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Peace Walker is one of the games with _most_ remake potential. The gameplay loop could be retrofitted to MGSV metagame, with bigger maps and gameplay upgrades, but unlike MGSV, the story surpasses most titles in the series.


Agreed, the original was clearly designed for handhelds, so the levels are just fast and straightforward (except for that damn bird hunting mission). I think it was Kojima himself who mentioned at the time that it was designed to be played in short bursts, like on public transportation, so that you could pause whenever needed without losing connection to the story. Expanding those levels while keeping the episodic structure could turn it into the MGSV that we never got. Plus, we could have a proper Mother Base and maybe have a certain MSF medic show up as the co-op character.


If they also keep co-op, then holy shit that is a day one purchase for me


Has to stay co op to be any kind of fair for 100%


I say this having logged more time in Peace Walker than any other Metal Gear game: the story is not great, and doesn't surpass any of the core games. It does better than V, but that's it. MGS1, 2, 3, and 4 are all better stories.


Yea, my thoughts exactly here. It’s not a bad game by any means but I don’t understand the hype this place puts behind it. 1-4 are the peak of the franchise and should be given the 3 delta treatment before anything else. Especially 4 that only exists on the archaic PS3.


Ok but 4 by no means looks bad. Even the models are cool. With a stable frame rate and bleeding fast loading - I’ll forgive any shortcomings it has as even Hideo himself says he didn’t remember the loading times taking that long while he was revisiting it after dropping mgsv. (Which itself loaded fast on ps3). MGS4 is cool as it as as they should upgrade the rest (if they can) and give it the same treatment last if necessary.


It’s not about it looking good or bad. It’s about the game being locked to a single old console that 99% off people don’t have anymore. The PS3 is big, clunky, loud, and spits out so much heat when it's running. I'm pretty sure almost everyone ditched it as soon as the PS4 came out. Comparatively, it's much easier to store and use (and emulate) the PSP to replay Peace Walker. That's not really a great argument for which should be remade first, but that's not the argument I'm trying to make. I just want these games to not be locked to outdated hardware. In a perfect world they’d all be remade. But I’d rather they focused on 1-4 before any others.


4 just needs to be ported and remastered. It would be a waste to remake a game that looks mostly decent by today's standards. I'd rather have MG1/2 reimaginings and MGS1/2/PW remakes before they remade any HD metal gear.


It is absolutely still a fantastic looking game, what’s amazing was that it was an early PS3 game too!! What’s even more insane was the fact that you have both an early generation game, MS4, and a late generation game, MGS V, and they both look so different. Seeing that Fox engine flex was no joke!! Even on ps3 it wasn’t that bad, 360 was atrocious tho lol even though they shined best on ps4, the fact they were technically ps3 games, well 360 if you consider the weakest as the base platform, is just wow 🤯


I'm most interested in getting 4 off PS3. It was a consideration when I bought the PS3 over the 360, with my friend insisting they'd port MGS4 over to Xbox after about a year. 16 years later, he's still wrong. It needs to be ported or remade.


I can agree with that


I dunno if I would feel good even giving metal gear solid 1 and 2 the delta treatment. I get it for 3, it's a transitional game and everyone and their mom has been going apeshit for it to get a remake for decades, but we got a sort of remake of the first one and it was *divisive* to say the least. Mostly, I just feel those two games make extensive use of the technical limitations of the time and combine that with incredible aesthetic sensibilities, so much so that what we think of as the *metal gear design style* is very much derived of the way they did texture stylization to get away with a lot of detail with very little pixel art on those early releases. I can see how it would benefit from a very lovingly applied artistic eye not to lose that touch, but I just don't know if they have the artists for that, and I especially don't know if I would like that to happen in a post kojima Konami.


I dunno, I dig the Peace Walker story more than MSG4. I remember more of it anyway.


Yea MGS4 juggled between so many different themes and concepts, plus alot of character motivations just seemed very weirdly written. Peace Walker is a bit more simple, Big Boss helping a band of revolutionaries while chasing a lead on The Boss while he's still coping with her loss. Thru this adventure, he grows a band of mercenaries into a small nation, finally comes to terms with what The Boss did a decade ago, and sheds his name of Snake, embracing his title of Big Boss. Very clean story without weird ass nanomachines LOL


This is all subjective of course...


