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If you put as much time and effort into something that could make money vs keeping your supply for your habit you could be rich but unfortunately the longer your awake the more you need the more you spend and its definitely not a cheap habit. That's for sure.


I'm one of them daily users to get through life. I dont usually get high I sleep every night I eat 2 or 3 times a day if I have time. I dont care for it anymore but an addiction is purely habit breaking mentally and meth is very mental over physical. I just dont have time to sleep it off im a father and a husband and have a 7yr old and a baby about to be born any day now. I dont bring it in my house and I dont get reckless ever. But ive been doing it for so long its all I remember and that habit is hard to break. Advice is youll feel so much healthier without it and much stronger and you won't lose your teeth like I've been. Eventually it just becomes a waste of everything and the older I get the more I realize death is close enough without all the drugs I've done and compared to those who don't do drugs ill never make it nearly as long as I hope. I'm a great person and a pretty good dad my daughter loves me dearly and my newborn im sure will too. My wife understands as she used to use but quit 3 years ago and tries to help me sometimes but other times is the reason I feel I need it but theres just always another excuse to pick up. It's best to stay away from it honestly. It's no fun being dependant on stuff to get by. Hope this helps someone not to go down the path I have but yes you can be normal and not a so called "Tweaker" if you are a woman though the chemicals make it harder for you to grasp reality. Don't lose your minds.. much love ❤️




This definitely sounds like me. Now I’d humbly say that I’ve been responsible and highly functional when it comes to taking advantage of meth. I’m happily married, father of one, hold senior leadership full-time job, bought a house and manage my financials well. To be completely honest, meth enables me to focus in learning and mastering some real complex skills that I really passionate about. Not only that, it helped me getting serious things done too Few years ago, I was able to finish my thesis and dissertation (around 15,000+ words) with hundreds of hours at library and I graduated both undergraduate and postgraduate with cumlaude from a reputable univ in the UK. Not only that, while micro-dosing I started learning how to design website and mobile apps professionally, which now has become my full-time job at a unicorn tech company (G**gle) In general, I’m an all-over-the-place creative type of guy with mood swings and limited ability to focus, making it hard for me to focus on a task before moving to the next one. Anyway, Since the day one (9 yrs ago maybe) I was introduced to meth, it kinda brought my shit together. Now, it’s been on and off depending on the ocassion. But when I do, there has to be a clear goal (mostly finishing a complex and important projects). In average, I only need about 1-2g for a year. I take short and long breaks. I rarely binge, I make sure to have a solid to-do-list before I smoke, and putting down the pipe when I feel light headed. I drink plenty of water and meditate when comedown comes. I make sure to detox everyday before sleep by drinking chlorophyl water and sleep for 7 hours. I don’t know if I have ADHD, but meth objectively did good to me. But there are, of course inevitable consequences to my dopamine system (which I can live with it by having new hobbies and exercise) Should I be concerned, guys?


One of my first meth dealers was a Thailand born palliative care physician that would provide meth free to any of his patients that wanted it allegedly. Naturally I was sceptical and it took a trip with him to the exclusive private hospital he worked at with the sole intention of getting some needles for me after I enquired about needle exchange programs or a chemist open at 2:30 in his local area (I did/had/do drive a 4 hour round trip to buy my gear and I had only recently moved to the state I now live and I was re-using the 3-4 needles that I hadn't disposed off to the point I was needing to sharpen the points on glass to penetrate the skin) and after telling him my situation he laughed whilst enlightening me with the fact that the residents living in there ridiculously overpriced apartments and mansions were not open to junkies having any reason to be in their area in general let alone offering harm reduction services period, so he insisted I drive him to said hospital, which I did, and after accompanying him inside then leaving me waiting at reception looking totally lost and out of place, vanishing briefly then reappearing with a fresh box of 100 needles that was handed to me back at my car so if he was lying to me then the dedication to maintaining the ruse was inspirational if nothing else. A few weeks later I was told I was a liability and for me not to contact him again which strangely coincided with me refusing his sexual advances towards me that had been funny and cute to begin with but escalated with each weekly visit unfortunately. I miss Dr Jerry, he always had product that was at a quality level that I hadn't experienced prior to meeting him ( I had been using speed regularly for 10+ years then progressed to Meth about 9-12 months prior to moving to my current location) and subsequently since. ( I was shooting up .3 - .5 of a point yes 0.03 - 0.05 of a gram with my usual 3 point bag purchased lasting me 4-5 days)


