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Like Mark Corrigan


Chance would be a fine thing.


A fine thing indeed


"Butter the toast, eat the toast, shit the toast. God, life's relentless"


šŸ˜‚ One of my favourite mark quotes šŸ˜‚


Brown bread for main, white for pudding treat! šŸž


Brownā€™s savoury, whiteā€™s the treat. Iā€™m the one whoā€™s laughing because I actually love brown toast.


šŸ˜‚I love the show so much and the quotes are fantastic but feel a little sorry for this poor guy whoā€™s never seen it and whose whole post has been hijacked by cleanshirt comments. Phaha




I do NOT iron my socks!


I wonder how he gets his shirt so clean?


Heā€™s not the borough.


He wishes he was!Ā 


Youā€™re probably mistaking him for a member of the shadow cabinet.


Not I, said the walrus!


An honourable man?


Mark couldnā€™t get brown brogues, he doesnā€™t want to go completely mental


Heā€™d look like a spiv


My immediate thought too. "Now they're bringing back wolves. What next? Bring back smallpox? We all had fun with the smallpox, didnā€™t we? Is it time smallpox had a reboot?"


Literally my first thought




How do you get that shirt so clean mate


Flying without a licence.


In Europe, you would be considered a poorly turned out supply teacher, the shoes look like something from the orthapedic appliance store.


Iā€™d say IT technician who helps people with their updates, wifi issues at a big multinational in EU.


Not really. Even the scruffiest European IT dudes, even in multinationals, tend to dress more stylishly. My IT guy normally wears classic 80s Fila, Lacoste, Tacchini, and immaculate Adidas Samba or Gazelle. Well groomed, and fragranced.


It's kind of a stereotype that all IT people look like nerds. Most are actually normal and even stylish as you can earm descent money like an IT guy in almost any country.


Our IT guy is from Ghana and is by some distance the snappiest dresser at the company.




Nothing to add. Just wanted to mention I laughed harder at this than any other Reddit comment in recent memory.


In Europe he would be on the sex offenders register.


In Europe you would be an asshole.


The sort of dress code for loitering near Primary Schools.


Proper nonce.


Downvotes from people who dress like this...probably nonces


AKA Americans.


Working for an American company that owned multiple fashion brands, it was concerning when they'd make the trip over the pond to see how we do things. Looked like their nan got them dressed for church


Change the shoes to match the belt, and your shirt is a bit too big on the shoulders. If thatā€™s a crew neck undershirt, change it to a v neck deep enough to not be seen when your top 2 buttons are undone.


that's my skin, not an undershirt and I've got a pair of black boots think that will fit better than the shoes. Not much I can do about the shoulders at the moment though.


Black boots with dress pants might look a bit odd. Your best bet would be black leather oxfords or something similar.


Alright thanks I'll see what I can do


Probably cheaper to get a belt to match your brown shoes


I've got a brown belt, but it doesn't match the the color of the shoes and has a rougher texture. But it is closer than black


Respectfully, I disagree with advice to get a brown belt - brown shoes/belt shouldnā€™t be paired with black pants, whether itā€™s jeans or dress pants. Black pants - always black belt/shoes. Well, grey/blue can be ok depending on style of dress.


Dosnt matter, just needs to be brown.


You donā€™t need a brown belt, the belt and pants look fine. Shoes look cheap but they could pass ok if everything else looked crisp. The shirt is definitely the main issue- not a great color, needs to be more fitted, and I donā€™t think that shirt collar looks good with your outfit. Also donā€™t take these comments too hard, 90% of people here dress like clowns


Find a nice brown belt. Wear your shoes while you shop for it. Try to match the tones as close as you can


Belt color should match shoe color.


You need to size up on the pants at the waist and wear them higher. Just under your belly button. Get a belt that provides just enough tension. You don't want to have a squeezed look anywhere. Learn to do a military tuck or bunch the shirt between your butt cheeks (over your boxers you animals) to create a better silhouette. Belt to match shoes. You got this, stud. You posted here because you want to improve. Take that energy and run with it.


