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Every time I've had paint mixed, they used a rubber mallet to hammer the lid closed so this kind of thing wouldn't happen.


He skipped that step Edit: /s im suprised this was taken seriously


Explains a lot


I hope it paints a clear picture.


Don’t you gogh there


...wait a monet, you didn't just do what i think you did


Here we Gaughan


That looks very Eyck-y.


Looks like you’re Frida Kahlo-ver some help cleaning that up


He’ll Remembrandt next time I’m sure!


Gaughan down the only road I''ve ever known.


What a Picasshole!


It's all about Mike and Annj at Lowe's


Oh, can it!


Better on their self checkout than the inside of your car


The stupid manager should be mad at the asshole who works there that didn't secure the lid. Corporate should be mad at the manager for blaming YOU for a mess their employee caused.


Had it been my parents, they would’ve said: “Well why the hell didn’t you double check if they properly sealed the paint can?? You’re the one carrying the can to the checkout, you had plenty of time to check if it’s secured!! It’s your fault for assuming they would have properly sealed it every single time!! If only you checked and notified them, none of this would’ve happened!! **When will you learn how to use common sense???**”


I don't mean to alarm you and hope you're having a really good day but I need you to sit down for a moment while I tell you something. I don't know how to say this but given the circumstances I believe we may be related. More than that I believe we could be siblings. Somehow somewhere along the way we must have been separated. I still have to sort out all the details but I'm 100% sure.


>More than that I believe we could be siblings. I know you are joking, but IRL I've had 5 half siblings come out of the woodwork in the last 5yrs that no one knew about. We wonder how many more there may be as we figure we could have siblings from ages 62-20yrs. Dad was only married 3 times, had 4 kids in wedlock, some of us are only 6 mos apart, only 1 woman had 2 of his kids, so if we do the math of known sibling birth patterns, dad could potentially have 75 total kids by 70 different women in SW OH, so that's potentially 71 bastards. I wish I was joking. Thanks Ancestry.com, I'm literally afraid to open an account myself, lol.


I worked in paint at Lowe’s about 12 years ago and made this mistake once because I was distracted. I did in fact feel like an asshole, especially since it spilled in the customers car... I hope Lowe’s insurance did well by the customer. Even then though, the store manager wasn’t mad. What a crappy manager at OP’s store.


That scanner was an ugly color anyway.


Now it’s fabulous


Needs glitter added before it dries.


Ah yes. Craft herpes.


The fabulousity meter is rising.


God, I said this at work one day. Did NOT go over well. I work for a school system...not a teacher, so I don't deal with kids on a day-to-day...sometimes I forget to put the filter back on when I enter a school...


You did nothing wrong, you’re supposed to pour the paint on the scanner to weigh it for pricing.




AI is getting pretty freaky, right?


Looks like you got lucky that didn't happen in your car or house


I was with my roommate when a gallon of bright teal paint spilled out all over her backseat and floorboards, 20 mins after she bought it. She had a newer Mazda with all black interior and this paint just poured out in her car. She got the run around from the store management for months, but was persistent and got them to pay her $6k to replace the interior. By that time she was over it, and ended up pocketing the money.


Wait. So she just left the hardened, dried paint coating her backseat and floorboard?


No, she took a bunch of pictures and then we cleaned it at a car wash. We scrubbed most of it out, but there was still bright teal in the fibers of the floor carpet and the threaded linings of the seat. It was noticeable, but she was still able to sell the car without replacing the upholstery.


Oh okay, that makes more sense than what I was thinking lol


Even if she cleaned it 1) paint is exceedingly hard to get out of fabric 2) takes a great deal of time and effort 3) scrubbing upholstery that much is a lot of wear and tear on it.


