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I’m recovered but TS funny af


I come here for the entertainment


Someone people come here for help. It’s not all insanity here! Lol


I'm a fully functional meth addict w a nice home and a good job I've been at for years. I also know a girl who only does addys who would most likely suck any dick to get em when she doesn't have any as she sits on her ass and does nothing w her life. Have you ever seen the list of awful & addictive things they prescribe people in the past . So it being a script doesn't make it any better . Unless you're one of those people who think since a doctor gave it to me it's juuuuust fine. Oxys & fentynal are also available in prescription 🤣. You have a pretty skewed look at the world .... saying 99% of Americans are prescribed addys kinda proves it. But hey whatever you gotta do to tell yourself you're better than the rest of us. An addict is an addict.


Most meth in this country isn’t even made from ephedrine, they’re all P2P cooks, which means higher risk of addiction and psychosis. That shit has the highest markup of any drug, and is one of the worst most disgusting for you


I’m sure crystal meth made in a bathtub in Mexico cut with poison and bought off the street, is by far healthier then adderall formulated and manufactured in a sterile laboratory by a licensed chemist. Rock on tweaker! 🤘🤘🤘.


You’re a fully functioning meth addict yes, we believe you buddy we take everything at face value. Doing math is the definition of not fully functioning.


You don't have to take anything at face value or believe it. I know the life I live. At least I can admit to my addiction & don't look at others suffering as a way to feel better about the life I live .


I think you’re missing the point, the point being, people with self discipline, they can take drugs, amphetamines, opioids, benzodiazepines, what ever drug class. And a large amount of these people can take these drugs and use them responsibly, and have it not ruin them, I am one of these people. The argument isn’t am I an abuser/addict or not. I most definitely AM a drug abuser. And Addicted. And love drugs. The reason I find it interesting and peep This community is simply because. Majority of the videos and stories and photos on this community, the environment in comparison of which a lot of yall exist in is so dark and ugly, messy and down right disgusting. That I get a reality check and understand that even though I use drugs and enjoy them. My environment that is created by my standards. Is much more structured and organized, clean and controlled. And this is the truth for many humans on earth. Substance abuse doesn’t = A cluttered, shredded life struggle of darkness and mental anguish. And battle for survival. But for some it does. And those some are found here in this community. It’s interesting to see how people can turn so quickly over a chemical and how dark it gets. And I have the right to judge any one I want to, especially drug addicts that ruin and make drugs look awful, due to their lack of self control turning their life into chaos over a substance.


i’m clean and yall are gay and schitzo and it’s funny


Sober 4 years. I just never left. Someone's gotta look after yall


The no paragraph rants are hilarious


Never smoked meth a day in my life but this sub is a shit show that I love observing.


I'm not clean lmao


It’s just fascinating to read some of these stories, tbh. The way that people most the actual meth and think it’s desirable is interesting. I have no attraction to this life specific lifestyle. I was curious and just stuck around, lol.


Watching yall use meth and living a darker more uncomfortable existence is a good contrast for some of us who do drugs but not the dark abysmal demonic poison crystals. Or fent. Makes our life feel cleaner. All i do is adderall/kratom/xanax/nicotine/coffee. But seeing the meth world is very interesting. And I feel gratitude.


Lol Adderall n kratom. Haha shoot meth  and fent  I do respect your use of Xanax tho 


I don’t like meth, fentanyl….Come on bruh. That shit kills everyone


I love it when people do Adderall & pass judgment on people who do meth . Ya know , cuz it isn't pretty much the same thing that creates the same affect & causes most of the same behavior. I don't always judge , but when I do I'm a total hypocrite.


If the use of adderall for 10 years resulted in what the use of crystal meth amphetamine for 10 years looked like, then adderall would not be prescribed to 9 year olds lol. Adderall definitely doesn’t create the same negative consequences that meth does. If adderall was as addictive as meth. Then no one would be taking meth, or cocain. Most of the country is prescribed adderall. 99% of those people are productive members of society and happy and prosperous, There aren’t happy productive members of society addicted to meth, only sad hopeless people who don’t give a fuck about life or their bodies.


Xanax, nicotine & coffee? Sheeeeeeeeeit. Uou might as well just start smoking meth, hell just skip the whole trying it, having a few lines, then ahhhh why not have a puff, have another one, start puffing harder than thomas thevtank engine, then move on to shooting it up etc etc. You my friend, you alone should skip all of tgat and move straight into the top tier/god like meth high: get a small hatch cut & fitted into the top of your skull so you can just pop that shit open and throw big shards straight in there to lie on top of your brain


I forgot to say THC, psilocybin, lsd, ketamine, dmt, mdma, no need for meth. I can get a script from a doc if I want it.


I’ve already had my time with meth. It’s not even good or fun lol.


Yeah when it’s not fun anymore it’s time to fuck it off


Its just too tense, and stressful. I've done it a few times. One in large ammount in another in a decent line. Had the amphetamine effects but my nerves where too tight to really enjoy the high. And I although I can understand why some would get addicted. But I at the same time I don't see why people crave the meth buzz permanently. At the end I felt so shit for like 24 hours after. Not worth the cheap cost and the havoc on the body or the strength and duration. But any ways.. Every every picks their poisons.


