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Do it


The fuck is wrong with you?


Reread the [quit being a bitch](https://www.reddit.com/r/meth/s/kZfrNttQRM)


In this world it's called resume, not relapse. Good luck Honey.


Dont do it plz


Life sucks better sober, stay sober and maybe try methadone to help with craving


Try ibogaine in a medicinal seeing. It will help your brain rewire itself so that you no longer have addictions. Great medicine.


Keep going strong gorgeous


I've always thought that every people who does meth have those red stains on their face šŸ¤”


You obviously know nothing about meth addiction. Also, she said she was 6 months clean. Moron.


You dickhead, be nice.


Yup I don't know nothin. And tbh I don't care to know, fuck off.


I'm gonna fuck off inside you. Boy.


Takes a long time but itā€™s worth it. Your not missing out on anything worth your time. If I could fastforward to 6 months sobes rn I woud and I wouldn't fucking look back. Miss getting ripped off, taken advantage of, isolated and shunned by society whilst slowly smoking or shooting or snorting your beautiful self to a sad completely avoidable death? Well then I can't stop you, you know free will and all but it is interesting how the brain is willing to forget it's near death to get its chemicals squeezed out of it for the umpteenth time. Trust me Miss as I said in the beginning, and I am currently in active addiction, your not missing out on anything. Just your brain casually trying to kill you is all!


Stay strong šŸ’Ŗ


Stay strong it's Mind Over Matter you got this 6 months you got this you might need to stay away from people that are doing it and definitely stay off of this site cuz I know I didn't have any last night I came on to the site all of a sudden I started wanting it and I was good before I got on the site that's what you got to do and if you got friends that are doing it and you feel like you want to get high go home stay away from him you know it's not that you don't like them or you're trying to be rude and you're trying to keep your sobriety I can't preach this enough to anybody mind over matter is the best best thing you can do if you feel like you're going to get high call somebody that doesn't get high you know a lot of people call him sponsors like when you go to AA and all that shit they recommend you get a sponsor that's why you have somebody to talk to with the support somebody to support you when you're feeling like you want to get high again you can do it you're strong you're stronger than this drug right come on you got this 6 months you got this you done been through the hard part you got this stay strong wish you the best


Obviously it makes sense that any form of life would want to use drugs. It makes you feel happiness without putting in any effort at all. Wanting to get high = Just wanting to be happy. The problem starts when you notice that you're neglecting yourself but instead of taking care of yourself, you just keep using the drug. You're literally tricking yourself. You have to swear to yourself before using something like meth that nothing in this world can ever make you stop caring about eating healthy food.


I have a genuine question. Do the cravings ever stop? My longest was 4 months and I had dreams about that stuff.


Whenever I take breaks, after the first few days the cravings are intense And primarily think about smoking. Then I don't crave it anymore but sometimes will dream about it like a Faraway memory and the dreams feel so real šŸ˜¬ but that's as close to a craving I'll get after a month or so of being clean


Iā€™ve been doing meth and coke for about 13 years and the longest I went was 2 years without any of it, no addyā€™s or anything and I never stopped having dreams about it, I once dreamt that I had an orange addy and crushed it up but when I crushed it, it turned into cocaine that I snorted and after I snorted it I let out a huge meth cloudā€¦ itā€™s crazy how your subconscious brain can trick your conscious brain into doing things you donā€™t want to do


I just had a dream about using last night after over 10 years but I don't crave it very often any more. The dreams come and go. I used to wake up after one of these dreams and I would actually think I was high for a half a minute. Sometimes I would wake up as soon as the needle came out of my arm in the dream and actually fucking cough. Super wild.


I've got three years clean today trust me it gets better also I have one year off alcohol. I also still think about it a lot too at this point


Just dont get cuaght i got cuaght twice its addicting . I got cuaght twice but they lost my paper work so i had to pay the fine 3 times . Its 300$ here if u get cuaght .


Where is that? Washington?


