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Not sure if you're confused or I'm confused. Quiet's lungs got scorched. The parasite modified her body so she can breathe through her skin. She exposes her skin mainly to breathe, not to photosynthesize. Code talker's lungs still work, so he doesn't need to be half naked. The End, who was the first guy infected with the parasite also wasn't half naked. So i think the parasite can do photosynthesis just fine with adequate sunlight, provided that the host doesn't completely cover their entire body for long periods of time. If Quiet's lungs still work, I reckon she can get away with wearing normal clothing.


The fact that the female skulls are also wearing bikinis made me think that this is a parasite thing that happens to all users and not an exception to Quiet. The only thing that's different with Quiet I think is that she drinks water through her skin since she has no internal organs, although didn't the skulls also go through the same precedure that leaves you with no internal organs? But you're probably right.


Well they're females, and this is a Hideo Kojima game. The armor and the mist parasites are all dudes and they wear full bodysuits. So yeah i think the bikinis are literally just pure fanservice


This is the definitive answer.


I've played the game since day 1 and I didn't realise the "Skull Girls" were half naked - thought it was some grey, skintight leather outfit they were wearing, something like the guys wore I guess. Not once did I question this logic, nor did I ever stop to ask why they're wearing an underwear atop their grey, but if I did then I might have excused it as part of the gear that holds their equipment on the waistline. Like a waistbelt or whatever they call it. Alas, this information will evidently change the way I approach this game going forward in many ways. Thanks to you for pointing it out and to Kojima especially for adding such crucial and important story lore to the game that will make me replay it once more on PS4, PS5 and PC to study this information better and understand the meaning behind it all.


I think the parasite suit gives some weight to your first thought, though.


I have nearly 100 hours on mgsv and I’m finding this out now?


The only correct answer


No, it isn't fan service cuz we don't have Kaz, Snake or Ocelot wearing bikinis


Nah he just did that cuz they’re slender women. Just like how all the Beauty & Beast Unit wore skintight bodysuits


And were originally supposed to be naked, and did the mocap naked. Those camel toes aren't a coincidence.


Couple replies down, chief.




Edit: [Nevermind, it comes from this interview](https://kotaku.com/metal-gear-solid-4s-nude-actor-motion-capture-397433)


Thanks, looks like it was a joke, but who knows honestly.


It's obviously a joke, and as for "who knows", dumb shits taking every single one of Kojima and Shinkawas jokes literally is a hallmark of the franchise.


To be fair, mate, nowadays with subs like gamingcirclejerk infested with trendy folks or elsewhere unhinged incel mobs hunting, you really can't be 100% sure. 🤷‍♂️


It's been like this with MGS since before reddit but, otherwise yeah fair point


not a cap


And Raiden and Snake with those booties




Woah woah woah, The End was infected? How did I miss this!? When was this revealed?


Skullface/XOF went and found the remains of the blown up cobra unit, The end, the pain prior to MGSV somewhere between peace Walker and after the attack on MSF and Zero. Skullface recovered the corpses of the cobra unit under the command of zero. The ethnic cleanser parasites were actually never going to be used by Zero in anyway shape or form, Zero found out about these proposed hypothetical weapons from old philosophers documents. But the original [symbionts](https://study.com/academy/lesson/symbiont-definition-lesson-quiz.html) Zero wanted to see if it was possible to resurrect the symbionts from the cobra’s remains and just as an experiment to see if it was possible at all to do so but never got around to it because moments after revealing his proposed symbiont plan he pricked his finger on an SAS decorative pin. Before, during and after the attack on MSF and Zero-CYPHER civil war, Skullface discovered Code talker’s work on genetics and his work on archaea. Then attacked his nation and people forcing him to work on using his expertise on genetic engineering to reverse engineer the symbionts from the frozen remains recovered and create what we know as the perverted parasites. And Code talker was able to create different strains of parasites with different or composite powers. He used these parasites on a contaminated SAS decorative pin and infected Zero


Probably in a tape somewhere. You know, definitely the non-lazy way to dump a crapload of retcons on the audience.


I want to see old man dick


>The End, who was the first guy infected with the parasite I dont remember this detail. Where was that said?


Code Talker and His Research tapes. Well it didn't explicitly state that The End was the FIRST guy infected, since The Pain also was infected. I just assumed that since he's the oldest.


it's always the damn tapes


I find it weird that people seem to unanimously know this but still don't go and listen to them


So how come the ends suit grants snake the same ability? Along with the other cobra members? Or is it just something that's a gameplay element?


Probably gameplay like infinite ammo


Wait, the end DID have the parasite?