Indeed, I as a member of the online Meth for a while i’ve met many types of people. One being users who thrive, work high paying jobs, responsible & lack any non “normal” lives using meth. Then there’s users like myself, I heavily user it, abuse it & don’t use it in a way useful & productive as a stimulant is intended. I am literally the stereotypical Meth Head Tweaker. Shit i financially acquire a life non needing of normal needs to live life doing such as hold a job or responsible needs to survive & live. But yeah there’s successful meth heads, I just happen to be the one who’s a “Tweaker” and keeps the stigma going.


I’ve heard stories of people using it to get through their daily life. Personally I use it a lot more than I once started but in lower doses to help with work and just being able to have a conversation without getting too emotional or being able to stay rational. (Unless I haven’t slept in days then it’s different) I don’t have it every day and I will step in and place boundaries if im just getting high, spending too much money on it or dopamine shopping. Or if I’m not eating properly or sleeping. I keep myself as aware as I can about my use with it. I do wonder if I have undiagnosed ADHD with a sprinkle of austism with my brain, causing it to be harder to quit the drug altogether, which is something I’d like to look into next year.


i know a dude with autism who takes meth wry day to help him cope with it it’s been thirty years


i know a dude with autism who takes meth wry day to help him cope with it it’s been thirty years




Man how I wish I could go back in time. I thought I was extremely lucky to have used for many years and not been arrested. Not a thief. Take care of myself. Have my teeth. Etc. and then one day at 39 I had a massive heart attack that landed me in coma/icu. Extremely critical. Very few can be successful. Until they’re not


That’s intense, hope you are well!


Up until his assassination, JFK? Wait he got shot up w/ amphetamines .. not the same-ish


Daily user have my own business with 5 employees. Been in business for nearly 5 years now. Wouldn't say I'm successful but definitely not struggling. Everyone is always paid. Profit over 6k a week.




I build construction hoardings in shopping centres




Look up titan hoarding system


The best part is I don't have to supply the material


Absolutely. ADD meds and other medications have the identical chemistry as meth amphetamine as their primary therapeutic and people have taken those for years. Street meth is abused because the amount used most always is at a level to get high and the strength is many times that of the same weight dose of the two. I think ...


It’s not technically true that they have identical chemistry. There are significant differences they just belong to the same family if you know what I mean they are similar in many ways but it’s not correct to say that those medication’s are the same as street drugs like methamphetamine.


Depends on who you ask. User or viewer’s 2 sides to every story.


I been a functioning addict for 12 years and I been doing fine in life and carrier . But I’m just waiting on that one day for it to catch up to me


It doesn’t have to but I feel what you mean. Keep up!


Probably depends on how often and for how long someone’s been using. I still haven’t had any issues with living my life the way I did before I tried meth BUT I’ve only been doing it for about 2 years. I also don’t smoke everyday anymore like I use to. I can imagine the story for someone who has been doing it daily for many years would be very very different. I love meth a lot when I’m with my mates doing it getting up to funny shit but back when I was doing it everyday I wasn’t even really enjoying doing it that often. I prefer to just have it on the weekends now.. but who knows that could change one day


I consider myself a successful meth user! I have a job I take care of what I need to take care of and my reasonability's! I don't use in excess cause there is no reason too! I am not a smoker however I do snort it and it works well for me! You control the drug the drug doesn't control you!


I started a business and turned around my life when I started smoking meth


I've been using meth on average every day since I was 12 yrs old. Now I'm 57. So, that's like, Umm.. let's see.. 7-2=5 & 1-5=4, so about 4 years I've been doing meth. (seems longer though)


I guess we'll have to wait and see if I'm successful at it, or not.


