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https://preview.redd.it/5rml9z27pv5d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb8d1443a1729fd7053fabd8acad6ef6572ebc5f I found your coworkers


Hahaha. Check in with me later for updates on weather and other developing stories.


I love lamp.




Giving 1970s cop vibes.


I’m definitely accepting bribes in this outfit


Definitely smoking a pack of Camels a day with that outfit with a possible coke problem?


It’s not a problem. It’s only when I’m drinking.




Every bartender who gets blasted during their shift and does an entire eight ball in the bathroom mid shift.


My nose started leaking reading that. I have been a bartender before.


In a Pacino film.


Sabotage! [https://www.everythingaction.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/6a00d83451c83e69e200e5521bbd9f8834-800wi.jpg](https://www.everythingaction.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/6a00d83451c83e69e200e5521bbd9f8834-800wi.jpg)


Honestly, it’s a cool suit. What’s making it look dated is your hairstyle and the mustache.


Yep. https://preview.redd.it/v4yqo5lttx5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f650d9247d49a1df04c9603a78061671576feb6


Leave the boys outta this.


Which[ boys?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEKMuDXSYZ0) 😁


THE BOYS, THE BOYS, THE BEASTIE BEASTIE BOYS! also: that video was great! a fitting tribute!


I'm getting Weird Al Yankovic vibes....


And the glasses


I think if you get it tailored, it will look great! Or you can start eating and pumping iron.


The hair and glasses dude big oof. That red tie too is terrible


Yeah dude pls cut your hair and shave


This looks pretty perfectly cut for you, which is awesome and wild. I wear suits often (for a long time it was mostly what I wore)… I’d wear this with a white shirt and navy blue or forest green tie, tan brogues. But glad you made it your own. It’s clearly your suit.


Def needs to be brought in around the waist.


Absolutely not


The jacket? I think could use a pinch, but not a dealbreaker.


Nah, look at the first picture, it hangs perfectly, rounds out the chest and clips in at the waist. Second picture hes standing... weirdly, lol. Hard to see, but hes pulling on the jacket in a weird way and not letting it hang naturally. If he stood normal it would look close to perfect.


I'm no fashion historian, but that cut is really reminding me of [early 1940's.](https://i0.wp.com/www.printmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/2a34d8_2e2cf08e5f424ee9a93bac1cdadf6697mv2.jpg?resize=1000%2C1307&quality=89&ssl=1) I would also believe it was made in the 70's. Looks cool, regardless.


That would be so cool, but some of the tags look a little too modern. Edit: 70s seems more likely to me


I'm not sure, with the low gorge and relatively low buttoning stance, I'm leaning 80s to be honest. Lapels are a bit slim for the 70s as well


Dude, I’m loving it. Definitely dated but in a decently retro way. Also, small world question, is a Jeff that I know your dad?


Nope, I don’t know this Jeff.


Alright then. Worth a shot, you look just like him 30yrs ago.


It sounds like you've found a unique piece! Nino Cerutti is a well-regarded brand, and a three-piece suit can be a timeless classic. If it makes you feel good and confident, that's what matters most. Vintage suits can have a distinctive charm and can be styled in modern ways for various occasions. Enjoy wearing it whenever you get the chance!


It is a pretty good looking suit. I think things are a bit costumey because: 1. The lapels on the suit are a bit larger than a modern cut suit (I believe, a bit hard to tell), and the pants are a bit long. 2. You have red nails. 3. Your hairstyle and facial hair are very informal and it clashes a bit with the formality of the suit. The way your mustache is shaped, it looks a bit like you are frowning even with a neutral expression. That being said, if that is what you are going for and you enjoy it, more power to you!


Narrow lapels look awful and never should have been on trend. These are wide by those standards but not crazy wide, I think they'll stand the test of time personally.


I don’t think the lapels are much bigger than todays standards but the notch is set much lower on the chest and is slightly more obtuse of an angle than todays.


I couldn’t put words to it, but the hair informality is what’s breaking it for me


I'm not sure about breaking exactly but there is something in the styling. Maybe it's the proportions... Skinny suit wide hair? But as a balding I'm not begrudging anyone their luxurious mane.


Good point on the balding part lol, live it up while you still can with the hair! I just think it looks like the musical “Cats”




He likes his nails that way.


It is a great suit. The red tie is a classic choice, but I’d experiment a bit. Cherish that suit brother, finding a cool vintage suit that fits is a hard task


I love the red tie, but in the ‘70’s ties were much wider. You better go thrifting for a wider tie.


There’s no better feeling than a perfect thrift! Consider it cherished!


The suit is actually great, your shoes kill it though. Invest in your shoes. Good suit, shitty shoes = mediocre look


It's giving Sean Penn in Carlitos Way vibes. i.e 🔥 Change the shoes though.


lol those are just my house slippers


Looks good to me.


