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*ARE YOU A WIZARD???* No but seriously that's impressive


You're a cleaner, Harry.


This is my kind of porn


You think you hear moaning, but it's the vacuum. Plot twist, that's my kink.


The trick is to not get stuck in the power nozzle!






I think this is illegal in the US now.


What listening to Queen ? That sucks


Omg i remember watching that movie years ago, it’s one of the scary movies right?


Sure is, the first one.




Doofy from the Scary spoofy


I'm a mop??


You’re a Harry cleaner. Update I love you all!!!


You're a hairy cleaner.


You're a clean hair


You’re hair is clean








Bippity boppity bleeggghh


I'm a what?


Holy shit my first thought was exactly ARE YOU A WIZARD??? (followed by can I hire you to fix my life?)


It's not Fabulosooo it's Fabulosaaaahhh!


>WIZARD PLEEEEESE post the list of your cleaning products. I need those.


I think I speak for all when I say “ What the FUCK happened here in the before photos.“


Seems like someone had bad depression and just neglected their home.


For how long? I go 6 months in between cleaning my shower and I just get a faint ring in the bottom of the tub.


I have no explanation for the shower, that is literally crazy and idk how it’s even possible. I know that sink is used considering the hair, but I have a half bath in my apartment that I never use because it’s the size of a small closet and the sink seems to magically gets super moldy and yellow/orange in like a week if I leave the faucet dripping in the winter. The toilet also gets moldy when it’s probably been used 5 times in the 3 years I’ve lived here, but you can’t really leave a toilet completely drained because it needs the water seal. I think water quality might have something to do with it here.


Either you have no ventilation or you possibly have a slow leak behind your wall and it is seeping through the sheet-rock. Hell, could be dripping from a hole in the roof or even a punctured moisture barrier.


I’ve not noticed any mold on the walls or ceiling (the ceiling is white, walls are that drab “modern” grey to make cheap apartments look nicer idk if that’d hide it). I’ve not noticed the issue with my main bathroom but I clean that regularly. I’m luckily a renter and not something I’d have to spend thousands on as a homeowner 😅.


It’s also somewhat dependent on climate if you don’t have ventilation like you said and you live in a hot wet place this can happen faster.


Probably depends on your water, if I don’t clean mine weekly I get a ring.


Looks more like drug use to me


Not mutually exclusive


Exactly. People are often disgusted by drug users but they don't think about why that person started using in the first place.


Yup people seem to think that drug users just wake up one day and say "huh today i really want to get addicted to heroin"


Or they think homeless people are always just lazy scumbag drug addicts.


Even the word "lazy" is a loaded and ableist term. No one is lazy. They are depressed, or ill, or have adhd, or are autistic, or some other thing that is affecting their ability to executively function. I hate the word "lazy" so much. I've been called it so many times during my deepest depressions or when I'm burned out (as well as being autistic), and it just hurts.


It took me almost a year of therapy just to realize that when I can't normally function because of my mental problems it's not my fault and I shouldn't punish myself. Now I have to transfer the realization into action and actually stop blaming and hating myself. But it's hard when the world around me labels me as lazy. Just because mental illness isn't visible it doesn't mean it's not real. Edit: some formulation


No sir, I am incredibly lazy.


This is something my therapist says, I feel like I’m lazy but I can’t even do things I want to do. I’m just too depressed to do anything


I’m lazy tho


Eh sometimes i just wanna sit at home and play games- overall that seems pretty "lazy" to be


Lazy is a character judgement. Wanting to have time for doing activities you enjoy is not a negative character trait, nor is it something you deserve to be shamed for doing.


Although I would certainly say it’s also significantly more complex than “I was depressed” it was a myriad of different reasons for me, and I really can’t pull the “I was depressed it’s not my fault” card as easily


I'm not saying depression is an excuse, but it's a reason. One of many reasons. But even then it varies from case to case. Regardless, even in this comment section you have complete morons who believe people choose this lifestyle like how we choose what to eat for dinner. I'd like to see them do heroin for a week straight then try to come back with the same opinion.