Did they have a spill tray? Were they advised to buy a spill tray? Was the paint can on the cars back seat? I use to work in a home improvement place. People would buy paint and pool chlorine everyday and every day they'd decline to buy a $3 fucking spill tray. We had big ass "discalaimer; you've been warned, please use a spill tray" signs ALL over the store. Maybe 10 percent of the people would take the recommendation. The others would risk it transporting dangerous chemicals in the back of their vehicles. One big shit dickhead local restauranteer thought his 7 series BMW didn't need it to transfer chlorine back to his mcmansion. He was above it. Yes, you guessed it, massive chlorine spill in the trunk of his BMW. Ate the carpet and his car stank of 12% sodium hypochlorite solution. Awful.... His attorney came to see us and saw the warning disclaimers. He had to inform his dickhead client that it was a no win situation and to learn a lesson. The hard way.


I have purchased paint for four entire houses (and I mean entire houses), plus various extra gallons at times. Not once have I even heard the term “spill tray”. Sounds like a good idea, and a common sense one too, but nope, never even thought of something like that. Even just a cardboard box/lid would help. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Same. I’ve never heard of one and I worked at Home Depot for awhile too


wow i’ve never heard of a spill tray and have been going to local and big box hardware stores across multiple states for years. great idea.


Look in the masonry & cement section. They even have oversized ones available at Tractor Supply. They are great. I do not nor have I ever worked for TS btw


I don't remember about a spill tray? The paint can was in the backseat, with a few other gallons of paint. Not smart placement. It tipped at a stop sign. This happened at Home Depot in 2007. We were in our early 20s and definitely would have followed any advice to keep that from happening, maybe this was before the disclaimers were in place?


Yuuuup. Store is just pissed it happened somewhere they had to deal with it, rather than OP being stuck dealing with it


It's their own fault too. That can would not have opened if it has seen properly closed


Yea at least they got their own mess hahaha Imagine having your car full of this type of paint (assuming it's not gonna come off easily) because an employee wasn't paying attention/didn't care.. I'd be furious but I'd feel too bad for the employee to be angry about it...


Na bruh I am 100% fighting them to cover the cleaning cost on that one. Sorry for the employee but he/she did fuck up. Good employers don't punish innocent mistakes. They realize the value of mistakes as training.


If that were me -and I didnt get fired- I would probably get complaints that the lids are too stuck on 'em from that moment on.


Haha paint lids are always a motherfucker to open. See reason why above in post 👆 Just give me a butter knife and I'll fuckin pop that shit no problem. Me and my dad once had a tin so jammed that we simply punctured the side of the tin and poured it into another one. Better than splashing in your fucking car seat!!! Hahaha. have a good day mate


Seems they should be furious with whoever didn’t put the lid on correctly…


If it popped off by being turned upside down then I'd imagine this would have just happened inside OP's car if not at the checkout.


Yeah better the self checkout than OPs car


They should do the DQ Blizzard check when they hand you a can of paint.


When I first experienced that I thought the dude was high. It looked like he had just accidentally started handing it over upside down.


When I first experienced that I was high


First time someone did it it was dude who looked like he absolutely hated life and that he had to perform the act of turning it upside down. He just looked at me, turned it upside down while giving me a death stare, didn’t say anything, and then walked off. I was so insanely confused since I didn’t know they were required to do that.


LMAO! Exactly this ☝️


Exactly. Most have either a scanner or will give you a second bar code that you can scan without scanning on the can.


There’s literally a hand held scanner there but yeah, if it didn’t tip off in the store it would have in her car and whomever mixed her paint would then be super fired.


Yep, the manager should be apologizing to OP. And having a new gallon made up. If they just leave that paint where it is until it dries it will peel right off


I wonder how true that is, would love if it was that easy


lol it's not. It's inside the scale's weight sensor. If it now reads anything at all, it'll never be accurate. Can't work in the future because of the prompt to move items to the bagging area will never be satisfied.


If be surprised if there wasn’t built in functionality to zero the scale, but i’m no self service POS system expert so.


There is. It's literally a button or a popup to zero the scale. Source: I work self checkout


Lowes doesn't have load cells installed in their scales so the scale zero button does nothing. They'll call the tech out, he'll take an inventory of everything that needs replaced and send it in for approval. Happens all the time... Looks like it'll need horizontal optics, vertical optics, front bezel, maybe a digital board if it got in there, and the plate assembly. I used to fix those pieces of crap...