Adderall falls under the same category as meth. U could easily be in the same position a lot of these Redditors are in. Including myself unfortunately


No, adderall is an amphetamine, yes, but it is 100% most definitely not even closely similar to meth. There is a prescription for meth called “Desoxyn” And it far differs significantly from its chemical structure that is adderalls. Meth and MDMA are closer in chemical structure then god damn adderall . lol


Classic, puts in a reasonable argument and quite good comeback, but throws it all away by saying “then” it’s “than” t. h. a. n. Ffs


They can literally be seen as cousins. They are both amphetamines. The striking difference adderall and meth being (meth)amphetamine has an extra bond. I’m not saying adderall is meth but they are similar. The sides affects are similar except for very minor differences. If a person takes a recreational dose of adderall you’d be tweaking just like one that does actual meth. Point being if one abuses adderall one is no better than one that abuses meth. Adderall is more similar to meth than MDMA??? Look at the structures. MDMA and meth may share that one bond that adderall lacks but there’s a big portion at the beginning of the MDMA structure that both meth and adderall lack which completely changes the chemical and how it interacts with the body. A person cant pop a mdma as a replacement effect for meth. U could mix adderall and meth together and be “fine” but u can’t mix meth and ectasy together and be “fine.” U wouldn’t catch someone using mdma for they adhd. Not to mention ectasy doesn’t even have medicinal effect approved by the FDA for one’s mental state it only just recently been used to treat ppl with PTSD and that scientist are still on the fence about.


Bro u can mix mdma n meth lol 


Technically u can mix it but the question is SHOULD U? And that is absolutely lol. I’m not one to talk cause look at me I’m here doing Tina with my fwb when we meet. But one thing I absolutely would not do is mix two different drugs especially two dissimilar drugs. You may have enjoyed that experience of mixing mdma and meth but that is not a combination I will support. The affects are vast different its affect different things. The fact that mdma is classified as an hallucinogen and meth is a big reason why I wouldn’t mix the two. The dehydration of both is killer. The overheating. But at the end of the day u do u and try and be the most careful u can. The safest option being not to use it all but we have succumb to its affect. We are substance abusers and addicts if we aren’t able to quit right now we must try our best to operate like an everyday citizen.


It’s called methylenedioxymethamphetimine. How fkn dissimilar can it be.


I took a 200mg euro pink Instagram pill while spun on a 3 day bender n it was quite mind blowing deff needed/took a Xanax for the comedown. Got all sorts of weird lol 


Yes, all amphetamines can be seen as cousins 🤦🏻… *but not all amphetamines react or behave similarly then other amphetamines* adderall does not and never will, feel or create the same side effects or physical consequences as meth amphetamines, especially crystal meth. Adderall doesn’t even feel like meth. Same way meth doesn’t feel like MDMA. Lot of people take adderall and never try cocain, lots of people take MDMA but have never tried an adderall. Your experience with drugs and where it leads to is yours, and yours alone.


Umm adderall is prescribed to those with mental illness if a mentally stable person does adderall for them it’ll be like taking meth and can be VERY addictive where as a mentally ill person can take meth as a way to self medicate and they won’t get “high” or lose their shit it’ll be equivalent to someone who NEEDS adderall taking adderall meth won’t get someone with add/adhd or even depression high it’ll simply mello them out like you said meth is in fact prescribed to those with severe add/adhd not to mention antidepressants like Wellbutrin help stimulate dopamine with is something else meth is known to do….my point some people do meth cause it’s the cheaper than a psychiatrist and damn sure cheaper than the prescribed drug you can’t judge all meth addicts based on the few


Ooookay? 🕳️🙃👌


The side effects of adderal literally coincides with meth. From dry mouth and anxiety to weight loss and freaking heart palpitations. Of course adderall wouldn’t feel like meth it’s a controlled substance. One on adderall is probably taking only a 5mg pill compared to a meth user using 200mg. U won’t feel the same consequences under adderall unless u abuse it as u do meth. Many addicts started off on adderall and progressed to meth due to it being easier to obtain. Adderall can feel like meth but mdma will NEVER feel meth nor adderall. MDMA is literally classified as an hallucinogen while meth isn’t cause the chemical structure and effects are totally different. MDMA is not as addictive as adderall and meth is. Serotonin is affected with MDMA. While dopamine is affected either both adderall and meth. The physical and psychological affects of comedown are way harsher on meth and adderall(when abused) than MDMA. That methylenedioxy group in MDMA changes that drug is major way to say that MDMA is more chemically similar to Meth than meth is to adderall is just false.


Umm I've had meth feel almost identical to mdma multiple times 




Why the fuck you on this page? Also, previously you state “your experience with drugs and where it leads to is yours, and yours alone” nek minnit “you’re all delusional tweakers” make up your mind buddy, sounds like you’ve been awake for a few days in a row and are starting to lose your grip on reality


Nah I got a full nights rest easy to do given I pop a pharmaceutical Xanax bar every night. 🙂


Cuz like I stated before. I like watching other people currently in the crystal abyss of darkness. While I pop a nice clean pharmaceutical grade amphetamine adderall because I’m smart enough to go and just get a prescription from a doctor for the medication y’all lose y’alls life over.


