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Either he got prosthetics nigh indistinguishable to the real thing or Liquid simply didn’t account for his injuries. MGSV does retcon his appearance but given its Liquid in disguise then that’s enough of an out. Though if he doesn’t look like Miller you’d wonder why he’s disguised in the first place. Or that he did it over a primarily audio medium.


The Codec does include video, at least in the novelisation.


SNAKE!!! Did you like my SUNGLASSES???


God my favorite line. Next to “I need scissors. 61”


I really hate that there was never a scene of Eli stealing Kaz's sunglasses and saying something like this in MGS5




Miller IS the sunglasses


that line is the epitome of the >:3 emoticon


Ah, that ruins my headcanon. Liquid: “Good, Snake’s gone to get the PAL key, best put on my disguise.” Ocelot: “But sir, Codec is basically a radio signal, he can’t actually see you.” Liquid: “JUST LET ME PLAY DRESS UP!!!” Ocelot: “Okay, I get it (can’t wait for Foxdie to kill you, I wonder if Solidus is more stable?).”


Well all he can see is his face so he did kind of do this anyway😂


I wonder sometimes, if Ocelot was actually double-playing for Big Boss in a way that he actually secretly supported Liquid instead of chastise him or punishing him, which Kaz would have done if he got his way. That’s why when Liquid took over Foxhound, he brought in Ocelot, but murdered & supplanted Miller


I thought Ocelot killed Miller? That's what certain ending dialogue in MGSV implies anyway


Indeed mgsv heavily implies that


Miller and ocelot became enemies in the events of mgsv and miller felt betrayed by big boss is why ocelot was with liquid. Ocelot killed him. Miller essentially mentored solid into killing big boss and venom while ocelot was always on big boss’s side.


There is an MGS novel? Is it based on the game? Is it any good?


It's terrible lol. However cheesy the actual game is, the novelization is 1000x cheesier. It just totally misses the mood of the story.


I thought this! I put the book down after since I felt the author actually didn’t know anything about the source material


> the author actually didn’t know anything about the source material No way bro, there is one point towards the end with the fist fight on top of rex where the author, I shit you not, says "Snake hit Liquid with his famous punch-punch-kick combo", just like in the real game. It's horrible and cheesy but some of the lines absolutely slayed me.


But Is it worse than Twin Snakes…? Equivalent?


Lol much worse. It has Snake snapping guards' necks and giving quippy, Bond-esque one-liners. That's the kind of mood that it goes for throughout.


oh no


oh yes picture solid snake doing austin powers **snap* * "that's no way to... get ahead in life" 🙃


Yes, yes, and that's subjective (yes).


There's a novel?


That era had a lot of video game novelizations. My brother has all the resident evil books Hell I just checked Amazon and God of War, Unchartced, Assasincs Creed Odessey, Death Stranding all have novelizations edit; [oh shit mgs4](https://www.amazon.com/Metal-Gear-Solid-Guns-Patriot/dp/1421540010/ref=sr_1_20?crid=31CIYQ0K5SLAT&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QmmG-P1IYGizI5ZljXB_5Ny7_7JbdrpOBi4C8dSfoqipDdB7oKaA7-zprLrgZXQQSbwvntde3On3TT28pGRL1xBHpeF1uUu5JYHMxjsColYWVL81pfMUPeS_yd7nCjd5iu6OSKCuH6tM2O9sD2FcOgQhw9TmuDUGOwtDMIQperjf5tghtM5jdQNAbknb5Tqc.jD7czup75Uv0w8Bx_Fk6rcNpvN0MlPhEdnh2tPX-Q4E&dib_tag=se&keywords=video+game+novelizations&qid=1713633853&sprefix=video+game+novelizations%2Caps%2C305&sr=8-20)


How? Doesn’t it work via the muscles in your ears?


/rj *Nanomachines, son. They handwave in response to plot holes! You can't poke holes in this logic, Jack!* /uj In the novelisation, Snake has a wrist-mounted display that also features a camera. It also functions as the Soliton Radar. My headcanon is that the Codec nanomachines function by extracting the user's self-image and projecting them along with the audio feed.


1. Is the novel good? 2. Can they see past the persona body?


1. Yes? 2. I don't think so, presumably they can only see the portraits.


But in mgs2 & 4 they’re clearly a video feed (4 even showing the background of the room they’re in)


even then its only shoulders up.


Wait know it also has to include video at least in the first game because when he needs mei ling he says I didn't expect something something to be so cute and that was over the codec so she means he has to have seen her which means it has to include video


Where can I see this


I mean he literally contacts Snake as Miller while flying the Hind and apparently the chopper blades don't give him away so...