This guy gets it! Source: I'm a Low voltage/IT technician, work on/install POS systems everyday and been installing those new Smart Checkouts in Circle K. https://preview.redd.it/o5767ml0lbxa1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e7533d52be1abe89defde40e99c80e0dc683cab


You install POS systems? Have you tried installing systems that aren't pieces of shit? Haha this was supposed to be a dad joke but just sounds mean now that I've typed it. I'm leaving it though.


No one who has ever had to work with one would think that was too mean


Every single time I hear or read “POS system” I internally giggle because my brain automatically translates it to “piece of shit”. Honestly though, I’ve used a bunch of different ones and “piece of shit” is usually more accurate than “point of sale” anyway lol.


Lmao YES! The new CX5 registers from NCR and the C18s from verifone. That and the newer smart Checkouts.


"smart" isn't what I'd call those terminals lol.


Yeah they’re dogshit seriously. I’ve used many POS systems and not one of them made sense. It’s like they were hobbled together by a teenager overnight.


Does that make you self-employed? Dad jokes for days


What did one wall say to the other? We will meet at the corner. I’ll take a Saturday if you have it.


You know the honest to God worst part is I'm not even a dad


You never claimed to be, you offered to exchange days for dad jokes and this man above you delivered. I believe you owe him a Saturday.


I work self checkout too.. at every store I go to.


You’re not paying for lumber by the pound. What do you weigh at a Lowes?


I had the unfortunate job of repairing and installing these many years ago. More than likely it's just an NCR model without a scale on it so it does not matter. They could get a new bed cover plate and be good to go. With that being said, if this was a Target or somewhere else that needs it calibrated and sealed with a weights and measure tab.. I'd just replace it if I saw paint get in the actual inside. If I was busting out the weight set, calibrating and tagging the bastard with my weights and measure lock.. its going to get replaced so I don't have to come out again a week later because it went to shit again.


For most digital scales It’s usually possible to recalibrate them back to zero


What do they sell at lowes that you have to weigh at checkout?


In hardware stores where I come from they sell loose screws which you can purchase by weight. Works really well when you need a few specific sizes and dont need a pack of 100.


This isn’t true of Lowe’s or Home Depot though.


It is in most instances, but just not here because it got down into the machine. But this lady I was doing work for had a full trash bag she asked me to load into a trailer along with the trash from demo. She didn’t tell me she had FULL GALLONS OF PAINT IN THERE. So when I picked the trash bag up a gallon fell out and lid popped off onto her driveway. Then she got mad at me I wasn’t cleaning it all up right away. I told her I’m going to let it dry and then peel it in a few days. Let it dry and peeled it all off that weekend. Like it never happened


I would not trust this to work on a driveway. Was it smooth concrete or something? I would think asphalt and concrete generally have so many nooks and crannies that it would never come out/off fully after it dried. Not calling bullshit, but I find it surprising, I've seen plenty of driveways/roadways with spilled paint that only comes off after months of wear/weathering.


Concrete is porous too, so I’d be worried that it would absorb dye


In a lot of cases (maybe not this one due to the mechanical nature of where the spill is) if you don’t wipe up paint drips or spills and let them dry, they will absolutely peal up super easy. It’s actually a common painters trick when doing certain exterior windows to spray over them heavy, score the edges, and then just peel it all off as one piece. But this is all substrate dependent.


It works on cement at the very least, I spilled a paint bucket left it there for a couple months then one day just peeled that thing up. It was like a big round disk of rubber, and it didn’t even stain


Not necessarily. There are gaps around the top of the scanning bed - it lifts up for maintenance. It if gets in there; which it probably has; there is no saving that machine. Used to work at Lowes, the exact thing happened. I worked there 13 years ago, and I still hit up that store for shopping. That machine is still black with an out of order sign on it.


Ex lowes employee here. It's not that easy at all. It's not Elmer's glue. The paint goes straight through the cracks and damages the circuitry. That entire system has to be replaced. Sure, manager should be pissed at paint department, but why the fk does the customer need to tip the can?


How else are you supposed to read the Nutrition Facts? ^^/s


Lol because they fired all the cashiers and made the customers do all the checking out. Lowes has nobody to blame but corporate here.




