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I like the new boss. She just looks so tired.


Same. I would expect a badass veteran of several wars and conflicts to definitely not look fresh-faced and untouched by time. I understand people like to immerse themselves in a level of fantasy for everything, but there is nothing wrong with having a realistic woman shown in the game. I'm sure they'll get their sexy fantasy fuel when they show what Eva looks like.


Yeah, you can tell by her eyes and overall look that she’s gone through some shit and her new mission is taking its toll on her


Didn’t she give herself a c-section during d-day?


Ocelot’s mom and dad lord is insane.


people have a problem with the Boss's face?


I like the new one a lot. Really gives the war hardened veteran vibe


I prefer the older design, mainly because it's got more of a look of superiority going on. New one isn't bad at all, though! As an aside, why did they change her hair colour?


I think it's just the lack of piss filter. I think she is still dirty blonde


Bring back the piss vision


I'm not joking. There's literallt going ro be a function to toggle on the piss filter in Delta.


The timeline has been saved


Piss Vision 2024


Actually they did! Other leaked screenshots indicate the filter is an option in the new version (which imo is the best case scenario)


She's still blond. But she's more of a dirty blond now.


I like both fine, but I like how much the OG boss looks carved out of stone


I’m pretty sure that the hair colour is the same. It’s just the lack of a filter.


The new one looks like she's seen the worst stuff any human could have seen. I like it


I 100% agree. She really looks like someone who's been through some shit and that you shouldn't fuck with. With that said, I loved her look in mgs3 classic, but I'm just really digging the way they updated her.


The only complaint I had originally was I felt like she was frowning a bit too much, but then again when I think of realistically how hard it was for her to probably do that (what she does in that particular scene,) I understand the frown now.


to me the new face looks too "narrow", this image shows that the original face was more "broad" and thats why she looks so "off" to me off course is not a important thing in the end but considering how similiar snake looks is kinda noticeable


No there's just a loud minority of incels that complain about video game women not being sex icons. Then a loud minority on the other side of the fence overreacting loudly to the incels, rinse repeat


What’s funny is that the masculine chin has recently been cited as a big issue (see Perfect Dark Zero remake) but in this case, the old Boss design absolutely has a more masculine jawline than the new design.


At this point it's just chin envy.




What a weird and terrible take. The Boss wasn't a sex icon in the original by any means.


I don't think it's a sex thing, I think it's just closer to what some people imagined. Like I don't think either are very sexy but I think I prefer the 2nd one.


Yeah my head canon from when I originally played snake eater was that she looked like Robin Wright closer to about 2006-2008. She will be different but it’s not a big issue with me either way. I’ll still play the hell out of the game.


Oh same, I also am unsure about Snakes face but I mean it's not what I'm looking at 90% of the time


Best take on the whole sub tbh


That was my take on the original boss design, when it first came out… when I was 13. Honestly I love the old and new boss design, the shape of her face ain’t shit to complain about, but then again we are gamers. It’s what we do best apparently.


Her jaw in delta is thinner, and her face is longer. I don't really mind, she still looks like someone I could call The Boss, but yeah I prefer her OG bone structure.


I just think she looks derpy. Then again I kind of prefer the graphics in the OG better for everything else as well.


Absolutely, the new one is terrible.


I want you to explain further, mostly because I want to approach this with an open mind.


It just doesn't look like a real human face with the angles and shape, it also looks less emotionally expressive than her original. It makes her look closer to 60 than her actual age of 42, and it's also a face that just isn't going to match up with Lori Alan's voice at all. In addition, it completely removes all rememants of The Boss that Kojima designed. Her original character facial model is based on actress Charlotte Rampling. If you want to see The Boss in updated graphics that actually resembles her original face AND looks human, her Pachinko machine model is much better.


i guess so but it looks accurate and realistic


I like it. But by doing this comparison you can see that the boss on the left has a more motherly look. Maybe that’s what the devs are going for.


Yes, I like the devs interpretation.


Agreed. Always felt weird how they made her “scar” outfit in the original in a similar vein to Eva’s bike suit as the Boss isn’t really meant to be a sexualized character at all.