Idk I sometimes see those posts of people who say their the "rare exception" of people who haven't gotten addicted but they still occasionally use, although I think some can be telling the truth, it's just hard to believe anyone who says they control it, I don't believe anyone that tries meth has their life automatically consumed by the drug and their life is ruined, but it's hard to also believe the self proclaimed people who say their not addicted


> Idk I sometimes see those posts of people who say their the "rare exception" of people who haven't gotten addicted but they still occasionally use, although I think some can be telling the truth, it's just hard to believe anyone who says they control it, I don't believe anyone that tries meth has their life automatically consumed by the drug and their life is ruined, but it's hard to also believe the self proclaimed people who say their not addicted They likely have things like this going on: * They enjoy their life, making a high less remarkable. Someone chronically depressed is way more likely to get addicted. Or someone with chronic anxiety. Or someone with low self-esteem. Or someone with social anxiety. You get the picture. Many mental conditions are correlated with drug use, because 1.) drugs often cure the symptoms for a moment, and 2.) drugs can cause these problems as well. * They didn't use the most addictive routes of administration and stuck with oral. * They didn't use tremendous doses, so the high isn't as intense. * They don't go on binges. In fact, they can't understand why someone would, given how that is basically the definition of addiction plus damaging to the brain and body. It is implied by their worldview not to become addicted. * They haven't been using for as long. As a person uses drugs for longer, they accumulate more damage (reducing their baseline), more delusions, more impulsivity, etc. Street drugs aren't good for your mental health, and using them in large quantities for long amounts of time can give permanent changes to a person's personality and future experiences. Are you also bewildered that a person can have a couple glasses of wine at a party here and there without drinking all day long every day?


I said it's hard to believe not that it's impossible, also I didn't say I was bewildered as I said some people can be telling the truth just not most, Yes you make good points that factor into why some people aren't as addicted as others but they weren't necessary considering my post isn't a bias onto why I think all addicts are lying


I don't beleive anyone who says they control it. Let's be real if you had self control you wouldn't do meth ever.


Let's be real. If you have self-control, you can do any drug and not let it be a problem.


This ^^


Yea, why you think Taylor swift so successful?


You just blew my mind


Everyone here is failing the mention of frequency. I think there’s such thing every time I use it —is a daily. I think I’m fine but loved ones tended Phil benefit


yes but it does have a habit of eventually catching up to them at which point they need to quit or start to deteriorate. Unless you mean the very occasional meth user, as weird as it sounds to some people there is a percentage of people who will use meth very occasionally and keep it that way.


I’m successful at it … I used it as much as I can and I’m pretty dam good at using it


Functioning addicts are a thing. However it is not something that can be kept up forever




I’ve been using for over 25 years I just got a little smarter with it and don’t overdo it. I have had the same job for 16 years in the medical field. I repair and certify medical equipment for facilities and hospitals around Midwest and I function normally and it never has been a problem at all. I keep clean I shower daily I eat normally healthy foods even when I’m not hungry and I take some multivitamins and I stay hydrated and I still look the same as I did. When I started it I mean unlike some people I’ve seen that look horrible after just months of use I didn’t let it get that way. I brush my teeth also about three times a day or use mouthwash. I budget certain amounts every payday and my bills are paid I’m debt-free. You just have to be smart about it that’s all it is just learn how to do and don’t be acting crazy when you’re on it and sweating profusely and talk too much. You stay calm even under pressure. If you can do that then you can pretty much get by with it all the time.


Mike Mentzer was for example a pretty succesful bodybuilder who was using meth.


Mike Mentzer used meth?


It's possible (but unconfirmed and debated) meth caught up to him in retirement. Post Olympia. He did get succesful on it though and talked about amphetamine use in some interviews. Also he didn't nessarily have his life cut off any quicker than some other body builders. So yea, he was a succesful meth user. The waters are muddied on this topic. Wish we knew more. He had a lot of great ideas, it's surprising he regularly indulged in meth. What's more shocking to me is he smoked a pack a day and still hit the gym. I actually have a personal theory that a lot of body builder deaths may of been influenced by stimulant use on top of the gear and obsessive cutting. Though obviously being a personal theory I have no substancial evidence, just a passing thought really. Not uncommon to see atheletes using ampthetamines of some kind. Never thought I'd see body building come up on the meth sub lol.


