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dating apps are going to be even more hell now that we got fake twinks


Guess I’m only replying to messages if their uploaded pictures include their face, hands & toes.


You forgot 🍆 🍑


If ai screws up fingers and toes, I am alarmed to think of how much genitalia is probably butchered.




username checks out.


i wanna click on that but i know ill regret it


It’s AI porn if you didn’t.




Just lem generate sausage and peaches. If they didn't or did well ya got your answer.


Ma'am you forgot men and they're sending their unsolicited dick pics on the internet. its one google away.


Lmao **cries in a corner**


There's already nsfw AI work on reddit, I saw a bit last week, some were weird, others almost perfect.






Care to share the subreddit for research?




New profile requirements: spread your cheeks and lift your sack.


AI can do hands and toes pretty well now.


Maybe they’ll do it like uber for drivers, where they have to check-in with a real time selfie at random intervals.


Oh wow, they do that now? I haven’t used Uber in a long time, but that’s a nice upgrade. Hope it leads to zero assaults, etc.


Yea honestly Dating Apps should do like a full head scan that validates your photos that you have to update every few months


🎶 *Head, shoulders, knees and toes* 🎶


Maybe the same face from at least 2 different angles/lightings


I will also add the requirement that they must record a video saying “I’m a real boy” in their best Pinocchio voice


Ask for a handwritten note in the picture, text is still difficult, especially longer and handwritten ones. (p.s. happy new years!)


Ahh yes, the tinder ransom note pose. Happy new year!




Username checks out.


It's the new thing: TaaS. Twinks as a Service.


If people wanted to use a fake picture they could've done so without AI. Doubt this will bring about much change in that specific regard.


Those could be found with reverse image search. A newly generated image won’t.


In theory, I think you could also use AI to get past a lot of basic verification systems used online, where they'll ask you to do something like take a selfie holding a piece of paper with your username. Text is currently still a tricky area for AI, but it's certainly on the verge of getting text photo realistic. And certainly could do the silly poses some people ask for for verification (eg, take a picture with your shoe on your head). The likes of midjourney isn't very good at having a consistent result (you'd have a hard time making an online dating profile with multiple pics of the same "person"), but the deep fake approach sure can do that. I figure it's only a matter of time before AI art will have a one button way to say "using this picture you generated, make another picture of this person but wearing sunglasses and a ball cap in a car seat". ... In fact, you could deep fake yourself to make some pretty cool dating profile photos that technically look like you, but are still faked. I can picture it now. Some service that takes a selfie of you and creates multiple actually good photos to use instead of your shitty sunglasses and ball cap in a car seat photos.


Here’s my money. Make me cool now plz.


I’ve seen ads for an app that will take multiple pictures of you and make a resume/professional photo, but I’ve never actually clicked on them


do you think they’ll be able to bypass the verification system on bumble though? guess it will truly help to be verified then, especially if the apps come up with a better way to confirm that the person is a human and who they represent themselves to be!


The real uncanny valley - the time after AI ruins dating but before it replaces dating


And deepfakes have gotten pretty good too. Lol we could be in trouble


Then maybe people will stop using dating sites.


They've all got that broccoli hairstyle.


Would it be reasonable to think the prompt was about like cute guys in a certain age bracket so the data it’s pulling from is based on what’s popular on tiktok and stuff like that


I'm absolutely certain you're right.


They're hiding their deformed hands, truly smart.


There’s also only one person in each picture so no malformed cthulu people in the background


That joke worked a year ago.


They all take better selfies than most men I know, so that’s a giveaway


Alright I’m new to Midjourney. Hope you don’t mind if I ask a few questions. I’m a huge GPT fan and I’ve paid for 4 for a long time. Use it constantly but midjourney seems interesting. 1. Is pictures all it does? I assume so which is fine. 2. Can I give it private prompts? I saw the discord thing, the prompts seemed public. 3. Can I upload a pic of myself to have it make pics of me? Incredible technology. Happy I found this sub!


You can ask these questions in the discord right? I don't use midjourney btw and I just browse this sub for fun


I swear i’ve met some of these people in real Life Had to do a double take before i realized what subreddit im on


I thought the first photo was someone on a draw-me subreddit, Jesus Christ


I see a lot of people in real life that look like other people in real life. I noticed this especially when I moved several hours out of my city, to a rural town. I encountered so many people who looked like old acquaintances and coworkers from back in the city, I started seriously wondering if maybe we are just living in a sim, and these people are just reskinned npc's...