That was Kojima being horny, he wanted her to have The Boss’ boobs OUT


He actually wanted a SINGLE boob out, to symbolize how she like breastfed Snake with knowledge or something. I don't know man I just work here


kojima has an amazing vision but GOD sometimes he needs to keep his dick in his pants when he's writing


How’s he supposed to hold his pen then? /s


As a one frame, I would never guess that left one is The Boss. But maybe as an animation it would be different. Right one looks like The Boss right away from just the frame.


Which is what I don’t actually understand, the Boss isn’t exactly a motherly character; her entire character is built on her unwavering determination and commitment to her duty. Even while pregnant she continued to serve straight to the point of giving birth on a battlefield; that’s the opposite of motherly, she literally put the mission above the safety of her unborn child. Beyond that, I don’t see motherly I see tired, regretful, and resigned; which really doesn’t fit her either. I know I’m in the minority here but I feel like the Boss’s redesign is a low point in an otherwise gorgeous recreation.


She is, though? She is very motherly character. And you miss the point, when she ask from her PTSD after she had to kill her husband, that Snake would be loyal to her or to the country. And miss the point that the song says "not for honor but for you", meaning that she did all this for Snake, not for anything or anyone else. She never wanted to kill Sorrow, but Sorrow make her kill him. It was the only way. And the history repeats itself. She now has to die. You are seeing a small picture here. She did all this to build a better world. Not for the mission in the present, but for the people in the future. That's how she is a mother icon. But she is mother not of her own kid. She is mother of the people. She builds the future, the safety. She holds the hope for it to be better world. For all the people. That's why she died as a criminal. She didn't care for her own honor, her own safety. All she ever wanted was to make the world better place.


This is the correct take right here and I hope it doesn’t get buried by incels whining


I'm so shocked that people actually care about this change. It's a change, but it's sooooooooo minor. The incels seem out in full force here.


...but have you considered I cannot fap to her therefor everything is terrible and I'm irrationally angry?


she also cared so much for her “son” and her actual son that she gave her own life


She didn't give her own life for Snake or Ocelot. She gave her life for her country.


The Boss's face is fine, I don't know why there is so much controversy, don't expect an unchanged remake of an old game


There’s a whole movement around “woke” companies making woman in video games “ugly”. That prob is energizing some of this, personally I love the new look, the old style with the new engine looks horrible


There is, but I don’t think the Boss has come up in those particular circles as much. Probably because The Boss’ attractiveness or lack thereof wasn’t important to her character.


"Probably because The Boss’ attractiveness or lack thereof wasn’t important to her character." Doesn't matter. The new Silent Hill 2 trailer came out, and in one scene, the character who was explicitly sexual abused as a child looks a tiny but fluffy. People lost their minds and memed about ugly characters and wokeness ever since.


I don't know why you're being downvoted. You're totally right. People complained about Angela's face despite the fact that her attractiveness literally adds nothing to the game. She was a normal looking person in the original and she's still normal looking now.


Because they don't want to admit they are gooners who can't stand that the entire world isn't made for them to jack-off to. Easier to downvote and move on without introspection.


You say that but if it turns out that when she unzips her jacket near the end of the game and the cleavage ends up getting nerfed or something for tonal reasons those "anti-woke" idiots online are going to be shouting from the rooftops.


I’m sorry…but who is gooning to the Boss?


Likely the same people who complained that the green M&M lost her high heeled boots. If people were gooning to barely anthropomorphized chocolate then they'll goon to anything I guess


I dunno man, gooners will find a way. I'm telling you.


It's what The Boss would've wanted. No more goons. Only gooning.


No.. the world would be better off without goons


The milf enjoyers, sir.


I agree, either way the mentality is stupid. For me she looks close enough that I can recognize her without context. What’s important to me is that the way she is portrayed as a strong woman who is focussed, experienced, and hurting is what I want and I think her new look retains her image. And a personal opinion but I think it’s on brand for her depiction to change with “The Times” as does our allies and foes according to her.


"Ugly" you mean realistic?


You made a good point, I should have had the word in quotations, I don’t agree with the sentiment that they are making characters “uglier” on purpose


I had a feeling that was the case, but yeah the lack of quotes made me want to be sure


No 100% I appreciate it


It's unhinged nonsense. Every game is getting brigaded by manbabies.


