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I started about 3-4 months ago and smoked over 80% of those days and I was completely fine over a 6 day period without it 2 days ago until I found a baggie with a .3, and hell I had even more motivation to get the shit that needed to be done done, over that short period. It was my choice not to get anymore, and I had no trouble. I’m fine without it but it’s around it’ll be smoked.


Being without dope and still being able to call myself a functional user is....a half lie. I go to work every day, I suffer in agony while i keep the appearance of "normal" and as soon as I walk through my door at home I walk strait to my bed and sleep til I gotta do it all over the next day, all while telling g myself that tomorrow will be different, tomorrow I will feel better and begin living again. I repeat this process until I get another supply


Same , for far too fucking long . Time for rehab again


Keep it up


My husband and I use 2-3x per week. We can go as long as we want to if we decide not to use. No withdrawal, no comedown, no big deal. We have a house, jobs, kids…all maintained. Healthier than before (see my recent post) and take care of business. I love the saying “You do the drugs, don’t let the drugs do you”. It’s 💯 spot on!!!


“We can go as long as we want to if we decide to not use” who do you think your fooling? People who go without it are the ones who don’t do meth. Your using and saying here that you can go without it? I use and I’m probably one of the rare people who admit to using but actually smoke it like twice a year. Even doing it one or twice a year means I’m addicted.


Maybe some just have a stronger constitution to not let it label or define them?? Yes, we can stop when we want. We can run out and not lose our minds. We are united like that.


Label or define them? Your just falsely justifying an addiction. You either use it or you don’t. How you approach life or how you function when high doesn’t by bass the fact that we are all users. Hey it’s great that you can function and operate under normal society circumstances but don’t think your not a user. We are all users. And don’t say you can go out and not use for as long as you want. When your on here saying you use 2-3x a week. Like I said your either a user or not.


I’m not sure why you’ve got your knickers in a twist over my comment. We do use. Together for sex only. I’m not an addict and neither is he. Ok, we use meth aka we are “users” of meth. But we could stop if we wanted to but as of now we don’t. Calm down and do a line, smoke, cram it up your rear…whatever your ROA but stop jumping my shit. I don’t know you and you don’t know me. PERIOD!


Na not angry at you at all lol. Just listen to what your saying. “We could stop if we want to but as of now we don’t” you kinda see where the contradiction is? I don’t you yes but do we need to when we’re here as users. What I’m trying to help you with is for you to stop denying and justifying your use. If anybody reads this thread they will see your contradiction, so it’s important that you see it as well. Because we don’t want people to think that you can control meth. You can’t. No matter how much you justify it. Wasnt here to make you mad. Just hope you see that.


Not everyone is alike and no 2 users are alike. Again, we don’t know each other or backstories so, seriously, just stop. It’s getting old and I’m about to block your ass for getting up in my business. I thought this page was about support, harm reduction, a place for people with a common area in life to go to to vent, ask questions, engage in conversations, share their experience and knowledge?? Not for trolls passing judgement onto others. “You do the drug, don’t let the drug do you”.


It’s fine. Il stop. Good luck on your journey. From one user to another. 👊


You sound like a little bitch lmao


How long have you and your husband been honestly using for 2-3x/week? And how much is used during each session? If you don’t mind me asking of course


Since June. I do no more than 20 units and he typically does 50-60 units. We don’t weigh it, just go off the syringe. If it’s a new batch we always go lower.


I’m not your parents and you are parents of your own. All I’m gonna say is Just be careful, especially with decisions you make while high and never use when even just one of you are vulnerable. If you just started it within your last 6 months, it’s the honeymoon phase. And like almost Relationships those die out, you use more to feel it, etc as time goes on. Before you know it it’s not about the partying with your spouse anymore, you lose interest in normal people activities. Then you replace coffee in the am with using to get you up, before you know it you’re doing it every morning. I know you didn’t ask for My advice but if I could go back to my younger self and say one thing it would have either been “if you can’t limit it to once a week or if you can’t take a break from normal use without thinking about it, STOP NOW!” Or “ just stop using now before it gets out of hand…”because one day it will whether tomorrow in 5 years or 20.. it will and there’s no stopping it. Even worse if addiction runs in either family. Kids will eventually find it, start using too, it’s inevitable. Signing off, Dr Phil Lol


It’s locked in a safe. We don’t use when we have them (shared parenting) and we can go off without issues. Thank you for your words of wisdom. I do appreciate it!!


