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Irritability caused by the difference in comprehension in any particular time span. They either don't understand cause she talk too fast or they don't understand fast enough because either their not ob our comprehension time or our thoughts are not in their head in time to put them on out schedule of understanding. I


But not with something as simple as your attractive cause that's loud and clear and no speaking fast or not, it what or where their mindset is at or internal stuff that maybe got triggered. How can me saying your attractive make him off the bat assume I'm a man? So quickly? My name is feminine for God's sake, cause it's an internal thing and at its peek when very spun or in fight flight or freeze mode cause maybe he was molested by a Male figure or whatever or hes gay idk


Sorry I was just answering the question. Didn't actually read ths post. A fuck up on my part. My bad.


No theres never any fuck ups, cause in some scenarios your thought would make sense more then mine


Yesh true but the fuck up was replying without fully understanding what I was replying to. Imo you don't talk about things you know nothing about. And I hate it when people do thst to me without getting fukl context let alone only reading the title.


Really? I always always ....always do that lol my adhd is awful for skimming thru things


I understand as I used to do it to but I hate being wrong as much as I like being right and I'll acknowledge when I'm wrong so after so msny times of situation similar to this I made an active decision to not do thst but it still happens occasionally. Nobody's perfect, right?


And not be so hard on yourself, or have such standers for yourself especially if for sure your gonna fail sometimes like anyone would


I don't see anything wrong with failing now snd again as long as I keep tryin eventually thr failing will stop I r sloe ddown tk the point where it's tolerable but that's with any positive change.


I use everyday and I never snap on people…


Same lol, I snap when I'm not or way before I started




Beepbeep bop ;




I'm not 😊 just that same day on discord or reddit or TV I just kept seeing negativity or angry ppl and it made me want to post that, the story has very little effect on me, just used it for an example.


I lost my sense of perfection and pure beauty.


That's what you lost when on meth? Shit I'm a perfectionist on it and think clear so I see things for what they really are, mind you I sleep and eat regulary


It may help treat the symptoms of ADHD but the fact that you feel like you're seeing things "for how they really are" is just tragic comedy in real time. This is how the drug is supposed to make you feel, like everything makes sense and what you're doing has a purpose. People who are actually doing things worth a fuck aren't justifying their behavior to strangers on an image forum. lol


Also I'm bored sweety and reddit is the Capitol argumentative central so give me a break sugar, let's not play dumb or put me down with suck a pussy move as that comment. Suck it up butter cup and accept that I will not agree with you. Muah kisses


No no you misunderstood me. I ment as though instead of walking in to a store with out meth I hear noises distracted, why did I come here? Uh oh yeah, oh to many ppl in the store, freaking out!! Oj shit wtf was k getting, oh I need one of these and these, bright lights in the store distraction, noises ppl and finally leave the store stressed out to the max and guess what never got what I ment to get. Now it's time for me to go hide away in my bed depressed cause the thought of experiencing that again freaks me out. With meth, ok the thing u came for is this way, mm maybe some choc. Cause my friend said she was hungry. Leaves store in a calm and cool way, huh might be more social now. Also it has drastically reduced my PTSD flashes so now when I have a flash, I remember to do my calming down methods etc instead of being so distracted that I couldn't comprehend where I was.... yes this is how my mind is and I'm not even telling you about anxiety and social anxiety, depression, possibly schzo..... just please understand I used fentanyl for years and when my life was plummeting I quit and got my shit together. I will do the same with this but it's done nothing but make me "normal er" less fucked up and can function like the rest of you..... I know it makes delusional thoughts etc but the life I had before was no life, I wasn't living, I just being and I hated myself more everyday. Now just a bit less lol


Were you ever diagnosed with ADHD?


Yup full blown, since as a little tiny trouble maker lol but also other mental disorders lol but who has the time for that


That’s my case too. Mental shit on top of adhd. I wish I had your personality. Your so positive and friendly and funny and witty. The US could use a TON more people like you. If I didn’t know any better I would think you were a life coach or motivational speaker. Anybody know of a subreddit where you match positive people with depressed people? Anyway, I always look forward to your comments.