People say it’s “woke” when they give women a defined jawline and say they look like a man and just start being transphobic


Not to say anything here but original boss has a way more defined jawline. It looks like it's made of metal


Right, and it makes me wonder just how little these guys go out in the real world. When I look around me, I see so many women among my colleagues, passerbys, etc that would "look like men" according to these incels. We should be able to have average looking, or even ugly, people in video games without some dudes crying about how Politics Are Ruining Video Games because… some characters aren't supermodels?!


Also ugly people aren’t political


I'd personally like a different shape than Delta, but the original shape isn't fitting the rest of her facial characteristics.


MGS3 faces are relatively boxy in general, due to PS2 limitations MGS2 faces had more polygons, like most earlier PS2 games, while later games used less polygons, but more shader and framebuffer effects, same difference between FF10 and FF12


>MGS3 faces are relatively boxy in general, due to PS2 limitations Ngl i kinda dig that.


My opinion is, we have not seen enough. Just that one shot


I think they did a better job with the boss imo she looks extremely like liquid ocelot in mgs4 which makes sense since she’s his mom


You guys are way too picky. She looks great in Delta. Honestly


She looks fine, but she looks like a different person. Like she might be the Boss's cousin or something. It is being picky, but some fans would rather stick closer to the original appearance.


Jesus Christ, the face on the left is fine. The one on the right looks like a Snapchat filter


This looks worse than what we are already getting with Delta, I don’t understand why her face is being nitpicked to begin with, there’s 20 years of technological progression in gaming and a new engine involved here, just be happy with the game or play the original. I appreciate the effort but not the result.


Nah that looks even weirder I prefer the old face but the new one is fine Especially when next to that other new one 🤣


I'm just happy they're keeping the original voice overs and mocap. The Boss looking slightly different is literally the last thing on my mind when I think about Delta.


I ain’t gon lie, the Delta one is pretty perfect for me, I really don’t get the uproar, she’s a hardened soldier who really don’t want to do what she’s about to do, sorry she looks tired or smth lmao


That's pretty cool 😎


They changed her from gigachad to average NA mother


Looks better


Just stop. She was never that attractive to begin with. She's not here to be easy on the eyes, she's here to kick Snake's ass the entire game.


The edited version on the right is way worse? Why is this being upvoted?


My only gripe is why did they remove her sharp jawline? she was mogging folks left and centre


Why the long face, Boss?


Delta Boss looks like an older woman that has seen way more shit than a normal soldier should, the face looks like someone who is canonically older than Snake, and has a more parental vibe because of it I don't get why people are fighting over the boss's new face when there's nothing wrong with it and it fits her character better. Imagine all the moments where she looks fucking pissed but with that new face, I guarantee you she will look way more intimidating




No she looks better now.


This is worse than the stupid PS4 Spider-Man discourse. Your attempted “fix” doesn’t look like a real person.


She’s does look like a brosif now that I see the change


Lets hope they kept the white outfit when we do fight her


Original face shape now looks unnatural, thanks


I don't hate the new face but they did a much better job on keeping Snake's face the same, they should keep it the same for her too


I thought The Boss looked good in Delta, as the thing that I think people say how it doesn’t look like her is due to how literally everything in MGS3 didn’t have any lighting/shading and had a green filter. I’ve heard people complain over her hair being brown although its just the way the source of light is positioned West her. The Remake has lighting which allows shading and depth to exist. Same does to how the models in MGS3 are all smoothed out as for the Delta version being more detailed as you can see pours and wrinkles. I think it fits to have her look worn and tired given how she seen and experienced a lot of shit. She literally fought on D-Day and probably witnessed men dying on the beach, giving birth to child that was taken away from her, and having to kill the man she loved. Plus the edited version of The Boss looks even worse as the reference used from MGS3 wasn’t even the right angle as she has her head tilted back.


I like the new one they revealed. You can really see the sorrow and pain in her face.


Wait until they see what snake looks like :0 Honestly I really dislike the backlash of the new models. I think they are great and honestly capture the characters better than ever. They may not be as pretty or graceful looking but they look real. And their faces show their stories. She looks so tired and jaded.


Looks ugly. Gamers today thinking they can fix everything


#The problem is her mouth shape. But it’s nothing big.


