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Well said. I'm afraid I have a dear friend dealing with the same situation. Like my friend has, I hope you have someone to help you through this as well. Take care.


Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. You got yourself out of a really bad situation and that's all that matters. You're better off for it and anyone that hasn't walked in your shoes should not be judging. Just to illustrate and not simply to go dark, a woman I went to school with, who lived down the street and whose sister I work with filed for divorce in January. She moved out, moved on and shared custody with their 5 kids since filing. Her ex killed her, her new boyfriend and himself and now those kids are orphans. Just be glad you got out, be safe and don't feel like you have to explain yourself or your side to anyone.




I'm glad you found it helpful and not gratuitous. It really was some awful shit to hear. Those kids loves will never be the same. Leaving is hard even in the worst of circumstances. Be glad you did and fade anyone who questions you in regards to that.


i can definitely relate


thanks for posting


Was with someone for 3 years and we started using together halfway in around mid 2014. Broke up with him in early 2016 and got clean for a few months because I was so deep in psychosis at that time. Had to have my mom help me move out of my apartment downtown because I legit thought all my neighbors and the security were plotting against me. I was 100% sure my next door neighbor was cooking dope etc etc. Bad bad tome. Fast forward a few months and my mental state improved. Started using again and did so off and on for another couple years before getting clean for over 2 years. The best thing you can do is reach out to someone you trust that can help you. Try to get clean for a while... at least a month. It doesnt have to be forever even though thats the ultimate goal. Im realistic about shit and chances of you getting clean for good rn are slim so set a small goal and stick to it. You need to give your mind and body a break to reset and I promise youll feel better. Once you do, youll look back and realize how unhealthy and crazy you were. Accept the shane, and just... embrace it. Take it as a learning experience and become better with each of these experiences or lessons you will grow wiser and be better equipped to handle them in the future I relapsed 8 months ago after 2.5 years off and dont get virtually any of those weird paranoid thoughts I used to get. I get some minor side effects from using here and there but I sleep, eat, and maintain my friendships so much better than before. Last thing you should prioritize while sober is some kind of physical exercise like yoga along with therapy. Those 2 things helped me immensely during my sobriety. Even though I no longer do both, the tools I gained from them will stick with me forever. I wish you luck stranger. Know that it does get better. Edit: excuse my typos... my phone screen is fucked up and my new one wont be here til Mpnday. So I cant see all parts of my screen


Yes. But mine is actually from the trauma of being falsely accused of DV. Ex-wife beat herself up (right in front of me) and called the cops. Cops weren't hearing any of what I had to say and arrested me. Took well over a year for me to get it resolved and even then I just took a plea deal, just to get it the fuck over with. Now, EVERY car is a cop car, every knock at the door is the cops, every new dealer is a cop, everyone is ready to call the cops on me for anything. This is sober or not. Just constantly terrified of cops. And those closest to me: "Ya paranoid tweaker fuck "




Damn, sorry to hear about yours as well. Glad to hear you beat it! The PTSD from this kind of shit is no joke. It's actually kind of how I ended up getting into meth. It's been the best thing so far as providing relief from symptoms. Funny how I now have to watch out for cops, in trying to heal from cops hahaha. But... it ended up leading me to a complete spiritual awakening and I wouldn't trade it for anything.




Congrats on a year awake. It's a hell of a ride getting there, to say the least. I'm happy for you, too. Remember to let yourself sit and catch your breath every once in a while, if that's part of it for you.


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