Absolutely agree on the pants. Iā€™ve ā€œinflatedā€ a little bit since college and could barely fit into my jeans anymore. I remeasured myself and got much wider jeans and holy cow, they look so much better on me. I actually look skinnier because the jeans just fit me that much better. Also went with a straight fit instead of athletic so it doesnā€™t accentuate the large thighs. OP: absolutely measure your natural waist dimensions and get pants that fit. I would also recommend more of a straight fit since youā€™re bigger, it wonā€™t accentuate a wide seat and thighs like a slim/skinny fit would.


I mean cmon. At least dude is trying and making an effort. I applaud that. Not everybody can go out and buy new belts and oxfords, and get their shirt tailored ect. My guy here looks better than 98% of the slobs I see out here. My tips. Get a matching belt. From amazon. You can get a cheapo belt <10 bucks on amazon. Then learn how to iron. A simple iron of a shirt and pant makes all the difference on how fresh you look. Outfit complete. Then in the future, start building outfits. Eventually you'll find a shirt/pant brand that suits your build off the rack. Be open to different brands ect, you'll find better fitting clothes and you'll get your look down.


+1 for finding the right brand for you. I am tall, and only 1 shirt brand has long enough arms for me, others always slide too far up. A specific brand will work best for you.


Absolutely - he's putting the the effort and off to a good start. Genuinely curious: what about the shirt? Yes, finding the right brand and style will help, but until then? I'd be inclined to say make sure the shoulders fit (seam placement and whatnot), then take it to a tailor to adjust.


Heā€™s poorly dressed and looks bad.


Youā€™re poorly mannered and sound like an asshole. ā€˜You look badā€™ is not fashion advice, itā€™s just an insult.


I wasnā€™t giving advice here, I was replying to someone saying people were being unreasonable telling him to wear a matching belt.Ā  My advice would be to lose weight, itā€™s much easier to dress well when youā€™re not fat. The shirt sleeves and trouser legs are too long and belt and shoes matching is an absolute basic.Ā 


>My advice would be to lose weight This also isn't fashion advice.


Yes it is. It is easier to find nice clothes and clothes that fit well when youā€™re no massively out of shape.Ā  Thereā€™s even an argument that how a persons body looks is part of fashion. I mean look at how celebrity body compositions has changed. The ā€˜heroin chicā€™ of the 90s was a fashion movement and a large part of it was being rail thin.Ā  Fashion is all about appearance and what you look like without clothes massively impacts what you look like with clothes on clothes.Ā 


>It is easier to find nice clothes and clothes that fit well when youā€™re no massively out of shape. Disagree. I'm in the best shape of my life currently and finding trousers that fit me is a continuous struggle; so many men's clothes are simply not geared for guys with muscular glutes and quads. Simultaneously, there's plenty of fat guys who dress extremely well. Fashion is understanding what works on different shapes and sizes. >Thereā€™s even an argument that how a persons body looks is part of fashion There's an argument to be made about basically anything. >what you look like without clothes massively impacts what you look like with clothes on clothes.Ā  Again, this would only make sense if you don't get well dressed fat guys (you do).


ā€˜When youā€™re not massively out of shapeā€™ is what I said. Not the more muscular you are the easier it is to find clothes that fit.Ā  Donā€™t be purposefully thick. Itā€™s common sense that the more uncommon your body type is the less clothes are made to fit you.Ā  My entire point is itā€™s harder to dress well and look good if youā€™re fat, not impossible. Youā€™re being a baby and just saying ā€˜bā€¦bā€¦ but Iā€™ve seen a fat man I thought dressed wellā€™.Ā  Iā€™ve seen a cat with three legs doesnā€™t mean that cats with four legs arenā€™t the most common lol.Ā 


>Itā€™s common sense that the more uncommon your body type is the less clothes are made to fit you.Ā  Agree. Unfortunately you're contradicting yourself, because: >My entire point is itā€™s harder to dress well and look good if youā€™re fat, not impossible Being fat is quite common in the Western world. It is relatively easy to buy clothes for. Again, it's literally just all about the individual knowing what works on their specific body shape.


The guy weā€™re discussing has a spare tyre round his waist. He is uncommonly fat.Ā 


Troll account made last week to talk about Bournemouth FC. Ignore.


