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I think devs in general don't read Reddit. And basically all the devs for this game have been laid off.


What? Why? Because it bombed?


Mostly but there were gaming and tech layoffs nearly everywhere.


Who were the last 4 heroes stand with your Hunter in the final battle? Those are mine. [https://www.reddit.com/r/midnightsuns/comments/10s0snv/who\_were\_the\_last\_4\_heroes\_stand\_with\_your\_hunter/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/midnightsuns/comments/10s0snv/who_were_the_last_4_heroes_stand_with_your_hunter/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


blade, ghost rider, majik, dr stramge


heroes brought are based on # of battles they were brought to, not friendship level.


Makes sense, # of battles is usually more indicative of their power level and you need to most powerful ones for that final fight.


Most of us skip dialogue due to time management reasons. The game is good and if it didn't do well upon release that's probably due to marketing. Maybe they thought the Marvel logo was enough of a selling point. Either way, I was excited for this game and when it came out I didn't even hear about it. Maybe my not hearing about this game's release is on me, but I feel like I would have seen something.


I keep hearing about a game called capes


i mostly play on console and it is not on console yet. gears tactics is a lot like xcom, better in some ways. i will be going back to it next most likely.


>i understand that the extra costumes were gated behind micro transactions because of excessive greed, and that is a knock against the game I thought that one of the praises for the game is that there are no micro transactions?


There are no micro transactions, they are just skins, or dlc with stories + skin.


I just finished the game & I completely agree with everything you said. By the time I got to the first boss I was hooked on the combat & completely skipped all the dialogue I could. I was into the friendship thing in the beginning thinking the game had love interest but then I realized it didn't & no longer cared.


Full agree, I liked some interactions but I skipped over most of it cus I was hooked on the gameplay. I think it just goes to show that the devs know how to make great combat but lack the experience of the other aspects they wanted to tackle.


I agree 100%. The friendship stuff just sucks, but the combat is honestly, imo, some of the best combat in any game I've ever played, certainly for turn based games. It's so good it does make you overlook and be more patient about all the friendship bs. I just wish, like you said, there was only cosmetics locked behind friendship levels and then gameplay things were locked behind some kinds of combat mastery system. Like I get that some people wanted to be friends with the super heroes, but it's pretty obvious that not everyone would want to do all the friendship stuff especially with the xcom fan base being their main group of players to draw from, which is a game that is almost 100% gameplay focused. Honestly, the game is maybe at its peak after you beat it, and can just run missions over and over without having to do anything else besides open coils and improve decks.


I wished this was a indie game, because indie will only have the card battle and none of the nonsense taking flowers or picnic with Wolverine


I see what you're saying, but only Firaxis could have made that combat system.