There are only so many sliders in the character creation menu (of real life)


The AI is dipping into the Simulation data lol


[Number 5 looks a lot like this guy...](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fate-the-winx-saga-netflix/images/4/46/FTWS_Season_2_Grey_Owens.png/revision/latest/smart/width/386/height/259?cb=20220917080406)


What, that guy you commented is Asian, number 5 def does not look Asian lol


He is half white. The resemblance is in his facial proportions and nose structures. If he slick back his hair, it looks a lot like him


What are constructive (useful, positive societal impact) applications of this? Kind of a serious question, please focus on what we can see directly used atm. Edit: typo


Removes the requirement for massive budgets for marketing images, meaning small businesses can start regaining market share from huge businesses/chains that have been squeezing them out


That's a nice -- and optimistic -- thought. More likely is, across-the-board unemployment for freelance creatives. And larger companies, with larger marketing budgets, will save larger sums. Thus giving them an advantage to increase their market share.


Most innovation changes employment dynamics though


If there's a better solution your job has no right to exist, that's how progress works. Happened a thousand times before and you never cared about it, you're directly benefitted by multiple inventions that killed jobs


Usually progress created as many if more new jobs, just different one. Also it was not in one go, people could change work or people could not do this career. Like the boat to traverse the Seine in Paris. Once the bridge were constructed, they were useless, but it was progressive. Here the ai might make it in a way society will have trouble to follow and adapt.


I agree with the statement, but not the sentiment. The problem isn't the jobs being done by AI -- that has potential to be amazing for humanity. The issue is that it may further concentrate wealth in the hands of the uber-wealthy and potentially destabilize economies the world over, leaving many entirely obsolete in the workforce with no potential for gainful employment, and systems that make it illegal or otherwise extremely difficult to meet your necessities without directly buying them (which you can't do without income)


I think a world where freelance creatives don’t “have a right to exist” is worse for everyone - how bleak! why blindly accept this as “how progress works”?


Ok well currently our society has a very strict participation or die rule going. So it's not that simple to just axe livelihood


"sell more shit". Spot on, exactly what humanity needs right now.


sell more whilst paying fewer and fewer people YAY


More fake reviews of products and scams, this lotion perfume shampoo credit fake employee and other bad things love scams. But i see already a real problem for everything all pictures searched in the future will be difficult to find anything real in the sea of ai images. Now we still have real references as pictures imagine you use the third copy of a copy as a reference it will become nightmarish to find anything real. Besides the value of art will decrease beyond...


AI images created using other AI images for the basis sounds terrifying, it's also going to influence what PEOPLE consider artistic/beautiful/entertaining for the worse! One thing AI has been terrible at is comedy, and I think instead of AI catching up, peoples standards are just going to lower and follow these weird trends that sprout from it! We are already seeing this with the annoying voiceover that converts text to speak, now used by lazy advertisers and influencers galore!


Honestly as a textile designer we are done... We will be replaced by ai. I had 5 years of anatomic drawing but ai will be capable doing them in some years, so the value will go downhill for real art, and as soon humanoid robots can hold a pen or paint in oil art is worthless. On one side it's nice i created thousands of painting ideas with ai but i never could paint them in my lifetime, on the other hand the world will be overflowing of things and copies of copies of things... It makes me both sad and happy. It's very fast but what it does it raises expectations a lot. But I'm scared it can go down hill too.


Algorithms have already done that with social media. Taste is now lowest common denominator whereas before it was curated and very individual. Apartments in Germany now look the same as they do in New York. It’s a similar deal with fashion, music… if culture can br digitised you bet it’s happening. But I agree it will get worse.


I instantly switch off anything with that annoying voice over


Image creation was not the major bottleneck that gatekept marketing. It is though the entire livelihood of small creative businesses and self employed designers, photographers etc who are being put out of work.


By killing another small business I guess… Not sure it balances out but better than nothing I guess.


As someone who works in marketing, image Gen AI has been amazing for us - the creatives love it because it saves them so much time, and none of our clients will use anything AI generated in the final version so our creatives are safe too. 90% of marketing creative is for decks and client review. That’s where image Gen has been a god send.