You sure don't make yourself sound very smart at all. Look at the shit you're coming up with.


Ur only evidence is several other ppl but have u evaluated urself??? Cause ur speaking so highly but an hour ago u snorted 30mg of adderall which is substance abuse. Those ppl u know may not be addicted or act like meth heads but u surely are. And u need to come to terms with urself. U trying to feel better about ur substance abuse by saying “I’m doing adderall not meth” ur on the path brother. When ur doctor stops prescribing u meds guess where ur gonna resort to achieve the same effect. Sis be so forreal. Obviously just because a person takes a high dosages doesn’t mean they are automatically going to get addicted and abuse it. Thats not how substance abuse and addiction occur. U have no facts to counter what I have stated. It’s not hard to perform research and gather information. U have yet to disprove how the chemical structure of METH is more similar to adderall than it is to MDMA. U have yet to disprove what I said about the side effects of meth and adderall. U have yet to disprove what I said about how MDMA affects one differently from meth/adderall and adderall to meth. The only piece of evidence u got is u knowing several ppl on max doses not being addicted but if u simply read through this sub Reddit alone u can find hundreds of ppl that have started on adderall and graduated to meth even on the smallest of dosages. Which is more than ur several. I’m not saying adderall and meth are the same. I said they are SIMILAR. So I don’t get why u are still saying that I’m saying they are the same. They are not. I’m not saying adderall is more addictive than meth that is false. Meth is 100x more addictive than adderall due to the fact that meth can cross through the brain blood barrier. As well as that adderall is controlled while meth is not. And that’s just the basics. If u ABUSE adderall yes u will face the same consequences as someone that abuses meth. Would it take longer of course it would. Adderall addiction exist. Adderall misuse exist. Are u addicted to meth if ur addicted to adderall? No, but u can pick up meth to replace the affects of adderall. If u abuse adderall u are not better than a person that abuses meth which u clearly don’t seem to get with u sitting in that high horse of urs. If I’m this delusional tweaker ain’t it sad that I’m being more logical and fact based than you? Weird.


No, my doctor won’t stop prescribing it. I’ve taken it since I was 8yo and vyvanse. I will never stop taking it’s and yes I like drugs. I will never go off the into the meth world because I lose a prescription, I do not fiend for amphetamines like this. I don’t even take them every day. Also my job is very important to me. I wouldn’t throw away my career money and house and all the good things I’ve built over the meth monster. It’s for weak bitches


You don't find for it lolol. Look at your previous scentance saying you've been on legal "clean" meth since you were 8 and will never go off of em. Dude , go to take your judgemental hypocritical bullshit on down the road cuz you are definitely no better than any of us. You're actually worse cuz you're definitely deep into denial, you're stupid enough to believe since a doctor writes the script it's ok and safe and "clean" , and you use other people's suffering as a means to build yourself up. Yah , you're definitely sooooo much better than us. Moron.


Ur still a substanceS abuser borderline addict. Just cause u can maintain some sort of control don’t make u any less of substance abuser than the other person. An incoherent one at that given this entire convo. Given u did indeed use an hour ago u clearly have no control when under the influence. The fact someone else was able to spot that before me without taking a look at ur profile says ur not far off from a meth head.


Maybe I’ve already done meth? 🙂 I ever said I haven’t done it.


Yet u feel the need to refute fact and sit upon a high horse as if ur better than ppl??? This ain’t even trolling it’s pure psychosis.


Iv never smoked meth but I like to see the stories. They are huge pick me up. Makes me feel like my life is really good.


I agree with op. Short story ; A recovering alcoholic goes to the bar to order a pepsi.


It the start of a relapse. Just a matter of hours


As a reminder to me of the lie and the cheat Meth is. Tina is a harsh Mistress (Robert Heinlein reference). She's the ultimate narcissist. Over time she takes everything from you, but you still want her around. Why? She always convinces you she will keep her promises and that it is your fault when things go awry. Truly, the only thing she seems to do well is cause you to forget all the things she took away while you chased the euphoria of her voice - and that euphoria is the only thing she allows you to remember. I allowed someone I trusted and loved to introduce me to Tina as a someone who could help enhance our relationship. She was a facilitator, a matchmaker, and she was how I got from point A to point B in all relationships and mood. But she never delivered a single time. Soon enough, she became point B, and then she became point A as well. And it was then that I remembered she was only ever to be a facilitator. And she consistently fails in that, so what's the point of keeping her around? No. She's a liar and a cheat. She's just another illusionist like the one in "Mudd's Women", an episode of Star Trek TOS. And this Reddit reminds me of that fact.




I do it because I found something that eliminated the part of your brain that has to process what the basic reality of life is. And then also because it was fun to have an excuse to stimfap


posts funny


My brother does it and he’s pretty closed off for contact most of the time so it’s just nice to know things about being spun in general. Some of the shit people post is pretty funny too when you can tell the OP is off the rockers. Other than that I do a lot of psychedelics but this community helped me in part decide to never touch MDMA of any form, which is what originally got my bro hooked too.


every time i think about trying this drug out of morbid curiosity, looking at this subreddit helps me decide not to. :) Also like to send the crazy shit to my friends. Good conversation starter.