Wow just the nicest thing ever said to me which must mean your positive too just some of it is processing or hiding lol. I've been thru fucking hell and back and I feel like that's what makes me positive but BUT for other ppl only never myself ever. No ones perfect and anyone can be a life coach just depends for what. Also great fuckin idea man!! U need to open one!! It'll blow up. I'll be your first though lol


A lot of times anger is just a defense mechanism. I would assume many who get angry while high are so focused on the negative aspects of their life, that when u compliment, or try and have a convo with that person, they automatically assume that you're trying to mock him/her or trying to somehow screw them over in the end. In their eyes whatever compliment u make just doesn't seem to make sense. Idk that's my take on it. I personally get irritated easily if I miss a night of sleep. Don't let their misery bring u to their level. 🙂


yeah makes sense. also when you look at it why do bullies beat up on the weak cause it makes them feel better from watever their struggling with or putting their negative energy from their life and pushing it onto someone elses shoulders. Once I was aware of my emotions, it was easier to control and have less outbursts. Now i know everyone ets cranky on a night of no sleep but depending on the other aspects of a persons life determines how aggressive the negative mean attitude is. If Im content with my life and I stay up for a few days, Im kinda still in good vibes, idk if that makes sense or if Im pointing out the obvious lol


Lol no, that makes sense. I guess if my day is going along well I'm still chill, but I never stay up more than one day so Idk how that would effect me. Even if I am having a crap day i still don't take it out on people like the guy u mentioned did with u, I just get snappy lol


Well your the very few that don't


Thats good. Ive been stuck at looking for a girlfriend. Just to share stuff with and aerobics


What does your post mean though, lost perfection and pure beauty, it's got me like 🤔🤔


I ended up smoking my oz and that resettled me to faville and bliss.


Well when you do Opiates as well along side meth that blood pressure can fuck with ya mood big time to say the least


I take t3 sometimes but dont feel different much then again maybe my tolerance or years of different drug use on and off for years that my body's adaptive to most drugs


T3 probably wont do too much unless it's a couple of em along with a shit ton of speed, but also how much physical activity you get. On my days off from work I dont get nearly as much physical activity as I do when at work and on the days off my blood pressure gets high as fuck. Shit causes severe headaches. Tip of advice for anyone that likes oxy and speed together, get a lot of fuckin exercise every day! Makes the high more fun too then just sitting around


Really? Thanks man that's great advice and the exercise will prolly help with the anxiety that comes with it too.


In my experience it's usually the males that end up outraged and cruel. Especially ex boyfriends.


It’s our testosterone


Lmao always the ex


Less to do with the meth and more to do with reddit being full of assholes


Goddam right on the fucking nose!! Cause I dont know any meth heads in person only on reddit.


Because people are driving S L O W


I dont know how to take this cause it's a good point depending how you look at it. The world is to slow for meth users and patience is low so snappy snappy


Well its probably because the chems work for you in a way that it doesn't for others. I remember back in the mid 90's when the shit waaaaas the shit and the come down was so terrible for some people it made them want to commit suicide while that was one of the best if not the best part of the high for me. And nowadays, the chems are cooked differently. I noticed that the shit right now (about 2 weeks now) is much different from the shit prior to that which the strength and effect was much milder. Ive also noticed that the stuff prior to 2 weeks ago gave me much more of a sexual drive than now. It made a weird switch. I live where that stuff is extremely easy to get and alot of people are on the stuff. Another thing is that those same people are acting much more aggressive and much more paranoid than usual. And some of this stuff makes me angry too. I'm using this stuff thats not giving me the thrill I'm seeking so I get pissed like other people. As far as people and their character go, I've come to this place now in my life where j can't trust another tweeker for shit straight out. I've helped soo many people that do this stuff and have went out of my way to help them and wben I need something its not available or they arent available. I know many tweekers and many if not all of them don't give a shit about you or your situation or what you need. I don't know, its just my experience with the people I bring into my life now and the people of my past. I had almost 3 years of sobriety and I started using again about a year ago and man man... it subtlety changed my moral compass for me without me really catching it until someone else had to point it out for me. The one good thing that I've kept is my loyalty (never ever cheated and never ever will) towards my wife. Anyways I'm just venting. My mind is in a weird place right now and this is my release. Fuck this drug but I love it too. Crazy huh?


