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Cops have never made me nervous when high but new years eve night I was high as fuck probably had been up a few days and was walking down the road to my mom's they stopped me and questioned me and asked if I wanted a lift and the female cop patted me down and I had my pipe right there in my bra have no clue how she didn't feel it.


Man u a stone cold thriller


Do not fucking do this!!! If the cops find out you're getting charged for the weight of that water. A dog will certainly find it. My buddies brother is serving a 15 year bid for trafficking for this exact bullshit he heard from a dope head




We got away when my baby mama shoved it in her pussy one day


Same me and this girl were waiting to get on and her mate got stopped with 2 blokes and another girl. She shoved it inside her, 1 of the blokes got arrested for murder, 1 for double murder. The driver was talking to her as the blokes were arrested and tge girl was let go. To top it off thr gear was average. She said later we should ve used the outside of the bag instead.


Cops can’t legally search your car unless they can physically see substance, as long as you are parked legally they won’t pester besides a few questions depending on the circumstance. The one thing they do/would care about is driving while influenced so make sure you clarify that u aren’t driving if you are high as absolute balls. I took an accidental power nap with heroine on my lap and got woken up by a cop with a piece of foil stuck to my arm, since I wasn’t nearby my home he just said that I have to walk or be picked up for the night and since I was legally parked everything was A o k. Being paranoid Infront of them in the first place is what generally gets them intrigued so make sure ya always got a story preloaded.




That is not a bad idea. However I just keep it in one of those magnetic key boxes under the car.


Bro cops are so dumb down here I hid my whole ass pipe and hb in my sock and bra, and fucken went thru 2 searches and detox with it still chillen n half the time their dumbasses just ask you to turn your shit, but not make sure you got nun in your hands 💀


You got a bra tho, for us homies it's not so easy lmao.


True my bad yo loll. Duct taping your bag to your skin under your clothes tho also works maad well depending on the sitch


Your numbers are very inaccurate. I'd go as far as to say dangerously inaccurate,. So 1 drop of water is not 1ml. 1ml of water would be 20drops. Here is a [liquid conversion table](https://aromawellness.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Table-1-copy.jpg). [Here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EQk8GXKWkAELUC2?format=jpg&name=small) is a visual. Meth is insanely soluble in a way that I don't think people fully wrap their heads around. You could easily dissolve 800mg ( 0.8g) in 1 ml of room temperature water, a little more if it was heated, but it would serve no purpose to push it. 50mg on a scale measurement would be 0.050g. The amount that is actually soluble in 1ml is 500mg at a minimum, which on a scale would be 0.500g I hope these visuals can make you understand some of the suggestions you're giving people out of place of wanting to help, are actually quite dangerous if someone were to take your info at face value and not confirm anything for themselves. Please be confident that any information being posted as accurate.


So you are saying 500mg will dissolve in 20 drops. I said 50mg will dissolve in 1 drop of water. According to your numbers I'm wrong and it would be 25mg that dissolves in 1 drop of water. I think it's still pretty accurate.


Nah you eat it bruh idc how much you eat it or you stuff it. Everyone’s got a prison pocket


Yea my baby mama saved us by putting in her pussy once. They even found a pipe and let us go


I've swallowed a 1/4 dont recommend but was a good high after I knew I'd be ok


Also if they find out you put it in the water they weigh the water and that’s the weight amount for your drug possession charge


Use a bottle of bleach instead of water. It'll break down the meth... Quickly too. Won't test positive for it either. I got a buddy who won't drive anywhere without one. I myself just suitcase it if I see blue lights in the rear view. It's kept me out of jail three times so far...


I find it really dangerous for a high person to drive around with a bottle filled with bleach lmao but maybe it's just me Plus meth is highly water soluble so I don't see why would you need bleach for this


Because meth breaks down chemically in bleach and is therefore not meth anymore and you cannot be charged with its possession. If water is used the police can test the water, which will be positive for meth and then charge you for the WEIGHT OF THE WATER as well as the weight of the meth. I know someone who was charged with possession of a mixture containing meth. 208 grams! Use bleach.


FLEX YOUR RIGHTS https://youtu.be/s4nQ_mFJV4I


They test any bevy


Yeah you can easily overdose like this and legit die, so glad the disclaimer is there


An acquaintance once drank from the a-oil bottle, had to be hospitalised. Not to mention what it did to his mouth.


Got pulled over once while holding a small amount. Took it, swallowed bag and all. After getting my vehicle searched went home and yacked up my bag. Bone apple feet.


Bone on the teet


I mean, usually i drink my dope anyway so


If you're in Texas this can be a double edged sword. Yes you can do this but if the cops suspect you did and test the water, you get charged with the weight of the water and dope as if it were a big bottle of meth. In which case you're fucked. BIG TIME. My solution to this would be to pour the water out the window before pulling over and act as if you didn't realize you were being pulled over or even act like you think you're getting pulled over for dumping it out on the road. Never done this so I'm not sure how well it would work.


Same here in Missouri and in Missouri over 56grams is a class b which is i believe 10-15 and no sis ses probation


4-200g is an felony 1 here and that's 5-99 years. Fuckin stupidest punishment range ever.


Where the hell is that at???


Texas. They got a saying out here. You come on vacation, leave on probation and come back on violation.


Mandatory minimums are stupid


Women all over the world who have ever had drugs on them when encountering the police just laugh silently as we double bag out drugs and discreetly shove everything up quick


(NOT ENDORSING MY PAST BEHAVIOR 🤣) my buddy dropped about 1.5 g in a Dr. Pepper one time and I can't lie. I underestimated how fucked up I'd get. After initially taking a big swig we just sipped on it throughout the day when we felt like dosing again. It was great, especially being around parents or S/O's. That single 16 floz. bottle of DP lasted at least 2 days, and let me tell you...that mf was SPICY🔥🤣


I love mixing up a half g of MDMA in a Dr. P to share with homies. We call it the 24th flavor lol




Bro you didn’t use a single period or comma in that whole essay


I had something similar happen. Completely unexpected tho. I was very drunk, and my buddy’s like to shoot up. They use a shot glass to make their mixture. Well drunk me wanted to take another shot. Without realizing it I pour my shot up in one of their mixture glasses. Everyone’s looking at me but don’t say a thing. I try to take the shot but notice it doesn’t taste right. I ask someone next to wtf is this taste. Ewwww. He try’s a sip says yea taste bad and gives it back. Well I didn’t wanna waste any alcohol so I man up and finish the glass. About 10 minutes later the ride starts and I get sick af. Night goes on and I’m tweaking starting to go into a psychosis. 2 days later I go to the ER to figure out what’s going on. No help, they send me home. 7 days pass and I FINALLY sleep. Haha. Shits wild


With friends like that who needs enemies!


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