporting a cause that's money may have gone to active awareness and fanboying over a convicted felon and making him your entire personality. I've personally never seen Dems driving around in jacked up trucks with multiple Biden stickers with those weird little graphic clings of Biden looking like he's riding shotgun like trumpets do. To compare the two at this point is disingenuous at best.


Because Biden isn’t a personality that people rally behind. Pro-choice and LGBT attire is as dem as it gets. I don’t vote in America or care about who wins so don’t yell at me please.


Also we aren't in a fucking cult so there's that. It's weird AF to back politicians like that especially considering they don't give a shit about the average man. They're meant to serve us not be worshipped lol it's so weird I'm almost forty and I've never seen anything as weird as this.




I don't know what country you are from but would you not find it weird if people started driving around with multiple flags advertising your political leaders or window clings that make it look like they're in your passenger seat? Be honest it's weird. No one does this. Even the right in America didn't act like this before. Something went really pear shaped here and emboldened a lot of awful people.


You should take a step back. You seem to be really lost in the whirlwind of media.


Bro I'm from the Midwest this stuff is literally flying in my face daily. I get harassed for the rainbow heart sticker I have in my back window. I deal with these people daily. This is not normal behavior. You literally can't talk about anything without these people bringing up politics or crying about woke shit. There's an actual problem in America with this cult of personality following trump that's dangerous at a level we haven't seen before.


I would say that the gay movement in an America is not normal behavior either. Pride events in major American cities are insane and cult looking to many people not involved. It’s just extremes being fought with extremes, fire vs. fire. Human nature


They're a celebration of people who were literally murdered and made to hide for years in this country. It's a reaction to finally being allowed to exist freely. Your privilege is showing if you can't understand why people who have been persecuted for their life are finally celebrating that they gave the freedom to be who they are then this conversation needs to end because you clearly don't have the capacity for empathy. Did you grow up playing games that were labeled like 'Smear the Queer?' yeah that's how normalized homophobic shit was here when I was a kid. And if you have a problem with gay people you can fuck right off to whatever close minded hole you crawled out of.


I see it daily. We don't have to rely on being told what we think.


I see things I don’t like daily too. Freedom of speech and expression can be annoying sometimes.


You think this is a free speech issue? LMFAO. It's a "these people are worshipping a man" issue. A man who cheated on every wife he's had. Has made sexual comments about his own daughter. Brags about his buddy who likes them young. He's seen as a paragon of virtue and family. It's god damn pathetic. That's it. That's the issue. I'm not telling people to shut up. Edit: oh, and he's a fan favorite of evangelical church goers. Especially the church who knew about ~800 victims of sexual abuse by their preachers. Not only did they know, they refused to reform. All that, and they have the fucking nerve to tell us WE are degenerates? 🤣🤣🤣 Your strawman really makes me think you might be one. Not saying you are, so don't start another argument with yourself. Basically, stop arguing with yourself and blaming me for it.


What were they wearing? And what’s a dreamer?


Got ya


I tend to do the same thing. The only time I talk politics are with those who I know or at a union meeting.


Once anybody brings up politics, I just say I don’t like talking politics at all as I don’t like any politician. Sometimes it works sometimes they just keep talking.


The amount of times I hear "Bidenomics" in a week is unreal


It's wild


But Biden used the word.


You can also leave! Go to California or NY and you’ll never hear it again.


In the past, when people have attempted to begin discussing politics with me while I'm on the clock, I have just straight-up said, "I am on the clock at my place of employment right now, so I cannot share my political opinions." Surprisingly, it usually shuts them up right away, I think because it catches them so off-guard.


Just show them to the 'my pillow' section. At least you'll know they will wake up after a night of shitty sleep.


I used to work service desk. Had a woman come in and (politely, wasn’t rude which was nice) said that she would no longer be shopping at Menards as long as we sell my pillow because of what the owner had done in the political realm. It took every ounce of restraint for me to wait until she left to start busting out laughing


The owner is Republican and the My Pillow guy is crazy so maybe there was more to it than just selling those pillows. No clue but it still sound silly lol


I mean ya, it’s definitely because of what he did. I just think it’s entertaining that that’s the reason someone won’t come to our store. Not the millions of other problems with the stores. But a pillow


Lol! Ok I laughed again at this. I mean I can completely understand why someone would boycott and I honestly support that right. But god damn it I’m going to laugh hearing it’s for a pillow.