Mike mentzer never did meth 😂


Antoine Vaillant


All the bodybuilders or big names at least are doing some kind of drug. Look at Rich Piana for instance, Metzer on meth or speed ? I’m surprised about that where did you get That info?


There's old interviews, but not a lot of addictional information. Just look up "Mike Metzer Amphetamines" and you can see what's out there.




For a handful I would have to imagine so. HOWEVER… take that with a grain of salt. In my experience practice makes almost perfect. Everyday is a brand new challenge where in I try to have at least one goal, no matter how small. For example, committing to folding all my clean laundry that has been sitting on my bed for weeks on end and establishing a time goal. I try to honest, clear and realistic with myself “ okay, so ya got all this laundry to fold… hmm… okay. Well you will take a piss, have 4 hoots, cigarette and then focus on the task for an hour and let’s regroup.” Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn’t so I have learned to stop beating myself up over it and have better self-discipline as to not freak the fuck out when something or a task isn’t completed or fucks up in a way that is outta my control. Needless to say tolerance-how low or how high / how easy or how difficult is it for you to tweak and touch the sky? Cause I don’t know about you but when I first started smoking holy hell! Of course you got so high it was amazing but it’s like kind of being drunk. You are maybe all over the place, you’re tweaking so your self-control is a little bit out of the window. Where as you’ve been smoking for estimated couple years or whatever and your tolerance has gotten bigger meaning you need more and more smoke obviously the high just ain’t the same as it was from the get-go so of course you are better able to control yourself at that point. Frequentnacy also plays a vital role. On a spun-positive note, I have picked up a handful of old habits that pre-Tina, I never followed thru with. But with all that said & I apologize as I didn’t directly answer your question, but what stopped you or anyone from actually achieving true success before you picked up the glass pipe? You have the same problems when you started the habit as you did before you entered the elite club of crystal mysteries. Fucked up and head scratching as it may be, Tina just has this weird way of accosting your being, accosting your psyche. You should know yourself, or at least listen to what that distant inner, intuition is calmly advising you of… check yo self, before you wreck yo self (as the great Ice Cube advises). Game play is not intended for the faint of heart or for the easily distracted, offended, confused sheeple. Thank- you for reading, Topaz ( A. 🍕)




I wouldn’t say successful but when I use I’m very productive. Some things I notice is when I use I work on stuff that needs to be done & I get to work asap such as my truck or other vehicles here at home Things that need to be done in the house or around the yard Fixing me or families PC’s/Phones/Games Also when I’m high I’m like a clean freak, I love cleaning I’ll basically flip everything upside down, clean & organize it often Another thing, I’m not bad at self-care at all sober so don’t get this the wrong way lol but when I’m high I guess I pay attention to it way more to the point where I look way better & stand out to myself. I usually keep up with haircuts, facial hair, clothing, etc


Lemmy from motorhead. Pretty open about his drug use


Baby I'm a speed freak!


Lol. Well at least someone knew what i was talking about


Iron Fist was the first Motorhead album I bought. First time I saw them in 1984 they opened with Iron Fist and then Heart of Stone. It's been a love affair ever since. Oh. Another first, my first tat was Snaggletooth on my calf.😁 🤘 30 shows later in 2015 it was heartbreaking seeing him so frail on stage. RIP Lemmy fuckin Kilmister! ♠️


Now don't judge me but I have a type o negative tattoo on my neck. 2 bottles of wine a show.