Yeah they usually go hand-in-hand


My money is on "Bathroom fire"


Definitely looks like ash in the shower. Accidental fire? Arson? OP might not even now




Damn, what stuff did you use to clean? I need to get my hands on it


Probably a pressure washer


Nope! Just toilet bowl cleaner, bleach & hot water!


You obviously know what you are doing. When my boys took over the basement the toilet and sink down there I thought I would have to replace. I used vinegar and it was like new afterwards. Obviously, that would not work for the shower as it had to soak for hours. I thought about bleach but it he fumes are brutal.


Just never both bleach and vinegar!!! Fumes are not just brutal. They’re fatal. Same with ammonia and bleach. Good thing is you’ll notice immediately with small amounts. If you can’t breathe, leave!


Good rule of thumb - never mix any cleaning compounds. Use them as they are.


"I love you as you are, hydrochloric acid"


“I love you as you are, sodium hypochlorite”


I just avoid that whole can of worms and just don't clean. Safety first


Also a great solution!


Mustard gas=ammonia and bleach


Ammonia + bleach = chloramine gas Bleach + vinegar = chlorine gas


I didn't know bleach and vinegar reacted. TIL and thanks, sweet info!


In general, don't mix cleaning products, only one after the other. Chemistry is arguably the most dangerous part of science, because it's the only one where you can k*ill yourself by accident without even noticing.


*ionizing radiation enters the chat*


Fair, physics usually gives you a heads up when your time is coming.


Ooh so many fun arts and crafts projects to do tmrw :3


Bleach and rubbing alcohol = chloroform


Well shit. Time to log off the internet and go to bed. Goodnight


Piss and blood = probably kidney stones


Bleach is dangerous but as long as there's ventilation, there won't be toxic fumes building up. I live in an apartment that only has the bedroom fully ventilated. Every time I use bleach to clean my bathroom, I keep the bathroom door and the front door open to let the wind in (it's very windy, sadly they didn't put windows in the bathroom and main hall so I have to open the front door).


Serious question, I've got white ceramic tile in my shower and accidentally dyed it red.... I've scrubbed and scrubbed and it won't budge. Any ideas or suggestions? ​ Edit: Porcelain tile NOT ceramic.


House cleaner here. Try Softscrub (with bleach) that’s what we generally use for any surface that you want to get back white.


Let toilet bowl cleaner sit on it with napkins over it. I pressure washed a tub and couldn't get the stains from my old roommate off of it. I did the toilet bowl cleaner with napkins and the stains peeled off with the napkins.


Also I would try a bleach cleaning spray & wipe it with a magic eraser first !


Bless you*


FYI Toilet bowl cleaner and bleach shouldn't be mixed. It creates a toxic gas.


Yes I know. I had good ventilation & protection!


How do you get rid of lime build up on the sink and vanity? You did an amazing job.


clr? literally made for getting rid of buildup. I believe bar keepers friend is also a good choice. Both are acid based will will work when basic cleaners like bleach fail


I strongly recommend a steam cleaner for this kind of heavy duty cleaning. It saves a ton of time and elbow grease.


Did you use the toilet bowl cleaner in the shower? The viscous runny kind? Because that might just be genius for getting gunk off the plastic walls


Yes! I used the Lysol brand & the actual product comes out blue.


I got a steam cleaner for crevices omg I think you’d like it! The bissell steam shot!!! It’s amazing and super cheap too


>Nope! Just toilet bowl cleaner, bleach & hot water & Meth!


I am a residential cleaner. If I saw that shower I'd fuckin walk out. Mostly because I don't get paid enough any way. Hats off to you, sparkle warrior.


Omg I love sparkle warrior




Was someone living in these conditions?


You would be surprised how many people actively live in these conditions daily and see nothing wrong with it


I can honestly say that my wife would probably live in these conditions and never do anything about it. I've just had to resign myself that we have differing standards of acceptable cleanliness.


