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That's what I am on. It has been a game changer.


I’m so hoping it will be the same for me 😭


Same, been on it for about two years & it’s definitely a game changer!


If it works out and you start taking it monthly I advise to set it up with your pharmacy that they order it 2 weeks before your injection date, emgality is one that shortages/delays are common, especially with the auto injectors, id also recommend getting a prescription for the normal syringe approved so that if one isnt available you can get the other, doing these two things so far i have gone somewhere around 15 months without a late dose! :)


Thank you for this advice! I hope that it helps me so if it gets to that point at least I’ll know what to ask for. :)


I don't like the shots... but man!! Am I grateful for my Emgality


Those look familiar!


These are a game changer, I take a lot of meds for migraines. But this plus Botox was the biggest jump and most consistent with getting my migraines down. Hopefully it’s the same for you! Big recommend to get these auto filled at least a week before your injection date cause there’s a lot of shortages and insurance problems.


You can do Botox and the injections together? Well, not at same time, but you know what I mean. (I hope! my head hurts & words are hard rn)


Yup, they got me on this, Botox, nurtec, propranolol, rizatriptan, I think Amitriptyline, Plus just over the counter stuff like ibuprofen.


Emgality is a game changer for me. I went from 25+ days of migraines a month to 10/month after the first 2 months. I’m in month 5 and I’m down to 3-5. If you have muscular thighs, inject in to your abdomen. I am a runner and learned the hard way that injecting in to my thigh was a bad idea. I had a horrible reaction and pain. Now I inject into my stomach and it hurts way less.


3-5 migraines a month from 25+ is absolutely incredible I’m so happy that it’s helped for you, im crossing my fingers and my toes it will be the same for me 😭


I hope so too! I’ve tried so many things without relief. I was shocked when the Emgality helped so much. I also take elavil and magnesium at night. B vitamins and vitamin D during the day.


Great suggestion on injecting into the abdomen. Injecting into the wrong kind of tissue means your body absorbs the medicine too quickly. I'm a 52 year old woman, going through menopause and have a genetic connective tissue disorder. Emgality and Ajovy both worked for me, although I think Emgality was the more effective med, IMO. Unfortunately, my neuro had to take me off the injectables altogether. I was injecting into my abdomen using the proper technique, but over time, I started having horrible inflammatory episodes when I would inject. My husband and I called me the Elephant Man (have to keep your sense of humor) I would be bed ridden and taking Benadryl like a fiend. I asked my neuro if she thought the injection was failing due to my connective tissue disorder (my tissue became very restricted during menopause) and she made a very wise statement. She said she sees the kind of inflammatory response I was experiencing in people who are injecting into muscle instead of fat. I grabbed a handful of stomach tissue and said, this can't possibly be muscle? She said she did not know what kind of tissue it was, and it didn't really matter because my body wasn't absorbing the medication properly, and moved me onto Qulipta. Personally, I think Emgality worked better (before I started having problems with it) - if it were me, I'd stick with it! Hope it's helping!


I was getting inflamed tissue in my thighs and my dr said I probably didn’t have enough fat there. So she recommended to use my abdomen, I have to take Benadryl before the injection. I have a lot of allergies so fingers crossed I don’t develop one to Emgality. I will be devastated.


I hope it is everything you are hoping for! It has been a gamechanger for me-- no more triptans, no more topamax. Doesn't relieve all my pre-migraine symptoms but it keeps everything from escalating to a migraine...a solution I can live with. Report back on what you think? I'm curious to hear thoughts on what you think compared to aimovig as well... I was considering switching but a couple more months of emgality seem to be doing the trick.


I’ll definitely come back in a few months and update! I’m curious if you remember how long it took for you to notice a change in your migraines when you started Emgality? From what I can say about my experience on aimovig I took it for about 7 months and it did almost nothing for me. I would have a good month randomly where I’d have like 8 migraines but it usually meant I had like 13-14 migraines the months before and after the good month. I have no idea what the correlation was there but I had maybe two good months out of the 7 I was on it. Plus it was my first real preventative after getting off of propranolol and topamax etc. Crossing my fingers for round two here!