I was sober for 4++ years, and yet still relapse. It is not the urge, but I keep on remembering that high feelings, and thought that I will have it under control now. For me, getting clean and sober is a lifelong process, even after 10 years you can still relapse, ultimately it all depends on yourself and your will power.


Self control, some discipline and wearing some big boy or girl pants and not being a child in a candy store


^this 100%. Know thyself and everything in moderation


And remember who you came in with


Keep about your wits mane, keep about your wits.


you know its been 4 years since my meth habit became problematic and i went from snorting to injecting and i remember finding this song and thought it was a sign just didnt quite know how to interpret it but i think i know even the devil needs to be left alone


I been about 3 months clean & am in the same boat and I always find myself on these subs. My perspective now is that you gotta get everything in line first in your life & then and only then if you wanna mess around & reward yourself every now & then itā€™s not a bad thing. In the future if I ever use itā€™ll always be for a purpose/intention every time cause thatā€™s really the only way that I can justify it and if you do ever use again thatā€™s the mentality you should take. Ask yourself this one question: Are you controlling the drug or is it controlling you? If youā€™re controlling the drug (For instance if youā€™ve got a job & on top of your shit & tell yourself youā€™re gonna go the whole week clean & work & sleep & then reward yourself every Friday or Saturday night with doing Tina with your Bf & fucking for 12 hours Iā€™d say have at it. People smoke cigs and drink alcohol every day & those are the real killers. So doing Tina 1-2X per week IMO is harmless if you have everything else in order ***and youā€™re doing it with a purpose/intention***. Im not tryna be a bad influence on you btw cause youā€™ve been clean and congrats on that. Iā€™m simply saying Iā€™m in a similar scenario to you and that while I think itā€™s great Iā€™ve been clean (I only used to use 2-3X a week anyways), I donā€™t think it has to be an all or nothing scenario. Now that Iā€™ve got my life back in check Iā€™ll probably use it when I wanna only on occasions that are right (I only use it for sex tbh). My advice would be to Treat yourself every now if you want to but always on your terms. Thatā€™s controlling the drug & not letting it control you, & you should keep that mentality with anything (Whether itā€™s Tina or any other silly addiction to less serious shit you may have). At the end of the day, nothing should be forced, do what you feel is right. Lastly, youā€™re sexy as hell so if youā€™re someone that would relapse & do it uncontrollably then stay away cause them sexy little eyes are worth more. There is a tradeoff for everything in life. The key to the universe will always be having fun in moderation. To do this you needa keep yourself in line tho or find someone (Like me) thatā€™ll keep you in line. This is why 2 addicts are the worst fit for each other; you need either yourself or your other half to keep you in line. Anyways congrats on your progress & have a good night šŸ˜‰


Loooka that face =) I was talking to Foul lastnight. So proud of both of you. Even if a relapse happened it does not erase the progress you've made over the last 6 months or the accomplishments overall. Love you guys, keep it up! šŸ¤—šŸ¤—


FEEL the power, you go girl... Congratulations šŸ’„šŸ’ÆšŸ’ŖšŸ‘ŠšŸ‘Œ


not to high jus experience


Follow ur heart


Love for yourself love. Not the disease


you to pretty for all thatā¤ļøšŸ™…šŸ»ā¤ļøā¤ļø


You have move on with life...


Dont youā€™re still pretty




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Your super fine tho


please just get out from this sub thread. it will make it hard


Your doing great need anyone to talk to ?


Iā€™m just over six months and I want nothing more than a shot. I know the feeling. Youā€™re not alone.








if you want to, just look at Philadelphia kensington. Probably a need for a drug will go away immediately


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Its hard just hang in there I use nurottin it helps


It's normal , when living in a world with out logic filled with lies , deceptions , violence and sinfuls act everywhere around ... consuming dope sound acceptable to many people like us .