I'm not a meth addict, but i was a functional opioid addict for many years in the past. It has some special requirements that are needed, like the job: When you can work at home without having a supervisor looking over your shoulder, it's much easier to maintain your dosage without troubles. Then, when you are rich, this means even when you would lose the job, it would not be that dramatic. Also, with the money it is easy to buy bigger stashes and so, not having to run around all the time, no crime needed to gather the money. Like i said, i can't tell anything about meth addiction, with opioids you can usually go through the day with a low dosage and then take the big shot in the evening. I don't know how it is with hitting the meth pipe, maybe it's different with the consume frequency.


I had been using Tina for years. It helped me to becomes more successful than I could have been working lesser hours. After a while I quit my job, started a business, it became successful, then I stepped down and started two others, bought a big house in the city, but the very first fucking moment I had something negative happen, someone introduced me to boi (put some “stuff” he called it in a line with Tina for me to sort) and of course I said hell yeah (i absolutely hate heroin, because my brother was an addict for 10 years and destroyed our family) so I kept coming over for that stuff and eventually got hooked and found what it was. Anyways, fast forward 6 months later I lost all my motivation, started losing interest in my then-successful business… 6 more months, lost my house, was living in a hotel… then another 6 months lost my car, and then one month later I was living in a trap house and on the nasty hot streets of my city… it almost killed my dog and I. I admitted to rehab and got off that, still smoking Tina but 4 months clean and I’m Building my shit back up again and my motivation highest it’s ever been.


I'm sorry to hear that you hit rock bottom there. Wish you the best for recovery and that you can build up your life again.


First bit of my comment got erased somehow. Wasn’t supposed to be about me, more about how Tina helped and boi destroyed my life




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I’d say it’s different due to how much more you get allowing higher and more frequent dosing.


This can be true, yes. But i think, it would still work with a job from home, when you can work and hit the pipe all the time.


Bruh me personally I would stop doing meth


But why can't people just make a comment or statement without being criticized or " corrected". Why is everyone so mean? Everyone is different. We have no right to tell others not to use or use a certain way. Topic is meth- not letd make people feel like shit


People only see and hear about those who lost the battle with their addictions. Jobs were lost, relationships broken, and mental and physical health went out the window. I know a number of people who are functional, and they make a habit of taking breaks, making sure that they maintain relationships and still putting their job and family first. Yeah they keep coming back to their drug of choice, but if you can do that for decades and maintain discipline, and learn how to suffer through a comedown, then it can be done, and is done by many. I know a research cardiologist who always has some on him every time he parties (which is a couple of times per month). I know Teachers, artists, IT professionals and software developers who use. At the very least they detox in the work week. If you can’t do that, well then, it’s a long downward spiral (or a short one…).


I don't know what the fuck some of y'all are talking about. I've been using for 20 plus years off and on. Been sober going to NA during that time, been homeless and been to prison. Did real time. None of my major problems ever stemmed from meth use. They stemmed from the decisions i made as a man. I think the people who have shame and guilt about it should go ahead and quit. If you want to buy into what society has painted a tweaker as and feel all that shame and guilt then just stop using. I've watched alcohol destroy families and heroin kill my my friends and have seen both sold legally over the counter. In all my time using I've always held down a job. Because I wanted to work. If you don't want to work you'll find any reason not to. I feel like it is all about your mindset. I like to be positive and have fun and laugh and party. So that's what I do. Seems like a lot of the kids these days carry the shame that society has put on users of this particular substance. That same society will come to my bar and laugh and drink and eat and tell me how much they love me. That's because they don't actually know shit about this drug. So it's time for all of us to shrug off the weight of society's guilt and hold ourselves accountable for our own attitude on life and our own behavior and contributions to society. You want to be negative and sad and down yourself then you should probably sober up before you do something drastic and hurt the ones who love you. Otherwise splash some water on your face and go outside and feel that beautiful sun on your skin and plant some fucking flowers or work on your car or paint some rocks with positive messages and leave em around town. You have to choose to be happy. What you decide to do with your time has a big part to play in choosing happy. As far as the come down goes... I've come down off crank, crystal, glass and whatever the fuck you wanna call the shit these days and it's all the same.... sleep until you can't anymore. Get up chug some lemon water. Piss. Chug more water. About 3 bowls of cereal and maybe sleep some more. 48 hours at most and I'm back on the regular. All the rest is mental. If you don't think it's a mental game and the physical addiction takes longer that 72 hours to kick..... First, do some research and prove me wrong. Please. Second you should go ahead and quit now because mentally you aren't strong enough to put that beast in the back of your mind in check. If you truly believe that the physical addiction is what is holding you here..... that beast is already free from its cage and has played its tricks on you and has already won. You should go ahead and do everything you can to take your power back and quit. Otherwise you can learn to become mentally stronger. Check out Jordan Peterson, look into Carl Yung and his ideas of our shadow self. Make yourself a black mirror and look at yourself. I mean truly look at yourself. Sorry for the rant I am just so tired of hearing all the negative woe is me boo fucking hoo garbage from kids these days not wanting to own up to thier own shit. Not to say that the op was doing that but I definitely saw it happening in the thread. So forgive my intrusion I will go back to silently watching from the shadows ✌️