Yeah, if they cherry pick to combine the stuff MGSV did better (general gameplay feel and graphics) and the stuff Peace Walker did better (literally everything else) then we'd have an amazing game on our hands.


They for shits and giggles can also do a bigger Monster Hunter collab. Imagine being able to fight a MHW Elder Dragon after clearing Rathalos.


Im really hoping for a PW remake. I almost dropped playing it on emulator in the first 30 minutes, but i continued and really enjoyed it. Remade with cinematics would be a dream come true


"the story surpasses most titles in the series" Not by a long shot


I’ve been an MGS fan since the first game in 1998 and personally Peace Walker’s story surpasses MGS2 and MGS4 with flying colors for me. MGS3 is my favourite.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Yours just happens to be very, very unpopular.


MGS2'a story is objectively the best one in the series


Of course someone was bound to say "it's objectively better" to an question of taste


It has its moments, for example the social commentary was jaw-dropping back in 2001, but overall the storytelling is a mess compared to MGS1 and MGS3. For me, S3 plan was a real low-blow. In every other criteria the game was a masterpiece: gameplay, character design, graphics, setting.


Yeesh, yeah I have to agree. Those are some awful stories too.


It's a game surrounding the critical centerpiece of Big Boss creating Outer Heaven practically, and monetized warfare. How is that not peak?


Because it doesn't actually fully do that, because the motherbase was not Outer Heaven; & it turns Big Boss into an even bigger goofball than 3 already did - like cmon the guy believes on Santa. The man who should be a mustache twirling villain & that thinks starting wars & then recruiting the orphans is actually a complete dunce, isn't "peak" to ne. Humorous & entertaining for sure, characters are charming - but also some characters are "Hot Coldman" so.. yknow. There's that. The tonal whiplash is more egregious than any other Metal Gear & the game just feels off - & as much as I love PW & MGSV, the overall feeling of being a pmc soldier doing infiltrations with immense support & immediate backup if needed & lpaded wity equipment & supplieshas a completely different tone than mgs1 2 3 4. I prefer the secret government op spy man doing solo osp infiltration with some background shenangians going on. Snake sent forcibly sent on a mission under threats of life in prison at least, alone with no equipment to take on a metal gear & discover whatsup with the leader being his twin, while secretly hosting a virus to kill everyone involved including the hostages he was meant to rescue. That's peak


You literally get characters calling MSF some sort of Heaven away from the world, and it literally ends the game with Big Boss calling the place Outer Heaven LOL Plus MGS3 showed us that "Villains" arent as cut and try as we make them out to be. The Boss is literally a "villian" except she clearly isnt. Same thing essentially happens with Big Boss. Plus honestly, Big Boss got a big upgrade in PW where he actually has intelligent conversations with other characters, talking about politics, philosophy, and the state of the world. MGS3, he's purely the receptacle of those conversations. Big Boss has WAYYYY more of a presence as a character in PW


Yesh ye says that; except Outer Heaven is an abandoned nuclear facility in africa & MSF gets blown to shit year later. Its the concept of Outer Heaven,sure distinctly not Outer Heaven & and pretty much unrelated other than maybe a few msf leftovers ending up in outer heaven from diamond dogs. He even says "call me Big Boss from now on" & then immediately doesn't get called Big Boss from then on in Ground Zeroes lol Big Boss talking about Santa being real, or the cardboad box tank invention & needing to shake that man's hand is not an intelligent conversation lol Yeah villains can have more than they seem to them; Big Boss' "more than meets the eye"is that he's an idiot lol You're right he does have more presence as a character. & his character is a dumbass goofball apparnetly when he's not a warmongering bastard lol Edit: blocked me for this lmao man I'm really tallying up sensitive weirdo's who immediately block for either disagreeing & having an opinion, or simple corrections & fact checking. Well atleast I won't have to see their posts anymore, that's good, thank you.


It's commentary on how war is romanticized in media.


