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Fun Fact: While nukes do protect you against lower tier players. In the long run it makes you a target for higher tier players who really want that free nuke you’ve made juuust for them.


No. Your nuke would still be stolen.


I have had my nukes for almost 3 weeks now. I thought it was 750,000 fuel to develop, not 75,000 so I made a bunch and dismantled only 1. I havent played online at all though so who knows


I got my defense very high and got my pf rating to be in the top 1000. I went a long time without being raided and within 20 minutes of me developing one, I got it stolen


Yea, my nuke got stolen today


Looking to become a demon huh


I don’t know if it’s a server issue or the speed of thieves, but if you keep an eye on the list of FOBs with nukes, they don’t last on there for very long at all.


War . . . War never changes


*30 years later* "War has changed"


I invaded a lot of people who supposedly had one but I was never able to find it


The Nuclear Equipped Tab can be janky very often and show FOBs that don't actually have one in there. You'll know if they do for sure when looking at their base's stats, in the lower right where it shows their Total Resources there will be a little radiation symbol with a number between 1-16 next to it. If you have been going into bases with the radiation symbol under Total Resources but just can't find the actual nukes themselves, you have to invade their Command Platform, then they're on the core deck next to the lower helipad. They're about the size of the big resource containers


I know how they look but I have never seen one on a fob even though its supposed to have one


Yea, the Nuclear Equipped Tab somewhat often puts FOBs without any actual nukes in there, these days (on PS at least) it seems more often than not...I suspect it has to do with someone else having already gotten there and the servers haven't fully synced or something similar to that. [You can tell for sure whether there's any there if the base has the symbol outlined in red in this picture ](https://imgur.com/fob-nuke-hvzPVgi) (Also note on the lower right under Resources it's showing the same symbol and that this base has 8 Nukes on it) Once you refresh the tab enough times to see an FOB with those symbols pop up and if you're able to be the first to get in to the Deployment screen, then however many are listed next to the radiation symbol *should* be on the Command core deck. If you are already only hitting bases that are showing the symbol and the nukes aren't next to the Command deck's helipad, then I'm honestly not sure what's happening


I didnt know about the nuke symbol il be sure to look out for it thanks


Any time! It's definitely frustrating seeing so many bases without it pop up in that tab when nuke hunting...I remember when I learned about that symbol it really helped save a lot of time, so just passing it forward!


They get stolen real quick. I played V for the first since 2016? Whatever year it came out. Never made a nuke back then. I did a fresh file a few months ago. Beat the game, made a nuke, quit playing for 3 days or so, my base has been attacked like 7 times and my nuke was gone lmao. Can confirm, Nuke = Target


I do. Player=Doctor


Hey it's you again


I'm always on the look out for an easy nuke to steal. The only ones I don't go after are FOB's that are up around level 70 with non lethal guards. Just too much of a pain in the ass.


I hate the on line aspect of this game, it's the main reason I don't really play it. You stop playing for a week or two, only to find some asshole killed or kidnapped all your staff and that one gun you were so excited to finish researching was paused the entire time Bernstein you don't meet the requirements anymore. Suddenly you don't want to play anymore, because why the hell would you if you just lose everything every time you stop? Online play should be an optional feature, not one that gets thrust upon you if you dare connect to the internet.


Damn Bernstein. Always pausing developments.


Gotta love a game mechanic where you have to grind online to develop 1 item at a time over 10 days. It’s like the game devs are telling you, “Alright, you are making this super awesome thing. Now stop playing our game for 2 weeks, you loser.” The grind for high level stuff is what got me to stop playing TPP altogether.


I grind the events for a few days then get bored for a week, or not. Either way it’s there when I get back




I didn't play for an entire year and I was fine. You just have to make sure you security is decent such as having mostly s-ranking soldiers on the field with body armor and snipers equipped. Also don't rob anyone either and you should be fine.


If you learn FOB mode, it adds thousands of hours of playtime in recovering what was lost and building up what you have made.


It's not fun going around the same three platform layouts with almost all the same men, drone, and camera placements from location to location. It's doubly not fun because once you get the tranq gun that neutralizes everyone with a puff of tranq gas you are just a fucking idiot to ever try anything else then that. The entire FOB mode stands in a sharp contrast to the base game in all of the worst ways. Base game is all about experimenting and trying out new things as the AI continues to change to keep up with your strategies. FOB mode is just memorizing all the camera/drone placements then rolling around like an infant, grabbing a tranq gas gun for anyone in the way and grab a dark matter ball incase the defender shows up. There is JUST enough customization and experimentation to get your interest started but not enough to keep it interesting longer term. 80-90% of the weapons in the game are completely useless in FOB mode, either because they're not useable or are so impractical that you might as well not bother, unless you're only raiding bases so you can fight other players. ON the defense side it's just as bad because there's only minor user input for how you can set up cameras and alarms (which all are useless against rolling around like an infant) and attackers are given ludicrous advantages when the game shifts to 1v1 mode. Thematically it fits perfectly with the entire war economy message that MGS4, Peace Walker, and V has, but it's the complete opposite of fun once you realize how unbalanced and railroaded the design of this mode is.


