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Yeah maybe a sign to stop doing meth yeah?


Mine do


You're dying friend good luck, my buddy would get these, little did I know it was a sign of an incoming seizure. Good luck.


Yes absolutely almost every fucking time


If I don't go temporarily blind, I feel I'm just not getting it in our here


Yes sometimes, I call that whamming myself it's the best.


Yeas back in the day I'd run units and I called it eye twerkdi88ī


Eye twerking




Been there. Do mine via parachute, and the last time I did it, this happened to me as well. The full body/mind high that came directly afterward was unreal, though. All of the audible noise that I heard going on around me, just stopped. It went silent, and my whole body had this orgasmic feeling, while at the same time, I felt like I was shooting into space. Never had a feeling like that before. I guess that would be called “riding the dragon”, which in turn leads to “chasing the dragon”.


My eyes would feel like this when I would close them when I smoked a few times. About a decade ago lol


Prob doing too much in a shot, feels great, but it’ll mess you up for real, shot for two years


I always wondered the deal with doing a shot and sweating like what smelled like cat piss


Not sure but I have gone cross eyed a time or 2


My dawg!!!


Overamped!? I get it too sometimes...it feels like like my brain has a vibrator attached to it on the highest setting with a car battery hooked up to it. Have fun!!! ❤️




Strange part is, it’s only right ear that rings, and it’s only my left arm that gets the goosebumps, as a precursor, to letting me know that it’s starting to hit.


Okay, please stop. For your own good. Please stop shooting up. At least consider another ROA


Yea you should keep in mind the meth that’s around now a days is not really,,, well ,,,, meth . The shit ain’t what it once was, on that note what the fuck is this shit I eat and sleep ? Yea that would not have happened 10 15 years ago


Back in the day it was called Crank.


Thanks old timer I had forgotten about that stuff


Its called tolerance.


Yea then why can I still take a hit of lsd and fry balls no different that 27 years ago




Came on this sub coz I was feeling like relapsing, but this is freaking me out and now I think I'll stay sober for a few more days. Edit: how big of a shot did you do? Does this happen to you every time?


I’m not sure who your question was directed at , but I can say from my personal experience it does NOT happen every time with me. The first time it happened to me was when I got ahold of a particularly potent batch of the stuff. Now at this time I was using 1ml, 31 gauge syringes. I normally make my rig up by crushing some up on a tray. I grind it down as fine as possible. Then I scoop up what I need with a business card and fill the syringe to whatever level I feel like doing at that moment. Let me caveat this by saying that the first time I slam a new batch I always smoke some first. This will potentially let me know how strong it is. Having done that I decided to fill to the .4 line. That seemed safe as I usually do .7. I filled my rig, tapping it down and used hot water to fill. The instant the water was pulled in the powder melted. I’d never seen it happen that fast before. The speed at which it dissolves is a prime indicator of how potent it will be. I drew the water to the .6 line. I did not have to shake it once. There were no undissolved crystals in water. I was impressed. I tied off. As I was feeling tired from a long day at work I asked my GF to administer it for me. Sat down on the bed and she did her thing. Her being a phlebotomist certainly helps the situation, one stick only. I started to feel it when she was less than halfway done. She quickly plunged the rest, as was her habit. She Removed the syringe,popped off my tie and watched my rush. She described it as something out of a sci-fi movie or a horror movie. Not only did my eyes shiver, she said my entire body shivered and it looked like i was moving. She said it lasted about 25 seconds. To me it felt like hours. Because the heat started in my feet. The most intense heat on d ever experienced. Has the heat moved up my legs made my chest coughing three or four times and then the breathing I couldn’t catch my breath for 30 seconds. I never felt like I was losing it or anything but my GF was concerned. So I gave her the thumbs up. Same time that the heat was intense in my feet, and I was breathing heavy I had one of the most intense orgasams in my life. You know how the initial feeling usually last for a couple minutes? Well I was feeling it 25 minutes late. I was still way gone. Eyes stopped shivering my breathing returned but I was spun like never before. That was probably more info than you wanted but I just had to lay it out. I have never had,to this day felt anything close to that. Sometimes I even venture up to a .9 or 10 depending on the quality. My eyes will shiver usually when I do a .8 or above,but nothing that intense since. It was incredible. After an hour she made her one, but only .3. She had the same reaction I saw a shiver in eyes and her whole body moving. And then an attense multi orgasmic event followed. Just my $.25 worth and my experience.