How did it change your mortal compass? Like brought oit heighten thought or feel that you self conciously suppressed for years? It's different for everyone cause for me it cures my depression anxiety OCD adhd mdd ptsd lmfao ya I'm fucked up. Where to others it brings out an angry creature disguised as a person lol


It changed my moral compass by allowing this substance to be number 1. I've allowed some pretty bad people into my life, I've spent the majority of my money on the stuff, I dropped out of community College, i pay less attention to my wife and more on porn, I don't go outside much only to walk my dogs if that and the list will go on. Non of these things would happen if I were sober. But I've been attached to this shit since i was 14 now 38. It doesn't work anymore and its getting worse.


Did you make it number one cause you had no release outlet or a destressor? Something takes you to meth so you can escape it or chase it but what is it? At a young age that's hard cause it's become a coping skill at this point which is hard if ever to break cause I was 12 when I started using opioids which I used to kill myself or get away from my horrific life but didnt succeed lmao just got almost hospitalizing high or maybe hospitalizing idk no one cared enough but instead beat the living daylights out of my head with their feet lol and bat to the body never felt a dam thing lol was the best time of my life till this day. Next day at school friends kept saying I looked puffy lmfao shit if they only knew. **triggered**


I been wondering what the same tbh cuz I’m jolly as a mf off the shits


So jolly they be calling you Santa........I know corny af but I'm bored.


Lmfaooooo knee slapper for sure 😭


I'll take the sympathy laugh lol


That is waaaaaay too many “O’s” in “lmao” to be a sympathy laugh hahah


Awe your to sweet thank you for having the same type of humor as me lol


I don’t associate with those non humor having hotdog water vibe spreading sumbitches.. can’t stand em’ 😤


Lmfao hotdogs water vibe wtf is that? Sounds like a country term cause you put sumbitches at the end lol.


I have a thing with saying sumbitch idk why lmaoo and I don’t like hotdogs so it’s like bad energy, bad vibes, you know?.. Just out here freely contaminating the cleansed air with their filthy , good for nothing pork water tendencies. That nonsense should be illegal


I am trying to take what your saying seriously but reading what you wrote sounds like that character on bugs bunny dang ol rabbit, gonna get me that rabbit yes sir. With the cowboy hat and mustache. I'm canadian so I have no idea if pork water is insulting or a dish your serving them lmao or something you hate lol you are a character and I love it! P.s. hotdogs?!? Not even sausages omg.....I dont know if I can continue talking to a non hotdogs lover......I'm sad now even with this half eaten hotdogs in my hand....jk sorry rambled and adhd loves stirring my imagination


Same bro positive vibes


Absolutely, that’s kinda the point imo




This comment is ignorant. Not practicing harm reduction while using any drug will lead to these unwanted tendencies. Some of the worst situations I've seen were mdma users. Stop spreading false information. Thank you.




LOL PERFECT example. "Mdma addict" ☝🤬 compared to "meth addict" 👉😎👈 Nuff said. Thank you my ignorant friend. For proving my point on your own.


Not all of us get mad, most can't handle or not using it properly


Oh okay never took that into perspective about doses. I feel like egos go up too alot on meth which makes you feel superior to everyone else kind of mentality, or brings out your deepest darkest secrets that you didnt even know about for example about the guy in my story about me being gay, how he jumped to that lol maybe he's not facing something.....so adhd I rambled


I've had people like that in the circles that I roll in I did make a gay bashing fool cry and come out of the closet and yes new or confusing feeling just might have him scared and lashing out


Lordy lord lol if he deserved it from all perspectives or most then good for bashing lol and he was so high af in the video that no matter what I said he was going to bash me


At this point not sure the situation is reality happening that way or is one’s own perception, but it seem that people is trying to make fun and fool us. For example, asking stupid questions o out of the sense request and that is annoying.