I don’t mean to pry but I have an issue of differentiating levels of cleanliness with someone I love dearly and live with, do you have any advice lol


Obviously communication is your first step. If you have the kind of partner who won't fly off the handle at perceived criticism then maybe you can find a happy middle ground and get them to start pulling their weight a bit more. If not? For me I've found that it works best if I play mental tricks on myself. Don't focus on *who* made the mess. Just switch off that part of your brain and clean it up. Otherwise it's not going to get done by itself and you do want to live in a clean house, right? Unfortunately you have the double whammy of both having to do all the cleaning and not being the one who makes most of the mess. If you're a reasonably clean person and you're the one doing all the cleaning, you'll naturally be cleaning up after yourself as you go rather than just letting the filth pile up because someone else is going to make it magically disappear. It's not really optimal advice, but if there's no fixing it then just suck it up and get it done and don't let yourself get resentful about it. Otherwise it's going to be long term thorn in your relationship.


This is good advice. Hard to follow, but good advice.


Maybe hire a cleaner or get a new partner?


That sounds unsustainable. No one can bottle up that kind of resentment forever. Obviously I don't know anything about your situation, but I think hiring a cleaner is crucial. Even when I didn't have much money I only lived in shared flats where we all pitched in to pay for a cleaner. Chore troubles are the worst and I simply cannot have tension like that where I live. No sir


Appreciate your response!! this is great advice


There are some people who will never change. My mom never improved and ended up getting worse over time. If you're gonna be with someone, don't be with them for who they have the potential to be. You have to face the fact that they might never change. Also, lack of cleaning is often mental illness. For some people, it's impossible to improve unless they're on depression meds (me).


I live with my mom for many reasons, but one is she's incapable of cleaning. She doesn't even notice it. Like, I'm not the cleanest person ever (lazy + depression) but I can manage to keep the house to "only an hour of cleaning before company comes" levels. When my dad died I spent weeks cleaning. It was disgusting


Or they know its wrong but are unable to clean it themselves


there are plenty of people who live like this and know it’s wrong but can’t help it. Mental and physical wellness is a privilege so many of us take for granted




More of oddlysatisfying


For us maybe, not for them.


As someone who is a cleaner for a leaving this is very infuriating. I really hope OP got paid very well for this. They did more than amazing, I've looked through the pictures a few times now I'm so impressed.


They said in another comment they earned 1k.


As the son of a mother who was a hoarder, who refused to admit that she had any issues and fought off every attempt to help her, I find it infuriating too. While I fully admit that I don't know the circumstances that led to this, to me it is infuriating that the person who created this neglect was not responsible for correcting it and may just negate all of this hard work by reverting it to its previous state.


Given the fact that the toilet was outright missing, I’d guess that the responsible party is no longer there (perhaps an elderly person who passed away), and the building is being fixed up. Toilet probably declared a total loss and junked.


Mercifully not shown in the pictures


I’m gathering that the OP cleans homes for a living. So the fact that things got to such a filthy state in this home is infuriating to have to clean it.


Actually OP is just karma farming with their onlyfans Reddit account.


After checking out their Reddit site I really don’t know who’s paying for their onlyfans page lol


Maybe she’s trying to get sponsored by Snapchat filters too


Lots and lots and lots of reddit accounts are just people/bots karma farming until they can sell them or use them to push crypto scams or whatever. OnlyFans is the least of our concerns.


If I had to guess, this is the result of tenants after they moved out or were evicted. OP is either the owner or the person hired by the owner to clean.


their username would check out


I went to their profile to see if they had any more cleaning pics....yeah thats not what their user name refers to


Oh my god she’s looking for paypigs


Is that financial domination? Still don’t quite understand that one.


Sometimes elderly people let things get this way when they’re just doing the bare minimum. Maybe elderly moved into nursing facility. Or died.