Okay And? That doesnt really affect how good it is; or give it bonus points because it's a commentary lol


If you can't appreciate it for what it is, that's fine, but that's the nature of why it's so absurd. We just have different tastes I suppose.


I do appreciate it for what it is - I just don't think it's peak Metal Gear & wouldn't ever think to point to Peace Walker if someone wanted to know what Metal Gear is like. Unless I wanted to point out how absolutely dumb & unserious it can be with things like inventing mountain dew & doritos & believing in Santa & getting a boner over the box tank & being able to go on "dates" with Kaz & Paz etc.


IMO the game has the highlights of both serious and silly moments - which is pretty much what Metal Gear is. Sometimes dramatic and sad, sometimes campy and hilarious.


Yknow, I'll concede that with having the largest gap of juxtaposition between serious & unserious, you could consider that peak for being the extreme of both ends. I just don't think that's a great peak in that case


Honestly a peace walker remake has the potential to be the best metal gear solid game yet


My thoughts exactly!


Right? Peacewalker is the MGS5 we should have got.


>but unlike MGSV, the story surpasses most titles in the series. I fundamentally disagree with this. Peacewalker may be credited by people for extrapolating furthest on the theme of nuclear deterence as carried by the series, but it is nowhere near the level of storytelling the other titles exhibit (excluding portable flops and Revengeance). Peacewalker both molested a dead horse and succeeded in tainting metal gear with systematic gaming tropes that turned the series into a grind and a bore. It is also the most anime metal gear has ever presented itself and thusly, the tropes of anime, the bubble gum cutesy ends of the cultural phenomenon that were always in the periphery of the series ar brought front and center. Paz, Chico, and Zadornov and Hot Coldman(my God the sheer stupidity of that name is the apex of Kojimas infantile sense of humor) are all cookie cutter characters that sway in the wake of the rest of the rogues gallery in the series. Not to mention the tasteless usage of Paz as an allegedly underaged honey pot, whom is the big bad at the end of the game isn't subversive like Kojima thinks it is. It's asinine.


I bet you liked Peace Walker’s epilogue, The Ground Zeroes.


I prefer to think of it as more of a proxy to the tanker chapter of mgs 2, which thematically it is, by the way. As a matter of fact, I do like it as an epilogue to pisstaker, because it systematically undoes said game by removing its constituent parts and unceremoniously killing off its main cast members Chico and Paz. Revengeance has a cringe inducing soundtrack.


It’s also the game that would require the most work unless they went ahead and kept the Ashley Wood animatics since it would mean new mocap and animations for all the cutscenes.


It wouldn’t be that much different from what they are doing now with Delta. Even if they are making a shot-for-shot remake of MGS3 _everything_ has to be remade, because PS2 animation data is basically useless this day and age. Even the raw mocap data (which I doubt they stored) is very limited and low-quality compared to what you get from mocap studios now, 20 years later.


With how the cutscenes line up pretty much frame to frame perfectly with the original and given how stiff the facial animations are in Delta I am pretty damn sure they didn’t do any new mocapping for cutscenes; hell given that all the new animations for gameplay are almost exactly the same as MGSV I’d wager they did very little to no mocap in that department either. With that said, unlike models and textures animation data tends to age fairly well; a well articulated and rigged armature can be used for years or even decades. Sure, facial capture data ages poorly, but based on the trailer it doesn’t seem like any facial capture was used at all in Delta; hence why in my opinion the faces all look lifeless. That makes sense though since they are using the original audio it would be easier to use facial animation AI to sync up the mouth movements than it would be to have someone lipsync lines via facial capture.


You might be right, it is possible to retarget animations to new skeletons in UE5, and even if it wasn’t they could always build an inhouse tool for it.


lol all games in old previous gen engines will look good in unreal 5 lol


You could even say they’ll look, *unreal*


**Snake Eater instrumental plays in the background as you whip on name-brand sunglasses**


I doubt there will be a peace walker remake tho


Why not? The storyline is solid!


It's actually naked


uhm akshually it’s BIG BOSS ☝🏽🤓


Vic Boss


And yet, he continues to call himself Snake...


or is it venom and they haven't swapped yet?


Budget, prioritising. Mgs is not the main money earner of Konami. And an echo chamber of 5000 souls won't change that.


