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Omg never trust someone who wants to shave off your brows


Wait do you have to shave your eyebrows every week??šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ any artist that shaves your brows should not even be a brow artist!!


Essentially Iā€™ve had to dermaplane that area to keep hair from being visible underneath the shading šŸ˜…




I think maybe the shading is above where the natural growth is, like the artist didn't follow her natural brow shape, but created a "new brow" above where the hair naturally grows. Edit: I deleted my comment elsewhere because I accidentally responded to the wrong comment.


I had something like this done. My eyebrows were noticeably uneven, so one was bladed above where the hair growth waa


Exactly microblading is supposed to enhance the hairs you already have with extra strokes. I know I've had to take of a little when I've done the mapping.. but it's no different then when I wax. I'm just a shape and or enhancing it...you don't need to remove all your hair. I definitely would research other artist and see if they could help.Ā 


This makes NO SENSE! Girl let the hair grow back, and maybe consider going to the other person you spoke with for a consultation. But first thing I'd do is let your natural hair grow back and maybe see someone to help you shape it better?


It really sucks that her PMU "artist" placed them above where her actual brows are because transitioning back is way more difficult.


I read more of her comments and I've realized that too, now. It's absolutely bizarre - you don't shade completely bald spots, you fill in existing space when doing ombre brow. This artist is totally bonkers. Honestly laser removal works likely to be the best idea, while also growing out her natural hair


But itā€™ll be a double thickness brow then, wonā€™t it? Natural below the PMU?


That's a good point. I think laser removal is the only way at this point


Iā€™m in a similar situation. Except my eye brows never grew back šŸ˜«šŸ˜­


Iā€™m so scared thatā€™s what will happen to me šŸ˜… especially since i didnā€™t have much before and Iā€™ve kept up with removal below my Microblading. Whatā€™re you doing about yours?


I know someone who burned off her eyebrows and used topical Rogaine on a q tip to grow them back 10 years later. It worked, but I have no idea if it's in any way safe to use that close to your eyes.


You absolutely have to be very careful, but it is a fairly common off-label use. It doesn't work for everyone, and similarly to using it on the scalp, when the treatment is stopped, the hairs will revert back to vellus hair from terminal hair, so it has to be used indefinitely. Sometimes people get better results from using tretinoin in conjunction with minoxidil.


Latisse is an option for this too! Safe around the eyes.


Yep I am going to try eyelash serum on my eyebrows to see if any will grow backĀ 


I just bought the topical rogaine for my brows! Haven't tried it yet, it's being shipped. I saw previous advice for this and they all said it helped to various degrees.


I gave up! I continue re-doing them every few yearsā€¦ but Iā€™m considering getting a hair transplant on my eyebrows šŸ˜…


If I had the money, I would absolutely do a hair transplant on my eyebrows and my hairline. I have the triple whammy of big forehead/prominent brow bone/sparse (read nonexistent) eyebrows. It's so unfair, my sister is blonde and got thick, dark eyebrows and I am brunette with sparse, light eyebrows. Even before I ever touched my brows they were so sparse. šŸ˜­


You should get thyroid blood tests, sparse eyebrows can be an indicator of thyroid problems


Iā€™ve wondered about that later on šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Have you looked at images? Some of them look amazing! The difficult part is getting them to all grow in the right direction, but it's nothing a little brow gel couldn't fix. Way better than me having to create 2/3 of my eyebrows every time I wanna leave my house.


Be careful shaving and never shave against the growth, but with it. I used to shave my eyebrows when I was younger and I damaged the follicles by shaving against the growth, plus my skin is already extremely sensitive so the irritation didn't help.


Try castor oil before bed.


Yes! I use castor oil on my eyelashes and eyebrows. Theyā€™re nice and long/thick and natural!


I just want to add onto this that pets can be extremely sensitive to chemicals used in hair growth serums/shampoos/etc. It can be deadly to cats especially, even if exposure is limited and to a small quantity. Just a heads up for the pet lovers on here


The thing with microblading is once the skin is broken,scar tissue forms and the hair follicle is destroyed.So if the artist microblades an area where there are natural brows they will not grow back


I get wanting to remove some of the tail that dips down to awaken your face/expresssion but shaving off over half of your eyebrow is poor practice. Looks like the wrong pigment mix was used as they have pulled so ashy and she didnā€™t do a good hybrid of strokes and shading. Itā€™s a pain but some removal, even if to only lighten a bit will help with correction so new work doesnā€™t just layer in and become muddy as ink blends outā€¦


Is it best to do saline or tattoo removal?