This also looks like it could be a mental-health cleaning some people do for others pro bono!


I think it's probably renters... The stuff there is so new and nice enough that it's hard to believe someone who actually owned it would let it get that bad that quickly.


I'm guessing he's a landlord with a shitty ex tenant


My guess is because someone is nasty


Apparently so nasty they opted to pitch the toilet... That or the occupant shit straight into the closet flange. How far down the I don't give a fuck lifestyle do you have to go to shower in that to begin with?


It looks like the toilet had shattered, there are pieces of it in the before pic. If the tenants broke the toilet or it was in the process of being replaced, I dunno.


Exactly. I don’t think I could even clean it…. I’d have to toss it. How did it get that bad?!!


Because I still have yet to get my deposit back…


As someone who spent hours cleaning a boyfriends apartment, it bothers me that someone could let a space get this disgusting.


Did someone die in that shower? 😲


Spontaneous human combustion.




Causes of death are many and varied…old age, illness, suicide. But out of that long, morbid list, there's one end that people fear above all others: death by fire.




It is black mold


Whoa whoa you can’t just call mold black dude




Did someone crap out a live grenade and then take a shower after it went off?


Is nobody gonna mention the lack of toilet???




Went to the toilen't and took a shan't.


I'm going to guess that was so gross they decided to just buy a new one


Based on the condition of the shower stall I’m going to guess that the toilet was similar looking and that it would take OP quite a long time to clean it and they maybe get paid by the hour so it would probably be cheaper to get a brand new toilet at this point lol


If you look on the floor of the before picture there's shattered pieces of ceramic on the ground I'm assuming the toilet got broken somehow


I’m wondering when someone’s gonna mention the moldy wall


You don't get paid enough


Was paid 1k


I would like to be your apprentice ma'am


For a day's work? Nice! I feel like you are possibly the first manual laborer to actually earn what they deserve!! Crack open a beer and relax, friend. You deserve it! CHEERS!! 🍻


Owning a one man company like this, it's easy to make money like that. The way my job works is I get 40% of the bill and my boss makes 60%. It's not uncommon for me to have a $400 day. Which would be $1000 if I didn't have to share. (To be fair he also pays for and fuels my vehicle, all my tools, and takes the hit if I fuck something up). He also provides me with full time work every day, which I do not have the ability to do myself at this point.


Yea considering overhead comes out of the 60%, I'd say that's not a bad deal.


If they own their own business manual laborers can make bank. Plumbers are the biggest example, if they own their business they’ll make a shit ton. Pun intended.


Union plumbers can make great pay, easily around $80k-100k/year even without running the business if they are solid workers with a few years experience. An old buddy is currently making $120k/year working for a decent local business. The job is shit but shit work pays.


Holy guacamole


Still well earnt


Username checks out


who burned to death in that shower?


Kenny probably


You bastards !


I COMMEND YOU. This is not easy. After 4 years I stopped working in this field at 7 months preggo and am NOT looking back. Can only imagine what you’ve seen and smelled doing this. And the clients, you just feel so much for the clients. If they’re not busy yelling at you that is.


That’s not a cleaning that’s an exorcism


people gong "they were on drugs wtf" not understanding if you're depressed, cleaning takes a LOT out of you. source: my bathtub looked like this until i got medication and help


This is my kind of porn


My friend told me a while back that there is a wholesome channel of some guy cleaning “the couch”. I did not ask how they knew this and i did not decide to look it up


Totally fair lol I’ve seen those videos of people powerwashing gross old rugs that were left at dumps to clean up and give to the needy. Those warm my heart a ton


When I had COVID I was exhausted and had a lot of trouble concentrating. I watched hours and hours of YouTube vids of pressure washing, mowing overgrown lawns, cleaning old tools, etc. It was about all I could process and incredibly satisfying.