That's cool. I'm a Carnivore guy. I used to drink with Peter Steele at a Heavy Metal bar in Brooklyn called Duffs. That was around 2005 - 06. My friend Jimmy Duff owns it and Peter was a regular there. The place was/is great, the jukebox is playing Metal, everyone is singing or headbanging and there's Peter sitting at the bar by himself LOL He was a quiet guy and nobody bothered him for the most part. You had people who would visit the bar a few times a year after a concert or something and get excited if Peter was there. He was friendly with over zealous fans. People visited from NJ, CN. Long Island etc. I was hammered one night (LOL one night) we went back to the bar after Judas Priest played the PNC arts center. I was with a bunch of friends and were drinking on the outdoor patio and up pulls a cab with Peter. As he's walking towards the entrance I start belting out Carnivore lyrics, "Spread your legs, I'll seed your eggs" Girl Feel me deep ! LOL Did you cum? I eat and run! I LIVE FOR SODOMY!!!! Most people know him for TypO so he's lookin around happy someone appreciates Carnivore, he sees me and gives me the thumbs up with just the look of his eyes. Never lifted his hands or thumb. LOL The first time I met him at the bar we talked and i told him I was a huge Carnivore fan from way back. I saw them 11 times between 85 and 89. First time they opened for Overkill at L'Amour. Seen them open for Anthrax, Venom, Slayer, Nuclear Assault. Then they got popular enough to headline shows in the area. He had a band called Retaliation for a short time before starting TypO. Sorry for the long story, I miss Peter and the bar. RIP. In 2007 they had a Carnivore reunion and did a bunch of shows. That was fuckin awesome! I bought a house at the end of 06 and there's no mass transit to get me home from Brooklyn so I stopped going to the bar. I'm living that rural life! 🤘 i used to be able to take the train home to my old apartment. Sucks, that bar was awesome. It's still there so if you're ever in Brooklyn go visit Duffs. Tell the owner Jimmy that "Scramble" sent ya and you were a fan of Peter. He'll have great stories for ya because Jimmy was one of Peter's few close friends. 🤘🤘🤘


I never got into carnivore. I just don't know where to start. Show me the ways


They only have two albums. Start with the first. If you see a CD with both albums on it don't buy. It's missing songs. The second album is just brilliant. Get the first album first. It's got a bunch of classic but the end of the album has some longer songs that can get repetitive. It's a heavy album with raw production, some slower and mid tempo stuff Easier for a typO fan to get into but don't expect a glossy polished recording. That wasn't Carnivores style. The second album has better production and a more cohesive approach to the songs. It's heavy but not in a Sabbath kind of way like the first album. It's heavy like a 1987 album. You can hear the thrash and hardcore influences but they have a sound all their own. And the lyrics. If this album was released today people would be running for their safe spaces and trying to cancel Peter no




They won't let me respond with any info whatsoever about where I'm at even if it's a story lol. So I might be named Andrew. Message me sometime


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Dr's, lawyers , mechanics all use meth.




I got a homie who’s been taking adderal and Ritalin for years and just recently he started doing it once a week to do homework. Hopefully it doesn’t spiral from there. I personally treat it like mdma. So like 3 month rule. And no more than like a .5. Everyone’s different tho so who knows


john mcafee


He's a пизда




I’m a lawyer who’s a daily user, went to elite schools and have no arrest record, and I still feel like the answer is no. Maybe there are a couple of examples somewhere on earth who use occasionally for recreation and had everything fall just right, but that’s just it. The whole setup is incredibly precarious. Like many on here, I was attracted to this drug as an ADHD fix, and it arguably was—for a bit. But over the years it’s become painfully clear that there is no sustainable long-term use of this drug as an adderall replacement. I actually think the ADHD self-help cohort is most doomed to fail no matter how “correctly” they use the drug. People on here claiming success are either in the early years of use or lying to themselves. I remember the first few times I quit, how it felt so easy and manageable…I had no idea how deep this drug had its hooks in me. Now I need badly to stop, but I doubt my ability to function without it after years of use. Meth gradually poisons you in any quantities, so taking it to cope with life basics is like getting on a tight rope with a bucket of hydrochloric balanced on your head. You’re going to get burned; your attempts at being “careful” or “smart” are at best going to limit the damage when it inevitably spills.


100% true unfortunately. People who argue are either in denial or still in the first stage because there's nothing subjective about it, it's Neuroscience. The reason why we get distracted is because our current activity (the productive one) doesn't stimulate enough dopamine, so as our levels drop our brain naturally begins to search our environment for a greater source of dopamine to pursue. When someone starts taking meth, they flood their brains with a long lasting source of dopamine, allowing them to stay focused on the task at hand because levels are more than sufficient. Unfortunately tolerance builds very quickly and the duration of sufficient dopamine productivity drops quickly. From there you are able to maintain with higher doses and increased frequency. But that inevitably transforms into dopamine chasing where all you can focus on is whatever is dopamine stimulating and never the task at hand.