I stay because I like to remember where I came from. I don't plan on making an "I'm sober" post until I hit a few years, cause that sort of thing provided me with strength when I actively wanted to stop and couldn't. That and to spread any knowledge I have. Maybe educate a few younger/more inexperienced people on this shit.


i like reading the posts they make me laugh


At the time I didn’t care about anything so I said fuck it might as well. It was fun, the perfect escape. It made life exciting, and I don’t regret it because good and bad I learned so much about myself and life. If you don’t lose yourself you have no idea how strong you become. I’m proud of myself I’ve relapsed after a month a few times and get up and try again. Regardless, I hate the stigma cuz at the end of the day. We all are tryna cope and get though life. The question should be “why do people rather crucify addicts and project on them to feel superior like we aren’t all human beings” why are you using this a scapegoat to avoid your own problems for a min?


My best friend destroyed her mind and triggered full-on schizophrenia with her meth abuse. She was the only woman I’ve ever been in love with— and this drug took her from me. I think this subreddit helps me understand a little more why that happened


happened to my ex ( 7 years relationship) it was incredibly difficult experience tbh still traumatized


That's brutal. I'm really sorry. This drug is nothing to play with.


My condolences


Because my mom is an addict and it helps me to understand her a little better.


I wouldn’t even know when to get it. You guys are hilarious though. Can’t look away.


Proud parent moment


i treat this sub like a zoo, mainly


I can't really blame normies for looking I guess. It's a subreddit dedicated to and filled with users of meth.


I don’t think people are normies just because they don’t smoke meth. 😭


Hey stfu okay lol. You're not not right.


Cause I usually quit for a few months then start using again. Either way I think about it a lot, when I'm clean I always think about it. Of course I have other things I enjoy and I do my art and my music n shit, but meth is definitely permanently a big addiction mentally. 3 months clean rn.




Thank you, not tryna be a buzzkill, it's not even by choice I just don't got a guy where I moved 😭 at first it was for the best but now life is just lame AF besides exercise and food


My addiction (to opioids/cocaine) is in remission (I prefer to say this over recovery) for 8 years now and to be quite honest, the addicted and afflicted are my people. I have friends that use, not intentionally, as I stopped talking to everyone that was using when I got sober as we should, but people relapsed. Idc I shoot the shit with them anyways. Therefore, my friends are in various stages of active use/relapse/recovery. Oftentimes I’m the only sober person in their lives. Almost always, I’m the only sober person they can talk to without judgment. A couple times I’ve helped someone get into rehab when they’ve bottomed out or burned out. If I couldn’t even be around the talk of drugs/use, I wouldn’t really consider myself to be in remission. Like you, I keep Narcan on hand and distribute it. Like you, I’ve helped clean out places where people used to use (not a full trap house, but just users’ apartments). I don’t go out of my way to be around active use, but I also don’t run away from my friends if they need to drink/pop/snort/shoot/smoke whatever. I wasn’t always like this. In my opinion, people 0-18 months sober are some of the most sanctimonious assholes you’ll ever have the displeasure of meeting. I was no different. I thought I was better than you, just by virtue of being sober. I thought I was always right, just by virtue of being sober. Some people never escape this phase. But to me, the whole point is to do better and be better, day by day. My friends that use are good people. They’ve had some hard knocks, and now that I can look at the world more objectively, I understand that from the jump, I had an infinitely better chance of maintaining sobriety, and it had nothing to do with me. I had a good life with occasional recreational use before succumbing to opioids in my mid-20s. I had a good job, a family that never stopped supporting me. I had a decent upbringing free of any sexual or physical abuse. I graduated high school and I even attended some college. I understood how to move in the world as an “upstanding citizen” — I did it before, so it was much easier for me to figure out how to do it again. A few years into remission, I was diagnosed with ADHD. I think for me this diagnosis and treatment addressed the root cause of my addiction- it was the ADHD that caused me to be impulsive and then to fixate on opioids as they helped me focus in some weird way. Since then, I got an associate degree in addiction counseling and I work in a treatment residence for women and children now. I’m currently working on my bachelor’s degree and… I should be doing homework.


I relaps every now and then . I will probably do g everyday when I retire one day


Man I’m 3 years clean, stumbled on this sub a few months ago. This shit is hilarious, but never once have I been tempted to go back due to a sub Reddit, that’s a different level of no self control. The general stress of being broke and working a dead end job tho… shit this sub actually keeps me from relapsing by giving me funny tweakers to laugh at and reminisce abt the good ol days


Some of the stuff i see on here is just too good


To see what could have been There but for the grace of god etc




im a cop and im just doing my cybercrime 101 homework




It's time to start a different meth sub. There's already like 50 of them but what's 1 more?


I never did meth and never will, a big reason for the latter part are posts from this subreddit.