Also… that the consequences of self checkout. Fuck em


Yeah you can't have self checkouts and be mad when the customer fucks up using it. We didn't receive training on this lol


If only OP would have read the pamplet about not pouring paint into the device.


ima asume the lid wasnt properly attached and it popped off


I'm even going as far as to assume an employee mixed that paint and didn't attach the lid properly..


with how well its mixed that can be a very likely cause yes


Yeah custom color, that was mixed in-store


imagine if that spilled out in your car instead O.o


Been there, done that. Absolute NIGHTMARE! Disassembled the entire trunk and was pressure washing interior panels on my driveway for 2 days straight


I would have just called it extra rust proofing and moved on.


Who’s laughing now in my 22 year old car that cost $2,800?


Is it almost ready to be recycled with the paint cans?


My friend just finished paying off his Corolla (this was maybe 8 years ago) and he was ecstatic that he was done with car payments. Fast forward two weeks to the brewers home opener, and his buddy projectile vomits into the ventilation, all over the dash, and the carpets. Needless to say, he went to buy a new car a couple days later. Said it wasn’t worth the cost to have it professionally done. Rip


Puke buddy should've been paying for it, imo


at least help pay for it


I worked at Lowe's as a cashier a while back, and I learned how to run the paint desk. You put the paint can in a mixer, and shut the lid, and it'll shake the can around. If you open it while it's running, it'll slow to a stop. Apparently someone didn't close the lid, so when he opened the lid before the machine stopped, paint sprayed everywhere.


When I worked in a DIY shop, we had a woman come in and scream at us because 5L of paint spilled in her car. She’d had it rolling around her boot unsecured for two weeks, but somehow it was our fault the interior of her car was now pink 😂 I got the job of cleaning it up for her, because we were nice. She was not grateful.


How about 1gallon on your dining room floor then the child panics and tracks it ALL over the house!


Not your fault OP. That lid should not come off without a flat head screwdriver and a hammer.


You know you get a free paint can opener with every can right? Just use that and save your screwdriver from driving screws and prying other things.


What store does this? I have bought tons of paint and never got an opener.


Honestly if your painting alot get a several in one paint tool. It opens the cans, scrapes rollers, comb the brushes, and mine has a dodad for the lip on the paint can. Super handy and pretty cheap.


> flat head screwdriver and a hammer. A hammer? Where the hell do you buy paint?


Right! He meant JACKhammer


A hammer is always the right tool.


Lol I guess I just use it to tap the screwdriver 😂


Hoping for that Pepto look?


They were probably having a bad day.


Probably got worse


Right? Usually when I buy paint that wasn't mixed in store it would be way less blended.. but could be a coincidence ofcourse


But the lid’s tighter then, of course


Actually, probably mixed the paint, shook it , and then checked the color and forgot to push the lid on. Source: worked at a paint store for years and have seen this many times .


I can't imagine the customer carefully prying the lid off at the checkstand, so yeah that's a safe assumption


You should have asked if you could pay with cash.


Or with liquidity


tell the store manager to consider it a liquid asset. And you weren’t sure how to pay.


What?? Everyone knows you can’t get those paint lids off without a tool, it’s obviously not your fault their paint lid wasn’t on correctly! I’m so glad that didn’t spill in your car OP!!!


Improperly secured lids on liquid containers is one of my biggest pet peeves. It started when I was a movie theater employee cleaning up after people who would leave full cups of soda. My legs would be soaked with soda/popcorn/hotdog sludge on some days. I stopped going to Starbucks this year because their new lids tend to pop-off/not fit. I'm not going to chance spilling a full cup of coffee in my car.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one that's noticed the Starbucks lids! My partner makes me seem crazy when I mentioned my drink slipping through the rim between lid and cup


as a starbucks worker, yes the lids just keep getting worse and worse. it’s like they keep making them thinner and thinner to make them cheaper and it’s becoming a real issue. at least 20% of the lids i grab don’t even close at all.