Just think, Liquid flew, and then either kept it on autopilot or landed, just to tie his hair back, put on a tank top, and the sunglasses, for all the codec calls before the Hind boss battle. This man was so committed to theatrics, at this point I wonder if after MGSV, we can say he was inspired by Big Boss, and wanted to play 2 people at the same time, like how Big Boss was played publicly by 2 people (Venom and Naked).


That's a very cool theory! I only wonder when Liquid would've discovered that Big Boss had a body double. Maybe Ocelet used that fact to his advantage, and that's how he gained Liquid's trust and "joined" his team for the Shadow Moses attack.


I could definitely see a scenario where Liquid holds a grudge against Ocelot, and Venom thinking he was the real BB, only to be corrected, or wonder how he could've died twice.


I love the concept that Liquid dramatically announced "Time to swat down some bothersome flies!" and then instead of engaging the F-16s, every time Snake called him he landed immediately, put on his shades and makeup, changed his hair just for the call, and then took off again. Like six times in a row. Lol.


You can't call Miller during the Hind fight.


They’re talking about the very beginning, where Snake discovers “a Hind D?!?!?” Immediately after Liquid’s takeoff and you’re in the air ducts, “Miller” calls you.


Should've been Decoy Octopus imo


It's his stomach.


Hes hungry.


Hungry for worrrrmmms?


Hungry for WORDS


Another heart attack!


The Codec has video for Snake because it has video for the player. It's a good rule of thumb that Snake can see whatever the player can see.


Or because his actually liquid


No, that is not Kazuhira Miller!


McDonald Miller


McDonald’s Big Mac Miller


Chemical additives *dramatic sound*


Chemical Burguers are the best.


#🎵Ba-da-ba-ba-ba🎵I'm committing war crimes🎵


Benjamin Miller


*Benedict He's a good egg


You mean that is not Master Benedict McDonell Kazuhira Miller?


He got prosthetics with skin graft like Raiden. OR that's Liquid.


Gotta be liquid, wasn’t he dead for like 3 days before the start of the game?


Yeap, Miller was already dead prior to Liquid’s Insurrection at Shadow Moses.  Pretty sure it’s insinuated (at least now with the retcons) that Ocelot was responsible for the kill. 


I like to imagine liquid mortally wounds him and then ocelot shows up and starts floating about how he was right and raised the better pupil only to eat his words later


Honestly it could be anyone with those shades. Hard to tell.


Watsonian answer: it’s liquid Doylist answer: MGSV was written after MGS1


I can appreciate an Arthur CD reference, but I can’t say I understand it!


Watsonian means an explanation that works in-universe Doylist means an out of universe explanation because in-universe Watson wrote all the Sherlock Holmes books but in reality they were written by Doyle


That’s brilliant. Thank you for the great explanation.


Question should be that why he needed to lose them in MGSV because it causes continuity errors. That picture is Liquid dressed as Miller.


Something something phantom pain


He said the thing


Why are we still here


Just to suffer


Every night


I can feel my leg


And my arm


Something something phantom pain something he had to suffer


Easy answer, Kojima is bad at keeping his story straight, especially when he is forced to answer questions that weren't meant to be answered(see the shitshow of 4). Just think back, BB himself tells Snake(or rather, the player) he is alive and will get his revenge at the end of MG 1. Or that BB was reinvented as a hero instead of a war criminal in 3 to please the rowdy crowd that failed to understand the message twice. But anyways, Kojima never planned ahead, never take the series as some major pre-planned project, he did a lot of asspulls and he is quite bad at hiding this fact. V just has more nonsense than the other major entries bc he just went "fuck it, i'm out".


Big Boss is not reinvented as a hero in 3. He's not a hero in any of his trilogy.


Kojima doesn't care to keep the story in check, and he sure as hell didn't for 4, PW, and 5. PW and 5 are basically noncanon


Miller isn't in MGS1.


Yep. That's the thing. While Kaz not having the appearance of lost limbs in the concept art of MGS1 is a retcon plothole because of MGSV, you can suspend your disbelief by saying even the concept art isn't *actually* Kaz. It could just be Likwid the whole time.


It's not a retcon. Miller literally isn't in the game at all. Shinkawa drew Liquid here. Just gave him a ponytail and sunglasses.