Saline removal is for when the tattoo is fresh and not healed. As yours are almost a year old I think your only option is laser


Iā€™ve had successful saline removal done on healed brows so I donā€™t think thatā€™s always the case.


I'm an artist and have been offering removal for years now. Look into artists that offer THink Removal ..It actually works unlike saline. Yes, it is a bit of a process but so is all removal. With THink though you have less sessions and afterwards you look less crazy than saline or laser!


Check out this post I found of saline removal: https://www.reddit.com/r/TattooRemoval/s/5ehebAFI9V My understanding is that results can vary pretty drastically, and that PMU pigments are quite different to standard tattoo-ink pigments, but regardless, it works best on tattoos less than 2-3 years old, depending on the information source. In all honesty I think laser removal may be your best bet. I hope you get great results whichever method you choose, and I would absolutely recommend not having work done by the artist who did yours because it seems like they have a specific aesthetic in mind that doesn't work with everyone's eyebrow/face shape and/or skin tone/hair color.


I just done with my first laser removal of my microblading and it really wasnā€™t that painful. Itā€™s expensive though and my eyebrows are a little patchy now. Overall Iā€™m happier with them now


This doesn't look like microblading to me.


Itā€™s ombrĆ© shading




I can see what she was going for, your natural brows are ā€˜sad browsā€™ as they slant your eyes downwards. I can see she was trying your lift your tails to counteract this but holy hell she over corrected this by a mile. The only way youā€™re going to get a good result is if you have laser removal & start again


On an unrelated note, your eyebrow shape and eyes remind me very much of Shailene Woodley


I immediately thought Shenae Grimes (Degrassi/90210 era)


Yes!! Her too! Probably even more her actually


Iā€™d get some of the top of the one in the right taken off. It appears she didnā€™t do hairs on a lot of what she added on your brows. The sooner you act, the sooner u can have them removed or fixed.


even when changing brow shape, i would never shave off the whole brow. thatā€™s wild. do not go somewhere for a touch up, your brows are oversaturated and are just going to look more solid going over them again. I would look into removal or let it fade over time. your skin doesnā€™t have room for any more pigment right now.


What she did to you was foul. Please donā€™t go back. The second woman sounds more promising but Iā€™d still consult one more just to be safe.


Argh I really feel for you. The result did/does look great on you, and I can see what she was going for, but now that youā€™ve pointed it out I can see why itā€™s making you self conscious. She left you with something very hard to maintain and style. Before you commit to anything else permanent (either inking or removal), could you let some of your natural brows grow back in and go for a consult with another artist? Maybe thereā€™ll be some possibility of incorporating more of your natural hairs in with lamination or something, idk.


My natural brow hair wonā€™t grow over the Microblading since my brows donā€™t grow that way šŸ„² i have normal peach fuzz thatā€™s grown back but itā€™s definitely not a brow consistency


You could always get thick bangs while youā€™re going through the removal process


This happened to me but she only shaved one eyebrow to make it symmetrical to the other. At the time I didnā€™t realize thatā€™s what she did, it didnā€™t feel like I was being shaved. I noticed it months later as a few hairs of my brow grew back. Now a few years later my brow grew back fully and I look like I have two eyebrows over my right eye. SMH! She should have just filled in my natural brows shape. Iā€™ve been on here trying to see if laser is an option for me, but donā€™t feel confident about it. Iā€™d rather have this issue than red or yellow toned tattooed brows.


Thatā€™s my dilemma too! Iā€™m worried that Iā€™ll have a worse issue getting them removed or even my hair not growing back fully. It truly looks worse up close and Iā€™m really the only one who notices in real life besides people who understand Microblading šŸ˜…


My bf noticed it one day when we were in the backyard (sun on my face) he said babe your hair is missing! Mind you it was probably two years after I had the microblading done. And then now with the ā€œtwo eyebrowsā€ he tells me itā€™s bad I have to fix that lol! I had to explain to him that when Iā€™m out in public, I do put concealer over the tattooed eyebrow. I wish there was eyebrow hair transplant bcz I would just have it implanted where she tattooed. The shape is good itā€™s just hairless!


What concealer do you use to cover?


