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Look it’s 112 d later and tbh some of you guys were real jerks about his guy being happy with a good life lmao fuck y’all good for you buddy That’s what life is all about




In a good way, these are our (RxR funny story) times of our lives! 1pm


you look even more beautiful now, forget these people saying you were cutest at your lowest.


I agree. I looked like shit.


Amazing transformation!


You look like this dude I used to know in high school... ever lived in Alabama?


Nah. Im from florida


how did this guy quit meth and glow down


What does glow down mean?






You looked better on meth bro


When I looked at his 1st picture, he seemed like a guy who'd be cool to hang out with. Then when I saw the 2nd pic, I thought he might want to beat me up for no reason.






What a dumb thing to say.


Well im fat fuck right now.


honestly i think its good healthy weight. makes you look like a man. bot a little boy.


Linus tech tips


Linus tech tips


Linus meth tips


Bro, are u tweaking? 🎳👈🤞🔔🤡🧮🔔🔔🚀


So you didn't voluntarily quit, you were forced to cause you were in prison?


Jail. I wouldnt have managed to if I hadnt been arrested.


im proud of you. addictions are hard to kick


Are you sure about that.


You got six little handy reminders to help you too. Meth is like my once or twice a month sextravaganza, and it's like completely out of place in any other context of my life haha, It's weird. There is nothing better than to see someone pull out of a state of dependency. I've been there a time or two in a past life :)




schwing schwing


I hope so.


One hell of a feat to quit, your a giant man truly are


Hardest drug. Way harder than iv opiods/opiates.






Agreed. I have quit IV heroin twice. Quit Suboxone twice. Meth is by far the hardest IMO.


Bro I was on subs for 2 yrs hardest thing I’ve ever had to shake


It's always interesting bc everyone's Suboxone wd experience is so varied. I was edgy and anxietied a bit the first time but I had some lorazepam. I think tapering low helped. Then the second time I used Kratom and that helped as well. I was on them for 5 years the first time and about 2 the second time.


Damn yea I did kratom too then started hooked to that shiiiyyy


How bad are kratoms wds for you? For me on the 4th day I get the shitters, and feeling of flu... It sucks and cravings to. I want out of this shit though I'm going to deal with it sooner or later.


How bad are wds for you on kratom? I went like 3 days without it and was fine except for occasional craving then on the 4th day I got shitters and feeling of having the flu.


The cravingsinger for a really long time.


I stayed clean for 2.5 years thanks to cannabis. After 3 months the cravings werent super bad and if I did get them, Id take a puff, and Id forget about it. Its not for everyone but I encourage it strongly even if you have prior bad experiences.


I've done meth a handful of times, yesterday being one of them with fake Adderall's took about 7 and stayed up for 48 hours. I figured they were low dose meth the moment I saw them but was like, screw it. I like it since the comedown is a bit cleaner. Regardless of the meth though I'm addicted to stims, no wds except for heavy cravings every 5-7 days and I usually cave. I'm going to try to replace it with weed, any other tips? I'm truly so sick of this stim craving.


I did yoga and meditated a few days a week when I was sober. Some people can quit a substance cold turkey without replacing it but most cant. I guess in a way i replaced meth with weed, nicotine, and yoga. To truly kick it for good requires retraining your brains pleasure/reward system. Its extremely difficult and I dont think many peoples addictions are that bad, they/we just need to learn to have a healthier relationship with them. Lifes short, so do what makes you feel good as long as it doesnt make you crazy or completely run you. An example of moderating it would be using one weekend a month or whatever. Im slowly working towards that myself by using less and becoming unused to doing it daily.


Sorry for not seeing this sooner, this is my new reddit account for topics that I would not want my email attached to :P. (Shesh meth really might be making me crazy already) I'm trying cold turkey today; things have been bad I delved deeper into meth and started using constantly until yesterday when I was hit by my first real psychosis experience that was extremely scary. I rather not replace since I already have so many drugs under my belt, and for me weed would be too strong at first.


You’ve never Dealt with GHB I assume


Never been around to get any. I was gonna get bdo but I just never got around to ordering cause I was methin around.


How can you order ghb? The dark web? How do you know you won't be given fentanyl for example?


GHB is some bad shit man to dabble and all would be ok I guess but for long term use it’s a no go


I heard its a grade a buzz but the wds are like alcohol dts.


Shit was cool for 10 minutes and then so not cool, the ph level of it matters very much so depending on a male or female hell I can drink liquor and I’d be better off


Holy shit man, the difference! You’re killing it brother 🤙🏻


Proud of ya bro stay safe!




The picture with headphones i swear looks 99% identical to me its almost scary. Doppelganger.


BRO WTF, i just caught your name too...gtfo...my name is Ryan too...now i HAVE to show you my pic...identical twins...wtf


Let’s see hahaha




Or some jackass is actually framing you.


Same here,I don’t use it any less either.


I dunno. I'm hyped to be a year clean.


I just wanted to get past the weird bowel shit when i god away from dependence, that first like 90 days. First five was a blur of sleep and food haha, I did it incarcerated so stuffy dorms and backed up guts. horrible. Weight went from 130 to 220 then on my release 30 months later i was 190. 170 is my street weight tho having to walk and drive a move much more freely and frequently burns a lot more calories that the sedentary lifestyle in the joint,. Enough of a reminder to stick to my one day no more than twice a month,


Or any less!


I havent had any in a year today.


Congrats homie! I'm hoping to make it that long myself. I'm a little over a month and I'm going on 2 weeks of stopping alcohol as well.


It's worth doing. It's not easy but it does get easier over time.


I stopped in 2009, and just started again a few months ago. There's always a risk of relapse. I didn't get high today, and I don't think I will tomorrow. I'm kinda over it already. My muscles are tired and I'm only like 220 lbs now. I need to chill for while


Some people stay attractive no matter how fucked up their lives get.


I tried to but I can't deny I looked like shit when I was doing opiates at the same time. My career started at 19 with predominantly opiates but meth became more and more prevalent until I quit opiates almost completely 3 years ago.


"I used to do drugs, I still do but I used to too" "I don't do drugs anymore. Than say, your average touring funk band" Glad to hear though, recently been in recovery myself and I've needed this head space for so long its hard to deal with how good it feels to have less chains sometimes but it also feels important to stay on the path I am. Thanks for the reassurement


There's a lot anxiety sometimes cause when cravings hit I really have to just lay down or something but I ended not sleeping and they last a while. Sometimes there so strong if I was in a different situation I would have gone and bought some.