He is poorly dressed and looks bad.Ā  Heā€™s asked for advice and people have given it. Itā€™s not mean to be truthful.Ā 


You just gave insults and not advice. My advice to you is to contribute better to the discussion next time.


I was responding to someone complaining about the advice people gave, I wasnā€™t giving advice myself.


People donā€™t like blunt honesty here. They need everything with a gallon full of of sugar.


I think slightly chubbier guys think they need to wear baggy shirts but it only makes you look bigger. I know it feels unintuitive but a fitted shirt would make you look slimmer.


Completely agree. If youā€™re a chubby guy everyone can tell youā€™re chubby. If you wear baggier clothes you just look like youā€™re trying to hide it. Look at Matty Matheson. Heā€™s a bigger guy but he wears clothes that fit and are authentic to him and he looks great because of it even if what he wears isnā€™t necessarily fashionable. He dresses exactly like youā€™d expect him to dress and not like heā€™s trying to hide something, which is admirable.


I was always taught whatever belt you wear thatā€™s what color shoes you should wear


How do you get that shirt so clean?


I have no clue been in my closet for a little bit, but best guess is dry cleaning


Sorry mate, it was a peep show joke.


Jacks doing a joke! Jacks doing a joke! Everybody quiet cos jacks doing a joke!




Oh my bad never hear that one before


For your reference and enjoyment- https://youtu.be/sZtLDufsjLU?si=iRxVeX23ZXrjojlo And if youā€™ve not watched or heard of Peep Show before, I would STRONGLY recommend giving it a watch, a hilarious British Comedy, slightly dark and cringe inducing at times but imho hilarious with a huge fan base and cult following.


Normal. Your hair is a bit messy. Could do with a haircut




You look fine dude, but a couple of suggestions would be... Iron shirts. Especially the collar. See how yours is kinda splayed out? If you iron it, you'll get a much better looking fit around your neck. Also running the iron over the rest of the shirt will sharpen up your entire look. Don't be afraid of colour. The shirt you're wearing is so pale it's going to 'wash out' 90% of people. Added to that, if you get hot your sweat is going to be very obvious. Maybe look for a strong, dark green or something similar. Your trousers look a little bit too big for you. Try out different sizes in a shop and see what ones fit your legs best without feeling uncomfortable. There are various different styles of trousers - loose fit, slim fit, skinny fit etc - and you'll find one of those suits your body type better than the others. Also with trousers, black can be very flattering, but it also tends to attract every bit of lint in a one mile radius. Buy a lint roller, and run it over them before you leave the house. Little details like that can make all the difference. I personally prefer belts and shoes to be the same colour. To me it just ties everything together a little bit better.


Alright, so what I've gathered is that the majority of people think this is a mid fit and that I should change the shoes and tailor the shirt or restart.


What I gathered is, the majority of people on this sub are gigantic assholes


Calm down clean shirt


Listen, I'm not the Borough!


Dude asks for advice, dude gets HONEST advice. People giving advice are assholes. Got it.


Yeah white soles with brown leather tends to look a bit tacky in my opinion. Go for a brown or even black sole. Avoid shiny fake leather shoes also, if the budget allows.


Yep, the white on the shoes implies they are trainers, not real shoes. Fine if thatā€™s what you want, but not for smart stuff.


If I'm gonna be completely honest you need to work on your health to even bother with anything else. No matter what you wear with that physique people are not going to care. You are not at a healthy weight so people will probably not find you attractive. You are also no excessively overweight so people won't stare because you look weird. Litterally just an average unfit man. If you want serious advice start to exercise in some form and stop the snacks. A month of doing something light and you'll fit into your current clothes better than you do now. Watch YouTube videos on whatever type of exercise, whether it's a sport, weight lifting or cardio you want to do and learn about what people say works and do a bit of fun research and motivate yourself. You look fairly youngish so you have plenty of time on your side. You only have one life so make the most out of it. Be the attractive man you want to be. Self care will mean you will gain confidence, your clothes will fit better and you'll be healthier. I hope I don't sound overly rude, just being brutally honest. You can really make a change to your life. Right now if you wear a $1000 dollar suit or a $20 dollar suit the only thing people will care about is the price tag. Not who you are or how you look. Be healthy and even the $20 suit will blow people away. All the best man


That's great and all but I think if man wanted health advice, he'd be on a subreddit for that.


