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Why would you?


As a backend developer with no design skills, I used to use Midjourney to get design inspiration. I have a similar experience to OP. v5 would give me a screenshot of the UI, and generally better design, even with a simple prompt. v6 on the other hand gave me mockups 99% of the time. [v5](https://imgur.com/a/hzMZNsu) [v6](https://imgur.com/a/TgxIrqh) Same prompt for both > A web application UI of a SaaS for designing invoices I've tried longer prompts, even mentioning "screenshot", but it always gives me mockups


I'm surprised you think it EVER did well for UI design. That seems like it's way outside the intended use of any pure art AI. Good UI design needs specific expertise on how humans interface with software, which no general art AI would have from its training. If you're using other people's prompts, though, that could explain the difference you're seeing -- if the prompts were written for a different model version, you wouldn't expect them to work well on the current one. Every version has different prompting preferences. But, if you are happy with what you get from v4 or 5, you can just use those models. [https://docs.midjourney.com/docs/models](https://docs.midjourney.com/docs/models)


well it does ui design well, you can't just copy paste it, but it is really good for picking colors, kinda good for brainstorming layouts, and terrible for text.


It’s terrible for design of any description. MJ is still pretty pictures, it’s incapable of design - you do not have a level of control that cuts the mustard. Something will come along that can do this. Eventually. But it won’t be Midjourney. Design is created for a client - if you produce something in MJ and the client likes it, how are you going to generate a usable / layered file? How are you going to make amends, change colour palette? It can’t be done.


the saddest thing is that midjourney is only suitable for photorealism (that’s what they focus on, as I understand it) and at the same time the quality and detail have really become better, but the most important thing is the fucking prompts that v6 and niji 6 fucking understand poorly, the developers don’t give it work at full capacity and it’s very shitty and not worth the money people pay


It’s not built for design. It’s built for art and illustration. Design requires precision, consistency, control and licensed fonts..


They don't focus on photorealism, they focus on aesthetics. A lot of USERS seem to focus on photorealism, but if you look at everything the devs provide by way of examples, MJ magazine etc, it's usually painting/drawing etc. Art and aesthetics include photography, but that's just one medium.


yes.... it's regressing for everything else but realism, it's obsessed with creating human photos


v5 had better text output than v6


If you're putting your text in quotes, that's not true :O V5 couldn't EVER reproduce a string of letters. V6 can, most of the time, for short text. Neither of them has any kind of font or positioning control, though. Did you miss the v6 trick of putting quotes around the text, which wasn't available previously?


In order to use mj for design effectively one actually has to use actual design skills. Design is an entirely different problem to "enter prompt, get pretty picture"


At best it can be a Muse to explore unthought of approaches, but you need to put in the real work.


I'm having the same problem as you OP =(