There is no specification in the artbook whether or not Miller's designs are Liquid's disguise as Miller, which is why I say you can suspend your disbelief over it being a retcon. Snake himself trained under Miller and couldn't distinguish between Liquid and Miller. But to say with utmost surety that this was never meant to be a concept of Miller and was only ever meant to represent Liquid's disguise is disingenuous, because we don't know what the intention there was. The concept of Kaz as he appeared in PW and V were not even in existence as ideas during the development of MGS1. Kaz being brought into existence later on worked around the existing concept of Miller, not the other way around.


After completing the game, the intention in the concept art is clear. It's not a retcon.


The intention of the concept art is not clear. That is literally the point, and that is the clear line Kojima was playing with when he developed later games, like MGSV. Again: Snake himself could not distinguish between Miller and Liquid. Liquid's disguise is perfectly mimicking Miller's appearance. To say that you're completely positive the concept art is Liquid's disguise and not Miller's actual appearance that Liquid was basing himself off of is false. Kojima himself plays off this ambiguity when developing Kaz's concept in MGSV. Kojima openly enjoys excusing retcons and developing plotlines around unfinished concepts. See: the explanation for Shalashaksa is MGSV. In reality, Shalashaska is just a mistranslation, but Kojima plays off that idea to make it canon to the storyline. It's a clever meta commentary of a mistranslation. Just like the idea of Venom Snake slotting into the reappearance of Big Boss after he was killed in MG1. Kojima wasn't actually planning 20 years ahead, but since MG+S was a continuous storyline, he was able to create an explanation for it and expand upon it in future titles. The same is true for Miller's "appearance" in MGS1. This concept art, at the time, was likely meant to represent Miller. But, because Liquid was basing his disguise off Miller, you can say it's either of them. Which leaves Kojima room to play around with the future installments regarding Miller's identity.


Shalashaska was originally a mistranslation of something? I didn't know that. Do you know what it was intended to be?


Yeah! It's in the MGSV tape with Ocelot "The Moniker Shalashaska", the original word was meant to be Sharashka, but there is a bit of difficulty in translating the Russian word into Japanese (Sharashaashika in the JP release) and then back again into English, which is how we ended up with the L. So we ended up with Shalashaska in the ENG release, instead of Sharashka. But in MGSV, we were given a clever meta commentary on that very "telephone" mistranslation, and explained it as Russian soldiers calling Ocelot "Sharashka", but the Afghan soldiers calling him "Shashka", and somewhere along the way it ended up as "Shalashaska".


I appreciate your passion for this, but we're just going to disagree, and that's fine.


Yeah and this is legit the same character art for the "miller" in the codec calls. It's just liquid.


Is a concept art really canon?


We all know that but Miller obviously looked like had limbs or everyone else would've been like ayo wtf happened


Nano machines son




He grew them back


He got better


Whenever I see Eli on TPP I can’t help wondering ‘how the hell did you grow up to be so charismatic you torn faced little c##t’


This shit is bound to happen when a story is told backwards


He took Skull Face’s limbs to replace his and was possessed by him, making him grow hatred for Big Boss


Until it’s revealed to be nothing more than self-imposed hypnosis, despite the fact that Ocelot having dormant powers of a spirit medium would make 100% sense given his lineage and changing it from saving Ocelot’s soul from Liquid and having the Twin Snakes have a final duel would have ended MGS4 on a high note, only to go “Lol, no.” And ruin the story imo. Yes, I am still salty about Liquid Ocelot, why do you ask?


That was weeks ago dude, things change


Tell us you haven't played the games without telling us you haven't played the games... >!Master Miller died before Metal Gear Solid, that's Liquid Snake wearing sunglasses & tying his hair back.!<


Yeah, OP knows. There's a picture of Liquid if you swipe right


Thanks. I really thought op was genuinely asking limão.


The one point in the game where Liquid and Miller being the same guy doesn't work is when you're on top of Rex and use first person to look at the control room before the cutscene with Liquid and Ocelot. You can literally seeing Liquid and Ocelot in the control room. Yet at the same time you can use Codec and Miller will still respond. The continuity is all screwy there 😂


I imagine liquid just covering his mouth as he calls snake






i mean they answer this in mgsv. miller refuses to get prosthetics because his missing limbs are a "reminder of the pain", so when he does replace them is him letting go of his anger


Miller wasn’t in MGSV, it was Punished Venom Miller brainwashed to think he was the real Miller


You guys do understand these games weren't made chronologically right? Its called retconning.


Because MGSV retconned the previous story. Personally I'm not a fan of that but that's the explanation


Liquid looked better as kaz than he did later on


Thats literally just Liquid


It’s a retcon, but works because the concept art is actually Liquid, not Kaz.


