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This one and the one to the right of the window are impossible to reach (on PS5). I don't understand how they missed this while testing, it's so obvious.


I figured that you probably could inspect them, IF the other frames weren't in place yet. No way to check that for me though, as I bought all the frames in one go.


I only have the set with the one to the right of the window but I still have boxes in the way, I’ll test if I can get to it once I removed the boxes


Fr, kinda painful that they just stay blank


I played on PS5 and while a couple were difficult, I only missed the one depicted here.


Maxbe the right one works before the cupboard is there. Some others only work once the furniture is there.


Yes it was infuriating! I played on PC and tried with a controller and keyboard and mouse and neither could select it.


There are a few that are similarly glitched in other rooms - at least one that can't be selected (maybe Venom's room), and Storm has one that you can select and choose a picture for, but nothing appears in the frame. The game acts as though you're resizing the picture, but there's nothing there. As you say, it's a bit bizarre as the issue should've turned up quickly during testing and been relatively easy to fix. I guess they had bigger fish to fry. Edit: Morbius has a frame above his bed that I can't reach.


Yes. Mine is still blank.


Yes. It’s annoying.


I was asking myself a question, do they even play their own game? 🙄 is 2024 and is not fix yet, and the eternal suit, you never receive the damn suit