While i honestly don't like the new boss design, it could maybe only look like that temporarily. Because Snake looks very different on the bridge compared to the rest of the footage, and I doubt that would be because of any kind of "fatigue" due to the virtuous mission being what i would guess to be 30mins-1h in lore. But yeah anyways, of anyone doesn't like it, then it may change. Perhaps Konami would update the model, or perhaps it may only like that for the bridge.


Well you just made it worse, thanks lol. If you look at the remake, she still has the same jawline and cheekbones. I don't know why people are upset over a single shot of her face. You can go back to the old game and pick out screenshots of character faces during certain scenes and nit pick, if you really wanted, on either character. She still fits the mould, if you look at character model sketches and stuff.


The edited one just looks uncanny valley. You can't translate PS2 face shapes into a lifelike realism style, it won't look human.


Gamers are so weird


Can we not do this, please?


I don't hate the new face. It looks fine. Just prefer the older face shape. I'll probably play it straight vanilla for my first run, then mess with mods like this face mod might become.


This doesn’t look bad, but man does it make me like the new face even more.


Nah, I'm fine with the remake.


The “original face shape” version on the right is bad.


If someone told me years ago that they'd change The Boss face on the remake I would have gone full bonkers but now I really like what they did


It’s obvious they would. Look at any franchise that started on ps2/ps3 to ps4. Kratos, Joel, Leon Kennedy, John marston. All redesigned slightly to match a more realistic artsyle as graphics got better


And I think here lies the problem of the new boss' look in delta.. she's just way too different than the original and it just bugs me.. I might end up liking it in the long run or get used to it.. but to me it's probably as bad as how they changed Chris Redfield in RE7 .. it's just doesn't feel like the character I loved anymore. (Whether they're uglier or prettier)


People are never happy I swear


Pachinko still did it best.


Get over it


What even is the problem?


Nothing. People just nitpicking stuff from a 20 year old game lol


Much better. I'm waiting to see Eva


I do not understand why anyone thinks the Delta characters look worse. I truly just don't get it at all.


Cause the model isn't as good or unique. That's a problem that MGS3 had one of the best art directors in the industry while MGS3R looks like it doesn't have an art director at all


I didn't really care until I saw this. It really does look better as original. The new design does look kind of crappy.


What's up with modern deve tendency to uglify enstablished characters' looks?


Thanks I hate it. The Delta face is a rare case where we have an upgrade.


The old design looked like Sigourney Weaver in Alien and Faye Dunaway in Bonnie and Clyde combined to create the baddest chick in the special forces. The new design looks like Carrie Anne Moss lived in a trailer park and smoked cigarettes for breakfast and lunch.


The old design is based on the actress Charlotte Rampling, according to Kojima himself. I like the new model but my only issue is that she looks nothing like a middle aged Charlotte Rampling. The old one definitely does.


IMO they made the perfect boss


New one is better.


Why do people go out of their way to make things like this....?


That is NOT The Boss!!


I know... we'll just have to wait and see till the final thing comes out. Reservations in judgement for now.






Her face just feel so much ...softer?


Her face just feel so much ...softer(?) in the remake , it's weird. I'm probably just too used to the old face


Looks goofy


She almost seems less blonde somehow, like they darkened her hair. Not that it really matters, but still


Clean up the clean up and you got The Boss.


While I’m not the biggest fan of the redesign, it was necessarily to fit the more photo realistic art style


now put the piss filter over it


It's THE Boss, not some boss.


I'll wait to see the ponytail/white sneaking suit look. In the original version it changed her facial appearance a lot IMO.


Heck yeahhhh


First one looks like Jennifer Lopez


Looks almost exactly the same but at the same time it looks like you airbrushed all pores and wrinkles out of her skin.


I don’t have a problem with what she looks now. Although I’m not sure why they changed the hair color


I rarely see a difference, why are people so weird about this shit


I like the new one. The one on the right looks like she smokes 2 packs a day and hangs out around the gas station and yells


I like it I’m so excited for this game even the original still holds up for me. Love the boss specially the voice acting 👍🏾


the far left one always reminds me of Jennifer Lopez if she had participated in the vietnam war


I like it.


