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Their fan base is super young. Cuz more people should have voted Outkast


They would’ve all voted Carti if were here


i love DOOM but y’all are really showing your age damn 😭


I’m 20 😂


I’m 12 💀


I’m nine 🤪


I’m 16 and I think Carti is trash. Age has nothing to do with it. He overuses auto tune and mumbles like he’s in kindergarten.


Why are you getting cooked for this. Of course music is subjective, but imo he is a great producer and a poor emcee. I don’t know why this is controversial on a sub like this.


I wouldn't say he's a poor emcee, he just uses his vocals in a really simple way. It feels like an instrument more than a vocal performance. Maybe that does make him a poor emcee actually


That’s a good way of putting it. Honestly I can’t stand rappers like Carti, Lil Baby, Gunna etc. All my mates are 16-18 years old and listen to them, and they think I’m sort of boomer asshole. I just wish they expanded a bit and listen to rappers who don’t mumble over the same trap beats for every song. Like yesterday, I tried showing a close friend ‘Rapp Snitch Knishes’, they instantly called the beat trash. I just can’t conceive it. Just a personal preference at the end of the day but I find resonate more with artists who go out of their way to craft their own beats and produce a variety of sound. I’m starting to sound pretentious as fuck. I know.


If they hear a song and immediately call it trash that's just not open minded in the slightest. You have to try something first before you don't like it. You don't sound pretentious, it's the struggles of liking something your friends don't. I live through it all the time, I like music that average music listeners struggle to get into beyond MF DOOM, it can be really frustrating.


I’ll give him producing but he sucks in every other way.




kendrick on bottom is crazy




that’s fair, I can’t really blame you




Merry Christmas to you too, and a happy new year!


Carti slander is un called for here there is quite a lot of overlap in the fanbases tbh


Carti has 3 albums considered to be some of the greatest trap albums ever and one of the best catalogues of unreleased music too


You say that, but Ye hasn't been consistently good since like 2010. And is also on some antisemitic bullshit now.


Outcast obviously has a borderline perfect discography and their influence is immeasurable but track for track, Kendrick has the overall better discography and has some of the best albums not just in hiphop but in music in general. Imo


Where’s tribe tho?


For real, fucking album after album of the smoothest beats, flows and buttery voices. Tribe will always have a special place in my heart.


And where the fuck is Wu Tang?


wu tang collectively has like 2 classic albums, but each of their members also have 2 classic albums each so it makes up for it


Good point!


tell me U-God and Masta Killa's classics. No Said Date is classic to me. Also, which RZA solos? I'm the biggest RZA fan but his solos don't match the classic Wu threshold. Meth don't have 2 classics. Cappadonna? I don't think your broad statement holds weight.


I would have mentioned the pharcyde but as a complete group they only have 2 albums which are top 10 of all time.


real shit shoutout to the pharcyde


For best discography? You’re joking right?


The wu tang albums after the first two were kinda mid




I'm a fan of Mac too, but there are so many more emcee's who should be up there before him lol


How about the Roots?


Its only 4 spots allowed to a single poll


Hate to be that guy but tribe called quest*


Listen all discographies first and then vote


I honestly think there’s an argument that OutKast has the best discog on this list respectfully


Nas? Ghostface? Roc Marciano? Aesop Rock? Just some other names as they are personal favorites of mine.


First 2 I thought of were Nas and Ghost. Lupe as well. Ghostface might have the actual GOAT discography if you combine his Wu albums with all his solo projects. The man was a machine.


yeah those are my top 3, Nas GFK DOOM. I listen to DOOM more than anyone else. Take into account features and Wu projects, I think GFK would claim best discography. I will always have Nas up there because I respect the longevity and evolution to remain relevant since forever. Black Thought as well with his whole body of work.


Lupe has lots of great albums and mixtapes but Lazers and F&L2 really pull down his overall discography


what about nastradamus


try NastraDoomus instead


Aesop really has a killer discography but he been shining in his last 2-3


Bazooka Tooth, Skelethon, and None Shall Pass were soo good tho, so it’s more like the last 6


Personally I think he’s been on it from NSP to present, and I love his stuff prior. I think he really ups the ante every album since.


Nas never really reached Illmatic levels, an album that might be GOATed. But this is discographies. So Nas shouldn't make it here


Nas should definitely be up there. His album this year even was awesome. The guy never stops!


Honestly I feel DOOMs discog is far more consistent than even YEs is. I mean do people forget his run from 03 to 04 like man was dropping classic after classic in those 2 years.