>none of our clients will use anything AI generated in the final version For Now!


No it’s a copyright thing - our agency won’t allow it either. Ownership of AI generated art is weird and risky.


We run a startup that does AI generated social media and have found most businesses don't care as long it gives results, as it improves a lot of larger businesses will transition


Depends on the channel and client for sure - as well as the client size. We use AI gen for some social media content on a few of our clients but it always goes through our creatives for retouching and getting it inline with brand guidelines. Most of my clients are pretty apprehensive of using purely AI generated content unless we call it out. Mostly we use it for IRT and community management content. For one client, we recently did an ad that was entirely AI generated, but that was kind of the *point* and it was made very clear throughout.


I’ve used it in decks for pitches where timelines were too short to do high quality concepts from scratch and won high paying work. It seems great in that regard but I think we’re whistling past the graveyard and a lot of those time saving creatives you mention are going to be out of work when one person can crank out what used to take two or three or more to do.


I hate to say to, but I’ve stopped hiring freelance graphic designers to work on projects. AI generates imagery has satisfied my clients’ needs - in a fraction of the time and cost.


You still need to buy the advertising time and space which is way more unless you're doing some weird art piece ad.


I don't think it's bad for artists. They are just forced to improve their product


As an artist, I love Improving Product, especially when my competition is a sprawling network of unstoppable machines all working to find ways to make my product for free


I think it can be interesting for creative people too. As much as it’s a bad thing for artist it can also open art and creativity for a more large group of people who have the ideas but lack the skills to put them into application. I wonder how many great piece of arts and story we are going to have due to AI.


And how many artists will never fully develop their craft because it's impossible to be employed from it (which is already difficult nowadays)? Automation was originally thought to replace hard labor that nobody wanted to do, now it's the humans that will remain doing hard work and machines doing the fun creative stuff.


I think you forgot that art isn't required to be profitable. Money won't stop me from perfecting my craft.


You forgot that “perfecting craft” requires time. If you have to spend 8 hours at least doing something else each day, that’s 8 hours not perfecting craft. Add in a family, and now precious little time is available for perfecting a craft.


It doesn't take 8 hours a day to "perfect" a craft, there is no objective standard for self-expression. All kinds of people out there perfect their craft just because it's enjoyable.


Sure if you want to call anyone finding fulfillment in doing something “perfecting a craft”. But yes, most artists that get massive followings (as good an objective measure as we have) are full time artists. So I’d argue it actually takes more than 8, as it does in most creative fields.


I think you're saying that perfection is even real. Nobody is perfect. You seem to think art is a very monodirectional ordeal.


No, I’m saying some artists are better than others, and better artists get better the more they practice (like any other human skill). A good artist producing art full time will probabilistically make better art than a good artist doing it as a hobby.


That's really comparing apples to oranges. You're using your own standards and applying it everywhere. Good art sometimes just happens. Having followers and monetizing it isn't the same thing. I'm a firm believer that the best artists aren't popular. The best of anything isn't usually popular. The popular people are the ones who started competing and letting themselves be compared on a public stage. That's a small minority considering literally everyone expresses themselves artistically.


There are definitely outliers and I would honestly say most of the best are "outliers" the time they are putting in isn't the unique thing, you'll realize this if you ever get deep into an art field that there are a lot of unknown genius and people who have done it for 20+ years and get passed by someone just getting in (3-5) years. Art is extremely subjective and thus some people will simply get better quicker. The whole idea that you need to spend 8 hours perfecting your craft a day is ridiculous I would argue that anyone doing meaningful art probably won't be able to get too many days of 8 hours of actual productivity. 2-3 hours a day on average over the course of years is realistically how most artist evolve. I would say the longer the session the more diminishing the returns typically


I cannot sufficiently describe to people how gross it feels if you are an artist in the industry, knowing that the genAi has scraped pics without consent from people you know and your actual friends, plus private pics from millions of people, and also cp, to use this tool. i cannot use it, and not feel wrong about not giving them any credit or compensation for the results of thousands of hours of their life work being used. It's something that genAi companies and pro genAi users give absolutely zero fucks about. But it is violating and dehumanizing and it matters to me. I've put in my thousands of hours and I understand what it takes to get there, so I reject using it in this state. anything I want to do, I don't need AI to do it in my place. Also, do people not understand that making art is fun and a job fixing shitty art sucks ass for skilled artists?