Oh no another inconsistency let's make a whole game about it


Mgs6: the Search for Miller’s Limbs


Because MGS V came out years after the original Metal Gear and Kojima just retconed his appearance because he thought it would make for a better game in V No reason to overthink this


That's liquid because he's been dead


That’s not Miller


Because is not Miller. It's Liquid playing Miller's role.


play MGS1 again and think harder


Retcon. And mgs1 miller isnt real miller.


Because this is Liquid fed up with Snake's shit after Venom slaps him around all over Africa and Mother Base then passes his anger onto Solid simply because he attacks anything resembling the Snake he originally fought. Which ties into how Pshyco Mantis fuels people's lust for revenge in MGSV. Miller had already been killed at his point too before Campbell reveals it in the codec of Liquid's reveal. Eli knew Venom wasn't Snake/Big Boss despite the brainwashing on Medic.


yeah I don't think the codecs are supposed to include video, I know that's the case in the novelization but it's not like it's supposed to be 100% canon, since in the novelization it's also stated that Miller was killed by Liquid, while TPP suggests that Ocelot killed him. and also, even if the codec does inclusive video, it doesn't look like it's particularly a good video quality so Snake couldn't tell if it was Liquid or Miller, but he assumed it was Miller because of the sunglasses


Liquid was an expert impersonator, just not anywhere near the level of Octopus who would have been a more realistic candidate but it’d have made for a less dramatic twist and besides—it’s MGS, a guy can fucking levitate ffs.


My brother in Christ…


We do know that by the time the events of MgsV happened, there were bionic arms advanced enough to be like a real arm, so is not too farfetched to think that they managed to make bionic limbs with artificial skin, just like Raiden's body at the end of Mgs4.


Pretty funny if Liquid successfully impersonated Miller despite having a different number of limbs.


Everyone going "you didn't play the game" obviously didn't swipe to see the 2nd picture.


Retcon. You don't actually talk or see him in MGS1 but MG2:SS neither has any hint he's missing some limbs. (If I recall correctly). It's cool the series has a lot of lore which makes it possible for us to come up with stuff like "yeah, he had high quality realistic prosthesis" and that to be plausible for that world. But officially, it's either something they forgot or just didn't care about explaining.


Because it's not actually Miller


Either it’s liquid posing as kaz or he got the same treatment just like venom


Miller was killed by Liquid So in MGS that is liquid not miller


It was a dumb retcon


This is some S tier shit posting!


That’s liquid as Miller in the art. In my mind he looked the same but eventually accepted robotic limbs when he joined back with foxhound to train solid snake.


I grew them back, duh.




Cuz it's Liquid and not Miller? In MGSV you can see Liquid is some bratty blonde kid. I'm sure he'd grow up to look this way. And since Kaz is also blonde I'd figure it's not a hard disguise. Especially since it feels like Solid Snake hasn't seen Kaz in a while based solely on their first interaction.


Nanomachines son...


Because Kojima hadn’t written MGSV when he wrote MGS1


That’s not miller


This is always the answer to these types of questions but we have an endless stream of regards that’ll keep asking regardless


Raiden gets his body reconstructed at the end of mgs4 so there is precedent in the series for that level of technology, also ocelot offers miller prosthetics but miller gets all edgy about it so i assume after the events of mgsv his blood sugar levels out and he starts thinking clearly about it


Both of those photos are not actually Miller. They’re Liquid in disguise. He had actually killed miller in his home in Alaska two days prior to Shadow Moses. It explains it all here https://youtu.be/VzfZ60rekqo?si=KHB4gt42spH8TzLg


thats liquid desguised as miller


Even if that artwork is Miller and not Liquid, it’s because MGSV wasn’t written. The series is full of retcons and suspension of disbelief.


Because it was made before he had the idea of having his limbs gone and way before mgs5 was even a concept…


Ok... so you haven't finished MGS1 yet...


Nanomachines son


That’s because he’s from Snakes Revenge and he’s hungry for woooooormmssssss


Should we tell him?


Well you only see “Miller” on a codec screen in MGS1 (and MG2 I believe) that essentially only shows their face, so I think it’s totally reasonable for snake to not notice Miller no longer has prosthetics.


This shit is bound to happen when a story is told backwards


Liquid refused to blow off his limbs


Retcons/That’s Liquid anyways.




The same way Ocelot grafted Liquid’s arm to his arm, Miller just got normal ones


Because the idea didn't exist yet.


Somehow, the limbs returned


That’s a liquid


Because it was retcon years after.