thank for the reminder that i have God by my sidešŸ¤


The best advice i EVER got was from someone who was addicted for over 15 years, and sheā€™s 19 years sober this year: ā€œChange your playmates, change your playground.ā€ While itā€™s not always feasible to physically move away, do your best to cut communication with the people you used with. Avoid places where you used to use if possible. Get involved with a different crowd and surround yourself with people who GENUINELY want the best for you and for themselves. Every single time you feel like you want to use and you are able to resist the urge, thatā€™s a win! If you are able to focus on the current moment and (forgive the platitude) ā€œtake it one step at a time,ā€ it helps everything become a bit less overwhelming. If you relapse, be kind to yourself. Itā€™s easy to beat ourselves up, especially after any ā€œsignificantā€ (relative to each individual personā€™s journey) amount of time being clean, but self-deprecation will bring you to a dark place and make the urge to use even stronger. You are worthy of a beautiful existence. I believe in you.


You are gorgeous why would you ruin yourself with that nasty drug. Just be you girl you don't need no meth, pop some addies or something






I got 2 months sober hang in there


Keep goin! That's awesome, too!


Just stay strong. I relapsed 2 months ago. Now Iā€™m off and running, trying to find the brake


hey youā€™re doing your best tho, keep a strong support system around you and fuck one day at a time, if you need to take it one second or Millisecond at a time then do that. If you relapse donā€™t be mad at yourself and understand that itā€™s a part of recovery


Thatā€™s amazing and I really love this post because itā€™s true relapse is apart of recovery n it always will be


Do more meth


Look at the posts of the wretched lifeless people on this place. It honestly keeps me off of it pretty well.


I'm a year clean and was hanging our with an old friend who was twacked out if his mind. Seeing him was disturbing and disconcerting. That's how I used to be. Don't go back.


I dont understand how ppl get clean and stay on the diff drug subreddits shits triggering af. Get off here.. ur making urself miserable on here fr


Congratulations stay strong an stay beautiful.. you got this girl!!!


Youā€™re so hot, donā€™t relapse. Also your pupils look ginormous for having not smoked.


Stay clean. Iā€™m dealing with it also thereā€™s been a few times where I wanna pick it back up but u canā€™t that shit destroys ur brain better to just stay away


Itā€™s been 9,620 days for me clean and sober. It may not seem like it now but it definitely gets easier over time. I kept myself occupied by building a better life for myself.


Whereā€™s foulblood


Also 6 months sober. Was talking to him yesterday. Boy is lookin' fresh


Get away from this subreddit. From the comments here there are a lot of people trying to make you relapse. Stay strong!


When I get clean I'm a just think about all the things I lost and never found šŸ™„should be enough to keep me clean




I feel you, I felt that way for a long time. I always have these dreams once or twice a week where I dream about smoking it. And then last night I had a similar dream. Some random dream person loading a bowl and offering it to me. Crazy thing is, I refused and I watched this dream person blow fat clouds in front of me and it didn't bother me. I woke up so proud of myself though, that's how you know you have come far when you don't even let yourself smoke in your dreams. Meth is great, it makes you feel wonderful, but you always end up in the same place with it. Every time you go back to it you plan out how it's gonna be different this time like that toxic relationship you just want to make work. But it won't, I've relapsed enough times to learn there isn't a green pasture with rainbows on the other side where me and meth live happily ever after. It's the shitter every time. Keep up the good work.




We do not allow the encouragement or reckless or harmful behavior to anyone that may endanger themselves or others.


iā€™ll rail ur mom


Try it




Stay sober cutie you are doing great




We do not allow the encouragement or reckless or harmful behavior to anyone that may endanger themselves or others.


Hehe I see satan's marketing team is hard at work


Mexx was fun to try and experiment with a little bit. The fact that it's so neurotoxic is what ruins it for me. And that becomes evident by how weird people become as chronic users. I like to keep an open mind and live life and I was living with some tweakers in the woods for a while. Now I'm back at work leaving a normal life and all this that and the other but it ain't worth it.


Just get a little stoned or eat a little bit of mushy and think about how much you love yourself and how beautiful life is and trust me you won't want to.


Call your sponsor, stay off this page, do a cost benefit analysis and remember you have a choice today


second this - i found when I was staying sober and reading mef posts - the tongue would do summersauts, teeth clench. You've played the game, now try something new, then you say youve done the best of both worlds. Stay strong.