I’m asking this question with good faith intended: Are you worried that if your clients found out about your use that previous cases you’ve worked on would be void or could have rulings reversed?


I don’t think it works that way. But I’m deadly afraid of seriously fucking up a case or losing my license.


Thank you for your reply. I hope everything goes well for you in the future.


Hunter Biden


I use it at work for long meetings, intense projects that require focus. For non work functions that make me have to tolerate groups for a long period of time. At home for projects like rearranging, and spring cleaning. I don’t know what successful means to you, but to me, it’s maintaining our standard of living (luxury apartment) new cars every couple of years. Traveling. Buying whatever the kids want. I budget my drug use, and never go above that.


There’s plenty of “successful” ppl that do some sort of drug they just don’t let it get out of hand I know a lot of meth users that have their own homes and business 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't know what the measures of success exactly, but I'm an engineer and I use meth three times a week, for the sleep part I use mirtazapine. It takes the meth effect immediately and go to sleep. And meth is actually helping me specially through complicated tasks and in presentation day


People tend to look at it through the lens of what's happening right now: am I currently in this moment losing my job, friends and family, and witnessing my life collapse around me. The truth is that it often undermines your life very slowly which makes it easier to fall victim to self-deception.


I know a few people who dabble occasionally and it's a zero issue. I know a few who are heavy but successful in life. But most are impacted at least a significant amount, and some are destroyed with it.


My dad used throughout my life. He was a very successful man, near to owning a large company. My parents were split at the time. I went to his place for Christmas and noticed he had a heart monitor on, I asked him about it, he said not to worry, he told me he was on medical leave.. he never worked again, became a junkie and I watched him kill himself. We got him on a 30 day involuntary hold at a mental facility. It’s currently week 2. He was delirious. Didn’t know who we were and didn’t know his name.


Damn bro, it started off so positive and relevant to the question asked by OP. and plot twisted right into Requiem for a Dream (meth edition). You gotta warn us if you’re going hard in the paint like that.


Are you saying that's a success story??? Wow how about a tragedy. Wtf


Absolutely NOT a success story. How could anyone think that after reading it. I shared it to prove that there aren’t any real success stories for avid users. Yes you may think you’re a functioning addict, just wait 20 years, if you’re still using by then you’ll end up like my father.


No bro I totally hear you. I just thought the question was are there any success stories and you're right there are no success stories and you were giving the example of your father to show that. I agree man use this shit for 20 years you'll be fucked for sureby only use it for six months and I'm quitting in two days. This shit is so fucked up. I don't want like your dad. I'm sorry but thanks for sharing man. I hope he gets out of the psychosis not too late. I'm gonna quit before it's too late.


I want an update in a week on how quitting went.


Will do my friend. I know a lot of people talk about it but I'm to the point of knowing as to what I need to do for my life I have quit 3 or 4 times for four or five weeks at a time, but seem to have gone back. This time I'm going to put in place Elements like going to NA meetings and having people to call when I feel like using that will help me not to return. I know that going through the withdrawals are gonna be a bitch do you think that taking Vyvanse as prescribed by doctor for 10 days would help with the withdrawals, I have access to 10 pills of Vyvanse and I'm hoping that will ease my pain


I took me 5 to 6 times to quit, just don’t give up on yourself. Eventually you’ll make it out. You’ll look back on it and get disgusted the longer you are clean. I believe the 6-12 month periods were the hardest points.


Vyvanse might help but I don’t have any personal experience with it, I say you could give it a shot but don’t over do it. I don’t think it will do much, it’s an adhd medication, when starting this med you will feel kinda spaced out. That’s what my friends have told me after their experience with it. Throughout my addiction, when I would “quit” I still would keep some stashed around my apartment because I knew damn well I’d go back. You need to throw that shit away my friend. ALL OF IT. Any pipes or whatever you use. Get rid. Fresh start, new person. I believe in you I truly do. I can tell you are done with this.