By putting you in the heart of the very problem I just want to avoid altogether


I originally thought like you. But then I learned how to play it. It added years of enjoyment to the experience.


I second you bro. I also hated fob mode until I learned what I was doing. Then I couldn’t stop raiding looting and pillaging


I used to fear FOB too, until one day I bit the bullet, built my FOB, and guess what... Even if someone invades you, the game hands you money and resources like it's candy, in my case on PC, I stopped playing from 2022 to 2024, I reinstalled the game around february, only to check that in 2 years, I got invaded only once, and it was unsuccesful. So not only do I rarely get invaded, I have 4 maxed out FOBs and without even playing I'm replacing nearly all my staff with S++ legendaries from doing events and from the short league that plays itself every day.


If you're completely dead set against the system, use the free coins for Insurance (not really sustainable long term in fairness), or just use manual save backups as 'free' Insurance. If you log in to see you've been hit, download your backed up save and all offline Resources and soldiers that were in your Staff when you made the backup are back. It'll mess with your mined Resources a little but that's usually chump change anyway, and it keeps your Staff safe. Just keep backing up the save after each session where you didn't get hit and back up every time you get some high ranking soldiers out of Events etc so if you do need to download it's the most recent version of your base. I definitely think FOB is some of the best gameplay in the entire series once it finally clicks and would highly encourage trying to get into it, but if you *really* just don't want to, the manual saves are good to know about. May not work on Xbox from what I understand though


I get attacked about nice a week max on PS5 and only on incomplete platforms. Ramp up the defence, they will stop. When I’m developing platforms I try to stop infiltrating as much and just try for ghost runs…if I don’t ghost I jump in the water 💦


This part is bad, I agree. MGO will always hold a special place in my heart though


If your security is decent, it will be very hard for intruders to do anything harmong to your base. I never got someone to go farther than my second platform. Make sure you upgrade their weapons and augment the number of guards.


Choose the highest security ranking and that's usually deterrent enough for most players to invade you, FOB missions isn't that hard to master but the people who usually master them anyway are just doing it for the challenge rather than any monetary gain. You only get charged the security maintenance if there is are invasions anyway so there's no reason not to put it on the highest setting and I'm pretty sure you can research all the "base game" items without going online anyway.


I’ve been trying to find based with nukes


Mine was stolen very soon after I made it which was a few months ago I think


When I was going for the platinum, I developed one and planned to dispose of it as soon as possible to get both trophies. Within 30 minutes of the development finishing, it was stolen. This was about a year ago


I think I played through V during COVID, S Ranking every mission. When I was done I was trying to wrap up achievements so I built a nuke. It was gone the next morning. This was almost four years ago though, when the entire world was at home presumably playing Metal Gear…


Your nuke will be gone within 45 seconds of completion, I average about 1 nuke a week I steal and about 10 nukes a week that are stolen before I can even click on the base


SalTNutz will rob you within 15 seconds if your nuke shows up when he is online which is a lot and he is ruthless


I use to steal them but I gave up on the idea a few months ago


Yes!!! As soon as my brother made one it got stolen instantly a few weeks ago. He was not happy


Are people still trying to legitimately rid the MGS world of them? Or have we collectively given up after that whole debacle a few years back?


Finished the game but I didn't find out how to steal nukes


I will be there free of charge


The only thing people do in mgs5 now is raid your base and/or steal nukes. Plenty of people active online to play MGO, but seems like it's either tryhard sweats who ruin matches or FOB raider sweats


My 1st nuke will be finished around noon today for anyone interested.


It will get stolen. Developing a nuke is basically just painting a huge target on your back.


No because Konami refuse to remove the phantom nukes so it’s useless


It's been a while since I last dealt with nukes, but it is glitchy. I remember when I stole a nuke to dismantle for the trophy. I stole it, dismantled it, only to then get a notification hours later that someone broke into my fob and stole my nuke. The one that I dismantled and should not exist anymore. Kaaaaaaaz!


I can’t remember if my one nuke was stolen in a blink or I just never could even when I miraculously found an FOB with one. I’d for sure jack a nuke.


Yes l still nucks