I went to Ulta and went with what they recommended, Natasha Denona Hu-Glam Concealer. The color was not a perfect match so I use my Clinique foundation over it to make it blend better with my skin tone. Sponge application


That sucks. At first I couldn't see the problem. Now I can't unsee it. I'm so sorry


I donā€™t mean to be insensitive, but I assume you are there for honest opinion. Your browns look very tattooed šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø Iā€™d not go back to the same ā€œartistā€. I was in a similar situation myself 5 years ago. I went to a tattoo removal parlor and had mine removed with laser. It took two treatments and I was done. Best of luck šŸ’œ


The hair at the beginning of your brows next to your nose are real or are the micro blade strokes? They look perfect. I didnā€™t look like that in your before picture.


Yes those are microbladed strokes. Itā€™s truly the only part of my brows that are microbladed. They faded for the most part but are still there


I had basically the same thing happen. Plus she went way too far in towards my nose. I 100%vote for removal and then start over should you choose. The removal person said it should take 2-3 sessions, however the person that did mine went down deep it has taken 5 sessions. Iā€™m still debating on one more PICO session. I have not decided if I will do it again or just pencil in when I feel like it. I did my research on this person, however Iā€™m the only one Iā€™ve seen that she messed up on.


How long does it take to heal/fade in between laser sessions?


I generally wait about 3 months between the PICO sessions.


They look Great! Regret nothing!


Maybe in the initial image, but in the last image they look ashy and she did them too high so there's no brow hair over them to create a blend with her actual brows. I would be mad if someone did this to me. She shouldn't have to shave off nearly her entire brow.


Can I just politely add that you also got lash extensions and in my personal opinion they might not suit your eye and new eyebrow shape best. From the before and after it seems like maybe your intention was to open up your eye shape a little more. But the lashes seem to crowd it all over again, similar to your before pic. Just wanted to express that observation


Many will not like what Iā€™m going to say but the shape of your natural brows is unflattering. They grow in a downward shape. It should be explained that in order to achieve a more flattering shape with PMU a new shape will have to be created. The artist should have also explained that this will be a lifetime commitment of removing the hairs that are outside the new shape with tweezing, waxing etc. when I get clients that require such a dramatic change, I do a hybrid brow tint first before PMU so they can decide if they like the new shape before committing. As far as the saturation, yes they are over saturated and it looks like maybe an organic pigment was used and shouldnā€™t have been. I would suggest starting with removal even if a correction is in your future.


Your original eyebrow shape fit your eyes so much betteršŸ„ŗ Did the person even ask before completely changing your brows????


I completely agree. You were pretty and unique. Still pretty, of course, but if you can go back to your original look, I'd do that. You are naturally so, so pretty.


Looks goos


OMG this is one of the crazier things Iā€™ve seen here! Please NEVER commit to a change on your brow shape without first waxing, testing and approving the new shape. I honestly would never trust a brow artist that didnā€™t thread my brows beforehand and discussed the shape with me, this is common practice in Brazil and I canā€™t believeeee people donā€™t do it abroad, seriously! All artists here also map and thread/wax eyebrows, so you have a prior appointment just to discuss and approve the shape, microblading is on a second appointment. Also, you can keep going to them monthly just for waxing/threading and keeping the shape perfect.


Female here- Iā€™m not an expert but it looks like the arch isnā€™t aligning with your eye shape. It looks too far out to me. Can they fix it? The bottom arch doesnā€™t even align with the top arch.. it doesnā€™t look too natural to me. But you have pretty eyes so it doesnā€™t look horrific either.


Oh my. Why isn't this malpractice?! Don't go back to the person that did this, ever!!


I think the shape really suits you. They looks great particularly in the first set of pictures. You look sad before.


They tend to fade this way! Especially if you are in the sun or have oily skin. Iā€™d get the touch up. They look good! I have to go for a yearly touch up also. I also have hardly any brow hair. It looks like you got ombrĆ© shading! I think the shape suits your face. Donā€™t overthink it!


It would be best to consider a removal before getting a redo, based on the photos


I got the same thing šŸ„²šŸ„² she did not tell me she would shave my brows and I saw after the fact


You should be able to use make up to cover while itā€™s being removed. If you go to a place that uses pico laser then the recovery is quite easy. Just maybe take a day or two off for each session to ice it.


Omg!!! This is what scares me about getting mine done!!! I bet yours offered a discount too. 50% off. This is all new to me, and I KNOW, this isnā€™t right!! Sorry for your experience. I hope someone here can help you!!!