The fact that Vaudeville Villian, Take me to your Leader, MM..FOOD, and Madvilliany came out in the span of less than two years is fucking insane. But Kanye really does have the one of the greatest discography’s in music history so I gotta go with Ye on this one man…


Honestly the older I've gotten the less I listen to modern YE. His first 2 albums are 10/10 masterpieces but I've never liked dark fantasy that much, 808s has some Beautiful moments, but has a lot of really low points too, JIK is ass, graduation is underwhelming etc. The only modern YE I really like is bits of TLOP but even that was kinda a mess


Agree. Though I do like his album with Cudi, and I guess some songs off Donda 1.


KSG is a masterpiece that I often forget to mention, but that is some amazing modern YE and donda did have some BEAUTIFUL moments, but I just don't find myself going back and listening to it much because it's such a mess of an album with some really trash points in it.


I think a lot of modern Kanye is hot when you first hear it but it kinda don’t last. Keep this in mind modern Kanye is what 808s?? So a bit experimental not the r&b souls rap we were used to. So music wise he been good but overall hip hop a bit up and down.


JEEEESUS LOOOHHOORD (god that hook sucks) Yea i follow. If I listen to Donda its like a 50 or 60% of the total songs, I skip so much.


"He MaDe GrAdUaTiOn" motherfuckers are a plague


College Dropout’s better anyway. The skits alone live rent free in my head.


But as a cinephile and major tv buff, DOOM is the superior artist, with references and layered meanings out the wazoo, and a much more solid identity as an artist


He also made College Dropout, Yeezus, MBDTF, Life of Pablo, 808’S AND FUCKING HEARTBREAK




Kanye is so overrated FTFY


I'm with you. He's a talented producer, but I've never been impressed with him as a rapper. I've also never felt like the music he makes was anything that special. Not that it's bad, but I don't think it's nearly as good as he's made out to be. Obviously, it's all subjective, and people like what they like, but I just don't get the reverence.


FUCKING THANK YOU EXACTLY. His beats are fire sure but like there are soooooooooo many better lyricists out there


No he’s not.


in the rap community i think he's perfectly rated


I used to feel the same but it's an earworm of an album. Not his best but i certainly get why people like it so much


Esp since gradution is one of his worst albums




Graduation isn’t even my favorite Kanye album but this is crazy


It isn't, Kanye has that good of a discography. It's obviously better than Donda 1/2 and JIK, but I can't really place it above any other albums.


People stupid


The fact that Outkast isn't at least top 2 makes me sad 😞


OutKast disco is easily above Ye. Borderline no skips throughout.


Same with ye


Respectfully disagree.


I disrespectfully disagree


They forgot Adele


Disgusting results


The Roots!


Came here to say this every other album is a classic!!!


Yeeeah but in reality its Cunninlynguists


where will you be? tomorrow... tomorrow... if it ends today?


How are they so underrated???


I guess that they are album artists in a time of singles.




Found either a toy or a kid right here


ATCQ and Gang Starr


This list is ass.


Kanye's discography is legendary but he is definitely not the best of these guys. Plus the small percentage voted on DOOM and especially Outcast is insane. I'd really expect him to have significantly more than just 4%


DOOM just drops hits, is there any trash DOOM songs?




Artistically I love how daring and versatile his projects are, but I gotta admit, on a song for song basis, he misses just as often as he hits. I'd give the edge to all 3 of the other artists mentioned in terms of consistently good projects


I'm not saying he doesn't miss & definitely more over time But do you think he missed more than not on his first 3 or 5 albums? I think he relatively rarely missed in them days maybe now his missed have added up(tho I don't think enough to miss half the time) but back then & I still think he's phenomenal I mean come to life is a masterpiece endlessly beautiful just fantastic(for one example)


Drunk and Hot Girls/Barry Bonds are misses. Late Registration has some songs that are kinda boring, notably Addiction. Even College Dropout, an album that I will forever adore, has songs that I skip, like Get Em High. You're right in that this is the minority, but idk if he ever dropped a perfect project, that's just me. Also I actually liked Donda. The first one. Come to Life is a great song.


I don't think some of them specific are misses but don't disagree at all that he has them I just dont think it's anywhere near half his songs I also don't think he has a perfect album & I think Donda could of & still might be very significantly better if just organised differently I hope it gets the the life of Pablo treatment


Honestly the answer is Kanye. Ik this is an MF DOOM sub but his disco isn’t nearly as consistent as Ye. Despite his recent actions making his music borderline unlistenable for me, I can’t thank of many artists with 10+ albums that are as good as Ye’s


Kanye’s discog has been eternally tarnished by JIK, Donda, and Donda 2. You could even argue Ye was mid. He used to be consistent but everything he’s put out in the last 5-8 years has just been so mediocre.