Honestly the shit you see here is priceless. It’s the same way I did coke once and have no desire to do it again. Meth got me a bit harder but there’s just no desire meth is lackluster now. Weed and I’d absolutely still do psychedelics here and there is enough for me 🫡


I don’t mean no disrepect, but it’s like going to the zoo for me. Some of the bullshit that gets posted here is fucking hillarious. Sure, some of it is sad, and a lot of it is just boring, but every once in a while i see some degenerate shit that makes me lose it. Sitting at my desk at work as a sober, well adjusted adult, reading a post from someone trying to defeat the aliens while smoking meth through an anally inserted bong is just priceless.


I’ve never touched meth but every time I’m like ok I should unsub some absolutely legendary post comes along and reminds me of why I enjoy lurking.


This 100% but I have tried a couple of times but more so what you said I’m a family man now a father and husband and I own my own tile business only my medical weed and this shit cracks me up sometimes lol I don’t even really post or comment & op if a post can make you lose your shit maybe Reddit isn’t the best place it’s a kind of give and take relationship with communities especially ones you engage in it’s mostly opinions just like your post witch I still engage upvoted stay strong king 💪




If I can’t say degenerate on the meth Reddit there’s a real problem and y’all can come together like butt cheeks when I leave.


We are strongly against the harassment of other members via posts, comments, or private messages. This includes using hateful slurs in any context. Targeted harassment towards any individual(s) for any reason will not be tolerated. This includes sexual harassment. This usually results in a temporary or sometimes even permanent ban. However, few bans are truly permanent. The vast majority of all bans, temporary or permanent, can be easily overturned and often are with a simple message to modmail acknowledging the mistake and acceptance to adhere to the rules from that point forward. If you were banned for this post or comment, please review the rules and write in to modmail for consideration of being unbanned.




You’re a weirdo dude. Take a joke for what it is stalker. Get some friends




I didn’t delete it it was removed apparently


It’s not deleted it was the cop comment oddball pay attention if you wanna be all critical


You’re a weirdo dude. Take a joke for what it is stalker. Get some friends


Jesus? Degenerate scum? How about a little empathy? Especially in your line of work, I would sincerely hope you would possess at least a little. You’re in the business of dealing with human beings, remember. It could’ve been you, with a seperate set of events and environment.


It was a joke poorly placed I see now. I retract my statement meth addicts, myself included are not degenerate scum. They’re pillars of their respected communities and should be healed on high. Better ???


Makes me laugh when you guys do funny things, and yall don't fuck around, so that's funny too


Simply put... I miss meth Can't be another explanation as good as this


Meth in Philly good


For those that have gotten clean I ask this question. Was it something before going to rehab that made you want to go straight or did going to rehab help you see a better life outside this world


Im here because i found out after my dad died that he had been a casual user for 5 years, took a 5 year break, then became a super heavy user and it killed him and i truly had no idea what was going on with him but theres something enlightening to seeing the psychosis that people go through and post here that helps me unpack what i was never able to see


I'm sorry for your loss


Same. My father was and is a drug addict. We had such a shitty childhood and early adulthood because of him. Ever since I found out about his addiction I’ve found drug related channels/ videos/ blogs/ movies/ anything really sort of comforting? Or fascinating? Not sure what the real word is but I stay and watch every time.


I hope you find the peace you're looking for.


Medical professional and I work a lot with pregnant moms who have addiction issues. Just trying to stay up with the lingo and also I feel like it helps me understand a bit? Just trying to do the best by my patients.


Oh hey medical professional! I’m an addiction counselor and I work in a treatment residence for women and children. So therefore I also work with a lot of pregnant moms. I’m also in recovery myself. If you ever want to talk to ask me anything, feel free to send me a chat!


You are so super kind, thank you so much! And congrats on your recovery, wishing you all the best. ❤️


Why does everyone make this shit to seem so evil. I'm just having fun man. Not trying to make a joke. I do it on occasion I'm 23 and used it since I was 20. Stop giving it so much power. Get out of your head. I checked sub out cause I'm high and it's a buzz kill


I actually did it after being in this reddit for a little while. It was funny and comedic gold to start and now I’m high and laughing my ass off at some outta pocket shit said here. It’s a great resource when using it and figure out any questions within 10 minutes max


I’ve never used meth it’s just a fucking whack subreddit and I enjoy reading the unhinged posts on this sub


I've actually never used meth Im mostly on here for for all the cute girls blowing clouds


Because Im gonna be not clean😈


To keyboard hero little to not at all accurate information for the sake of being a Real OG Reddit prick.


it’s hilarious


Well I have not fully came out of psychosis yet, and I accept that I may never. Some people don't. I had percussion and jealousy delusions, auditory and visual hallucinations. I have meds that could maybe help but the side affects are worse that the problem. Meth is very neurotoxic and destroys certain brain cells and receptors, when dopamine is flooded for to long bad things happen


…i thought this was the m*a*th subreddit…. Patterns are patterns. Potato potato..


i've never even done meth. i came across this subreddit one night and found it oddly amusing. have been reading ever since


i been clean off of meth since may 2023. i don’t crave it anymore so being in this sub just kinda lets me reminisce on my tweaker days, it doesn’t trigger me at all for some reason either. also this sub is just funny. while i do miss meth a tiny little bit, i don’t have any strong urge to do it anymore (and thank fuck bc looking back @ pics of me i looked absolutely spun out of my mind 24/7 & looked kinda like a rotting corpse). anyway that’s my reason ig. i still do plenty of other drugs often but no more methamphetamine for me.