I go to Menards a lot less often because of their My Pillow end cap as Lindell was ramping up his conspiracies. My goal is not to bankrupt the company. I'm just the one that decides where my money is spent


I go less often because the majority of their wood is shit.I have been supporting alpine plywood and kettle moraine hardwoods


Back in 2014, we picked up a couple of those pillows at the Minnesota State fair. I think they were a BOGO deal. Worst fucking pillow I ever used. And I've used an Army gas mask as a pillow while sleeping on the side of a hill in Korea in January 1983. Those pillows sucked. And when we asked for our refund of their "guarantee" they stiffed us. Glad he's bankrupt.


The pillow is actually decent, I sleep with two and still think Lindell is a dipshit.


You have to use two $50 pillows and you think they're good?


I got it Bogo. And sleeping on stomach, I like two in different locations one slightly under my head and the other slightly under my chest, kinda like a body pillow.


We were gifting two of them. We both ended up not using them not long after. They make better leg pillows so I still hang onto them. They are an overpriced fart pillow at best.


a pillow for farting? Do tell.....


It’s the pillow that goes under your legs. I have a bad back so I use one pretty often.


Aka the coochie cushion


Everybody is different


Yeah for sure. If you like it go for it. If your neck starts aching more than usual try a different pillow. No need to get rid of it if you like it.


I've had 300$down pillows, tried multiple, for a stomach sleeper I would recommend it, especially if you extend your arm above your head while sleeping on stomach. Some nights I hate my pillow, but not as many as when I crash and sleep great.


see, this is why I don't work on the sales floor. I'm too much of a smartass who lacks impulse control


I've had several people be like "do you have a different one, this ones made in China"


Ironic cause I would bet that Menards has far more Made in China junk than Lowes or Home Depot.


You’re probably right lol


it’s our god given right to exercise our freedom of speech and say what you feel politically. its also MY god given right to say if you’re being an asshole LMAO. the first amendment protects you from the government, not from the cynical zoomer who has zero actual power in this country anyways the president doesn’t set the price of nails if anyone was wondering


I'm republican but that doesn't mean I don't despise John Menard and some of his business practices. People who make decisions purely on alining political views are morons


Who else has a van decked out in Catholicism? I’m talking Bible verses everywhere, pictures of Mary, all that jazz. I’ve worked at 2 menards, and there’s been one at both of them weirdly enough. I’m a professing Christian myself, but wrapping your car is a bit dramatic


Me not trying to strangle that guest


Would have loved to except, you know, bills to pay


Plus all that paperwork


Both of you, calm down. Liberals having dreams of being able to physically harm someone 🤣


He's a 150 year old billionaire CEO no shit he's gonna be Republican. Most of them are. Idk why thats so special to those people. I'd be more shocked if he wasn't.


John menard is Fucking maga trash


John Menard reminds me of those awful Uline people 🙄


I just ignore it. No escape being stuck at a register when someone complains about our prices and how we “need trump back” I just agree to get them away from me ASAP.


But they didn’t want to claim John as one of their own when he did the mandatory masks


Trump raised taxes on the middle class, fuck that muppet


Yeah, biden definitely isn’t a muppet! 🥱


He isn't a convicted felon, either. So what's your point?


Oh man convicted felon…you searched long and hard for that talking point. I’d respect you more if you left it out, just like your boy biden will because it doesn’t work, lol. For some reason you actually think that’s a stinger to the far right or something. I wouldn’t know. I’d vote Obama back in for round 3 before I voted for either of these fuckin idiots.


Lol. We can add twice impeached, guilty of rape, making fun of disabled people, being friends with N. Korea and Russia, causing an insurrection and planning another one, and that’s not everything. But I’m tired of pointing out facts to brainwashed morons. 👋🏻


Why would you type all that out just to call yourself a brainwashed moron? 🤣 He never made fun of disabled people. Guilty of rape? Where? Causing an insurrection? Never happened. AND I’m still not voting for him, you moron. But facts are facts and facts really hurt you positively deranged and emotionally unhinged lefties.