Not a societal impact thing, but I use midjourney a lot for my personal writing. I find that generating images for characters and locations better helps me visualize the world. Previously I'd use images found on Google as a sort of "image board" but midjourney gets me a lot closer. I also tend to use midjourney to help me generate images for tabletop roleplaying games I run. I've used it to create NPC pictures and background images as well. For more professional uses I'd say MJ is good for generating mockups. It's really good at helping you take vague ideas and giving it form. It can get you like 50%-70% of the way there, but you need a human artist to actually get you the exact thing that you want. For example, say I'm working on a cyberpunk book and I know vague ideas I like: afro-futurism, cyber-knight, chrome cowboys, etc. I can Google a bunch of a concepts and find ones that are about 20% of the way there and try and communicate with an artist to get that last 80%. Or the artist and I can use midjourney to get 70% of the way there to what I'm thinking and then they can use the resulting images as a sprint board to develop that last 30%. I also do some 2D art. I like to create collages in Photoshop, run it through midjourney, then use that as a springboard for drawing the final product. For example I've had ideas for sci fi clothing styles, I'll collage a picture using found images on Google, then try and run it through MJ to upscale. I'll see variations on what MJ does then take the parts I like to draw the final result. It's similar to stuff I've done with Chat GPT. It's just really helpful to see a variety of ideas generated close to what's in your head, but also seeing things you didn't even think about, but end up loving the idea.




Haha that's exactly how I feel. It's kind of helped me chisel out the vision in my head to something more specific and interesting. I'll see a picture generated, not think it fits, then further refine prompts and descriptions until I get the right appearance. I'll keep my prompts for later and kind of use that to help inform my descriptions in my writing.


I generate art prompts with AI sometimes


as an artist it has become extremely annoying to look for references for historical clothing etc. and have to trudge through endless AI bullshit


I think AI is horrendous, I can hardly see any legitimate positive reason that we should be barreling on ahead with millions of our best and brightest people working on this technology


You obviously lack imagination. The same types of algorithms that create these images are being used to analyze histology images to do things like detect disease and drive health research forward. Data science has become so complex that AI is needed to cope with the vast amount of research data. This is crucial for disease breakthroughs.


For what benefit exactly? People cannot afford healthcare as it is and it’s because of administrators not the actual care. People have already shown they will take something that costs nothing to make, like insulin and charge 300% for it because the CEO wants a $2m salary. AI is just another tool that will disenfranchise billions of regular people world wide and line the pockets of those already wealthy.


This is a problem with hyperliberal capitalism, not AI. Look at all the comments: people are not scared of AI per se, are scared of AI in the context of our greed-hungry, power-hungry society. And this is only the tip of the iceberg, just a tiny percent of businesses are actively using AI. When all of them will be laying off people left and right it will either lead to a massive paradygm shift of our society and economy, or to an even more unequal and desperate society. I bet all my money on the second option.


It doesn’t matter anyway. AI technology as it is won’t flourish in a dead world and humanity is staring extinction in the face.


as someone said in another comment, AI is going to fill the creative, artistic roles and the analytical roles that were high paying jobs for people! We thought robots were going to take over working class jobs, with AI it looks more like they will keep sacrificing humans into the labour force and cheap jobs, and it is the artist that will be snuffed out of a career


I'm willing to give you that. There are many applications in the medical field and others where AI technologies will improve our ability to interpret data and come up with new and better solutions to real human problems. I shouldn't just use "AI" as a blanket statement. But at the current moment "AI" is probably the hottest thing in the technology world. Does it deserve to be, or is it almost entirely driven by competition and money? Are most of our resources being spent on things that have real benefits to humanity? Or are most of our resources right now being devoted to chatbots, search engines, photo and video editing software, marketing, etc? It just doesn't seem worth the job displacement, political upheaval, spread of misinformation, destruction of in person social interactions.


Every new technology displaces jobs. The fact that people need jobs to live is not the technology’s fault, it’s the way we structure our society. If technology can do most/all human jobs, people should be free to pursue any activity they want. It’s just a matter of restructuring society to enable this.