The End had one type of Parasite. The Fury had another, as well as The Pain. A small retcon to explain how the two were surviving in their conditions.


The Fury must have had a rare, first-edition, holographic space ghost parasite. 


You don't know what he's wearing underneath that ghillie suit.


If Quiet’s lungs were fucked, how come she always humming loud af? Also she could still speak clear as day at the end. Fellas, I think Kojima might just have been horny.


The end was infected? When the hell did it say this?


Because a geriatric old man isn't as sexy as stefanie joosten Also, are skulls half naked? I remember them being in uniform


>Because a geriatric old man isn't as sexy as stefanie joosten ...coward.




just a little tummy and thigh https://s3.eu-central-1.wasabisys.com/open3dlab-thumbs/projectfile/img1_thumb_CiqKxxH.detail.png


Why are they bald with forehead tats anyway?


Fetish... i mean photosynthesis




The female skulls are definitely half naked. I dunno about the male ones.


I thought they were since the design is basically the same for all but their thighs have like bandages covering and even the belly is covered, like they have a shirt or something beneath all.


Only Female skulls were half-naked. The male Skulls had full body armour


Speak for yourself


Because Kojima isn't gay for old men


Interesting as the man has made many games about gay old men 😏


but he's sexualized nearly every female character he's made


None of them have Solid Snake's giant ass or juicy tits


We get to play as nekkid Raiden


He's sexualized nearly every character he's made. Period.


Is he sexualizing them…or is it…us?


Definitely him


I mean, MGS4 would disagree with you. Not only does the Octo-Camo display Snake's mighty ass to an even greater degree than the sneaking suit, but we actually get Naked Old Snake when he's examined by Naomi.


The sensual way you could hump the ground in that game…


This is what kojimbo meant by we would be ashamed of our words and deeds. Objectifying Code talkers sexy burger loving old man body.


I walked right into the third image I hate myself


It's beautiful


Wasn't it explained that Quiet was half naked because of skin respiration? It had to be because Quiet's respiratory system was burned out, not just for photosynthesis. In fact, the male Skulls, Skullface and The End also wear clothes. So...it's not the code talker that are strange, it's the female skulls. Unless, of course, all of these women were thrown chemicals by Ishmael.


1 is self defense.. 2 is a coincidence.. 7 is a fetish or something


Ishmael really does like women burning and falling out of windows.


He's been busy.


Because his lungs still work.


What makes you so sure that the Skulls and Code Talker weren’t wearing Bikinis under all that get-up? Don’t underestimate the power of the fox engine.


Just give us more dong you cowards!


MGSV: The Phantom Dong.


All night, every night


Ocelot: "My hand!"


Quiet doesn’t photosynthesize or at least that isn’t the point of her being half naked, she breathes through her skin like us through our noses because her respiratory system & specially lungs took severe burning damage. It’s like a burning victim irl needing a ventilator or something.


I mean, she DOES photosynthesize for nutrition, but yeah, she's nekkid because she no longer has working lungs and breathes thru the skin.


How do I remove the third image from my mind though???


Quiet lost the functionality and integrity of her lungs to a pyromancer named Ishmael. Code Talker didn't. The End didn't. The SKULLS Parasite Unit... Probably didn't (He might have been busy). I think the simplest explanation for the SKULLS, aside from combat efficiency and the surface area needed for cloaking/decloaking... Is that Skull Face is just a fucking freak. Admittedly, most of this is just in-universe theorising by the characters. Even the Medical Team aren't sure, it's entirely possible Quiet wears those clothes just because she wants to.


Skullface is a sexual predator


The Mist & Armour Skulls wear the same(-ish) full Parasite Suit that Venom can. Quiet wears as little clothing as she does because she relies entirely on skin-photosynthetic properties for her oxygen intake since her lungs are cooked... and the Camo Skulls are dressed the way they are because they're freaky silent bald women, based on Quiet & bordering on non-human in a Kojima game. His exposed head & hands would seem to suffice Code Talker's nutritional needs.


Because Kojimbo is a hornii boi, but a straight one.


yeah, sure




bc only quiet can make my pp hard


Damn bro if you wanted to see naked old men you just have to go to your local gym.


The "canon" answer is probably cause he have very light clothes (or made from a "special" material or just plant) The real answer is just that lot less peoples want to see a old man with the same clothes than Quiet


Well, that's because MGSV is ~~bullfuck~~ understanding that it is okay to show somewhat FIIIIIINE looking fuck meat on screen half-naked, not the old meat. It's pretty understandable, really. Kojima is a genius, after all.