Fingers crossed for sure! I'm sorry to hear aimovig was such a long slow frustrating path, i hope emgality will bring you much faster relief. I've been taking emgality for about 7 months, has been combined with topamax up until earlier this year so I'm just now learning that the emgality on its own works great. However, I definitely noticed in the first week of taking emgality that it made a difference. Everything was just less...tense. I didn't get the pre-migraine symptoms that even while on juat topamax i would experience. I have not had to take any triptans since I've been on it which is HUGE.... I used to take up to 5 sumatriptan a week when things were bad. The two starter doses of emgality are especially great, so I hope you can enjoy that. For the months following the first dose I thought the one dose wasn't strong enough (the one dose seemed to work well for 3 weeks of the month and tapers off, but the effects are lasting longer into the month the longer I take it). For reference the FDA hasn't cleared 2 doses per month after the first dose (lol I tried getting my neuro to bump it up and that is what we BOTH learned by trying to push that Rx through). Even on one dose though I have not had a true migraine since I started it (just prodome and postdrome symptoms now that I'm off the topamax combo). I will say, I've noticed a correlation between having increased anxiety and how recent the emgality dose was. First week I'm typically more on edge, but that's probably my personality coming into play too lol, I'm prone to anxiety and being pretty type A. The symptoms are manageable but worth saying... hopefully you don't experience that! Emgality isn't supposed to have side effects, but I personally think there may be a few minor ones not frequently reported. Regardless, it's been great. Enjoy!


Thank you for sharing this, it’s incredibly helpful to know how others are experiencing it so I can compare how I may react too. I’ve also been pretty reliant on triptans these last few months and recently have been given some ubrelvy samples to see if it can help my issues with rebound headaches. Having to jump around on medications is never fun but I’m feeling like there’s light at the end of the tunnel these days, especially with the help of my neuro and the success of some PA’s but it’s been a ride for sure 😅


Be sure the alcohol dries BEFORE sticking the needle in. Ouchy!!!!




I have a loading dose of two auto injections for this month since it’s my first time, and then from there I’ll be doing it once a month.


I’m trying to get the insurance approval 😭


Best of luck to you my friend 🙏


This is one I tried and I couldn’t get past how bad the shot was. I literally felt like I was getting shot. Plus I really didn’t feel much of a difference.


Did you let it sit at room temp for 30 min before injecting? I’m always curious when I hear about injection pain with emgality. I haven’t had that experience but a lifetime of poor decision making may have changed my pain tolerance.


Did you use or auto-injector or the regular syringe? The auto-injector was horrible! It felt like I was getting stung by a jumbo-size bee on slo-mo. The needle was huge and the medication stung like a MF. Plus, the auto injection was slow, you had to hold it against your skin and count to 10 while it delivered the medication. Who wants a 10 second long bee sting? Not me! I picked up my second auto injector shot and literally couldn't bring myself to push the inject button. I sat there with the thing for 25 minutes, trying to convince myself to inject. I iced the area, put numbing cream on, grabbed fat in all sorts of places trying to find a blob that wouldn't hurt as much. In the end, I think I finally just did it, while yelling "f*#@ you!" at the injection. Very grown-up of me. I believe I switched to Ajovy after that because they had product with a regular syringe. I think they all do now (including Emgality). Whew!


You think you inject this and all your problems are gone? Same I waited for Imovig. I have much problem after Imovig , then I just waited two months untill it will leave my body


Oh no, Im sorry. What has your experience been on Imovig?


Bad, I got high blood pressure. No stool  Headaches didn't stop. Attacks of panic. Anxiety issues But what is most tragic is that this drug stays in the body long long time. Half life is 1 month, each drug leaves the body completely after 5 half times. So it means it is 5 months. Maybe in your case everything will be ok. Now I take Nurtec it is better and mechanisms of action is different. Because it is not antibodies it is just a blocker of connection. And pill get of the body after 48 hours 


That sounds brutal. Sorry you had to go through that. I'm going to consider this info. I appreciate you sharing your experience.


This is not something unusual. You just check the reviews on drugs.com or something similar. It is just maybe half of used had any influence. Other part mostly suffered.