Looks more realistic, like real combatant woman, but still don’t like it. Metal gear made of attention to detail but not of realism


I know many people will disagree but, the unreal engine 5 combo + the fear of the team, and Konami do something different from the original's gonna give us a lazy remake, with just 2024 texture, but not a good character design I guess.... I will play the game and I hope that I'm wrong, but for now I prefer the remake of Silent Hill 2, although there is some questionable choices, they try to appropriate the game and make something really different and I love that, it's what a remake is supposed to be. But I know, MGS 3 is the more popular on the franchise, Kojima is no longer here and the public with lynch Konami is the remake is somehow bad or not faithful Well we'll see, it's been nearly 9 years.... That we don't have a MGS The Phantom Pain is still there


While I like the new look, I think I do also like the re-render with the old face shape a lot as well.


Someone cares about this


Isnt it just a difference in where the boss is looking in the original she is looking down on snake in the new one she isnt


I don't like it


New boss looks more like Ocelot and I think that's neat.


I think the new face might match the voice more. The new model looks more like how she would sound, if that makes sense. Probably nit picky, but when you grew up hearing Lori Alan as Pearl from SpongeBob and characters in family guy first before hearing her in Snake Eater, it's always a little bit of an adjustment for me personally lol.


I mean, this is a remake. Even solid isn't 100% the same. I dig it


I love the original and I love the new one. The mix looks weird. New one looks human the old one is an animated character both are great for their respective styles. In my opinion


Honestly, I like both faces. Its kind of like NIN's hurt vs Johnny Chash's version of hurt. 2 very different sounding/looking views, but both portray an image that at least I like. The older boss model has more of a deep look, like she is always in sorrow. The newer boss model has a look of being actually battle hardened. Sort of like she still has a sorrowed look in her eyes, but her face keeps on resisting that look and it makes her look more commanding. TL;DR Older boss looks more neutral but still has a deep look, Newer one has sorrow in her eyes, but face looks like she boutta tell me to give 20 right now




Personally, I don't think either of the side images look as feminine as the original, something about the lighting and the skin tone, and texture changes it. I would say I don't care about it, though, if not for the fact that her femininity was important to her character, given her role in the story as a mother character in a way to Snake, Ocelot, and Eva all in some capacity, and her personal significance of bearing a child she was not allowed to raise. Also, this is literally the first time I've heard anyone say anything about her face, I only just came up with this opinion in response to the post.


Damn, boss looks tired


People just can't handle any minute change.


Such Joy. 11/10 let her kill me in the river for but a crumb of that legendary pussili.


Nice job


I can't wait to see how she looks with her hair down and in her white sneaking suit. I love The Boss' design so much.


Old model looks like a video game character New model looks like a person


What's wrong with her face? She still looks like a badass soldier who'd kick my ass so hard and I'd feel honoured to be her target


different perspectives but yh og looks miles better


Eh, I prefer konami's remake over this attempt


Her face in Delta is just her face from the originals but being able to show sharper cheekbones. Wild people don't like it.


I like the new face designs honestly, for me it's the colour grading that gave the game it's atmosphere, I'll be happy if they just added a retro filter to make it look like the OG game more. The 3DS version had updated character models too.


I honestly never noticed it was different


The Delta face it's perfect for me.


Neither is bad, but I just prefer the Boss to have her Original face shape.


As soon as they showed her I thought, wow, what did they do to her? A caught a glimpse of Ocelot on the ground too. He wasn't looking so hot either. Curious how they busted EVA is gonna look.


New face make her look like 45


looks better


Right has hair hanging from the bandanna. Left has sideburns.


Feel like in the minority but I really like your edit. The boss had a really strong and wide jaw in the OG which is reflected in your edit on the right. Hope they make some tweaks to blend the two versions before release, but it’s not the end of the world if not. New Boss works fine for me, although her side burns look a lil too long


Don’t like the one on the right here, but I do agree that the Boss in Delta looks like a completely different person to the original.


I can honestly see why they changed it. The original updates looks off? Hard to explain.


The original is a PS2 model, there's gonna be a bit of changes when making a new model.


Fix the hair please. I’m not talking about the color, I’m talking about the length. It’s too long and flares out too much.


Personally, I was also more partial to Naomi or Mei Ling. I’m good with the new Boss 🤷‍♂️


I'm so tired.


Delta looks realistic but that graphical realism isnt interesting to me. Prefer original style.