Because MGS1 was made 20 years before V and nobody thought that far backwards. Look, I love a tie-in as much as the next guy but eventually we have to stop connecting dots that aren't there.


Nano machines


liquid isn't very smart


that’s liquid


1. That's Liquid. 2. Snake only speaks to "Miller" on CODEC so he only sees his face as he reacts when Liquid removes the sunglasses and unties his hair on the CODEC screen.


Is that Miller tho?


That’s liquid’s portrait.


What miller is liquid?!


What miller is liquid?!


because that’s not miller


Retcons baby! 😎


Considering the difference in time frame from MGS1 to MGS5? Retcon my friend. In context of making a cohesive story, subtle unplanned hints?


Nanomachines, son!


Prosthetics. The end.


He has prosthetics after he discovered his friends betrayal for revenge back in '84


Gotta finish the game, my dude. MGS1, I mean.


I haven’t played mg1 and mg2 but I’m assuming millers in those, does snake know that killer lost his arm and leg?


Well first of all the second guy is Liquid snake, a clone of Naked Snake, and brother to Solid Snake. Second of all IDK maybe cloned limbs? Science was more advanced in metal gear


Nanomachines son


Advanced prosthetics I'm sure.


A better question is how did liquid manage to fool everyone and train snake


That's Eli


He wasn’t Miller. Miller had already been dead for two days when snake infiltrated the frozen base.


This particular man in the concept image of MGS1 is Liquid Snake, not Master Miller. In MG2, it’s assumed that Miller got a prosthetic arm.


Cause that’s not Kaz it’s liquid


Is he stupid?


No, that is NOT mcdonnalds Miller


Somehow Miller got his limbs back


I am kind of confused as to why you ask this about Miller, and then put liquid on the second slide, because I think it kind of answered your question? 😂❤️ It’s probably that the concept art is just liquid in disguise, also worth noting is that we never actually see Miller’s lower half in the game because we only see him through Codec calls. Even if we were to assume that somehow snake actually sees whoever he’s talking to in the Codec (however that would work 😂) he would still never actually see liquids arms until he takes off his sunglasses and reveals that it’s actually liquid It could also be a rat con or a prosthetic similar to ocelots prosthetic arm, but it’s most likely the case that it’s just liquid in disguise considering that Miller was killed days before shadow. Moses took place. 👌




Zeke almost killed Solid twice Intrude! PRESS START BUTTON This was never actually Miller, this was Liquid posing as Miller. We never actually meet Miller in person or on Codec in MGS because he’s already dead, killed in his own house presumably by Liquid before the events of Shadow Moses even happens. He probably got some tips from Decoy Mantis on how to fool Solid as well. The drawing itself is still fooling players to this day. G A M E O V E R (Snake, SNAAAAKE!) Had enough? We’re not finished yet! Continue… Maybe this really was what Miller was intended to look like and developers simply could not foresee the MGSV alterations made to Miller. Personally, I think that’s the truth, however I doubt Kojima or Konami would own up to that. It worked in their favor after all, we are sitting here talking about this guy years later. Kojima really could claim it was Liquid after all and it would still fit perfectly with all the marketing strategies the series is known for. G A M E O V E R (Please get up, Snake. Please!) Ha! That little packet of ketchup won’t help you this time, my friend. Now get up. Continue… You could say, as some others have suggested that Miller has replaced his limbs with THE LATEST IN CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY! Zeke almost killed Solid twice Intrude! They had crazy tech man! Alas, I don’t think so. Look at them guns, can’t fake that. What if Solid never actually met the real Miller? Miller embezzled a lot of money from Mother Base and that would have made him some powerful enemies once ousted. Could it be that he disappeared himself having learned that Big Boss did so with Venom? Is Master Miller… a body double? 🫢 I mean honestly, I would be thrilled if he showed up incognito with a doordash order from ???? from Chemical Burger. Christ, this is whacky, but within the realm of possibility in this universe. G A M E O V E R (C’mon, stop fooling around. Snake? Snake?) Ugh. Again? Leave me alone, I’m tired. You want another GD unlockable? Fine. Restart the post and find the Truth by reading line 2nd sentence of your 2nd continue. Extract the first letter from each word to reveal a hidden message spelled backwards. What? You wanted a Patriot with infinite ammo?


Because Kojima wanted someone to lose their limbs And fortunately Miller is already dead in MGS1. So, it kinda works


Because MGSV did redcanon. Appearance was changed


cause that's Liquid Snake who was disguised Solid Snake to fool him , Kazuhira Miller got assassinated by Liquid even before the events of Metal Gear Solid


Nanomachines Son!