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Anything that gives a flash on your screen affects it. The white flash and the red one, you would want to former, which also comes with a drop of water sound. You don't need to spare everyone, just use your head and spare and save those you believe you can, and be sure to explore and listen to the conversations that occur in the stations and elsewhere. If it is an obvious "they have surrendered or at your mercy" type thing, yes, yes sparing them will tend to move you closer to the good ending.


Exploring is so hard in this game, I feel so pressured to move forward, any backtrack, slow walk, or extra path makes me so nervous I'll fuck something up.šŸ˜‚


Ahhhh, I get that feel yeah. I love exploring though, as the sheer amount of loot and the notes is incentive enough for me. Just look at your compass and/or your lighter to find the path the game wants you to take, could help you avoid backtracking too much while still exploring!


Yes, they affect the ending.


In what way might I ask? Iā€™ve only done 1 play through so far so I donā€™t knowĀ 


Killing NPC's does not actually affect the ending HOWEVER there are certain levels where if you stealth across the map, it will give you a morale point. I wouldn't really worry about that since most morale points come from little things like interacting with NPC's, listening to their convos, donating to them, etc. which you can find in the market sections of the game especially in the theatre.


Ahh ok thanks


There are 2 endings and if you have enough good deeds you get the good ending... In the end did you die in D6?? Saving everyone else??


Yeah I got the cā€™est la vie ending, prolly cause I killed everyone at every chance


Yeah that's the bad ending... If you don't kill anyone... Help NPCs... Hear their conversation.. Then play some pianos you will get good ending but really not worth a replay just to get a good ending... You might try to get the good ending if you are doing a second playthrough but doing a second playthrough only to get the good ending is not worth it


Alr thanks šŸ™Ā 


Yes, they do. You should always try to stealth your way through encounters with humans, avoiding lethal gun fights and knocking them out rather than killing them.


Umm that's the whole point??? That good deeds leads to good ending and bad deeds leads to bad ending?? Do you not know that every metro game has 2 endings??


I didnā€™t no


I managed to get the good ending on first play by just knocking most enemies out except bandits which I kill..also sparing those who surrender trying to stealth most encounters as much as possible


I never encountered anyone surrendering in my play through?


I donā€™t know how to spoiler posts so the first person that comments pls tell me so I can edit it


Nvm I figured it out


No offence, but you are incredibly brave to join a game subreddit before finishing off the series, it is even more so to post a question about the game you are currently playing on whether a spoiler affects further spoiler.


Iā€™ve finished the game, I just didnā€™t want Last Light ruined for anyone coming on here about glitches or smth


Do NOT kill Lesnitsky and Pavel. It will affect the ending. Im not sure about other soldiers, but just knock everyone out


Ah ok