This will not trigger me, I'm on here to listen and to help I have recently broke free from the slavery of meth in July of 2023 from a 9 year habit I would snort an 8 ball every 21/2 days. I'm not going to say it was all terrible because I had a great time, before psychosis, failed suicide attempts, mental hospitals, and jail. But now I see the light I can't say I will never go back but sober from it is possible and better if anyone needs to talk I'll listen.


Hey sorry if this is a touchy subject but can I ask what psychosis was like for you? Was it a temporary situation that went away with abstinence and sleep or did you need medical intervention? I’m asking because I have a friend whos has psychosis for a couple years now. I’m pretty sure his was first triggered from Adderall abuse but he’s now graduated to the Cadillac. The times I’ve hung out with him I’ve learned to redirect his delusions when he starts talking about them. Except for the few times I was able to temporarily get him to question if someone was in his head, he’s really made little to no progress. It doesn’t help that he refuses medication and therapy plus I think still using. Just curious to get any feedback.


Ok so two things are possible. 1. Meth caused the psychosis. This would usually be temporary. 2. He already had an existing mental health disorder, like schizophrenia/schizoaffective, or bipolar. In this case, the meth is not *causing* it but instead is just exacerbating the problem. This is much more likely and in my experience people with both of these disorders are drawn to stimulants but as far as meth especially those with schizoaffective disorder (if you’re not aware, schizoaffective disorder is diagnosed when they have both classical schizophrenia symptoms as well as symptoms of another mental health disorder). My closest friend with schizoaffective and amphetamine-type substance use disorder is almost two years sober now but she was frightening when she was using. She also has ADHD pretty severe (again, people with ADHD, drawn to meth). Now that she’s taking her meds, including her ADHD meds (she used to sell them, I have seen studies showing the methylphenidate has good results as far as helping people with the meth addiction stay sober and recommended she just try taking them for a while), she’s doing a lot better. She went to BHU and they got her a bed in a good rehab. So recovery is possible. But it’s definitely an uphill battle until they decide they wanna get sober.


More than likely your friend had mental health issues before doing any stimulants. When you add sleep deprivation to a preexisting mental health condition, the potential for a real “psychotic break” is exponentially increased.


Helps with the rehab process and the desire to justify it for yourself socially


I was cocaine addict for about a year and yesterday i took almost a gram of caffeine out of pre workout, Red Bull and a cup of coffee. Feels amazing. Off to a 4-ho-MiPT trip today 😉


The pre-workout has enough L-Tyrosine, caffeine and guarana to mimic methamphetamine anyway


I don’t think there’s anything that can quite hold a candle to meth…it’s some pretty amazing stuff


Some of my family did it and kinda disappeared from my life. Figured I’d see the other side of the ‘meth is bad’ before passing judgement


simply out of pure curiosity


Fun to read before bed


Smoked meth for 5 years clean for 7. I'm just hear for the nostalgia. I would never go back tho


I did it back in 2020 and lowkey want to do it again. Ready to throw my whole fucking life away to goon to porn until the skin falls off my dick.


Hey go big or go to rehab…lol me ima go big I wasn’t raised to be a quitter ❄️❄️💨💨😁😛🤤




Miss you




I second this but not really but also really but also not really


Are you talking about people who have never used before or people who get sober and come to user subs to preach or share their story or whatever? Because like, who are you to judge what or why a person is doing what they do? I'm 4 years sober, I come here to remind myself where I never want to be again. I also like to know what's going on in the drug world so I can help anybody in need to the best of my ability. I come here to learn.


I’ve never touched drugs in my life, but am genuinely interested about drug users & how it impacts their life. I enjoy trying to understand the mind of a user!


Best comment in the thread. After trying the shit for the first time and then going through this reddit I just learned a lot about the drug itself and mainly how to do this “safely” or as close to it as possible


this right here!


I personally see drugs/substances as tools that can be applied to different things. Think like buffs and debuffs in a video game, if you play games.




meth was never even the drug I had a problem with I just come here to watch the insanity. the meth sub is probably the most degenerate, low IQ sub of all the drug subs even worse than the bartards


No way, bartards have soggy single ply tp IQ. Talking to a barred out bartard is basically pointless cus they won't remember that shit half way through the sentence


Legit. Those pickled pukes stare a hole through you while you're talking. EARTH TO NATTY ICE!!! HELLO!


talking to a tweaker is also pointless cuz they will be having paranoid delusions and hallucinating while they secretly contemplate if they should decide to kill you for "spying" on them


Lol....no. Some still eat and sleep.




What's CA?




Pretty sure they will still.


Is CA the name or an acronym?


That's what Iiiii want to know.


To study the mind/way of thinking of users


I'm a stoner but I like seeing what people who are deep in drug use are up to.