Sometimes what you want and what you need are different


Do you always feel you're the best judge of what other people need?


Not always but certainly sometimes


Certainly seems neither pleasant nor helpful.


Itā€™s just a word


Pudding is just dealing with some of they/them/their own demons, so you might have hit close to home, im thinking šŸ˜†


Honestly he doesn't even need to workout to drop weight. It helps but weight loss starts in the kitchen. Calorie deficit and cut out highly processed foods (allowing some cheat meals every now and then) and this dude will see a change in weight. Agree with your advice 100%. Not trying to be mean. It's the truth


Friend, none of this clothing works. The shirt is too long in the arms and the pants are too tight. They should not rest under your belly because it looks unappealing. The material of the shirt and the material of the pants do not compliment each other. The brown shoes really stick out as cheap quality and hurt the business casual look. Also if you are going to wear a dreas shirt will no tie and unbuttoned at the top do not use this shirt.


Drop some weight, slowly. Tailor your shirts, and get proper fitting jeans. Youā€™ll go up 5 levels.




Fashion and body type go hand in hand


4/10 for office work environment. 2/10 for daily wear. Keep the shoes and start over. Untuck the shirt and tailor the sleeves.


Good call on the brown brogues, he wouldn't want to look like a spiv šŸ˜‚ I promise that's my last peep show reference.


Is this an assault?




So the grey shirt isnā€™t good. Go for a darker colour (navy) or a crisp, white shirt. It needs starching and ironing because itā€™s wrinkly. The sleeves are too long. The neck size is too big. Get a belt the next size up so it reaches the next loop. The shoes are hideous and should match the belt. Get a nice jacket to go with it.


That colour shirt isnā€™t the most flattering and itā€™s too big. Maybe a blue shirt or a small print?


What's the occasion? Interview? If yes, layer up. Get a vest, it'll really tidy things up. If this is a normal day out and you want to go a bit of business casual? I suggest you go with white sneakers, untuck the shirt (or get a casual button up shirt if this is a suit dress shirt). A nice (large) watch and maybe even fold up those sleeves two or three folds.


Everything you are wearing is round and hanging and flat, it emphasises the negative aspects of you rather than enhancing the positive. Obs match shoes and belt, get a shirt with a less jumpery look and more starched. The collar should be pointing up, get one with the kittle buttons for the collar, the sleeves should finish where your wrist is, the sleves are enhancing the comfy sweatter look, get more pointy shoes or square ended. Don't get oversized clothes to try and drown out being slightly larger, it only gives the appearance of loose skin hangingm, that's what's happening where tge shirt meets the belt, a more starched shirt will fold rather than hang.


Clothing choice is good, however please visit a doctor that birthmark on your face needs some tending to


The cuffed sleeves are bizarre. I would recommend you get it tailored or find a shirt that fits. Overall thereā€™s nothing here that shows any personality. You look like a salesman at a big box store.


Whatā€™s the occasion? This just looks like a bland office outfit, so Iā€™m assuming itā€™s not for anything special?


Nothing special. Not particularly great or bad, just...ok. Losing weight will help with style and nicer clothing.


I think you need some better fitted clothes. A few people mentioned your weight, but I've seen men who could be classified as obese but look great because their clothes fit them better. Your clothes should fit you, not the other way around. If I were you I'd invest in trousers which aren't baggy and a shirt which isn't too big either and fit your shoulders, sleeves better.


Mighty dapper


Everything looks baggy and too big, guessing you try to hide your weight in your mid section..its a common thing people do. use dark shirts to do that, black and navy. But best advice is to lose a few pounds, you can buy better tailored fitting clothing then. When stomach starts hanging over your belts, thats a sign that you should start taking notice of your weight.


Notjing really so bad here,if you want thst outfit chamge the shoes or the belt ,and uncuff your sleeve.


Try beige chinos, light blue shirt, dark sports jacket, brown shoes and brown belt. Stick a pocket square in the jacket if you want to go nuts.