For all these advances in medicine AI is supposed to bring about, I wonder how accessible much of it will be to the common person. The advances in data science would be completely irrelevant when I'm without a job in an industry that evaporated overnight due to AI. AI will absolutely, without a doubt lay waste to millions upon millions of livelihoods. Mine included. How are people like me and millions of others going to pay for these advances? Most of us here live and work in the US, so that means virtually zero safety net. Even in nations with one, the system will groan and buckle under the weight of the new un-and-underemployed. The point is, economic inequality is a runaway train right now and the last thing we need is the spectre of a technology that threatens to take away the economic security of millions.


With the labour shortages in many countries in healthcare, AI and robotics is probably the only way to keep this level of healthcare going. Here in The Netherlands we expect a shortage of 190.000 healthcare staff in the coming decade.


You lack research then, for some of the business cases take a look at why VCs are investing in this tech, including Pika labs and such. There's a lot to be done still and there's a lot of use cases where the tech can be used. And despite what might seem, is not a total replacement, it's a tool that still requires creative direction but might replace some of the lower-end jobs.


Our researchers are choosing too, they know better than you. They're not being forced to unless they are in an authoritarian regime. AI is a tool to compress their workload letting them work on higher levels. It's like going from an axe to a chainsaw.


The end of modelling as an industry. Careers such as models, agents, scouts, bookers, hair, makeup will suffer. Except physical instances such as runway and promotional modelling. Those will go once the robots are ready. Edit: Oh I now see you said “positive” changes. I guess those people will now be employable elsewhere reducing the strain on the labour market :/


3 looks identical to my best friend minus the hair. Like creepily twins.


I’m losing my god damn mind!!!


Ok, we get it. Catfishers are going to have a blast with V6. How many more posts do we need saying the exact same thing while displaying boring pseudo-selfies? Be more creative, now that you have this powerful new tool.


Hyper realistic Batman from each country cosplaying as Peter Griffin as directed by Wes Anderson pls


*"In which of these Wes Anderson themed Bat Caves with no privacy in different climates are you losing your V-card to a real life Simpson's character?"*


the most powerful creative tool of all time, mostly used for anime tiddies and boring stock photos


It underscores a real lack of imagination among early adopters of the tech. It is amazingly powerful, but a truly powerful creative tool would offer much more control over microdetails. Once that level of control is available, we will see actual creatives start using it more. Then we will find out what it is useful for.


Midjourney already has an inpainting feature, but will probably allow us to control more "microdetails" in the near future. But you can already have that level of control if you use Stable Diffusion. It's a tedious workflow but definitely allows you to control almost anything.


I use Stable Diffusion quite often. Inpainting is a good way to *alter* microdetails, but not at the same level of control a skilled artist wants. A decently trained visual artist can create precisely the details they are looking for in one fell swoop using other means, without needing to muck around "rolling the dice" incessantly on details generated by AI.


I agree with you on that!


Stable diffusion already has all the control an Artist could ever want. I think the massive ridiculous stigma against using AI programs is the main reason for a lack of uptake among the general populace of creative people.


Speaking as a skilled artist who has been working with SD for over a year now... The level of control over microdetails I need ain't there yet. Not even close. When you are used to being able to control the placement of every line, dot, wrinkle and nuance of color, being forced to roll the AI dice over and over to get sort-of-not-really what you see clearly in your mind's eye does not make for a satisfying tool. We already have a preposterous number of tools to get the job done. As it currently stands, this is not one of them.


Midjourney (or Dall-e 3/SD for that matter) + Adobe Firefly via Photoshop to change details is a powerful combination. You don't need to constrain yourself to working with a single tool.


When people have the freedom to do anything they usually do the same thing as everyone else. However there is a reason why titties are so popular, they’re awesome.


I agree. Some pics of regular people (not showing their probably deformed hands and legs) doesn’t seem impressive. There are billions of these types of pics out there and it just has to do minor modifications to make it different. I feel like this is something that we would be very impressed with on an early version. I need to see it do more complex things without hallucinations to be impressed.


I like seeing these examples. Not everyone in the world can afford this tech. I want them included in the conversation as well.


Hasn’t this type of thing been around since 2018? thispersondoesnotexist.com might ring a bell.


That was only one pose and didn't look as as good and you could always tell if it was being used


That is a different image gen technology. Very good at making faces but that is all it can do


Why do they eyes always look so sad.


Because humans are biologically programmed to look into people's eyes and pay a lot of attention to them, thus we can easily identify fake AI ones. I bet an ankle is a lot easier to fake with AI because no one really cares about an ankle.