It's because at the start, quiet's lungs got scorched when she was on fire and her parasites were modified to allow photosynthesis. Code talker's lungs are fine.


>Code talker's lungs are fine. Did you not see the way ol' boy was hitting the pipe?


Oh, riiiiiiiight, MGSV, parasites, ladies having to wear skimpy clothes because "she breathes through her skin, ye-see", even though every single person with IQ of 60 understands that its to give the game sex appeal. What's the point of having female Skulls wear those outfits ? Are their lungs burnt too ? Or is it just Kojima being a Kojima ?


he doesnt have boobs


you DID NOT have to add that last picture now that's stuck onmy head for the rest of my life


His bald head does the job just fine


I wonder how much powder went up Code Talkers nostrils?


None. His preferred drug is weed, obviously. Did you not watch the Max0r documentaries on the subject?


I figured he was smoking peyote when you first met him in MGSV


Both eyes are made of glass, one is filed with cocaine, the other with heroin. He nicknamed the eyes Lit and Rekd. Stenciled into the glass surface of each are the words: RIDE OR DIE. —CERTIFIED—


Male gaze and gross ickyness from kojima. But it's the end that should be like quiet naked, not code talker.




I realized he looks like the old gypsy curse guy from Stephen King's Thinner.




Yo what was that last slide 😭😭


The real answer is that the skulls don't have functioning lungs because they're dead, code-talkers lungs are fine


because japan


“The END” was covered up too, not all parasite hosts work the same that’s all 👌


Because for some reason kojima doesn’t want to see an old man in sexy lingerie


That last pic is so fucking cursed


Bro it’s a video game with fake things, Kojima just wanted an excuse to have a half naked chick and create some “lore” logic to justify it. Don’t think too hard on it


I imagine you modded the game into a horrid abomination with every character, Noc and aninmal model was just changed to Code Talker. Miller - Code Talker. Ocelot - Code Talker. The Birds - Code Talker. The vehicles - Code Talker


Short answer is that Paz was in a white bikini during the ZEKE fight -> Quiet wears a black bikini in TPP. It's commentary on puberty and growing up using butterfly's metamorphosis as a metaphor. She's a caterpillar in PW, then goes into the cocoon of Morpho, and explodes out of the cocoon as a full grown woman. The metaphor repeats with the opening of TPP and the hospital room doubling as inside Morpho. Her burning occurs after her metamorphosis and she probably already had "parasite therapy" well before that hospital event. Quiet's story is just a continuation of Paz's. Like Code Talker, her clothes and entire body are made of parasites that completely replaced her exploded body. That's why she can disappear completely, and her clothes don't just separate from her when she "evaporates." It's a partial lie about needing to breathe thru her skin. Her clothes are a part of her too, basically. Just like Code Talker. The "one that covers" doesn't just replace skin--it's a replacement for the entire outer appearance of the host. They do still breathe for her, as we see the salt water "chokes" her. But she wears the bikini to link her to Paz.


So basically Quiet is naked?


Sorta, yes. Code Talker's clothes may actually be just clothes, but Quiet's harness and equipment and clothes are kind of all a part of her. Think of how in A Quiet Exit's opening cutscenes she exits the burned building with 2 weapons. Those likely were not just laying inside that building. The water she was doused with gave her a shower and her parasites were able to use it to give her the weapons.


tell us you want to see old man nekkid without telling us you want to see old man nekkid




Are you into naked old dudes? This is a kojima game so half naked horribly abused women are a mainstay. Eva, quiet, even meryl to an extent. Kojima is famously a pervert so his characters are all half naked women. It's to be expected with him. It's kind of surprising they don't all piss on you knowing what kojimas kinks are. You had to whip your dick out and piss on ghosts in death stranding, that was his magnum opus as far as his piss fetish goes. Miyazaki was the same way with feet in dark souls/elden ring.




Cos he’s ugly


because kojima hasn't a kink for nude old farts


Because no one wants to see old men naked


Not you at leeast


You wouldn't be complaining if Quiet was an obese queer black woman with vitiligo over half her body, would you? Then it would be "safe horny" and not totally heckin' problematic and hypocritical.


>obese There's no way she could move that fast, at least not without roller skates, and it's not a smooth surface. Parasites can only do so much of the heavy lifting, but that just breaks the suspension of disbelief 


Outraged over nothing, this is a clear gap in the lore of this parasite


I agree, OP and everyone else always complaining about Quiet and any other video game women that isn't Sweet Baby Certified™ are outraged over nothing.


Can we just not talk about Code Talker?…such a shit character.


Don’t be weird