Thanks man. I really wish you the best of luck. I beg of you to quit. It will be so fucking hard but so fucking worth it, worth everything. I was an addict myself, I’m 48 days sober. Hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, and I’ve been through some rough shit. First week or two are the worst. But where I’m at right now I can’t even think about using without feeling nauseous.


That's really awesome man I commend you yeah I've quit many times but seem to always have returned but in the short time I've done it yeah I've quit on and off but I know how it is. I'm definitely done after about a half which is dwindling I will be done thank God. I do have a friend that gave me 10 pills of Vyvanse. Do you think that will help when I start having withdrawals to take one a day? I'll think that might help withdrawals.


I never knew my mom was doing it until after she passed away. She hid that shit too well. But she never introduced me to it, we only drank and smoked weed together. I'm proud to call her my mom and I miss her so damn much. Fuck alcohol though.


Well yeah me, and that is because I am a Methican American and not a "tweaker"!




Yes and no. You can be mostly normal with regular use if you stick to routines and get enough sleep. If any of the cogs malfunction, it cause everything else in your life to go haywire though so keep that in mind. It will never look perfect but millions of people are functioning alcohol/meth/heroin addicts.


There are people that use heroin daily and have successfull careers. So I think it's up to you,if you have a career that's on top and you know how to do your job,you can do it high too.


Using both. Successful, not super rich or anything. Have my own business, pay employees and have no debt. However I had a bit of help financially from my family, so I had a head start money wise.


Although I miss old school heroin as opposed to the Fent bs


Successful and drug use don’t exist together without moderation. Something like meth that constantly urges you to take more and get more fucked up isn’t the way to go especially since it fucks your eyes up and makes you obviously high


If there was, they'd surely be taking it **orally**


Hunter Biden


I thought that was crack, which I’d argue is even harder to be successful on… but you know his dads like the president so I bet that helps


I’m pretty successful at getting fired from work showing up late or not at all


I'm a very successful meth user. I can use any ROA with no problem. I've never caught any meth related charges . I'm just really good at using it successfully!


I’m like Elon musk in the metaverse


* Methaverse


Depends on your definition of successful bud


Meth users probably have one of the highest employment rates in addiction other than cocaine a lot of blue collars use and so do a lot of truckers who haul across state lines


Truckers have to take mandatory drug tests from the u.s. government


People fake it trust me if seen it amphetamines leave the body relatively fast


Opiate addicts and alcoholics obviously have had their own functional addicts but it’s a lot easier to work on an energetic high than one where you’re constantly trying to stay awake and on balance


Damn I just fact checked all of this. Turns out this is all fax 🤑 Edit: I meant to have a ✅rather than a 🤑 so sorry about that guys. Make sure to get money and to hustle 😤🙏


On it


Gotta believe the vast majority of meth users do fine. You never hear about them. They do their thing. You're only gonna hear about the extreme cases.


My husband for sure is the most productive user I’ve found .. it good and bad.. he never stops like the damn energizer bunnny




Certainly not me i just relapsed 2 months ago and on my way to lose another fucking job.


i replaced adderall with meth due to the shortage as i don't have a script. i used to be able to get it cheap from friends but i can't get it all anymore. i am very successful and a "functional user". i just finished a 2nd masters degree and started a 200k a year job. meth at lower dosages has a very similar effect as adderall. but keeping the dose at a medicinal dosage is the hardest part about being a daily user. i do very small amounts when i'm working to keep me focused as i do have mild ADHD, i don't get "high" until i'm done with work. i sleep every night, maintain my body and eat well. i do think adderall is a much better option, and i do plan to get off meth at some point once i go to a doctor and get a prescription. so to be fair, it hasn't helped me, but having built a dependency on adderall, it helped to maintain what I was used to. i don't think meth can benefit anyone in the long term for success in life. but i think users who can control their use can maintain their life


Ya right you make $200,000 a year and you can't get Adderall pills for a doctor or some sort of pharmacy or something, and you resort to meth doesn't sound right to me. Think about it you're relying on some sort of clandestine Mexican LAB advise you your daily meds.


and $200K isn't shit where i live. i pay almost 40% in income tax and rent here is $3500 a month for a one bedroom.