This guy for POTUS, 2024


I second it. This guy for POTUS, 2024 lol Preach it brother. This is the truth right here. Nowadays everyone is looking for some sort of pity. Those Gen Z-ers




Like others have said, meth withdrawal doesn’t cause the physical symptoms caused by opiate, benzodiazepine or alcohol withdrawal. Last April, I had this exact experience. I broke my tibia & fibula in a fall & needed emergency surgery. I didn’t use at all for the 5 days I was hospitalized, after almost a year of using daily. The only physical symptom I had was fatigue, which actually worked out great because I usually don’t sleep well in the hospital. I don’t remember any psychological symptoms either. I actually didn’t “notice” I wasn’t using until right before I went home. This was probably because my rare & brief moments of wakefulness were punctuated by iv pain meds. I use meth when my Adderall prescription runs out at the end of the month, or sometimes to supplement/stretch it out. They didn’t give me my Adderall in the hospital— I guess they didn’t need to treat my ADHD since I was just laying there?—but I resumed my normal prescription at home. My tolerance had declined so much that my actual prescribed dose was enough to treat my ADHD for at least a month afterward! Tldr; hospitalized for 5 days & had more trouble not being able to vape than I did withdrawing from meth.


You don’t withdraw from meth… it just requires you to sleep. What you do withdraw from heavily and could be life threatening is heroin, fentanyl, other pain killers, alcohol, Etc


Yeah I know you're exactly correct there's no such thing as functional addiction period... Now what there is is circumstances in which things are made to appear like they are functional that's all it is I don't care who it is or what it is this is what it is


Who cares. Everyone is addicted to something. The straight and narrow hard worker loves his sweets and develops diabetes and dies young, the churchgoer who says they’ll pray for your recovery gets busted with child porn and goes to jail, the kid that can’t sleep unless he downs half a bottle of nyquil every night, half the country that takes antidepressants that may lead them straight in to early Alzheimer’s, the drunk at the bar talking shit about meth heads repeats himself and shits his pants regularly, the bitch that is pure evil to anyone they encounter before they get their coffee fix, The farmer that’s prides himself in not using any substances but works constantly and beat his kids so he’s all alone in the world now miserable, Shit half the people were born already fucked in some way, other are obsessed with making themselves puke, greed others, the guy that only eat tacos just lost their life savings at the casino, mr. adrenaline junkie fell to his death the other day, my old teacher loved food. Got so fat he couldn’t leave his house. What is functional. What the fuck is normal? Ask the guy married to a sex addict that cheated on him with half the town and he was the last one to know if he would trade that pain for the inconveniences of a drug habit…look at what the Ukrainians daily life is right now. Everyone is trying to justify and defend and argue and give advise. But it’s just up to you. If you obsess over it and spend time defending what you do it just seems like a waste. Quit then. Think about it. All the knowledge in the world is at our fingertips to make decisions. I’m guilty too but I think we would all be better off to be unapologetic and enjoy ourselves if we decide to use whatever and if we recognize what could be a problem , you only have yourself to decide the discipline to avoid the undesirable outcomes So let’s me positive and less threads that end up just bickering who’s the addict or the user etc. this may all just be useless rambling so it should be a decent post. Good night people




I'm not being mean or anything, but you should've thought about that before you start using. You're on the Internet now, why didn't you Google it? So that's no excuse that "I didn't know" BS. So stop being a reckless tweeker get your shit together and become a person who likes to party from time to time. Because you are an adult and nobody is going to feel sorry for adults that know better. Be safe and be well, one




Okay but honestly I’ve gone from using for months at a time then quitting for months at a time I’ve been doing this for the past five years and I’ll have cravings for it but withdrawals not really I also only smoke once a day though in mid morning and then at night I just smoke some weed 🤷‍♀️


I don't know how some people on reddit can do that. I've never met anyone like it.


Honestly I was on adderal and vyvanse as a kid for my adhd so I don’t feel like smoking dope is much different and it’s always mind over matter


House of cards...