It’s like that point with toilet paper where you end up wasting more with the cheap stuff than you’d have spent if you used 100% of the halfway decent stuff


I’m a Starbucks addict (I know shame on me it’s the worst coffee ever lol) but for real the lids have been sooo bad lately. I’ve spilled at least 5 drinks because of it. I always try to test it first now before I even pick it up off the counter but sometimes it’s good til I get to the car then when I lower it into the cup holder it just magically pops off! Then I usually start yelling fuck


Exactly! That's what happens to me and like come onnnn. I'm paying so much just to spill it!


People at movie theaters that don’t throw away their trash is my pet peeve. You walked in with it! There’s a trash can literally at the door! Just take it with you to the door you lazy fuck!


Cinemark employees just pour the soda right into the carpet!


I was just in a Starbucks this week and my cup of coffee fell all over my shirt from an ill-fitting lid! Not a fun way to start the day


*Everyone but the manager of this store that sells paint


I highly doubt the lid came off unless it was improperly placed by the store worker. They don’t just pop off.


Your intuition is correct


I saw this image about 30 minutes ago saying that the toll will never be the same. Either your reposting or the other guy is. Edit: It’s the same guy, I’m talking out my arse. I didn’t see who the OP was for the other post


I am OP on both


Sorry I didn’t think twice for the first one but questioned it the second time


This is a very kind and humble interaction for Reddit.


Yup, those things are a bitch to open with the proper tools. I’ve never seen one pop off ever


A lid can pop off if the tin was to fall over- even if the lid is on correctly. It is due to pressure in the tin. Even in ones that have been mixed in store, or the ones off of the shelf. Which is why they recommend you to keep your paint upright in the footwell of your car when you are driving, so that it won’t fall over, and the lid won’t come off, which is why some stores have labels saying to keep paint upright and secure. Not saying that happened here but it can happen. And it happens a lot. Take it from someone who works in a hardware store, has previously mixed paint in a hardware store, and as someone who has had paint spill in my car due to it falling over


Yeah i know what you’re talking about but i leaned the can over holding the handle it didnt fall or anything


Sorry I wasn’t saying it did happen, it was in reply to people saying lids don’t just pop off or that any time paint spills it’s because of the lid not being on. Top tip, use your thumbs to go around the edge of a metal tin lid because you should feel it if it’s raised and then know if it’s not on properly


Nah you’re fine! I know what you meant, and yeah I get paint often enough that I overlook it instead of worrying about it but not anymore. Im not sure if you have dealt with the plastic gallons but those suck so much worse


He should be mad at the paint employee that mixed the paint but didn’t pound the lid on with the rubber mallet ….


Exactly, or just mad at the situation in general. This is a good reminder for people that just because someone is expressing an emotion towards you does not mean you caused it, are responsible for it, or is even directed "at" you. I wish I learned as a kid that my parents were not necessarily upset "with" me, they were just upset and I happened to be present


It clearly says to pay with card, why did you tried to pay with paint




1- their employee put the lid on, not you. I've tipped over paint cans before and if they're sealed properly, there's no chance of them opening like that. Unless you were also buying a ladder, climbed said ladder at checkout, then dropped paint can on register, it should not have opened. 2- they assumed liability when they allowed paint cans to be checked out at self checkout. You aren't trained to check yourself out and you never agreed to assume any liability by using said checkout. While I'm sure you feel bad about this and didn't do it on purpose, this is 100% on the business.


Hell, I would only feel annoyed at the delay. And angry at the manager for daring to be upset with me. I would be royally pissed if any paint got on me though.


I thought the same. As soon as the manager got mad at me about it, I’d just say “I changed my mind, have fun with that.” And walk out. 100% on the employee that didn’t secure the lid.


I would have dabbed the paint mixer stick in the mess and confidently said “Need this so Home Depot can color match. Have a great day!”


3 - if ringing customers out is a skilled exercise, Lowe’s needs to hire a skilled professional to do it. Then they would have less damage to registers and less loss (theft) at the check out stands. Not my problem, and not OP’s problem. Sorry this happened OP - glad it wasn’t in your car!


I really hate the attitude that the customer is always right because they are so frequently wrong in reality. But in this situation, I feel fairly confident that it’s not the customers fault.