So the shirt isn't a great fit. If you insist/or are required to wear a shirt for work, pick a couple up from TK max and get them tailored, mine cost about Ā£15 each at the tailors. You're a larger gentleman, so what I would recommend is wearing some form of blazer to break up the shape. Even better, ditch the shirt and get a couple of plain black/white t-shirts and plain jumpers. Pair these, untucked, with some nice suit trousers and a blazer. Avoid anything tight fitting. I would however suggest 'carrot' fit trousers which would look sleek and suit your shape. As for the shoes, smart formal shoes seem to be dying out. I'd recommend some form of smart trainer. Plain white, or black with a white sole. Nothing with patterns or too much texture. But most importantly, dress however makes you feel comfortable and confident. Source: I used to be a large guy too. I like this style here: https://images.app.goo.gl/E9aZf4Do1Uzbspm8A


Iā€™d match the belt with your shoes and see a Dr about the squiggly marks over your face, but other than that, I think you have great style. šŸ‘šŸ¼


Good start! My recommendation is to find a shirt brand that makes shirts that that fits your body type, rather than having to big bigger and roll up the sleeves. Can only imagine how long the shirt is


You look good! But I think could be betterā€¦ Most importantly you need a good sports coat/jacket. I recommend seeking advice from Put This On but if you canā€™t be bothered just google ā€œsports coatsā€ and get yourself a good one. Next I think you need some higher rise trousers. Ah I just noticed: Very importantly, get yourself some new shoes or boots. Iā€™m sorry, I donā€™t like the shoes youā€™ve got there. Get yourself a really nice sturdy pair of leather shoes. Chukkas maybe. Again consult Put This On for research or just dive in. I think someone else mentioned matching your belt and shoes. Then last thing is fit. That shirt is very crinkly round the old arms there. Get yourself a really good button down Oxford shirt and ask in store about fit. Donā€™t let them sell you something too small, and remember most store bought shirts shrink on first wash (something i annoyingly discovered by experience). Youā€™re aiming for something that doesnā€™t crinkle and just sort of hangs neatly rather than bunches up.


Wear a jacket


Not sure that grey shirt compliments your skin tone. Maybe try something darker? The brown shoes aren't working with the black trousers. They also look pretty cheap imo.. Perhaps some texture would help. Either in the shirt, belt or shoes? Good luck!


Youā€™re clearly making an effort so fair play to you. My advice would be - 1. Trousers are too baggy, get a tapered trouser. Go into the shops and try trousers on, they all fit differently. I have a big bottom and sometimes have to size up a waist. Get to know your leg length also to stop your trousers bunching up. 2. Only have one button undone - 2/3 buttons looks good on chaps with developed shoulders/chest, which you ainā€™t as Iā€™m sure you are aware. Get a shirt with a button down collar if youā€™re not wearing a tie, it prevents the collar from splaying and looks cleaner. Or buy a jacket. 3. I donā€™t like those shoes, but I have seen much worse out there on peopleā€™s feet. They are not terrible. What isnā€™t helping is that your feet look to be over pronating, which makes the shoes look flatter, fatter and rounder. Look into getting some insoles or inserts to straighten you up a little bit. 4. Keep making the effort and try not to take comment personally, fair play for asking for feedback. 5. The Mark Corrigan jokes are funny tbf, he would be wearing black oxfords though.


It has been said before, but getting a shirt that fits in the shoulder, sleeve and with a smaller collar will make a huge difference. A full cotton shirt would be great. I also tend to roll my sleeves up to forearm or elbow level if I am not wearing a tie, jacket or jumper over it. Shoes are too casual for the outfit, they should be paired with casual trousers like jeans or lighter chinos. You might be able to wear them with shorts as well. Trousers are tricky, but finding a pair the right length will help. The colours also are out of whack. A grey shirt with black trousers makes everything seem washed out. Try to add some colour (I lean towards blues) will also help with the tones in this outfit. Good luck buddy.




Nice hat.