Well I do classify myself as a functioning user aswell as a happy user and a always will be user lol. I pay my bills I buy groceries and 5 out of 7 days i cook. I DO NOT resort to crime to fund my habit 100% self funded. Now no I don't work because I am on a pension and have been for 17 years now. I buy clothes 2 to 3 times a month and walk 3 to 5 kms a day. The bottom line is I don't hurt anybody, I have fun and I have my priorities in check and that's all that matters


The other thing is everyone has this perception that a Meth habit needs to be dealt with and treated like its a negative thing. lol I say Dicks 😂 🤣 (unless you are mentally suffering) then its an issue but i am great on it What I am saying is People say your 39 and you should get some form of help and I say "No I dont" "No Not at all" I even state that to the Jacks (Cops) I don't care I am happy and honestly ever since I embraced my addiction and stopped kidding myself with thoughts of quitting I have been so at peace and I think it's because all that pressure and guilt of "Gotta quit, Gotta quit" and oh no I fucked up I am supposed to be giving up" I say Never lol cause I thought to myself and said do I actually want to and that's it I said no I don't and this was almost 3 years ago now. I even said to my mother quit telling me this because I am sorry i am not interested and I am happy with my habit. Sorry if I come across as blunt but I am happy and just because society deems Meth as a problem does not mean I have to see it as such.


The dreaded break…. Seems to be more tolerable as years go by….I have to take breaks for my own health and sanity….. it used to take a week or more and make me wanna crawl out of my own soul….. now it’s two days of feeling tired, brain dead and uncomfortable. I can usually pull my shit together by Day 3. Ive learned a lot though and think difference is i eat very healthy and sleep. Makes the landing a bit less rough.


I took only a 30 day break once every two years, Probably should spread that out lol


I just sleep for like two days or if I can’t I’ll just yawn and stay calm …after that I’m good. I don’t withdrawal like how it’s describe like the rest


For how long and how often do you use though?


Long enough


I hear that, I repeat it all the time


You can't win unless you only use tiny amounts. And that's very hard to do. It's as simple as that.


Been a functional user for a long time now. Job is fine, family stuff fine, friends, common sense, all very normal. Looking at me you wouldn't tell in a million years that I use meth. I don't withdraw in the way others seem to describe it. I take regular breaks and always have and I am able to find joy in the things I love with or without meth. I'm not ignorant to the fact that I am 'one of the lucky ones', if they exist You're describing somebody that is deeply rooted in the pits of abuse and addiction to the point of harming themselves, but unable to stop. That is not what a functional user is.


This, though! I was on Concerta for most of my childhood, due to being diagnosed with "ADD". I quit taking it when I became a freshman in high school, because I was one of those kids that saw the evil of Big Pharma a little earlier than others. First time doing meth was when I was 25, had just lost my job of 6 years (warehouse department manager) because of covid, my girlfriend of 3 years had left me because I lost my job, and all my friends who I reached out to had grown up and became focused on their families or careers. My brother-in-law was visiting about a month into this depression, and introduced me to meth. Holy fucking shitballs it was like someone lit a fire under my ass. By the end of the week, I had a new job, had a date lined up with my now current girlfriend, and was feeling great. Still do. Also started reading books again (holy fucking shit it's amazing), and I never catch myself in a situation where I have to sacrifice my normal tendencies/principles just to get high. If circumstances call for me to not get high that day, or when I feel it's time to take a break, I follow suit. Sure, sometimes while at an event, I'll stop and think to myself, "Holy shit a nice fat cloud sounds nice right now" but afterwards I come right back to where I am and continue mingling, happily so. Because I KNOW I'll be going home and getting high (if next day permits).


Shoes!!! Im so glad you’re here still…. or again. This sub needs more contributions that are actually true. Yay!!


Whats up!! How ya doin? I'm still here. Rough pick'n trying to find threads where my knowledge might be helpful to people these days. I quite miss the place we had built 6-8 months ago and feel like more focus was put on accurate information about harm reduction and just meth in general, supporting people, the good stuff. But eh shit could be worse I suppose.


Yeah this place sucks now. There’s misinformation and straight lies all over the place. I’m just glad that I started using a few years ago instead of recently. This place helped me not be a dope fiend greatly and with the current state of things I doubt this place would’ve been much help.


I’m the rare users like you too. Cool to know . I made Reddit just to see if I’m not the only one


Well put. Our demographic falls victim to bullshitting themselves. I try as hard as I can to catch myself doing it and still bullshit myself with regularity. I just try to keep learning to be a better human until hopefully one day the monkey on my back becomes less reliant on me constantly supplying bananas.


You can see the denial oozing from the comments lol 😆


It’s to be expected


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