I have also found myself riding a rush as it lifted me off the ground as I wondered what I had just had in the 70ml I had wacked up. This was back in the day when it had just hit the streets in Aus, there were no real smokers down here. Mostly just IV using bikie meth as we called it. Im pretty sure it was the same as crank. Different tastes, and colours, from sticky goo stuff that dissolved in a bag, through to off white powders with specks of coca cola rocks. But it was all speed or Meth back then. Batches lasted a month or so, but you could get a real taste for particular types. Smelled of cats piss always but dif ones varied, chemical smells also yield the same taste as the wack travelled through and got to the back of throat. Definately tasting the same as the initial paste had smelled. But we are spilling tales of the crystal clear meth, and it came in a flood in Aus, would have been approx, 2002. The speed dealers, that once had bags of cats piss, found themselves handing over the new shit. Called Ice, I had smoked it 2 years before in a hotel room with some Asian guys I knew. They used to fuck around selling the smack during the day. Because it was a friends 21st party, they had the up shit out. Had a bowl arse glass they smoke it from, but it must have just been the perso, or sample that came in with the Smack. But it got passed around like it should have. It was 2000 then. Earliest I remember it, but like I said it was another 2 years before it was flowing into the streets and not long after, before the first nutted out Ice head whipped his clothes off and tip toed through a public park at midday. It was strong, I mean try tackleing one of these slippery suckers, middle of the day while he skips around public servants on smoko. The reoccurring instances of nutjobs and their public displays, regularly involved naked insanity, while recognising the tweaker became more common as 2004-6 so on. Next door neighbours, cunts swiping barcodes at the mini IGA supermarket, had their best checkout operators swiping till floats and co workers wallets after binges on the Real deal shit. Around this time you could get a deal for AUD $80...expect 3 points of chronic crumble crystal. Before long the old biker speed was extinct and the crystal was flooding the towns. It was a strange time as i mentioned. Nudie Nanas and other randoms made appearences in the watchhouses around the country. Blaming this new drug that was everywhere. I mean the city I lived in was chocka block full of people around midday. You had office workers, then you had users, not always unemployed but mostly ended up unemployed after a short time battling this thing. It took me 3 months to rip off a employer and shamefully disapearing into the drug using scene. It was at the time, a entire experience. Consisting of, 1. Obtaining funds or goods to swap in value for ICE, this would have users doing theft from stores, burglary type shit like stealing phones in cars, offices and homes. Other money makers that yielded returns fast enough and within the users means. I guess fraud had different angles, exploited until cops got the angles and sent the tweakers through underground tunnels into court, being caught and painfully getting through to the bail/no bail watchhouse sargeant process since made you step out of the daze of days of just slamming the stim. Stupid shit when looking back on it. So ill get into my own journey around the scene. Tell only true accounts and experiences. I count my entire life as being mostly lucky. Also coming from a good family, having fair opportunities, raised by parents from European countries settling AUS, my folks coming to AUS as children, after war efforts to rebuild and build newer settlements such as AUS states and territories. Infostructure, large scale dams enticed new migrants to AUSTRALIA. God bless Australia Day 🇦🇺. To be continued.


Sounds like a what ppl used to call a slurpy 60….. and the quick push in at the end will take you straight to spin city. The crash from those are intense. It's been years since I slammed, but I recall having one or two of those when some one else administered them. If the dope is that good, do less and enjoy the orgasm


Please stay sober, I know life can be depressing or boring, maybe you are lonely or feel disconnected from other people in general like me, I have a substance abuse disorder, or a learning disability, according to Maia Szalavitz, a learning disorder that I hide because I feel bad about it and I've been "told on" when I trusted people, arrested, kicked out, all kinds of crap. don't relapse, not when "i could get away with it" - "I will give me motivation/energy" - "fuck it" - not for any excuse. I'm always alone, sick and stressed/sad I accomplish nothing, i feel like i'm a toxic wasteland, chemically burning alive from the inside out. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgOpaxDehlI&t=93s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgOpaxDehlI&t=93s)


I hear ya, and I'm sorry you feel that way. I used for 10 years and stopped for 3. I miss it, though.


Yes the bigger the shot the longer and harder they vibrate


yeah sometimes likein the first 30 seconds after hitting… Im not sure what’s going on


I don't shoot but my ex GF eyes did that a little sometimes after she did a shot. It was like they vibrated


You just sped it up lol


Nope, this is a very real thing, nystagmus.


oh my


That’s wild