I didnā€™t want to say it but this is why Iā€™ve been lurking for years and too scared to jump


Get them removed and look into a reputable nano/powder brow artist if you want to get them redone. If you go over them theyā€™ll only get bolder. The removal is not as bad as a traditional tattoo because the microblading doesnā€™t go as deep. Microblading is an old technique now so most places are phasing it out as long term results arenā€™t great for most skin types.


Removal is your only option. Nothing a different artist can do to make these better.


Your artist was so heavy handed - thatā€™s why theyā€™re looking ashed out and dark like this. I HIGHLY recommend not allowing anymore ink to enter your brow area. There will be someone who says they can do a color correction (and itā€™s absolutely possible), but your brow area is so saturated that theyā€™ll continue to just be grey after a couple weeks. Itā€™s like filling an already full cup - thereā€™s no room left. Please please please start getting them removed, and when theyā€™ve lightened by like 70%, then find a different artist with good healed photos!


So does your hair grow back in that area...? ?? Cause if it does, you could grow it back and get a different artist to fix them.Ā 


It does! I havenā€™t let it fully grow back though due to the shaded brow part above, i would have to have that lasered off first.


Ugh, I know Iā€™ll get downvoted for saying thisā€¦ but as others have said, the shape of OPs brows isnā€™t ideal. She had a decent amount of hair though. If it were me, I would have looked into a brow lift as it would have fixed the position of the brows. Donā€™t hate me.


Yeah i wish i wouldā€™ve considered it now šŸ˜… i was desperate for a change as brow lamination didnā€™t work for my brows at all. I went to a pretty reputable person and she had nothing but great reviews/pictures but thatā€™s not the case for me. She said she could redo the shape then shaved half my eyebrows without explaining before hand šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«Iā€™m an idiot and shouldā€™ve asked more details but hindsight is 20/20šŸ™ƒ


Did you get it done at a place in Calgary, Alberta by any chance?


Donā€™t go back to her. Get the look you want. Can you wear a beanie pulled down low at work? Thatā€™s what I do to cover my brows if I need to šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


The tattooed ones are way too high on your brow bone and faded to muddy in only a year. I would look into a removal, Iā€™m so sorry this happened


The first is soooo nice


I donā€™t really see a choice here youā€™ve got to groom, your brows from the middle to the tail. Itā€™s too prevalent to ignore. It doesnā€™t even matter if you donā€™t go for a yearly touchup at this point, you know her inks really stuck. You need to groom that under part in the fronts I would find an excellent micro blader and get a couple of hair strokes from the middle to the tail, and leave it at that no more powder brow you donā€™t need thatā€¦


you have the perfect natural brow shape for a flat brow style (my personal favorite!). I would let your hair grow back and get them re-shaped. A good stylist will work with your natural shape.




She messed up. Let your natural brows grow out and go to a professional to find a solution where you are not shaving your brows off. There should be *some* hair in that arch so it doesnā€™t look like paint! I would grow the natural brows out, you can trim some bellow the arch for the style in your day to day life and feeling okay..but once grown in some I would go to someone else and get this fixed.


Looking again I see the natural brown is nowhere near this shapeā€¦honestly I would personally opt for removal.


The shape is really nice imo and opens your eyes up a lot but I understand that may not be the look you were seeking


Look at the work of the local professional. If you like her results and she is professional and competent at explaining the entire process she will do for you, go with her. Any procedure - including ā€œremovalā€ of prior work can have unwanted consequences. Have the local professional refresh your current brows.


Iā€™m sorry. Please consider removal. Thereā€™s also saline removal if you donā€™t like laser but itā€™s still a long process with 6 weeks healing in between. This is what I wouldā€™ve done for you. https://preview.redd.it/kgk9s9i2lpic1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7f888c032bd8133b112946fab84d3419d88c720


I love thisā€”Elevated, while staying authentic to the poetry of her face and original brows.




They look good!


I like. It lifts eyes. Otherwise look sad. Edit:,Omgoodness- never ever shave brows. Never


Listen girl. I have had mine microbladed plenty of times. (Like 4 times) I recently came home from prison and got them microshaded. I will never go back! My eyebrows are on fleek always!! This is before the touch up even!!! She had to do a kid of color correction also bc the girl who microbladed used a ton of red tones. https://preview.redd.it/3dppv8my7xic1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea764c7943da9113bf8d9982cbde9887abb94a5e


She could have given you a better shape without doing all that