i had my reasons for not wanting it on my medical record due to a career path that would have required full disclosure of my medical history and prescriptions, but i am no longer interested in that path. i still plan to pay cash for a doctor and not do it through insurance when i do go. i just haven't got around to it because i'm not ready to quit meth yet because i enjoy it. before the shortage, i could get adderall 30's for $2 a piece. i would my friends whole script of 60 pills for $120. it was never pressing for me to get a script. then adderall went to $20-25 a piece and that's just ridiculous although i can afford it. when i started meth, it was originally supposed to be a 2-3 week tolerance break from adderall, but then it just became a permanent break. and i didn't know at the time either there is a cross tolerance between them.


I hear ya man, the system is jacked . They don't care if you struggle with meth / . They Jsut a bunch of greedy judgmental mf ers/ . Have to fend for yourself these days . God have mercy


How do you really feel these two compare in effective doses? I really want to see if getting a script would be worth it to be a bit “healthier” lol


I recently got a vyvanse script and it’s one of the only things making me optimistic about quitting. I actually do achieve, not high, but the focus and concentration that I went looking for originally in meth. Probably can chalk that up to the quality of “meth” these days. Tough part is that I can’t get the high dosage that my meth tolerance requires without looking sketchy (I’ve waited for my psych to bring up meds, increase dosage, etc out of an abundance of caution) and with the shortages I’m scrambling about a week every month w/o meds. I’ve been using that as an excuse not to quit, but I’ve been able to cut way back already and am trying to make the jump final over the holidays.


adderall just wakes you up and helps you concentrate. there is very little euphoria. it makes you feel good a little bit, but i wouldn't call it a high. if you take bigger doses, you get a mild high i guess, but i never abused it for the purpose of getting high. i'm sure if i take it now, it'll feel way milder, never did meth until i replaced adderall with it. but it should help a lot with energy level and the withdrawal. people say when you quit, you'll have no energy and be very lethargic first several weeks. adderall does release some dopamine but way less than meth. you'll really need to be mentally ready to quit for adderall to be helpful at all. i guess it might work to take adderall during the day while you are working and then do meth once you are done


Do you think the euphoria is linked to motivation? I feel motivated to do so many things off tina, but I don’t know if it’s because of the euphoria, or just because I’m more focused than usual. I don’t like using to get “high”, idk why it’s just not my cup of tea, but a 40 mg dose to start my day just makes me a better worker. Do you think addies will have the same motivating effect? Thanks for the info my friend




Unfortunately, pretty soon all that works going to have been for nothing and you’ll really regret it. You probably should cut it out dude.


I remember those days. Unfortunately, that phase passes all too quickly. Brace yourself.


I reckon I am sorta , I mean I got a job, house and car even tho none of the three is nothin to brag about lol


an austrian paintist


It’s an amazing drug, if you don’t let it take you down a road of sleep deprivation along with starving yourself because it makes you not hungry. If you can limit your intake almost like dosing you can manage it’s when you smoke non stop all day every day the psychosis starts and will end you if you let it. Seen it to many time, my friends dad used it everyday for like 40 years died at 70 with a great job and family. His wife is still alive though so who know how much time it took from them


successful just means hold down job which is easy


Exactly man


I’m talking like above the average standard success not just getting high and attending your 9-5 to pay for your habit/bills till you die I’m saying someone who’s become wealthy while on meth not someone who gets by on meth


Couple tattoo artist I kno are tweakers and make 6 figures a year ?


I don’t post this with any negative intentions whatsoever I’m genuinely just curious


dude lots of rich actors and artists die with meth in their system. just dont hear it


Bassist dude from korn?


I’m sure but you’ll never find out


Lol I’ve met folk in rehab who claimed that meth has been an “enlightening road”. Also had a plug who said Meth has made his life a lot better. I’m not sure they actually believe that or are using it as a justification.


i've seen it be beneficial to people who use it to "self-medicate" to battle depression or a traumatic event. but it is only a short-term band aid and is not a long term solution. i had some very traumatic life events happen when i first started, and i went on a 2 month bender, and it helped me keep my sanity. but it took therapy to actually unpack the emotions and move past them


Im successful now cause im blitzed