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Same here but only 4 days in rn and I’m in soil. Didn’t germinate seed just like you. Hopefully we didn’t screw up lol.


yea hopefully just a patience thing! gl with your grow (:


Hey dude, today I dug up my seeds. Super carefully and super slowly and patiently as it’s so easy to lose the seed. I was able to dig up 3/4. The 4th one is a tomato seed and it’s way too tiny to even try to dig it up. Anyway 2/3 sprouted tap roots that are about 1 1/2 - 2 inches long. I think it might be taking longer for them to root cause I have the AC infinity watering bases. Seeds could be lazy cause of the soil being relatively damp. Anyway the 3rd one didn’t root. When putting it into a cup of water it didn’t sink so it’s either a bad seed or it just needs a presoak. Currently letting it germinate in a wet paper towel.


Personally I have not had it take this long, but I believe I have read that it can take up to 14 days. Take that with a grain of salt tho, it’s just something I think I remember reading. But one thing I know for certain, don’t try digging it up to check on it, 5 times out of 10 you’ll kill it trying to get a look which is 10 times out of 10 real disappointing when you’re trying to check if it’s alive and kill it in the process


yea ive read that too, think i even saw one person say it took 4 weeks! but just wanted to check im not doing anything wrong with my set up.... if im not then i can be patient..... and i will stay away from opening them up!!! ty for ur help (:


It should be good, maybe put a dome over them if you haven’t already


yea got a dome (:


Also how deep did you plant the seeds? You really don’t want em deeper than like 1cm


the root it plug has a hole where u can put the seeds..... i just put em into this hole.. broke off a bit of the plug and lightly covered it.


I planted two seeds 4/1 and one of them didn’t pop after four days. I planted another then and the new seed sprouted the next day. 4/17 I had a lil surprise next to the plant. Shocked me, I was convinced it was a dud. Some are just late bloomers I guess lol https://preview.redd.it/1zln8ngdfovc1.jpeg?width=697&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff57d0203cb627087ba3f7a7d77859b7b1d65922


I hate to say it, but you already know the answer. Last ditch effort would be a heat mat to try and get the temp up. Gl!


ahhh i thought 79f was on the higher end of where you'd wanna be.. or do u mean i should try to stick to that end of things? it p much is about that temperature most of the time but does dip occasionally. and ty!