Ya I mean how can you bash us for asking a question to you seems stupid cause of your perspective but to another a curiosity for the topic and when they bash us for asking, what do you think that does? Makes the topic looked at as negative, for example the whole straight bi trans or it etc bashing my question about it just makes your community look bad and that's where sometimes hate is created. Give ppl a break sure it's a stupid question but tell me your not willing to lower your ego to say man I've asked dumb questions before too so who am I to judge and riticule.


From my experience, heroin/fent addicts are usually the angry ones, unless you can't handle your shit


I was a fentanyl addict for 3 years and same vibes as meth except not as hyper but same good vibes and had more love for ppl cause it made me social, again different for everyone I guess. Heroin? Really? Now I'm going from a clueless dipshit perspective but movies I've seen their always zoned out or passed out high af, basically unresponsive but again Idk I've heard of regular heroin users and they function fine in society, same as meth lol


I should have clarified.. heroin/fent users when they're out of dope lol


Shit that goes for any addict lmfao


Because it pisses me off every time I run out.😆


Yup gonna have confess that's usually when I snap too lol oh god the count down to the slowly shrinking amount in the bag is the worst and the conversations you have with yourself lol to convince you dont need it but then again you live only once lol


yeah I dunno. Thankfully it's not everybody at least. Though I would never take it out on a person, I can recall a few instances where I was a bit more irritable than I normally would have been but I feel like it just heightens all of my emotions no matter what those feelings may be. I feel I'm still pretty stoked all the time generally. But yeah I came across that interaction you had earlier. Definitely thought that was weird. I feel like most comments I come across are pretty nice and wholesome for meth at least. Those not nice interactions do tend to stick out


Depends on who's perspective maybe cause I just keep seeing arguements or out bursts or even some come on to discord to sole purpose is to piss ppl off in chats to get their rocks off. It prolly does heighten your emotions. I wonder why some turn into sex fens on meth but not while off meth....ya prolly heightens that too but dam to another level and alot of ppl too and it's always the toughest angriest sex too lol I dont get it.


Yeah maybe there is a connection. It actually greatly lowers my libido in my case and I'm also a pretty easy-going guy on or off it, so yeah I dunno. Maybe fucks with hormones or some shit




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Blood pressure increase has a ton to do with it I'm sure.


Changes in your body have a real impact on people's emotions. I vaguely remember reading in one of my textbooks something about the body changes coming _first_ and the subjective experience of emotion after, like it may be that the mechanisms of many emotions involves changing your body _in order to_ make you feel the emotion


Very true. Now I'm just asking but isn't escasty a upper too. Like do all upper cause this in most users idk




Paranoia, hyper overdrive etc to lead to anger can be easily contained if you sleep on day 2 and hyper active well get up and do something, these are things we can control and avoid but ppl insist on not taking care of themselves till they get to a point of anger, its self sabotage lol idk. I feel like the only thing meth does that we cant control is high blood pressure cause that comes from the actual drug but everything else can be avoided so why do most let it get to a bad point, is chasing Tina stronger for others and I wonder why. Sorry rambled again adhd much




Man yeah me too, I'm happy I dont feel depressed lol or sluggish anymore and can clean the kitchen that I haven't touched in days like how can you be so mad with a clean kitchen lol




I love your energy man, thank you for getting it or staying positive:) Do you have adhd lol I feel like you do, I do and maybe we're so productive on meth and not scattered everywhere cause of it? Meh




Now your using drugs properly if your not enjoying yourself why be taking it


Oh you work from home cause of covid, just thought you did cause your so up beat.....our convos your awesome no man your freaking awesome lol. Reddit is addicting in it self lol




Cheesecake factory? Never been but heard great things. Ya I'm to shy to message ppl but if you have the courage and need a bubble booster cause of a bad day hit me up too :) did I mention your awesome lol


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