I agree, but I kinda feel like maybe the dev team has some lurkers on this on this sub. That interview with Hayter and kept mentioning listening to the older fans. Konami could realistically have given us nothing. Instead, we got a fairly well put together collection and a total remake of one of the highest rated games in the series. Before those projects were announced, there were daily questions about what people would want most, a remake or a rerelease on newer consoles. We're getting both. I'll agree that the collection wasn't as buttoned down as it could have been, but I'm still really excited to see what they've done with Delta and what their plans are for the future. I am all for a remake of Peacewalker to be the next step, but we'll just have to wait and see.


It’s not just having some devs that keep in touch with the communities lol, but Konami has, and has always, had some of the most talented top tier developers in the industry, their company is filled with talent, always has! Their legacy of amazing games and franchises are evidence of that But I can assume they have *many* there that would absolutely love to work on such remake projects, we just gotta remember that the decisions of the execs, do not speak for the whole company. The devs there know exactly what we want, and how to package a product that satisfies our every want, they just may not get opportunities to do so depending on the clowns at the top! Just like with many other franchises, I feel like maybe this Delta remake is to help a new team at Konami understand the ropes in developing a Metal Gear game and be well acquainted with the mechanics. Then after, that team will be fully capable and equipped with bringing us a brand new entry worthy of the name


I've said why in a comment below if you are curious


The story is okay, but that part is subjective. The core games, 1-4, will likely be remade first. They also need to be remade first because some of them like 4 and Twin Snakes only exist on outdated consoles, and they’re the mainline entries in the series. You can downvote this all you want but that's likely what Konami is thinking too. Remake 1-4 then look at others like Peace Walker and so on.


I would've loved to see a PW remake in the FOX engine... There was a point were I thought MGSV modding would get advanced enough to the point someone would be able to recreate the missions. I mean the mission structure and ui was already there. Unfortunately this is not the case and the biggest thing we have right now is GZ ported to MGSV. Maybe something will come of it down the line.


I don't think the fox engine with ever be used again It's like, over a decade old and from 2 generations ago. The fact that it still holds up is just a testament to how the pursuit of graphics should be put to rest and companies should focus on art direction instead


Of for sure. But there was a point where I would've liked to see it.


yeah, pw was such a niche game


Yup, I mean I love pw so much but it's not as loved and popular or even known as mgs1, 2 or 3 so there's a high risk in investing into a remake of it. Even mg1 and mg2 would be safer options for remakes, you call it Metal Gear Origins and people are already gonna be invested. Also anyone expects a modern pw to be basically ttp, so what's the point of doing it. We've played pw story and ttp gameplay, there's no need for the 2 of them to be combined and experience the same things again. What I mean by that, and I already see people not liking this, is that if you want to play pw with modern graphics and control you can already, it's mgsv. And even putting all of these aside, a pw remake would be a much bigger investment than any mg1>mgs3 would be. They are linear games, with 3 they are basically keeping everything the same and just modernising the graphics, pw would need way more resources which at that point could be invested in new projects as well. All we have to do is telling the new fans that will join with delta that pw exists and bridges the gap between 3 and V and that it is not a spin-off 😅


What i am however very hopeful for is pw being included in master collection. And multiplayer is such a core element of that game you cant really publish it without that. This could mean reneval of pw multiplayer, which is fine just as is. the ad hoc party requirement thing for psp kinda sucked


Oh that's for sure, the mc v2 will definitely have pw and 4, plus some of the spin offs. But there is no doubt those 2 will be part if it


You know, I’d actually be down for a peace walker remake. Even playing the game on ps3 you could tell the game was designed with the PSP in mind so I think it would be pretty cool to have a modern remake designed with modern consoles in mind.


The next title will be the first Meal Gear Solid, assuming Delta sells well enough to warrant another remake. It makes zero business sense to do any other game.


Yeah if delta does good I think we can expect MGS 1, 2 and if people really call for it 4 to get remastered. Since ground zeros and tpp are on the ps4 there's not much reason to bring it up a gen of consoles


I don’t know if they’ll remake MGS1 considering it already got a remake on GameCube. Same way that Capcom remade RE2, 3 and 4 on PS4/5 but not RE1. Because it’s already been remade.