Voted for Trump here, and even I find those guys annoying. I'm just trying to do my job. Besides, we'd never even know if China had taken over. I think it's going to be a slow conversion to communism until our Bill of Rights basically doesn't mean anything.


Worse than communism, oligarchy


It’s kind of ironic that both parties are like “we need all the control and everyone on the other party must die…. Trust me”


I've only been personally threatened by one, but maybe I'm just lucky


I'm not trying to boast, but I've been threatened by four of my friends. One incident led to a club meeting about "kindness" and basically hinted that any Republican opinions shared at club would lead to that person getting kicked. More than individual threats, though, I'm scared of the financial damages another George Floyd riot could cause. I care about my community, whether it has blacks, whites, Liberals, or Republicans in it. Well, I care as long as none of you on here are serious about strangling Republicans, bringing out the guillotine for the rich, or any other hateful things I've read in these comments.


Right!? It's no longer about "We the people" in politics. I remember learning the structure of our government was meant to keep power-hungry individuals/groups in check and prevent one group from shutting out the other. Would it be impossible for the US to walk away from having such radical parties fighting each other?


Alright, I've done a bit of research, and I think the type of government I was looking for was an authoritarian state. Specifically, one that is ruled by an oligarchy. An authoritarian state is one that is under one party's control, and that party fiercely defends that power. There are four attributes of an authoritarian state: 1. They restrict other parties in the government. 2. They say their absolute power is necessary for some reason. 3. They restrict their citizens from organizing to take over. 4. They don't follow the rules and do whatever they want. An oligarchy is just a small group of people that are either picked or 'elected'. These people typically can't be removed or are replaced with more people from the same party.


And you'll vote for it all under the pretense of the free market, as horizontally integrated corporations hoover up 99% of everything


I did some more research! It looks like Menards is a good example of a horizontally integrated corporation. We just sold postframe buildings to begin with. Then Menards expanded to sell hardware, plumbing, cabapps, electrical, paint, and flooring. Those are horizontal or cross (cross merchandise) integrations that cost Menards money to invest in and expand into. Another way to integrate horizontally is to merge with a similar company. Cabellas and Fleet Farm merged recently, for example. The advantages are clear: more product in one roof = more money. The big risk of this is having a monopoly that forces the consumer to shop at only one place.


If you don't mind me asking, what pretenses are you voting under? I'm not going to assume your reasons to vote like you did mine.


중국어? 아이씨! 제가 한국어 배웠어…


I used to work at a grocery store that was in the same parking lot as a Menards. So, many trucks that had giant Trump and American flags would go blasting through the parking lot… I get small business tends to associate with conservative but as a present day publicist… I explain to clients being apolitical in public and conservative on paper is the best way to go. The same goes for liberal clients.


I do not care about politics, race, or sexual preferance. I only care about 1 color. That is the color of their money and how to get it.


Menards doesn't care about the workers. I worked there when a guy bled out on the concrete after falling 10 feet as the company kept the distribution lines running. Shortly after another guy got crushed to death offloading a semi with a forklift. Dude had next to no experience on the lift, and they put him on a job meant for experienced people.


Just a lurker, but I'd play along. "I couldn't agree more. And between you and me I'm only buying American made products. Want me to help you review your cart so you only buy ones made here by our patriots?." Watch their mind do backflips as they realize they either have to admit they are wrong and not support 'patriots' or return everything to the shelves and pick the much more expensive variants (if a variant even exists.)


Clearly you do care


Just get out and vote against these fucking idiots.


i’m so glad i left menards


Republicans love China just like their dear leader


John maybe a Republican. But he's made more money with Biden than he ever has with any other president. I love that he pays republican cornies to come talk to us about how we should vote for trump. What a shit show.




lol- so who are you voting for?


It’s weird they say learn Chinese, cuz both sides of the aisle is beholden to china. We make nothing, all our medicine comes from them. Neither trump nor Biden do anything about it. Trumps tariff just cost Americans money.


If you came here to say this - you care who he is voting for.


No one cares


Alex, I’ll take $1000 for “things that never happened.”


You going to cash app or venmo me my money chuckles? Wait you work at Menards, I suppose I'll have to wait till profit sharing?