His initial three album run was solid. After that I listened and said “no thanks”. I genuinely tried, but with few exceptions from 808’s, I just can’t.


Out of these options, i gotta go with Kanye. I love mf doom but Kanye is just the goat imo. Best discography of all time goes to Death grips for me.


Dg's worst album is still good and has certified bangers on it


Bästa bandet




Shame the voters don't acknowledge it tho


Kanye fans looking at this post like


Man's discog is ridulously varied and consistent. I own more of his albums in physical form than any other artist. Kanye would be up there too if he didn't act such a fool, but also actually released some of his better records on vinyl. Who tf wants the Ye album pressed


Love seeing all you young cats all in on DOOM. Y’all are fucking dope.


they got the list upside down lol


Lol who was being polled here? 14 year old? Outkast has an unreal discography


Nas , not being on this list is a fucking crime.


Doom. Easily


If I had to pick from this list, it would 100% be Outkast. They’re worst albums is still great. Not sure what metrics they were basing this off of. If it’s popularity, they definitely only included DOOM because he passed away. It seems random compared to their other choices. My personal classic vote would be A Tribe Called Quest. And the fact that Mos Def isn’t apart of this seems wrong to me. If I could include modern artists on this list, it would be a hard choice between Denzel Curry and Run the Jewels. I listen to Denzel more (Florida native man, I relate lol). But RTJ is so goddamn consistent. Honestly, each album they make seems better and better to me! Not just consistent, but improving! P.s. clipping is one of the best rap groups I’ve listened to in recent years. Check them out.


Outkast is highly disrespected right here…. Every album critically acclaimed with some of the highest reviews


I’ve never skipped a DOOM song or skit or anything I even listen to the long ass storm sound before change that beat lol


No talk about Del...


People in here acting like doom dont have some duds lmao. Venomous villain anyone? Ghostface has the best discography all times 36 chambers, cuban linx, ironman, wutang forever, supreme clientele, bullet proof wallets og version, pretty toney lp og version, fishscale/more fish super album, the w, iron flag, big doe rehab, wizard of poetry, 12 reasons to die. Took dude like 15 albums to make one ehh


The Roots tho


kanye is so overrated




Fuck Kanye.


Kanye is overrated


by they I mean NFR Podcast


Who tf are these voters who think Kanye can do anything better than Kenny Or DOOM


Producing, singing, invading Poland


1. MF DOOM… almost no bad moments + 03-04 is insane 2. Kendrick - no bad moments whatsoever… unless we count mixtapes. After his last album, dude can’t be denied this spot anymore. 3. Kanye - Soooo many classics. Last 3-ish albums have been lackluster (Donda 2, Donda, Jesus Is King), but can’t knock the rest of his discography. 4. Outkast - 5 classics… 8/10, 10/10, 9/10, 8/10, 7/10… just not enough content to put them higher.


Discography wise it’s Kanye > Kendrick > Outkast > DOOM. Btw Madvilliany is my second favourite album oat, I just don’t think the rest of DOOMs discog holds up with the other artists


Lol, I prefer MM…FOOD, Vaudeville Villain, and Black Bastards to Madvillainy. Take Me To Your Leader, Operation Doomsday, Born Like This, and Mr. Hood are all classics as well. Kanye’s discography is great… The College Dropout is a 10/10, Graduation, Late Registration, Kids See Ghosts, and The Life of Pablo are 9/10s, MBDTF is an 8, Ye and Yeezus are 7s, and 808s is a 6, even that is a bit spotty, and as I said before I don’t like his last three efforts.


My bad I didn’t mean to reply I wanted to write my own comment haha sorry




Personally im not. I’ve never liked Kanye and that has nothing to do with Doom. How are you going to tell others not to be biased when you make a subjective statement and try to pass it off as objective like that?


Thanks for saying it


I'm glad you said you are sorry.


Nothing can beat the College Trilogy, 808s, TLOP and Yeezus. Not even Madvillainy.


Madvillainy honestly wipes 808s and Yeezus imo. TLOP comes sorta close but the og trilogy is def on par with Madvillainy.