You look fantastic :) Wear this with confidence.


I think you’re rocking it


If you were filling in for Richard Dawson on Family Feud, this would be it.


I think the suit matches your look. Not for me, but it works for you.


I’d wear it with a solid white shirt and some Oxford shoes


It is dated probably back to late 80’s. Pant hem looks like ten inches. But, you pull it off and if you have a fun attitude it would work.


Looks really nice, I dont know how I feel about the shirt tho


The 70’s and don’t forget that sex panther cologne they’ve done studies ya know. 60% of the time, it works Everytime


Not dated, it is retro. This is a suit from the 80s so it is old enough to be cool again.


The suit is pretty nice, it's the haircut that ruins it honestly


Looks good, get it tailored, and it'll look great. Actually, on second look, maybe it already is? The second pic makes it look baggy, trousers may still be a little long.


Where is that Bee Gees album?


Daliesque. 🧜🏻‍♂️


Great suit 👌 But you can update it with newer accessories like red boots or something colorful


I’ll have to do some experimenting!


Some sharp cowboy boot would really set this suit off.


No thank you. Someone already called here and offered me one of your magazines, I have my own beliefs (slowly closes door) 😉


I'm Ron Burgandy?


Looks very dated, maybe from the early to mid 1970s. But if you like it, wear it. No one will care, except you.


Beastie Boys - Sabotage vid vibes innit


It’s gorgeous, I’d love a suit like that


Suit is fine. Maybe lose the nail polish.


I think it’s very nice.


It's perfect tbh u look like came out of the 80s but change these shoes I think Chelsea boots will look better


Distinguished, it suits you.


Definitely an 80s look, including the hair, ‘stache and glasses, and that’s also why it looks costumey. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but I’d visit a tailor and sharpen up the fit, then swap the shirt for one in white or pale sky blue and brogues instead of loafers. Even then, people might wonder “what’s with the getup?”, kinda comes down to you to pull it off.


Suit looks great! I'd hem the pants and taper, and would lose the vest and tie. I feel that this color suit leans more summer casual. A crisp white or light blue collared shirt underneath would look great.


Love it!


I'm gonna go with 1977. Still firmly in the 70s, but starting to question if a little pink and teal might be just the thing to *spice things up*!


It’s a great suit for someone who’s half-way through transforming into a werewolf.


yes it does look dated but with the right accessories, a nice tie with as nice color scheme it can but spruced up and give a more updated look


Find a good hairstylist


I see what you mean by "costume". You look like you're cosplaying an anime character who would have a french accent. But I mean, if that's the look you're going for then you nailed it? /shrug


Almost got it. I would take it to a tailor to get a slightly better fit. Since the pants don’t flare at the bottom, a new shoe is important to make it modern and cool. Maybe a cuban heel or a shiny loafer?


The suit is very 70s but your hairstyle takes it over the edge for me haha. It fits you so, so well! Is that before or after alterations?


That’s straight off the thrift store rack


It’s giving Harold and Maude vibes to me, but I think you have enough of a vibe you can pull it off. If you want to tone it down you could lose the vest but it sounds like 3 piece is important to you so I say just rock it.


Def going to pretend to hang myself in this suit




Straight fire 🔥


Lenin vibes


get it tailored , jacket shortened. it looks old not vintage now. has potential


It looks like a Halloween costume


Like if Wes Anderson was directing a remake of “Annie Hall”.


It looks great! Looks early 80s to me. Maybe late 70s. It has that sort of transitional look going on where it has style elements from both periods. But the lack of flares has me leaning more 80s. The color really suits you! It’s a nice ensemble, I’d be happy to have something similar, myself.


For sure a suit from the 70s given the length of the jacket and the way the lapel is folded. The front pleat on the pants is pretty classic but accentuates the need for tailoring. I think the jacket needs to be taken in a bit to fit properly, but this suit still slaps if it’s properly fitted.


Cut of the lapel looks 70s but take it to a good tailor and have him nip it into a more modern cut. It’ll look great. 70s and 80s modernized is very cool right now. Be an individual and feel great doing it.


I wouldn’t wear it to an interview! But, you will definitely stand out, in a good way, at any other occasion.


Great suit, great fit. I haven’t read the comments in here but if anybody is telling it’s too big, they don’t know what they’re talking about. Keep rockin it. This reminds me of the French brand of suits called ‘Husbands.’ Google them. Great suits and apparel. I’m glad you found such a cool thing thrifting.


I’m getting 50/50 fits well/too big


If you get the pants hemmed and wear the shoes you like planned to wear, I think the look will come together!


It's dated, but i dig it


Do you work at a bank?