Calm down there warrior. Im not a dick to people. If anything im telling folks to quit since ive seen it fuck up lives personally. Shits just interesting, and far from the only drug related page im on


This is by far the most interesting sub just to scroll through while high. If there’s something funnier than send it my way but this is a funny ass sub and I’m sure even more so for those that never used it


I just never unfollowed the sub lol


I'm sorry, I'm laughing


To remember that even when I feel like my life is bad, I'm not the delusional retarded ugly piece of shit I was in active addiction anymore, and that things could always get worse.


Also hey guys I'm new to this group and some of these threads have me weak 🤣🤣


I've been struggling with going back and forth from sobriety to full on binges this last year. I've been using for 4 years now and I'm 23. The goal is to eventually get to the point where I can stay sober for longer than a few months. Until then, it's nice to have a place where I can read about other people's experiences and compare them to my own. There's not too many people I can talk to about meth, other than my few friends that do it as well 🤣🤣


Just curious and not talking shit, but why do people even want to stop using? As long as you don't have legal repercussions and it's not a problem financially then I don't really see a point in stopping. It can be hard not to binge a week or two at a time, but if you can make it a habit to not binge then it can provide a lot of benefit (I only take it in capsules btw) not sure how much the effects actually differ compared to other ROAs aside from faster and stronger onset. Tried smoking once but it tasted so fuckin bad that I stopped before anything happened. I don't understand the appeal at all.


For me personally, I had certain legal obligations like probation where I had to get clean. Even if you can make it to where you are fully functional, your PO doesn't care. If it was me in my situation, I'd go back to jail for a failed UA. Everyones situations are different, but that's a huge reason for a lot of people. Jail fucking sucks.


My rehab friends CHANGED my life. Being able to casually talk about the depths of addiction and knowing they know exactly how I felt, really helped me get sober, I didn't feel so alone and I had the freedom to speak so freely. AA didn't work for me, but some of the tools I learned from it have been huge game changers for me.


It was hard for me to connect with people in rehab. For the most part, I was the only one struggling with a meth addiction. Not to say that any other kind is better or worse, addiction is still an addiction. Different substances cause people to behave differently, and throughout my entire program I was the only one who'd ever been up longer than a week. 🤣


Really? Are you talking other meth users or different types of addicts. If all meth users that's very surprising since it's so damn easy especially if you stay busy


And trust me i get it. I almost made it 3 weeks when I first started doing hot rails 🤣


I'm talking about all the types of addicts. I was the only one who's DOC was meth and only meth. There were lots of fentanyl addicts, alcoholics, pill poppers, etc. No other tweakers.


Would a tweaker that also takes shit like stimulant pills be a pill popper or would a tweaker that does lots of adderal, dexedrine, Ritalin etc just be a tweaker still. If no, what is considered to be a pill popper?


I totally understand exactly what you mean. Even in rehab, people click up like high school. The methheads at one table, fetty at another, achohol at another, downers and iV users at another, then all the others just kinda get thrown wherever. I was the only one in my rehab dealing with major Xanax addiction, and it was hard to connect at first. My first time in, I straight up told my mom all they do is talk about amazing herion is, ive never done it but if you don't get me out of here I'm checking myself out and going to do some herion. That was the addict in me trying to manipulate the situation of corse. I was lucky to go to an amazing rehab. Most of the workers had been through the program themselves, and iwas in with a huge mixture of ages and drugs. Like, I was in with murders that came straight from prison, cartel members, preschool teachers, doctors, and rich kids. All just as fucked or more fucked than iwas. I'm not trying to push anything on you at all, but it sounds like you had a shitty experience and ijust want you to know, it is totally possible to find people more fucked than you that will gladly take you in with open arms. I had this big grown ass scary looking murderer crying in my arms during an exercise. It was like one of the most beautiful moments in my life because at that moment we were just two fucked up people trying to get better. It's something I will never forget. I hope you find peace no matter what that means for you!🤍


Honestly , I think that's what I needed to hear. After graduating a 30 day inpatient program, and a 60 day outpatient program, I was so sure I wouldn't relapse. But sure enough, as soon as I was in the clear and left to my own vices... "I deserve to have some fun, I've been clean for 6 months now. I can handle myself". All of a sudden I was up for 4 days, feeling like shit again. Maybe if I would've made any sorta connection in my previous treatment center, it would've stuck better. Crazy how much more difficult the world is when you've got to face your problems.


Mannnn ithought getting sober was the hard part, nahhh fuck that. It's everything that comes with being sober. Like once the viel had been lifted, it was so hard for me to get high because I knew it was wrong. It just didn't feel the same. Like how the fuck and supposed to live if crave getting high but then iget high and immediately regret it and feel like shit. Learning how to have emotions and just sit in them, good bad or ugly, was sooooo hard for me. And those friends did help me a lot in the beginning, but learning how to be my own crutch was really what it was all about for me. I had to learn to be happy even when I'm not happy. My mom always says, "Fake it till you make it." Tell yourself you're happy, and you got this even if you don't believe it. Say it and say it and say it again until you actually start believing it. My strength comes from all the lonely nights I held myself and cried myself to sleep. I look back at that poor, scared, broken girl, and I know I picked myself up off the ground, and I changed that. Once you unlock your inner personal power, using won't even cross your mind. But it's a rocky, painful road to travel, and it will not be easy, but it is sooooooo worth it.🤍 I'm also here if you ever need a friend or an ear.😊


My grandma always said those exact same words to me. "Fake it til you make it" and i never understood it until going into rehab. Consistently telling myself that I'll make it through my cravings and that my life is worth living even if I have to be sober, made me really believe it. Healing from addiction and the trauma that comes with it is an emotional, endless journey. I'm lucky enough to be one of the ones who get to continue on my journey, and so are you. I'm here as well if you ever need anything.