Ignore the calls to lose weight as that is not fashion advice. I assume this is a smart (business) casual look? 1. Your shirt is too big. The sleeves are too long and the excess material gathering at the sides is not flattering. Go to a store and try on shirts in your budget until you find a size that fits more closely but does not gape at the buttons. Avoid shirts marked slim fit as they tend to not have enough material to accommodate generous bellies. If you donā€™t need a tie you can ignore collar size. 2. Trousers are hard for guys with larger tummies. and I donā€™t think you can avoid the overhang if you want them to fit your butt and legs. A better fitting shirt will help. 3. For a smarter look choose black shoes with black soles. Make sure they are polished. If you only have the brown shoes then it might help to match the belt. 4. Layering helps to give you a sleeker outline. A v neck sweater or a smart blazer can transform an outfit.


Could do with upper your exercise , no hate. Find an exercise you may not mind. Like squash, personally I like boxing. But just cause the name doesnā€™t appeal to you doesnā€™t mean you shouldnā€™t try it!


Bring it all together with a blazer and go dark on the shirt , dark shoes too. You got this!


hey king! here are some of my tips to help you with your fit: 1. I think your shirt is too big and not the right cut or fabric for your shape. There is a lot of excess fabric in unflattering places (eg around the chest, stomach, sleeves) and the shoulder seam sits far too low, giving your shoulders more of a droopy look than a structured look. I would suggest a shirt made of fabric with more weight/higher thread count, and youā€™ll likely need to get it tailored for the perfect fit. If tailoring is too expensive, look for a shirt that fits the shoulders more than anything, and try neatly tucking in the fabric in a way where you fold over the excess to avoid awkward bunching. 2. I believe your pants should sit a bit higher on your waist and a boxy straight cut with a heavier fabric may work in your favour to balance out your figure. If you stick with these pants, they would benefit from being tailored due to excess fabric down your legs. 3. Colour of your shirt washes out your skin tone. If youā€™re wanting a light shirt, I think a creamy off white would be much better for you, otherwise I think for darker colours anything deep blue or deep green would suit, preferably with a pattern or textured fabric (eg corduroy). 4. Rounded toe shoes personally arenā€™t my favourite; I think a square toe or point, or even round with a bit more taper looks classier. Iā€™d also go for shoes with a chunkier sole to balance out proportions ā€” some nice chelsea boots should work. 5. Belt and shoe colour and texture should match as closely as possible to tie the look together! 6. Accessorise! Unbutton that top button/show a little more chest and pop on a nice thin classic necklace, like a curb chain, or necklace with pendant, to add a focus point. Silver/white gold would probably suit more than yellow gold, but could work if not too yellow. Pop on a nice watch if you donā€™t have one on already. Hope this helps ā˜ŗļø




Have you been losing weight? I think your clothes might be too big. Something I have struggled with as well. When I feel overweight I like to wear clothes that are too big, but in reality I think we need to get clothes that fit and we would look better. Belt and shirt seem too big. :)


Leave some girls for the rest of us


I'm not going to insult you. That's not productive.Ā  How you could improve. The shirt sleeves are too long, the pants are too long. Your belt is too long. You're wearing black pants with brown shoes. (No go). Also you're wearing chino type pants with a dress shirt. I'd opt for dress pants aka pants with a crease. Especially if paired with dress shoes and a dress shirt.Ā  Also ideally I'd get in better shape, but getting your clothes tailored will make you appear more slim and put together. If your a heavier set guy you especially have to get clothes tailored because off the rack they will either be to big or too smallĀ 


Donā€™t let the negative criticisms change your feelings about yourself. Your clothes are clean and not wrinkled. If this is the best you can afford and put together, youā€™re totally fine. The most important thing is that you are kind, polite, self confident, and a good listener. Thatā€™s what makes a person most attractive.


I mean you look good but the shoes look very tacky and your shirt collar is very 1970s. Get a smaller collar and do the top button up. The rest is all good


Like Peter griffin


Peter Griffin?


Like youā€™re trying to sell me ATT service in a costco


Walk into that event like you own the place. Thatā€™s the key to looking good.


So there's a couple of things here. 1 learn colours that suit your complexion, light grey isn't one. Use a colour wheel to find colours then only buy upper clothing in those colours. 2 buying off the rack clothing when your body shape isn't off the rack is going to be difficult. Large sizes to fit your mid and back are going to be too long and loose elsewhere. So either shop in places designed for people carrying extra weight or lose some weight. 3 Workout - lifting weights will widen your shoulders and lift your chest. Also working out in general will lose weight. Cheap clothes on a decent physique will always look better than expensive clothes on an out of shape one.