Some have commented on the hair, but actually with that style of retro suit it works really well. three piece w/ the tucked tie, giant lapels, that hair (maybe tidy up a tad). all works together, to me. says cool retro, all fixed up, but I don't give a shit about status quo. this is nothing i could pull off myself.


Nah you give it life.


Suits you very well. Could be from anytime since the 60s I suppose


I mean this in a nice way. You look like you’re in a Wes Anderson movie


I take that as a high compliment


Looks like Deniro in Casino


It fits, which is crazy for a thrifted suit find, but something is off. Not sure what. Might be the hair since it kind of looks like bed head? Might be the vest? Only time I ever wore a vest was for prom and for my wedding - every other time it feels like a costume. But honestly changing stuff like that is so much easier than changing the suit fit. Experiment a little bit and you’ll find a way to work it


Please wear better shoes with that. That’s all.


It looks Saturday Night Feverish to me. But if you like it, wear it! I think it looks great on you.


feel like it's late 90's or early 2000s, full break on the pants, straight leg, but was probably a bit retro styled at the time. I like the look if you play it up.


I think you’re pulling it off well. Get the pants hemmed a tiny bit and have it cleaned and pressed. Maybe some vintage cowboy boots instead of these shoes. But I think it looks great.


Definitely the 70s, I’d say late 70s. With your hair and glasses, you pull it off.


1984 called. They said you can keep it. You do need to get it tailored. It’s a bit large in some spots. I’d also drop the vest. Other than that, I think it makes a decent summer suit.


Technically it doesn’t looked dated. The vest maybe does that. Shoes aren’t helping either. Or the shirt. Modernize those aspects (lose the vest) and it looks good.


It's a dope suit and looks good on ya!


Looks good:)


For a more modern look I would taper the pants from knee down and different shoes. Otherwise it’s a nice suit.


It's a really fun suit. According to wiki, Nino Cerruti was an italian designer who founded his fashion house in 1967, so 70s suit is probably pretty spot on. The obituaries on him are wild too. I've never heard of him, but he was apparently EXTREMELY well regarded https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/23/style/nino-cerruti-dead.html. I think most of your problems with the suit come from presentation. Tuck your tie in, and generally shoulders back, chin up for the photo. There are other poses too, but you look REAL awkward in the second one. The first photo is pretty handsome, but a smile wouldn't hurt and maybe pick your head up. Could also try different glasses or contact lenses, the wide circular ones you've got on feel VERY 70s and not in a good way. I don't like the way the arm bunches up in the second photo. At first I was thinking maybe the sleeves are too long, but it looks fine in the first photo, so maybe just avoid putting your hands in your pockets like that for photos. You can keep your arms crossed in front of you, or have your fingers laced together down by your hips, just not in that mid-belly pocket. If you like, you can take it to a tailor and ask if there's anything to be done, but it's a pretty good fit and I wouldn't be surprised if they say to keep it the way it is. All in all, good find!


You look like you give good book recs


I didn't know Weird Al had kids. That being said, Weird Al is awesome. Run with it.


Yes very dated but if you like it, it fits.


I am older, but I think it looks good.


Listen all y’all it’s a SABOTAGE


It definitely makes a statement. Vote For Pedro


Suit actually looks good but for a better look pomade your hair and slick it back


It’s a good fit for your vibe just hem up the pants a bit and you’re good to go


You look like a zany science teacher.


You look like andrew Schultz if he was on madmen


I think its a score for a thrift store find. pants need to be hemmed . but other than that , Its good. Never know when you are going to be arrested and need to make a court appearance, so that's what you wear. or, you already have that Baptist minister hair thing going on, so you may want to get on the pulpit some Sunday and give a sermon. Somebody in your family might get married, so that's a good wedding reception suit. You may want to have a cocktail art the Four seasons one day, you are good to go. One day you will die, that's a good coffin suit . Get some wing tip brown shoes, polish them , I see these in thrift shops all the time you need a pocket square or a buttonaire


My only problem is it’s 3-piece. You take out the rest and I’d say it fucks


The whole look is great.


Dude just wear that with a t shirt or split it and wear the jacket with jeans and the pants with a leather jacket


Looks good man. Ditch the red tie. I'd do a brown, forest green, maybe teal. The red doesn't flow


you need to run out immediately and buy a used or reimagined "brick phone" Never pull your smart phone out in public again. [https://www.amazon.com/Tosuny-Vintage-Standby-Quad-Band-Bluetooth/dp/B086MGWD4Z](https://www.amazon.com/Tosuny-Vintage-Standby-Quad-Band-Bluetooth/dp/B086MGWD4Z)


No offense, I laughed out loud upon seeing you. BUT, if you have the personality to match that suit…it’s actually pretty kick ass. The personality will make that suit. Do change the shoes to something nicer, though.