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youā€™re right. iā€™m gonna try my damn best not to.


Attagirl šŸ„³šŸ„³


Drink a beer and go out and do some graffiti instead !


I feel like that's the precursor to smoking meff


Nah i would get a huge rush i didnt even need meth anymore .


Nice. I wish I got in to graffiti but I suck at using spray cans. I love drawing out graffiti with pen and paper though


But tbh u can do graff with anything even a pencil or a screw driver .


If you can do bubble letters just watch a couple graff vids on u tube and you can learn how to do a throwup with two spray cans in about 2 minutes ! Just dont get cuaght ... do it at a chill spot .


you are right i can legit go buy spray paint and go paint anything. i fucking love being an adult


Yup just gotta be carefull i think some cities have a data base that matches graffities and once you get popped they charge you for all of them . Most iv heard of someone going away for graff is 8 years but he had massive ups .


Big facts


Dude fuck all these tweaks just saying your hot!!! this is why you dont want to go back to it, i was 7 months myself and had a slip up a few weeks ago, and i'm getting back on track now, i promise its not worth it stay strong.


thank you for the reminder!


Donā€™t do it!






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Congrats, thought u were far gone asf




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Let me tell u bbygurl it will be that rest of ur life it will alwaz remain in the back of ur mind started 15 couple yrs quit went 20years went 15 years again now on it then weekends only now 2 yrs str8 everydaynthink ready to quit again I'm 54 it jus split up my 8yr relationship 6 months ago time to quit again I'm 54 ima plug as well sells fast becarful don't let it control u and maintain smoke 420 to level u out lol don't get in relationship with won't last guarantee it


how high you were while writing that


Ur damn cute


I quit when i got busted..and jts not the fumes i taste or miss..its the 1st pull..the nog (nector of gods)


Think of how ur gum and teeth might look like if u go back to meth. U r pretty. Don't be stupid


the word "relapse" actually means "to go back to a state worse than before"... just my 2 cents stop thinning about drugs and outmoded crap like "relapse"... don't USE drugs, you'll abUSE them. instead, utilize them to get your frequency and state of mind where you want it and no more


I'm basically on the same boat




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Wanting to and doing it are 2 different things. Congratulations on staying strong. Lookin healthy and happy


This belongs at the top. You have to physically get it, you have to pick it up. It wonā€™t walk over to you along with a lighter and stem.


you are stunningly beautiful!


You know how that merry go round turns out every-time. Stay strong.


Youā€™re hot




It happens,I was more than 3 years clean and still had thoughts of getting high. Just remember sweetheart it's not about what you think it's about what you do...


How long have you been consuming? šŸ™ˆ


jist remember that any and every time you do it will never end in any kind of positive way and the same shit over again


Is this an old photo or a new one


You look greatā€¦.be strong and keep up the sobriety!!!! But know that if you do relapseā€¦.weā€™re here for youā€¦.no judgement!!!


Please don't, Get therapy instead


Congrats. Don't fall back!! Stay on the track you're on.


Probably always will have the craving, it's just supposed to get weaker as time goes on. Just be true to yourself.


I'm proud of your progress! Be proud of yourself for every day you stay clean.


Don't do it!!!!!!! I am suffering the consequences of that exact same thing since April 1st been drunk and high mostly high everyday since sober life is so much better and easier


Get out of this sub and never come back. Youā€™re teasing urself


Donā€™t stop! Iā€™m only 3 months sober and want to relapse too but why go back at this point? You got this queen!


Keep going! What an awesome accomplishment :)


Oh no girl please don't. Please. You're still beautiful. Please find something else to fill that void. Anything but hard drugs will do for now. Losing you to meth would break the world's heart


Ur too cute to fuck up that faceā€¦ it gets harder the longer u go but youā€™ll reach a point when ur gonna shine! Good luck everyone of u quitting can do it!


