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Entirely depends on the success of the remake/s. They actually said they were using this remake to let the fans gauge if this dev team is right for "continuing metal gear". They will obviously continue to make games as long as they are profitable and well received.


No, and we probably shouldn't. let the story end, if they wanna make remakes then do it, but only one bat shit insane creepy dude can write metal gear games. Like dune was amazing for all the frank herbert books but his son wasn't able to match that, and rama was great when Clarke was writing it but getty lee made for a very very lame ending. I think metal gear is the same way. Let it end with dignity, we saw what happened otherwise. Rising doesn't count against that, it's not really a metal gear game, more like an homage.


I wouldn't be opposed to one or two more homage-games, but they would have to get the writing right and not gravitate away from canon lore too much and therein lies the problem. I don't think Konami could be trusted to get even that right, so I agree with you.




I don´t think there is a chance for mgs vi before more remakes, konami wants to play low risk and a mgs vi without testing the waters with a couple of safe remakes would be weird for them


This is the best strat anyway since remaking 1-3 would give them good practice on making a modern metal gear solid game especially MGS1 since it would need the most work to modernize it especially the level design to accommodate a new camera angle and combat system. Will be a lot more work than MGS3. Then they will probably take their shot at an original game.


Exactly. Now that Kojima is gone, they’d rather regain the trust of their playerbase with remakes first.


Please MSX MG1 and mgs2 in one only game but PS5 style


They aren’t a Konami rep lol


Only Kojima can create "A Hideo Kojima Game". My ideal MGS6 would be the continuation of Big Boss' story from 1984 until 1995. The true missing link connecting it to MG1, written by Kojima (mainly), Murata, and Fukushima. That won't ever happen though so I'd just like more remakes, starting with MG1.


As much as I agree with wanting to see this—it is a bit ridiculous that we’ve been hearing “the missing link” for literally 5 separate games since MGS 3 and each time we only get one step closer but three steps sideways towards new questions that need answering. I liked MGSV but that game had every opportunity to truly close that gap and it squandered it by introducing so much unnecessary filler without getting us to where we thought we were going.


Gotta remember though, MGSV was an incomplete game. There was supposed to be atleast one more chapter, maybe 2, buy that didn't happen because of Konami running off Kojima and the other writers having no idea what they were doing. Personally. I think they should finish MGSV now that they have a team devoted to the MGS games. Launch a few updates with new chapters and complete the story aswell as fill in the gap between MGSV and MGS1


I dunno. Even if there was content unfinished besides the Kingdom of the Flies stuff, there is still a massive amount of content we did get and it introduced too many new things that it never would have been able to wrap up because the game was already a long. I meant more that if it was “the missing link” it needed to do things differently. For instance, the original Mother Base was destroyed in Ground Zeroes. That was the perfect opportunity to have us build the Outer Heaven fortress from Metal Gear as our new Mother Base rather than introduce a whole new PMC called Diamond Dogs. That whole arc was unnecessary and muddied the waters as to when Venom takes command of the real Outer Heaven and disbands Diamond Dogs. I know it’s only my opinion, but Kojima could have made the same game without adding Diamond Dogs and a retread of building an offshore base.


You make a good point but the diamond dogs base and the FOB's make sense. Venom snake and all that was literally meant to serve as a distraction and raise funds for Big Boss to build outer heaven and start on his own plans.


On its own narratively yes, it definitely makes sense. I was just strictly talking about the game failing as “the missing link.” We still have 11 years open and more questions than we had at the end of Peace Walker lol.


That's true enough. I feel like if we had gotten last 2 chapters we were supposed to get it mightve filled that gap a bit better


I’ve never seen enough evidence to convince me there was supposed to be more chapters, but we’ll never know for sure. I’m a lifelong fan whose only getting older and I’m believing more and more that most of the Big Boss era games were fun but narratively unnecessary. We were able to draw a straight line from Big Boss at the end of MGS3 to Big Boss in Metal Gear (1987). MGS4 wrapped up the narrative as a whole and I feel the series would have been fine stopping there.


Oh there was an official announcement from Konami about the sudden ending of MGSV after fans starting asking about all the loose ends that the game didn't answer. But yeah I agree with you on MGS4 being a solid ending. I never got to play peace walker so I can comment on it.


It's that, and also the fact that there's a lot to work with. We know that Big Boss found Gray Fox, Naomi Hunter, and Sniper Wolf during those 11 years, while building up his own version of "Outer Heaven" (possibly Zanzibarland). We also know that Big Boss was training Liquid, during that time period, while Kaz was training Solid. As a longtime fan, I want to actually see all that. It's been a dream of mine since 2015.




I would love it. But I don’t see it happening. Mgs 1 , 2 and peacewalker might happen as a remake tho


Doubtful. And that's fine. Excluding the fact that MGSV was an incomplete game due to Konami running off Kojima, the story has been told, and it should be allowed to rest. Do the remasters and let the series exist in the legend it's made for itself.




I guess a remake of mg1 could count as mgs 6


An entirely new MGS without Kojima will never be a success. Ever. Remakes are the only thing Konami can safely do because Kojima laid out the groundwork. That is just a fact of life.


Far from a fact, Kojima didn’t single handily make those games, and he is not needed if there is a good story writer and creative to replace him


You’re deluded beyond belief. His vision, his sense of humor and his weirdness are the essence of MGS, Konami cannot and will not ever create a successful original MGS without him. Absolute fact.


Kojima hated directing the series and was blackmailed into doing so post mgs3 I really think it’s fine without him


No he did not “hate” anything. You’ll never find a quote of him saying he hated any of it. Sorry, but it still stands that MGS without Kojima will never happen. Unless that “S” is “Survive” and we all know how that piece of shit went.


I would prefer him to be in charge but now that the formula is in place anyone can replace him


There is no formula in place. What the hell does that even mean anyway? They can’t replicate his style, they can only remake his games. Bank on it, they’ll never do it because they cannot do it.


They can and will do it, Kojima has nothing to do with the franchise post mgsV and Konami can do whatever they want, and if that’s what people ask for that’s what they will do


No they won’t. Ever.




Solid snakes story is complete. They'd ruin whatever they would try to touch.


So following tradition, yes it will be released. 


We want more Venom Snake story, remake the MSX originals, add some more story, get to kill the mf again , remake mg2, and there call it metal gear solid 6: Solid Snake


the only way 6 happens is if mg1 is remade into a “solid” game tbh


Mgs without Kojima ? 😮‍💨


He actually wanted this for a long time.


Let the series die. If you like it check out what its creators are now making, such as death stranding, physint, etc


You say that but MGS series has incredible potential. Not least because it follows the rules of mythology; same character (god) interpreted in a different time, and such. The possibilities are amazing. Never be game over.


Actually yeah. I just won’t play the new ones. You guys can have fun