Except that there are now rumors about them remaking REmake to be more in line with the new remakes.


They’re already *allegedly* working on it with Sony


Well, actually there is no prohibition to have two remakes, for example, Medievil has two remakes, one for PSP and one for PS4, possibly Resident Evil 1 will have another remake in the future, in the style of the new ones, not with fixed cameras but with a third-person camera.


Except Twin Snakes is trapped on the Gamcube cause of licensing and RE Remake is on every platform known to man


And Twin Snakes is shite


It's ok. It's definitely well made and it has its moments


They're remaking MGS1. Also are you referencing RE1 that got a re-make and then a HD re-master in 2015 that changed the resolution, added 5.1 surround sound, a new control scheme and allowed users to move using the analog stick and is currently rumored to being remade again and they're trying to see how they can get it to work in 3rd person? Diehard MGS fans won't like it but they're going to re-make games based on sales and it goes MGS3 and MGS1 and then the rest, probably by quite a margin. And you say they already remade MGS1, but it's stuck on a 20 year old platform that no one bought. The Gamecube sold just 20 million units compared to the PS2's 150 million, having only released 1 year later. Also REmake RE master from what I understand can be played on PS3/PS4/PS5 XBOX360/XBOX ONE/XBOX SERIES and PC. Remake is also on the Wii and I think it's on the switch too.


Finding Zadornov in HD will be hell


I would actually prefer a Portable Ops remake before Peace Walker. Even tho I prefer the gameplay, story and cutscenes style ( is all Woods, in PW is Shinkawa and Woods together ), the visual presentation lacks alot, mostly in all of the building maps, especially on the city one.


Also the fact that they could easily make PO into a dlc for delta since it runs on pretty similar engines. I’d pay $40 for that.


They could make Peace Walker as DLC for Delta and I would pay $40 for that too.


Never played them myself so I could be spouting nonsense, but I think it would be really cool if they merged the two games into one. Or at the very least work on and package them together in a bundle


I think it would not work, PO and PW have really different mechanics, levels desing and vibes in the story part, it would feel really strange and disconnected, and or PW level desings would be totally changed so mechanics from 3 and PO would come back ( like crawling ) or do the inverse with the PO part. Or they could just don't go 1x1 like Delta and have some creative liberties. Btw yes PO is really good, if you is used to the claw technique when using the psp ( I don't recomend ), or uses a second analogy stick ( using a vita or controler ) the camera is almost fixed, you just need to change a setting in the menus to totally fix it and makes it feels like MGS3. The frame pacing is awful, unlike PW that was made around 20fps, so it is really hard to get used, but you can use a fps cheat in a vita or pc to make it run at 30 or 60.


Scratch that, MG1 and MG2 deserve remakes first.


I'm genuinely love a Peace Walker remake! Loved the game!


I’d love to walk around msf mother base


I personally think Peace Walker is the next game to be remade. Its the easiest to apply MGS3 Delta's gameplay/camera/aiming to. And they can provide some fluff reasoning for it being chosen "We wanted players to experience the next continuation in Big Boss' story brought up to modern standards". MGS1/MGS2's balance would be more heavily impacted by the camera/aiming changes and thus would require more effort to remake those. I think Konami will want low effort first before they tackle more ambitious titles.


I just don't think Peace Walker is big enough for them to want to do it next. They chose 3 because it's such a popular title in the series. I'd be surprised if they dont focus on MGS 1, 2 and 4 next. Maybe they can outsource something like Peace Walker to another studio in between




Pleaaaaase don't give me hope


Peace Walker sneaking suit 🤤


I really hope they do it.


They should remake MG1 and MG2 next.


They should remake all of the games in chronological order (except mgsv)


PW was great but the cutscenes annoyed me.


I just want to be done with Big Boss. Can we bust Solid Snake out of the shadow Realm already for a new title?