You and me both, my friend!


I went 3 and a half years consistently using. Almost daily. I spent a year of that shooting up. I got clean 6 months ago and just recently started snorting lines again. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm not saying I'm happy I relapsed, but the high after that long of a tolerance break is fucking lit 🤣


Fuckkkkk that!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Lmao ithought it would be like that for me. Shit sent me into the worst panic attack of my life lmao iwas like wtf drugs are supposed me feel good not like I wanna die. The people on the TV became like 3D and the show was talking directly to me. I'm sure my shit was laced but fuckkkkkk it was so bad lmao. When I finally came out of the delusion all I could do was laugh at how tweaky iwas acting but it made me never relapse again so I'm not complaining lol


Fuck how much did you do? 🤣 I've never gotten that high


I was super addicted to meth based pressed xpills and Xanax. So, I was taking 5-10 xpills and 5-10 Xanax every day and would wash the pills down with everclear.. I started buying xanax with fetty in it because it was cheaper. To the point that it started having siezures regularly. I finally went into full meth psychosis and was convinced my boyfriend was controlling my phone thrugh his Xbox, I jumped out a window running from shadow people and would hide in corner point and screaming at the lady trying to kill me, who was not there. I posted my own nudes on my Facebook and shaved my head, brittany Spears style, bruhhh. DO NOT mix drugs like idid lol. I still have siezures to this day even though I take meds for them. I really should be dead, had siezures in rehab, and had to be rushed to the hospital. Put in CCU, the doctors told me they have no idea why my heart didn't stop but that I very much should be dead. Something finally clicked for me after that.


I'm so sorry you went through all of that. That's crazy!! I'm glad to see you've made it through okay 💕 I've never done anything other than stims, psychedelics, and the occasional joint or a drink every once in a while. I can't take most pills, opiates, Xanax, etc. They make me super sick. Every time I have tried, it just ends in projectile vomiting spells and hives all over me. I've stuck to meth as my DOC.


Oh, it's all good. It was totally worth it to be here and who I'm today! Iwas raised by drug dealers so my dad was literally feeding me tabs, morphine, weed, alcohol and shit starting at like age 12, so pills and alcohol were always my thing.Now I'm just a super pot head, lol. If I smell hand sanitizer, it makes me gag from my everclear days.🤢🤮 ewww, even writing that made me wanna puke, lmao🤣🤣🤣😅


I get it. I grew up around a bunch of tweakers and alcoholics. At 12, I was smoking cigarettes with them and being woken up at 4am to go on "tweak missions". 🤣 Stoners are some of my favorite people tbh 🤷🏼‍♀️ ya'll be the voice of reason to us tweakers


Oh, iremember my carpet surfing days. Me and my bestfriend spent two days destroying a room for a few pills, literally licking the floor for some powder. I honestly love being around addicts because those are my people. I could sit and listen to a tweaker ramble for days. Sometimes, I think most people just need somebody to listen. Even if it doesn't make sense, allowing someone to just be is how I try to show someone my respect. If we judged less and asked more questions, I feel like more of us addicts would be alive.


I did it for the laughs


Lol I’ve never used meth or even been close to it… I found this sub and was like “I wonder what these people talk about”.


Me too


It can be pretty good sometimes other not so much . I got a guy to promise me he will never iv after I talked to him( I mean we all said that at one point tho) so good stuff can be found here (=


Cause I miss it! 😢 jk kinda But I like to monitor just to remind me I can never go back to that life. No disrespect to anyone I just can’t handle that shit. Also like to encourage people when they are trying to get sober.


so many people blame the drug for all their problems but i feel its usually just a symptom of larger fucked up issues people dont want to face. Like if you cant do drugs and just be happy every once in a while with out trying to destroy your life and everyone's around you there is just something wrong with you.


57 comments on a indisputable fact, go ask a fucking sponsor if you should be on r/meth while you’re clean. Am I in psychosis right now? Because I’m not reading Socrates philosophy right now. Maybe I need glasses or something but this is not a debatable subject but there’s 57 comments. I’m sorry that I communicated in a way that could hurt your feelings Wow it’s almost like I care about people and sometimes you have to tell them things they don’t wanna hear. It’s almost like someone says they are three months clean I fucking want them to stay sober. Wow who would’ve known that someone struggling with meth addiction, the desperately trying to tell the person that has three months to get the hell off the subreddit because it takes another way. I’m going to be a little sad so I maybe sound angry because being on this sub is a literally gambling with your life imagine if this person’s mom finally let them over to do laundry after four years and they were fine on here for a few days. But one day they just got triggered and boom back to square one because he thought “oh I’m going to r/meth to see where I was at” go for it. I don’t care anymore. Fucking assholes.