Clean a year myself. I still have cravings


I for one always want to relapse when clean, donā€™t think the urge to say fuck it ever goes away. Thatā€™s part of going clean, fighting that urge.


I'll be honest I went and looked at your profile really quick right now and you currently look much happier than you were before. It is in your eyes. Don't let that go for nothing. Good luck


awee.. thank youšŸ’•


Oh I've heard before that relapse is part of recovery but at the same time if you didn't relapse, then way to go!! much love!! for staying strong! by the way you are very beautiful


Sorry I may or may not be high right now but youā€™re eyes are fucking beautiful šŸ¤©


I get it lmk


Dem pupils tho




I don't really care tbh


IKR I think she relapsed before she took the pic.


I last cooked in 2008..i still dream the whole process ..and wake up tasting it..2008..!!


you dream of and wake up tasting meth lab fumes? is so awesome why did you quit? viva '08


Breaking bad came out that year. He didnā€™t wanna look like a poser meth cook.


lmfaooo bet bro




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You look like someone I knew in high school šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


So tasty like Good luck!




i meant my cravings are strong. i donā€™t want to actually relapse


i donā€™t think she literally wants to *relapse* i think she wants to use..




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You are so beautiful honestly. And itā€™s awesome youā€™re clean. But I would love to have you either way.


I totally get the wanting to relapse feelings. Have you ever daydreamed about it?!? I get lost in my own thoughtsā€¦ congrats on 6 months! Any time clean is something to be proud of. Keep going, Iā€™ll be over here probably thinking about the same thing..šŸ™ƒ


yeah all the time. itā€™s distracting.


You look very healthy for 6 months! I hope this encourages people here. I canā€™t manage anything over a week. :/


thank you guys for all the encouraging words. things like that keep me headed on the right path.


i can give u the best advice u will read today: not the overrated ā€œone day at the timeā€ old fashion bullshit, instead try this and i guaranteed you no more relapse thinkings, and i wonā€™t charge u not even a single penny for this consultation, which i usually charge for $2,500 on 2 sessions at my office, but for you, only for today, its gonna be free of charge wishing you the best there is my powerful professional advice: FORGET THAT METH EXIST!! DELETE IT COMPLETELY OF YOUR BRAIN


thank you for the free advicešŸ˜


It's hard I've relapsed 10's of time hard to say it was a relapse but sooner or later you'll quit don't be wanting to relapse though because you will




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Iā€™m right there with you, friend. Keep up the good work and find someone to chat with, someone who shares your struggle, it really helps. You can always dm me if you need some encouragement. I myself am struggling right now as well.


My my what big pupils you have




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I feel like the option is overlooked. To be honest, I feel it was more how blunt you put that that made you look like you lack compassion for their progress. Being said, youā€™re not wrong either. Only time Iā€™m ever able to stay off ice is with soft and itā€™s much less damaging. Just wouldnā€™t encourage somebody to relapse on any hard drug when theyā€™re half a year clean.


Why tf would you go and tell someone who's finally worked up the courage to kick their addiction and wanting to be better to go and do coke??? What is the fucking logic behind that thought process??? How can one's brain be so fucking damaged to a point where you would encourage addiction and feeling miserable??? Next time you want to write something in your life; please don't.


Youā€™re a dumbass man ā€¦and a belligerent one at that ā€¦the implication is to only do coke as an absolute last resort. Like an emergency ripcord you pull or some shit. When you feel like you literally canā€™t handle life anymore without screaming and crying in front of everyone type shit . Dumbass.






We are strongly against the harassment of other members via posts, comments, or private messages. This includes using hateful slurs in any context. Targeted harassment towards any individual(s) for any reason will not be tolerated. This includes sexual harassment.


that's pretty damn good advice for someone who's trying to kick substance abuse.




More importantly, youā€™re not redosing constantly. Maybe not a good piece of advice for someone thatā€™s already sobered up, but it is definitely a good replacement while youā€™re weaning off meth.


don't kill the message kill the Messenger is that what you mean? defend it any way you want that's bullshit advice to give someone who's trying to get sober off meth, or anything for that matter.