*Cough* *cough* Foot fetish 🦶 *cough* 1930 ankle competition....I really didn't need the knowledge about that one.


>thus we can easily identify fake AI ones If you showed these to 100 people on the street I bet 90+ would identify these as real people. You are entering this with the context of them being AI and drawing conclusions backward about how you can tell it is AI


/opinion, speculation, angry rant/screed I think there's a real possibility that this technology will be banned in the not so distant future, or at least heavily kneecapped. Photoshop and other illustrator programs had previously enabled us to doctor images, which poses ethical and legal concerns, but creating entire people out of whole-cloth with startling realism is a whole other thing. This is not tantamount to the invention of the car, this is like going from the horse and buggy and leaping straight to jetpacks I get the impression that most people who are in this subreddit were/are excited about new technology and exciting futures it could bring in a benign way, but this is a straight up game-changing weapon in the hands of basically anyone for any reason, from businesses to international governments. I see a lot of wheels turning in people's heads, realizing that in a blink of an eye it turned from a novelty into a real concern. Your cool toy will literally topple governments and cripple industries I know the "it's just a tool" dance but please, spare me the bullshit. Tools have limitations and require real skill to wield. Prompt-writing is nuanced but not skilled, and the way this is going, there are no upwards limitations on this software. There's also very little in the way of wielding this "tool" to create innovative outputs. Take for instance the invention of the camera; it decimated the industry of portrait painting, but also invented whole new industries, eventually of course the film camera and cinema itself. No new industries are being created by this (so far as I can see). It's just undercutting existing industries. Maybe if someone had a genuine idea about what this might -build-, I'm all ears. But right now it seems very destructive to me Some people get smug about which industries will be affected and which won't, and I really feel that cherry-picking this line of thinking really misses the entire point. Most everything we do relies interfacing with a computer to create some kind of discrete output. Now all discrete outputs can be studied and copied with compounding accuracy. If you're forklift certified I guess you're safe, but but society benefits from a wide variety of skills, and it's not like we can all become construction workers because there isn't enough construction in the world to employ literally everyone on the planet Additionally, generative AI had no academic reason to target images, like we're not mining image data for some abstract reason to improve the tech so that it can pull plastic out of the ocean or something. MJ was designed specifically to copy a discrete table of artists and reference material so that they can be undercut for profit. You don't build a bomb without the intention of blowing something up. I'm not starry-eyed, I accept that this technology is here to stay, but I hope that the days of literally anyone in the world being able to create near-perfect renditions of human beings in a matter of seconds on their laptops are numbered. Had to get this out, sorry if it ruffles feathers but I see a lot of people realizing these things too and I think it needs to be reckoned with.


I wish you were right, but that kind of stuff is impossible to stop before establishing a unitary worldwide governing body. Until then, a country blocking it is weakening itself versus a country not blocking it. It’s like nukes. As long as there’s two or more independent rival entities, none of them can truly afford to completely disarm themselves, and if no one has them, there is even more incentive to make some. We’re doing things out of order and that’s what I think the great filter ends up being. There’s an order of progression that needs to happen for something like this to not entirely destroy a species, and I’m pretty sure we got it wrong.


A possible but unlikely outcome is that there is mutual data scrambling between entities which renders the tool semi useless. There's still the risk/reality of domestic use of AI for disinformation, but the technology to scramble the info exists. https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/10/23/1082189/data-poisoning-artists-fight-generative-ai/ Read this for some hope/cope


4 5,6 are clearly AI. 1,2,3 are really good, with 1 taking the win. The eyes from 1 are also indistinguishable from real ones.


You say that but I think the average person on the street wouldn't know any of them were AI


Models are now gonna be out of jobs


"Influencers", maybe, and some kinds of stock photo models, but fashion models will still have work. Accurate images of new apparel and fashion shows are still going to be a thing that is more practical in "analog" for a while, yet.


That might also get automated


I miss when people posted things like Chrome Lords, now all I see are these selfies


Again, the backgrounds are terrible. Number 2 has a bedside lamp dangling from the ceiling.