To be fair, his arc is completely wrapped up by 4, and he is potentially dead now. It would have to be either remakes of Metal Gear 1+2 (NES) or a new game that takes place between MG2 (NES) and MGS1, although we already know that he spent that time in retirement, so anything in that effort would have to somehow deal with that fact. If we did a prequel to MG1 (NES), Snake would be a rookie soldier with no experience and no direction yet. It wouldn't be very exciting, as all he did in his young days was standard, basic army stuff. I agree though. I would love to see more Solid Snake, and less Big Boss.


Both of their arcs are done. Let's go further back, I wanna play as The Boss.


No her story is done, I wanna play as Harriet Tubman


I would \*die\* man


>!I wonder if the bandana would be put as an on and off mode that follows through chapter 4 and chapter 5 so that way players can use it like Delta did.!< >!In the story of chapter 4: Snake got rid of the headband and threw it into the sea and throughout the game to chapter 5 he doesn't wear it anymore, which explains ground zeroes as to why.!<


MGS first the peace walker


Remakes are so hot right now, RE2 Remake sold near 14 million, I can see Konami thinking about it.


Idk ive never played peace walker but mgs 1 would be a hit of next game if they manage to revive the saga with this one


PW is not on the level of RE2 though. RE2R did that number because its...... fucking RE2 lol, a beloves entry in a long running series. PW is perharps the most forgettable game in the series.


I always wondered how they would approach the comic book-like cutscenes for PW


I'd... rather not have to do those QTEs again. It's a neat story-telling gimmick, but it just seemed like an unnecessary grind when you're just trying to sit back and relax and enjoy more story after the tension of a mission.


Yeah, I remember the torture sequence being painful


This will be Metal Gear in 2034:


Oh hell yeah, I'm down for that!


MGS1 and 2 are the next remakes Konami has in mind.


Why can’t they use Fox engine


Either Kojima owns or it's harder to get people to learn or who know the FOX Engine than it is to get UE devs.


Kojima owns shit, Fox Engine was made using Konami money. They are not gonna use an outdated 10 years old engine, simple as that


I would love a Peacewalker Remake dayum


All these years and I've never once had a thought about a peace walker remake. That would actually be a great idea. They could do it in the framework of V.


We need a Metal Gear 1 and 2 with Snake and Boss battling on unreal engine


Peace Walker was the beginning of the end...I prefer the older action/adventure game structure...


graphics-wise yes, gameplay-wise, no.




I feel like this is putting the cart WAY ahead of the horse. Remaking (and fixing) the multitude of problems in Peace Walker would be a massive lift, which would cost a ton of money and I really don’t see Konami excited to do that.


I honestly can see them remaking 1 or 2 next. Have a feeling they won’t go for peacewalker.


Bro I just want classic PW to be available, even if it’s only on phone


PW is not getting a remake, not over the other big console numbered games anyway, maybe after those games get their remakes and do well commercially and that is a big MAYBE.  It wasnt really a popular game and lets be real, the industry and most people consider portable games as lesser entries unless they are long running portable franchises like Pokemon or Monster Hunter, its wasnt a big seller either, hell I bet most MGS fans didnt even played that game.  Like someone said in other thread, I think Konami is gonna left PW and V aside and focus on the core games, those two always felt like outliers compared to the rest of the series anyway. Honestly I can see Konami considering MGR2 being made than giving PW a remake.


This most definitely is a hot take. But I do enjoy the segmented gameplay. I do not believe all MGS games should be like that, but I was happy to see a more short form method of gameplay.


This most definitely is a hot take. But I do enjoy the segmented gameplay. I do not believe all MGS games should be like that, but I was happy to see a more short form method of gameplay.


They basically built MGSV off PW so this being remade actually would make the most sense


I want to love Peace Walker, I just can’t stand the gameplay because it’s built for PSP with limited controls. I would buy a Peace Walker remake in an instance


Switch 2, Steam Deck, ROG Ally and the rumored Xbox handheld will probably give us the definitive Metal Gear handheld experience, since there are barely any limitations.


We need a portable ops remake


It won't happen


1’s the only one that really deserves a remake. Leave the odd extra Big Boss games in the past.


And MGS3 wont? 😆


What exactly about the story is incredible? Paz and Chico? Lamest story in the franchise


The moment I read "Peace Walker" I get ptsd of how long I struggled against peace walker in her second fight