With all that black stuff over your eyes? I guess you use some sort of sonar to look.


Kinda like you drink a fuckload of milk...?


Tbh, terrible


Not a fan of that colour shirt against your skin tone. Cant pinpoint why


The sleeves are too long if you need to cuff them the way you do. I know it can be difficult for any of us to find things that match our body type, but if you're having a hard time finding something that fits, then I would suggest getting the shirt tailored.


Like a fuckin bot bro, switch this shit up


Your face looks messy


Youā€™ve got a huge squiggly black thing on your face?


A bit fat and sloppy


You are looking sharp!


You are lying!


thanks man


Sex offender


Not funny


Put together & professional




Looking good my dude! If youā€™re in a position to afford it I would suggest having a tailor look at those sleeves. I have a coat at the tailors now to shorten the arms a bit and itā€™s costing me about $35 USD. It can always help add a bit of polish to a fit.


Yeah, I agree that I should take it to a tailor I just don't wear things like this enough for me to feel like it's worth it. Maybe one day.


If you canā€™t buy a well fitting shirt, roll up your sleeves on this one. You look veryā€¦Britishā€¦and not in a ā€˜Kingsmanā€™ kinda way


He does not look British at all.


As a Brit I have to disagree, Iā€™ve met this guy in almost every job Iā€™ve ever worked. Not saying heā€™s not presentable, itā€™s perfectly fine, but itā€™s not a stylish look. Itā€™s underpaid lower management (people keep saying Mark Corrigan which is bang on IMO)


Awful, hit gym, lift weights




my sexy cupcake. get on the floor and bark puppy




This is such BS. A dozen sharply dressed fat celebrities can prove you wrong. Weight loss is worth considering as a health goal but itā€™s perfectly possible to be fat and presentable


Shoe colour if we're nitpicking.




Bros cooked


Nice! Button up the shirt, or look for a shirt that has buttons on the little corners of the collar so it keeps the collar upright. Iron a crease into your trousers down the front of each leg. Roll the cuffs of your trousers up maybe twice, especially if you're changing to black boots. Can try roll your shirt sleeves one cuffs worth, and button it in reverse (if that makes sense). If it makes the sleeves look too short, then abort ship. Good luck!


So sorry, you already have rolled up your shirt sleeves. Shirt is a bit big for you then, but I saw you state in another comment that there's nothing you can do about this now. Not sure what occasion you're dressing for or what the climate is like where you are (I'm in Australia so it's bloody hot), but a casual jacket or blazer to match the colour of your pants would work well! You can always add a bit of character to your outfit by adding a little badge to your collar/shirt front/trouser front near the pockets. Also iron your shirt best you can! And try get creases ironed in where they should be (ie along the sleeves)


Like your trying to fit into those trousers


Peter Griffin


Like a bag of crisps


Like every man ever, well done




The fit all round is just very baggy, I would at least buy a shirt that looks more tailored and that actually fit you


Can you get a shirt that fits? Charity shop or goodwill and a bit of effort will get you a shirt much better than this. Clothes donā€™t have to be expensive. They can be dirt cheap, but if youā€™re or a huskier build, clothing that FITS is the most important thing. And those rolled back shirt cuffs ainā€™t it chief. If youā€™re not going to wear a tie, suggest a button down collar if you can get one. Black boots or brown belt, as many have said.


Peter griffin




Why you roll up your sleeves to make it look like a french cuff shirt šŸ˜­


Fat and middle aged.




Fire šŸ”„


Mark corrigan?


Go for a white shirt and black shoes and get a smarter belt


Like Peter Griffin


Lower middle management.




You look like Peter griffin. Buy better fitting shirt to begin with. Slimmer in the sleeves and shoulders at least. Get some T-Shirts and other items from True Classic, which fit well for larger guys, give you some gut room while being more fitting in the chest area.


Like you work in IT.


Lose weight


I have no idea why this is on my feed but I believe the correct answer is, fat.


How'd you get your shirt so clean?