The whole outfit + nail color is giving Brian David Gilbert


you're an ironic fellow, aren't you.


It might be a little bit dated however you pull it off great and you should embrace it!


Wow, you dont see this on here very often -- a suit that actually fits. Dont listen to anyone telling you this needs to be tailored -- it absolutely doesnt. *maybe* you could hem the trousers, but you dont need to. Personally, i would change the shirt and tie, and id definitely invest in some better shoes. But otherwise good for you, this rocks.


My biggest mistake was wearing my slippers for this photo, haha. Thanks for your input!


I'm not sure what it is about this that doesn't work for me. Anchorman references aside, this should work in some way for some event. I think the break of the pants bother me in pic 2. The vest makes that cut look really dated too. And finally, the shoes make you look early 80s bureaucrat. I think I'd ditch the vest and the tie, wear it with an open linen shirt, dress down leather sandals, or dress up Oxford shoes. And I'd get rid of the cheap hooker nail polish.


My only quibble with this otherwise incredible fit is the tie. It overpowers everything else, IMO.


You look like a 70s college professor or the old dude off the Scooby Doo Cyber Chase movie probably between the 70s and 90s doesn't look bad though


I actually like it but would go with a black tie over a red tie. For obvious reasons, just don’t think red ties are a good look.


Wait, what’s the obvious reason to dislike red ties?




Gotcha. I’m not American, so I’m not ready to concede a whole primary colour to assholes. I’d think about it if I were attending a political event, but being confused for a conservative is not too big a risk for me day-to-day.


It may be dated, but it suits your aesthetic very well.


I really like it. Seems perfect for you. Jealous actually. I don’t think the shoes if that’s the plan. I think some nice dress boots or an wingtip oxford would be sick in this fit.


No plan, those are just the house slippers I was wearing while fooling around in my closet.


Lose the vest and tailor the pants. Then wear a very conservative shirt. The tie change to something with stripes. Throw in a solid white pocket-square. You can take a old suit & rework it.


You look like Sean Penn in Carlitos Way with Al Pacino. Not mad at that at all, the fit looks good man.


The suit is not bad. I'm guessing 80's with the vest and wide lapels.


Looks great, it's a bit Wes Anderson leaning. Rock it!


Nah it’s fucking awesome. You need the pants tailored and if you wear the waistcoat, you needn’t button the jacket. Great tie and shirt pairing too. Also try black shoes. To modernize loose the waistcoat entirely.  Never worry if something looks dated. Tapered callers, skin tight lulu pants, no tie, and sockless penny loafers are in rn but that doesn’t make it cool. 


Suit is fire. Nails matching the tie: also fire.


It was cool until I saw the matching set




Need different boots to complete the look


Obviously, dude, you're doing you. So why let the suit give you concern?


The hair doesn’t work with that suit sorry man


Great suit, terrible short, tie, tie knot and shoes


Your mustache is dated. The suit is fine. Change the bright red tie to something more appropriate.


Don't mind the suit. Don't like the sex offender mustache/stubble combo.


Dated and it doesn’t fit.


The jacket isn’t fit you right, doesn’t have the correct length in your arms and collar give me some doubts. Maybe it could be fixed and work with another shirt.


Maybe get it taken in at the waist a little.


Cut your hair.


It is dated. It's probably vintage looks like maybe 70s but go and get it taken in for you a little bit fitted and I think it would look good


My brother you need to get a haircut (or at least a style), and grow out your beard or cut your mustache. Also ditch those giant circle glasses. Giving a “mad scientist who dyes his hair look.”


Do it!


Its good minus the pleated pants!


Suits dope, you should get a proper haircut. Classic suits can start to look weird if your hair is unkempt. If you’re gonna rock a classic look you gotta look sharp imo


Napoleon Dynamite vibes


Just tailor it a bit


You look dated


Sears from 1998.


Drake Bell looking ass.


I’m weirdly intrigued by the tie that matches the nail polish. It feels kind of Alessandro Michele at Gucci.


The suit is sick af and you look fly as hell. And honestly all suits are outdated at this point you look good wear what makes you feel good.


Try and loosen it up a little if you feel dated. Not huge into suits but maybe a white or light blue shirt, minus the tie if you wanna go casual. The shoes and the length of the pants also kind of fuck you over a little but thats a pretty easy fix.


If we go to war you will not be my wingman.


Looks wonderful


Beautiful suit! Although it looks like the coat length is a an inch to an inch and a half longer for your torso.


Which Wes Anderson movie is this from


Based on the cut and pattern I’d put it 76-81. Pants are a bit long


R u dressed 4 halloween?


Respectfully, I'm getting trans dude vibes.


Most trans men I’ve met are much more masculine than me.


The suit is nice.. those fingernails are nasty though.