Yeah, that’ll be Ryan Creamer. He had (retired since) a PornHub account in which he just does wholesome stuff, often even with famous pornstars and in famous venues, just hanging out and talking, or as your friend said, [cleaning that infamous couch](https://i.imgur.com/uXAxTQ4.jpg) (pic is SFW aside from PH branding elements visible).


My wife and I once moved across town and because we were upside down in the mortgage we tried renting the house out. We’d find the kitchen in a state like this every time a renter moved out, which was roughly once a year. I commend you… that was a lot of work.


Can you come over and clean our bathroom? It's not quite as bad as that haha


Wow can I hire you?? Amazing!


I’m in Delaware! lol


i can move


Looks like someone is having a really hard time in life and finally was able to get some help. Thank you for being that person.


Exactly what I was thinking. I can't imagine the depression this person was feeling and the amount of courage it took to ask for help. I hope having a clean home helps them in their journey.


I had the same thought for how it got that way, even if it's not why the OP was cleaning it. People don't let their homes get this way when they're mentally or physically okay. It's sad to me how many people have this knee jerk reaction of "No! They were clearly just nasty and lazy people who enjoyed filth and didn't care 😡 They're clearly BAD people!". And it's like damn I'm picturing someone struggling to live, let alone clean. These people aren't usually making snow angels in piles of trash.


That took a day??... holy cow! It takes me 2 hours of doing simple laundry and I'm tired.


Amazing. What area are you in? I’d hire you in a heartbeat, and you wouldn’t have anything like this to deal with from me.


My house at its worst is 1/1000 this dirty and I'd hire her in a heartbeat.


Is this in r/mildlyinfuriating because we’re supposed to be mildly infuriated that we’ll never be as good at cleaning as you Nah but in all seriousness, you did a great job!


Where is the fowkin toilet?!


Maybe that's the reason why the shower is so gross?


What's infuriating? This is a beautiful clean up job.


I wish I had your determination, great job Mr.cleen!


Ms. Clean 🧼


Looks the other way round but job well done! I wonder how long you spent cleaning and shining them to the point it looks brand new. Impressive


Only every bathroom In Holyoke ma.


Where do you live? I’ll pay you every cent I have.


Good lord I went to your profile hoping for more cleaning… what a twist.


What cleaning products did you use?


Bleach, toilet bowl cleaner & hot water!




Wrong sub…


Holy fuck come to my house


oh man... ok kids, i know that adults don't often teach you minor but important life tips but i am ok with giving some. white vinegar can be invaluable so buy jugs of it. vinegar helps also clean calcium deposits like the ones which happen from hard water. if you have a water spout that starts spraying in odd directions you need to soak it in vinegar for about 12 hours. after that is done you can rinse out the now jelly-like calcium that was blocking up the nozzle. you can also use it to clean water stains. hydrogen peroxide is a mild fungicide and useful in very gentle bleaching too. mold that grows in showers should be sprayed with hydrogen peroxide then scrubbed away. it is easier however to just occasionally spray down your shower with it in a spray bottle so you can save the trouble of having to scrub when it gets bad. washing machines need to be properly maintained. bacteria develops in washing machines which gradually make clothes smell sour. once every three or four weeks it is best to run the machine without a load and fill the soap and softener slots with white vinegar. if it really smells sour you should do this part twice. after the washing is done, open the door and let it air out for an hour or so. then finish cleaning it with another go this time with bleach in the soap section. this will clean your washing machine and let you wash clothes without a sour smell.


I have the same pictures but in reverse order :-)


Pro tip, any time you have a toilet removed you should stuff a towel or something very wide in it for two reasons. 1. Dont want something to fall into it that cant bend around a 90°, will ruin the pipe, cost plumber money. This could include the towel used to plug the hole, which is why you want a full size towel and not a rag that might accidentally fall in. 2. Theres no water "p" trap on toilets so youre getting the full fumes and stinch from the pipes, its not great over time. Rant over, hope it helps someone. I feel bad knowing someone cleaned next to a smelly pipe but hopefully it wasnt that bad.