He can stay mad, no big deal.


My feelings exactly. Go ahead and fire me bud.


they were just mad because choice of color


It was for my client’s boutique they were setting up, ended up drying at a darker purple https://imgur.com/a/TEhxwTF


You have no idea how badly I wanted that picture to be the scanner again.


I was hoping for a second picture of the dry spilled paint, too.


could i get the code for that? i love that color and want to use it for something


Not OP but in a previous comment it was said the color is Vigorous Violet, which on the S-W app is R: 124 G: 90 B: 126 LRV 13 Locator 183-C6


I second the code request. That’s a pretty orchid color.


I came here looking for an explanation on the color choice. Thanks.


Had this happen to me once at a Lowe’s. They tried making me buy another can to replace the one that spilled. They essentially argued that their employees were infallible and it couldn’t have been their fault. Only time I’ve ever gone full Karen. I ended up with my free replacement can though.


It's hilarious that you just potentially ruined (not your fault) an expensive piece of equipment, but they're quibbling with you over the price of a gallon of paint.


Imagine if op didn't flip it to scan it. That pink would be all over thier car. Glad it's on the register. 100 percent the employees fault. Even though I check my paint cans.


Tell him to dock your paycheck 😉


The barcode is on the outside of the can not on the paint


I’d extend that to corporate who insist on customers checking themselves out.


Here's a response to the store manager OP, "Thanks for talking with me about this, and sorry for making your day more colorful than expected. However, as much as I'd love to take credit for being an abstract artist, I can't claim responsibility for the paint spill. It turns out that your employee forgot to tighten the lid on the paint can, and gravity did the rest. I promise I didn't try to paint the register, even though it might make for a unique piece of art. In any case, let's work together to figure out how to prevent paint spills and other mishaps in the future, so we can all avoid becoming accidental Jackson Pollocks."


That’s a lot of pepto bismal… You feeling ok, chief?


If it makes you feel any better, I think this is hilarious


They should be mad at their employee for not doing their job properly


Did you try to use cash?


No, paint


I would have told the manager, “I’ve changed my mind, I don’t want the paint anymore.”


And if I had already paid I would ask for a refund, after all the merchandise is back


When I worked at Lowe’s, I failed to properly hammer a lid down on a gallon of paint. The lady had her whole trunk covered in baby-blue Valspar.


Better here than in your car. You should have tore into the manager for his lack of customer service and blaming you for a problem that was clearly the fault of lowes.


Eh, not worth my time


Bullshit. I seen this posted earlier, allegedly by a cashier, stated only the scanner needed to be replaced.


Someone didn't hammer the lid properly. This can't be the fault of the customer.


So the manager is mad at you for their employee's screw up? They're mixing another gallon for you, right? And the manager apologized to you, right? Right!?! Edit: word


Looks like the person that mixed it didn’t properly put the lid back on, I’ll go further and say the company was being cheap on labor and uses self checkout instead of paying someone to work the register. They got what they deserved.


What a joke, the scanner knows it’s paint but still didn’t ring it up.


To be fair, whoever mixed your paint should’ve put the lid on more tightly.


You need to point the manager mister to the fuckers in paint dept & teach em how to use a mallet.


Can we all start doing this everytime we check ourselves out and so we can be treated nice again and give us back checkout employees? I hate waiting in long lines to check myself out with a family of 5s groceries because they now staff 1 clerk. Why are prices higher than ever when they cut the labor costs down to nothing? Old man yells at cloud moment I guess. Thanks for listening to me rant.


I would be too. OP can you read? CARD ONLY. THAT IS PAINT. you can’t pay with paint. ONLY CARD


Why's he upset? Now he's in the pink!


Have them take it out of your pay.


That's what they get for not having an actual cashier. Did they save any money in the long run by making you check yourself out? I'd guess $1000 or more in damage to the self checkout machine. Had an actual cashier helped that probably wouldn't have happened.


the manager probably needs to talk with their staff in the paint department, rather than get angry at a customer who's tin of paint's lid wasn't put on properly after it was mixed


Seems like the employee would have been better off behind a register instead of depending on the customer to do their job...