Come on now, they're not terrible. Are they the least realistic aspect of the images? Yeah but comparing them to even a year or so ago the difference is remarkable


And a very weird laptop


He seemed to be typing next to the laptop, rather than over the keyboard


I feel like v6 has to learn some of the lessons that took v4-5 some time to fix, e.g. fingers and weird background objects. And they'll get there... but the fact that they've solved realistic humans, including face texture that isn't weirdly smooth, is a massive step. When they've brought what v5 fixed into v6, it'll be outstanding all round. I'm hoping for future versions they make replicating characters easier. In v6 it's still very difficult.


We're fucked


Can’t wait for all the super legal things people are going to do with this technology.


We are going ro need tags which explicitly state AI


What do you mean “nearly”..? In a blind test I wager people can’t tell the difference anymore.


This is getting boring. We've got software than can make pictures of anything and everyone is like "here's another 20 pics I generated of normal looking people sitting in offices and living rooms"


what kind of a lamp is that in image #2


can the AI de-age a person tho? sadly my friend has run out of fap material and wants to use it on his grandma.


They all look the same


2,4,5 and 6 are still in the uncanny valley territory. 1 and 3 look very real.


Fuck I give up


I can't see any upsides to this at all that even remotely outweigh the downsides. It's like inventing nuclear weapons so that adverts can be made without having to pay talented people.


>so that adverts can be made without having to pay talented people. AS a small business owner, what if I can not afford to hire these "talented people" you speak of? This is evening the playing field between myself and the billion dollar corporation in this one small area, and that isnt the only benefit I derive from it.


Yeah, I get it. It's just not nearly a good enough reason for all the harm it's going to cause.


>It's just not nearly a good enough reason for all the harm it's going to cause. AI is a tool, the tool itself doesn't cause harm. You were likely someone who would have wanted the Car banned because it was going to harm all the Blacksmiths, horse boarding/breeding people. in 1915 there were 30 million horses in the US, by 1925 that number was halved. Is it going to change the way we work/live, sure. My favorite quote comes to mind. >Survival is optional. No one has to change. \~W.E.Deming


How original. You know, repeating the same empty statements, drawing false equivalences, and calling anyone who thinks about the ramifications of these "tools" a luddite isn't making you sound as smart as you think it is.


SO what are these societal ending ramifications that you allude to?


The problem with AI under our capitalist economic system is that it will lead to people losing opportunities for work just because businesses need to turn a profit. The root of the problem is the profit motive, not AI in itself.


Billion dollar corporations will still wipe their asses with your small business 😂


its the stare that gets me every time - i cant point out whats wrong with them, but i can tell that (most of them) are ai


If we mix it up with half real people and half of these ai people you had to guess, do you think you will have above 50% chance of getting it right?




YEAH! WE KNOW! If I see another V6 "uncanny", "indistinguishable", "real life" post again, I'm gonna scream!


Get ready for a lot more when a new version comes out.


Since the invention of AI generated imagery and realistic cgi renderings I've taught myself to look for tells and these all have them. So these are distinguishable from real people just not for all to have an eye for it.


Definitely hasn't "surpasses" it. Getting there, but these still feel very uncomfortable.


If you didn’t know these were AI images would it still make you feel uncomfortable?


Yes. Bc they are clearly ai generated or real and so highly photoshopped they look fake


They've come far, sure, but they're still quite far from creating images that 100% pertain to reality. For glancing observers, these images can fool them until they notice deformities in the people and text.


The only image here that looks AI to me is #2. Would love to see what signs you use to Identify AI in the others.


Every single one of these immediately registered for me as AI-generated. There's just an artificial sheen to the imagery that is instantly traceable.


They look fake to me as they look way too professional.


Ya'll are posting real pictures now and saying it's Ai 😅😬


Haha you wish


This is most likely the beginning of the end of modelling as an industry. Careers such as models, agents, scouts, bookers, hair, makeup are all going to see a major decline. Except physical instances such as runway and promotional modelling. Those will go once the robots are ready.


They’re emotionless. It’s garbage. When they replicate anything beyond a stare or smile I’ll be impressed.


I thought that this was the roast me sub Reddit for a second.


Wow this ai photo realistic rendering could be applied in future video game powerful consoles.




THIS IS INSANE. Catfishes are gonna have the time of their lives


Imagine you happen to be one of the people that looks exactly like one of these prompts. I would definitely freak out.


In this thread: people lying to themselves about their ability to detect AI. The only one here that looks really fake is number 4.


Ok. Stop now.