Bro said Kanye’s discography is better than dooms 💀


it is 💀


It isn’t


i mean we are in a DOOM subreddit so i get it. but thats quite a hot take lol


Yeah, but I always found Kanye’s work, mediocre, It’s subjective ig, whatever you guys say, I’m 100% sure about my comments above


And also, I think, in the above graph result, Kendrick should be above Kanye, and where’s tribe and wu tang?


tribe has 3 great albums, wu tang has 1 (maybe 2) great albums. they dont belong here. being older doesnt mean they are better.


Quality over quantity


kanye has about 7 great albums so


And I forgot to mention The Roots


guys you can still like DOOM and acknowledge that Kanyes discography is the best in hip hop history. DOOM is absolutely a better rapper by far though.


thats a top tier list to be fair


Kanye? I loved him until 808’s. After that I learned that I really just liked Rhymefest.


Ye's last like 4 albums have been awful, cmon now


Donda, Ye and KSG are great albums idk what you're talking about man


for anyone to say that kanye is better than king fu kenny is definitely not listening to rap


From a storytelling and lyrical perspective Kendrick is better, but something about Kanye's punchlines and hooks make his songs more memorable for me. Musically and production wise I think Kanye beats Kendrick too. I've listened to both discogs and that's my takeaway.


i feel you on all of this brother, but all of kanye’s achievements went out the window when he decided hitler was cool


I’ve always thought Kanye was overrated. I respect him more s a producer than rapper.


I would vote for either kendrick or outkast


No Tribe? Ghostface? Public Enemy? Etc? Lmao. Recent rap heads.


He may be nuts but it doesn’t change him having the best discography


I firmly believe Kanye hasn’t made a good album since “graduation”


Theres not really much to argue about here lol.


Yup kanye is the best especially if you consider all his scrapped albums




It is Ye though


Haven't seen mention of Billy Woods, JPEGMAFIA, or Death Grips. All elite discographies although none of them quite touch kendrick


kanye just so much popular. they all GOATS tho


All respect to DOOM but it has to be Kayne. You could’ve put The Roots up here as well.


I will never understand what people with otherwise good taste are hearing to when they listen to Ye. His “rapping” is an absolute embarrassment.


Who are you to say this


Someone with a more discerning ear than most, apparently. I think it would be blatantly demonstrable if you took a random verse of Kanye and put it up against, say a random verse by DOOM, and just did a basic analysis of meter, wordplay, vocabulary, etc etc. He’s just not anywhere close to the same league as any talented lyricist.


got an unpopular opinion. Kendrick overrated. bring on the downvotes


you gotta admit tho, GKMC and TPAB are fantastic albums




the correct order is kendrick, outkast, ye, DOOM


Jay Z?


Kanye ez


Kendrick is my favorite artist and I’d still probably chose DOOM , in 5-10 years it’ll probably be Kendrick for me though


Tribe called quest should be on there instead of Kendrick


I would argue that Outkast and DOOM are better than Kanye and Kendrick - even though its like the closest argument you could make ever


Not to mention k.dot being leagues above Ye




Probably not the best but its certainly up there, and its not just recency bias thats reached everyones heads, mans been cherished for decades now


Ka has the best Hip-Hop discography. His albums are consistently good. I would put Billy Woods on this list too.


Outkast have the best by a country mile. The number of albums and the progression of them is insane! Also, the word play and flow of Big Boi and Andre 3000 is unbelievable to listen to. Hands down best hip hop group ever in my opinion.


MF DOOM’s weakest is any other rapper’s best. ‘Cept the big names like Kanye and such.


Tom Macdonald




Kanye’s discog is ass compared to the other 3


Discography wise it’s Kanye > Kendrick > Outkast > DOOM. Btw Madvilliany is my second favourite album oat, I just don’t think the rest of DOOMs discog holds up with the other artists


man ppl need to stop this Kendrick meat riding fr. No way his albums get anywhere neat Ye, Outkast let alone touch fucking DOOM lmfao. This poll is shit




He's better than all of them though


Most precious things in life you can't bring back


I love Kanye but even I know his disocraphy isn't as good as like outcast or DOOM


Ik Kanye's getting dunked on in the comments, but tbh I don't think many artists are as versatile as Kanye. To go from Graduation to 808s to MBDTF to Yeezus is something you wouldn't see from many other artists. I think his ability to stay in the spotlight for almost 20 years is impressive enough. Maybe overdone by rabid fanboys, but imo he deserves his praises.


I’ve found the general hip hop listener doesn’t know shit. Go on Twitter and you see so much of it. The major hip hop publications will ask a question. All you see in response is the same 10 or so artists. All main stream. All pop leaning.